Galing kay inkedcal

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| #𝟏 | 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐬 | " 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬. 𝐇𝐞 𝐰𝐚... Higit pa

1| the unimaginable
2| the moon and you
3 | lights and sparkles
4 | first glance
5 | silent whispers
6 | hushed confessions
7 | demonic thoughts
8 | longing glances
10 | him or him
11 | destiny's plan ?
12 | his? his!
13 | painful, painless
14 | eyes don't lie
15 | them and theirs

9 | his love, his pain

577 46 63
Galing kay inkedcal

"Mohabbat kabhi khatam nahi hoti, badh jaati hai;
ya sukoon ban kar, ya dard ban kar."

The shimmering tension in the air intensified ten fold as the handsome hunk slowly made his way towards her. She felt as if someone had squeezed life outta her. Her legs trembling.

She felt as if the world around her spinned. The way this man, in front of him looked at her made a sort of warmth spread through her chest. Warming her insides. Tingling.

"W- wha- Are you crazy?" She stammered. Breathless.

A breathless chuckle was all he could let out as his heart thudded inside him. It was as if it wanted to be set free, to run to it's owner.

"You have no idea, Benazir." His eyes were the definition of passion, raw passion. Intensity in them intensified the nervous churning of her stomach.

His eyes were screaming, trying to make her understand the sufferings of his heart. They were baring themselves to her, baring the man, his heart to her. The way his eyes didn't leave her face for even a second, the way he read through every emotion crossing her features, the way he drank her in as if the parched man. As if she's his oasis.

You have no idea, love. You can never think how crazy my heart is going without you. You have no idea how I am losing my mind and heart, both to you, both for you.

"Listen you mister." She got a grip on her thoughts as she decided to intimidate the already intimidating man.

Zaviyar's heart soared as he looked at his beauty trying to be all brave and scary. She'd even deepened her voice to scare him. Cute. He looked at her, amused.

"Always." He smiled.

Benazir felt her heart miss a beat as she understood the meaning behind his rough whisper, loud enough for her to hear. It was as if he's been telling her something secretive.

Heat crawled up its way to the base of her neck, raising the colour of her cheeks. She cleared her throat, not wanting to give him any sign of the way her heart fluttered.

"You can not just come here unannounced and ask me to marry you." She grumbled.

Zaviyar chuckled. "I can and I will. Until you give in."

Benazir groaned. Not another man, God.

"Why do you even want to marry me? I am a nobody to you. Neither I know you nor you know me. We're basically strangers with capital S." She reasoned out.

Zaviyar sighed. He couldn't answer the question. He can not just tell her that he'd been in love with her for god knows how he fell and why. All he knew was that he couldn't, can not and never function without her. It was getting hard for him to breathe in, every second was painful for him knowing that a fucking bastard has been after her since God knows how long.

"And I am ALREADY getting married." He felt as if she'd just crushed his heart with a flick of her fingers.

His turned the darker shade of blue, the turmoils of emotions swirling in them nowhere to be found. The part of his heart died there, the moment she said the words with finality. As if she knew what was going inside his heart and decided to put a painful stop on it.

"That was my husband to be you saw before." The would husband left a bitter taste as he ever so softly whispered the word, inaudible to her.

He was supposed to be the one she called her husband and not him. That bastard.

His mind ran thousand miles, trying to think of ways to stop her, stop the fucking wedding. She belongs to nobody but him. Benazir is supposed to be Zaviyar's Benazir and not be the wife of some stupid creature.

His heart hurts. His body ached. All he wanted was to gather her in his arms, hide her tiny frame away from the world. From the bastard.

"I- I didn't knew." He whispered even though the man knew everything beforehand.

But hearing it from her, the words rolling down her tongue broke his heart. Already surkh heart of his felt as if she has burned the thing with just the fire in her words.

You don't know what you do to me, Benazir. He thought to himself.

I am on the verge of burning down this world. If I don't get to have you, no one can. Call me a mad man or a crazy obsessed fucker but all i feel is your essence, all i see is you and all i fucking want is you. His heart screamed yet he was speechless.

"It would be better if you leave, Mr. Azlan." She spoke breaking his heart even more if possible.

It hurts God.

He smiled painfully, a tight lipped smile. Forcing himself to step back from her. His steps were frozen, taking every ounce of strength in him to retreat back, to the world he always lived in. It felt as if the little ray of happiness, hope he had got crushed into shards painfully. Broken beyond repair.

The gold bangle of hers pressed between his fingers felt the only thing he could have of her and he was a selfish man. The kind of man who would grab onto everything that makes him feel closer to her.

Slowly folding his fingers in his palm, caging the gold bangle in them, he brought it near the pocket of his trouser.

Benazir was unaware of the pain she was reflecting over the Hunk's heart. For her, it felt illegal to even be in a same room with another man let alone talk to one about marriage. She was already betrothed to one.

