Destined Luna (Book 2 in the...

By mommabear1518

76 17 0

Luce and Damon are back with danger