"I wish you luck." He said before slowly sliding the bangle in his pocket, tapping over the fabric twice as if to assure himself.

Benazir couldn't reply, she was far too gone into the depth of her thoughts to focus on Zaviyar.

Drinking her in, her dark eyes, those heavy lashes framing them. It made his heart miss a beat. He has been obsessed with those eyes. Those dark eyes, hiding so much beneath the innocence they carry.

This is not it.


"You better not mess with me." Faris gritted his teeth.

He couldn't digest the fact that they had been in a room, alone for more than straight 45 minutes and it made a pang of jealousy course through his heart. He was supposed to be the one spending time with her and not some grumpy ass man emerging out of no where and asking for a damned moment with his future wife.

Wife. He smiled to himself. The word had a nice ring to it. She's going to be his. His wife. All his, his to love, his to cherish. Benazir Faris Mir. He chuckled.

"Shut up Faris. You know she's yours now. She has never looked at a man, never let anyone look at her in a way that other women here love. She has never let a man be near her other than you, ofcourse. Who are you kidding to? She has always been yours." Naila smiled cheekily.

Faris was amused but still he felt there was something seriously off with the way she was talking. Moreover he felt, a feeling where all he could think about is, what if they don't end up together?

Clearing his throat he tried to sustain in, the rising negativity back and focus on more important tasks at hand.

"Faris look. This dress will look good na?" Naila whispered.

"Hm." He replied still thinking about the man.

And to deepen the already rising jealousy, Benazir denied anything he asked as if the Blue eyed man and her were only staring and not talking.

Only if he knew.

"Why was he here?" He whispered, still lost in his thoughts.

"To marry her." Naila replied making him choke on air.

Faris Mir coughed violently, looking at her as if she had told him that Pat Cummins is her husband.

"Are you out of your mind??" He whisper yelled, not wanting Benazir to over hear them.

"No.. Benazir told this myself and she was about to tell you everything tonight, after the party." Naila told him, her words acting like a soothing balm on his hurting heart.

He took in a breath of relief. "You have no idea, how light I'm feeling right now. I was worried about her."


"Shut up."

"Tell this to Benazir."

"You better shut up now, Naila."

"Ouch!" He laughed as she tried to act hurt.

"Now get away, i need to get ready. I'm meeting someone special today." Naila pushed him lightly, laughing.

"Sure. Sure. Who's he?" Faris was seriously intrested now. He wanted to know who was the lucky man that caught the attention of this pretty lady.

Naila had done some really offensive things but at the end, she was the one who helped him and he was so grateful to her.

Naila blushed. The red hue rising her cheeks made her look even more prettier than she already is.

"His name is Abid." Faris grinned as he gave a teasing smile to her making her run out of the room.

"Oh Benazir!" He smiled as he sat down on the comfy mattress of the bed, closing his eyes.


"You should be prepared!" Raziya Bi seethed. "It is supposed to be your last dance before you go away."

Benazir glared at her. She wasn't supposed to perform today and it had been crystal clear until they reached the mansion.

The place was royally decorated with fairy lights and enormous chandeliers. The scented candles filled the entire surrounding with its aromatic scent. The huge pillars were mainly decorated with red roses, covering the beautiful architecture of the mansion. It screamed beauty, richness and royalty.

"I am NOT dancing, you can do whatever you want." Benazir fought back.

This old woman was going to embarrass both of them with the way she was gritting her teeth, grinding them violently.

They'll fall off, you old pathetic woman. Benazir cursed her, ofcourse in her mind.

She wasn't brave enough to cuss out at her in front of thousands of classy people, mainly not when they were the centre of attention. Or especially her.

"Red saree suits you." Whistled Naila.

Benazir glared at her, this girl was being flirty beyond limits. Her chirpy nature was somewhat helping her cope up with Bi Jaan's attitude.

"You should wear red on your wedding night." Naila murmured lowly making Benazir go red. They were not going to talk about it.

"Shut up, Naila."

"What's with you husband-wife duo shutting me up?" Naila pouted but the pout soon turned into a fully blown smile as she saw a certain someone.

Her eyes lighting up.

Meanwhile the man stood feets away from her, looking eerily at her.

"What did I do ?" She whispered as she made her way towards him.

"You have to, if you don't want me to give your mother's jewelleries to charity." Her words caught Benazir off-guard.

She froze.

"You won't do that."

"Try me." Raziya smirked.


She looked at him, taking in every feature of his. He surely is a naturally good looking man. Her heart hammered as she softly whispered his name.


He felt his world stop there, the anger, the frustration, the insecurities, all crumbling down into ashes as he heard his pasandida aurat call out his name as if she'd do anything for him to just look at her.

And God knows he was so ready to be the only person she would ever call like this.

He turned around, to look at his Naila. The beauty, the elegance, the natural smile that adored her features, they were all making him go weak.

"Naila." He whispered, the sparkle lighting up his eyes.

"You look good." She commented as she took a step in his direction.

He sighed, his insides turning all soft as he drank her features in. Those beautiful eyes.

"And you look beautiful." He whispered yet again.

"They are looking." Naila said as her eyes met with those of the audience around them. Those lashes framing the beauty in them fluttered down, as haya.

"Let them." He smiled.

Naila's heart fluttered. Her cheeks reddened as she bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to giggle.

Abid looked around, his eyes swarming through the ocean of people. He was searching for someone.

"You never told me, whose anniversary are we here for?" Naila enquired.

He smiled at her before his eyes returned back to work, surfing through person to person, looking for a particular someone.

"Mrs & Mr. Azlan."

Naila gasped. Her heart leapt as she thought of all the possibilities of the same blue eyed man being here.

Indeed there were no Azlan other than them, in Kolkata. As much as she knew from the articles online and google, they are very rich and royal. And the possibility of Zaviyar being their son was so high.

"I have to tell this to Benazir." She whispered to herself trying to get to her as soon as possible.

"Where are you going? I am not done yet." Abid held her elbow, pulling her a little closer to himself. Close enough for her to feel his warmth, making her heart race. Benazir long forgotten. All she could feel, see, hear and want is him.


The red saree wrapped around her appeared as second skin for her. The satin silk made her look royally gorgeous. Her dark irises were highlighted by the very light golden eye makeup, finished with a winged eye liner and a heavy coat of maskara on her heavy eye lashes.

Her dark red painted lips parted as she tried to calm her nerves down. Her heart raced erractically.

Those long dark tresses were left open. Soft curls framing her beautiful heart shaped face.

She blew onto the flicks, the curtain of bang irritated her. Her wrists were adorned with golden coloured bangles.

The pallu of her saree rested onto the left shoulder of her, covering her bare back. The backless blouse she wore made her feel uncomfortable.

"What are you doing? Let the pallu free." Raziya Bi gritted her teeth.

Shut the fuck up. Was all she wanted to scream at the woman but remained silent. The old woman was crazy, she can go to any extent just for money. It's all about money for her.

Benazir let the pallu slip down, revealing her soft skin. The red saree made her look exquisite. Marvellous.

She gulped down, her eyes casted low as she fiddled with her fingers. Unaware of the pair of eyes noticing her every movement.

"It's your turn and you better not make any mistakes, Benazir." She hummed, tired of everything. She was lost, broken beyond repair and hurt.


The sound of his now favourite song brought him back to the present. Zaviyar's sapphire eyes were scanning through the crowd once again.

She was here just a few moments ago.

He didn't had the courage to face her after what happened earlier. He knew he won't be able to control himself. He has been on the verge of losing his sanity.

yeh laal ishq
yeh malaal ishq
yeh aib ishq
yeh bair ishq

The slow rhythm, the soft words caught his attention as he looked at the lady in red. His lady. His love.

His heart burned. This wasn't supposed to happen. She is being compelled to dance in front of hundreds of people, she had no choice. But him ? He can do everything in order to stop it. Stop this.

yeh laal ishq
yeh malaal ishq
yeh aib ishq
yeh bair ishq

ishq, ishq, ishq, ishq

The lyrics hitting him right in the heart. Who the fuck decided to put this song on and peirce his already bruised heart.

Tujh sang bair lagaya aisa
tujh sang bair lagaya aisa
raha na main phir apne jaisa
ho raha na main phir apne jaisa

Benazir turned around, her hand movements making him go crazy. Her dark red painted lips, contrasting her skin, were half opened as she slowly murmured the lyrics.

Her lowered eyes raised up, meeting directly with the sapphire coloured ones. black against blue. Writing the words, phrases, sentences in their story.

Mera naam ishq
Tera naam ishq
Mera naam ishq
Tera naam ishq

Mera naam ishq
Tera naam ishq
Mera naam
Tera naam
mera naam ishq!

Her eyes widened the second she recognised those eyes even before she could look at the man. It was as if she had learnt him in a way that it was impossible for her to forget him.

Zaviyar's eyes filled up with warmth, knowing fully well that she recognised him.

yeh laal ishq
yeh malaal ishq
yeh aib ishq
yeh bair ishq

yeh laal ishq
yeh malaal ishq
yeh aib ishq
yeh bair ishq

ishq - ishq
ishq - ishq

Benazir's eyes fluttered shut as she mouthed the words Arijit sang. Meanwhile Zaviyar felt his heart burning, the sensation clouding his senses.

apna naam badal dun
ya tera naam chhupa lun

ya chhod ke saari aag
main vairaag utha lun

bas ek rahe mera kaam ishq
mera kaam ishq
mera kaam ishq

Ishq. The emotion overpowering him was Ishq. The feelings were uncontrollable now. If he thought of letting her go before, he was now very much prepared to make her his.

mera naam ishq
tera naam ishq
mera naam, tera naam
mera naam ishq!

yeh laal ishq
yeh malaal ishq
yeh aib ishq
yeh bair ishq

yeh laal ishq
yeh malaal ishq
yeh aib ishq
yeh bair ishq

Ishq ka rang laal hota hai. Junooniyat ka rang bhi laal hota hai.

Zaviyar felt his heart soaring with all the feelings, the sense of possession, the feeling of longing, the need and want to have her close, to himself intensified a thousand times more.

Benazir's heart thumped, as her movements stopped for a brief moment, her eyes boring into the handsome man that stood away from the crowd yet felt like he was the one in limelight.

ye kaali raat jakad lun
ye thanda chand pakad lun
ye kaali raat jakad lun
ye thanda chand pakad lun

Zaviyar couldn't take it anymore as he stormed out of the room, away from the crowd, making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion. The second she lost her composure, she saw Raziya Bi glaring at her from the front.

As she sat down on the ground, her saree bunching around her, she grew conscious of herself.

din-raat ke bairi bhed ka
rukh mod ke main rakh dun
tujh sang bair lagaya aisa
raha na main phir apne jaisa
raha na main phir apne jaisa

She let her mind lead her as she took a step forward. Her eyes moving towards the beautiful chandelier as she moved along the rhythm.

Zaviyar glared at the fuse as he contemplated his next move. It was going to be one hell of a decision, he knew he was being reckless but it was necessary.

He pulled out the fuse. Darkness surrounded the area, as a loud 'boo' was heard by him.

He sighed.

His steps were hasty, rushed as he made his way back to the place where his heart had been. His eyes searching for her, his heart begging the almighty for her to be at the same place where she was when he had left.

And much to his relief, she was there. Even before she could perform a step on the lyrics, he had pulled off the fuse. His heart felt relieved as he looked at her.

Softly walking towards her, he stood just behind her.

Benazir was scared of darkness, she had always been. Thunders and darkness wasn't her thing. From the moment she started looking at the world, understanding it, learning through every experiences, she had learnt one more thing about herself - she hated thunders and darkness. They made her feel weak, pathetic. It made her feel as if she has to depend upon someone else in order to seek solace from the anxiousness they bring with them.

Murmuring words of encouragement to herself, she stood there.

Zaviyar slowly, his hand trembled, as he slid his fingers around her soft wrist making her gasp out loud.

In no time his hand engulfed her soft skin, holding her wrist in a gentle yet strong grip. His thumb brushed over her pulse, slowly, ever so softly.

The texture of his skin against her, the friction - wreaked havoc in his entire system. His heart rhythem erratically whereas she felt as if her heart had leapt out of its cage.

A swarm of butterflies fluttered inside her chest, her heart skipping beats as the thumb brushed against her pulse point. The sensation didn't go unnoticed by her heart as it started dancing to the rhythm of it's beats.

She knew who it was. The cologne, the aura. The warmth she felt. She had never felt anything like this before, not until she met him earlier.

The spice - sandalwood cologne hit her before the touch. Engulfing her into it, calling her deeper.

"Come with me." He whispered near her ear, the words hitting her right at the spot.

She closed her eyes, his lips brushed against her earlobe. The warm breath fanned against her skin, raising the hairs at the back of her neck.

His voice was a rough, hoarse whisper. Sending numbers of impulse down her body.

She felt herself giving into him as he dragged her away from everyone. With him. just them.

"Wha-" She was cut off as he softly pushed her towards the pillar of the faraway corridor of the mansion.

Her body stood still against it as he approached her, her body trembled with uncontrollable sensations.

A painful second later she felt his warmth engulfing her, as he caged her against the damned pillar. The dark didn't do justice to his beauty. The moonlight hitting his face enhanced his features, those sapphire eyes appeared a lot greyish as he stood so close to her.

Their proximity, doing something to her heart.

"Shh..!" He whispered, his hand coming up towards her face.

She sucked in a shuddering breath as his skin met hers yet again. His fingers moved away the curled tresses of her dark hairs behind her ear, tucking them in - painfully slow. His fingers brushed along her skin, leaving no room for her to come back to her senses.

She clenched her eyes shut as a moment passed between them, none of them spoke.

His eyes drank her in again but this time, he took his time. Reading through her features. His eyes softly tracing every curve, every feature of her innocent face.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered as he rested his face against the pillar, beside her head. Smiling to himself he closed his eyes, feeling the moment.

my delulu heart. i actually made him touch her just for the sake of this delulu heart of mine.
get ready for some drama ;)

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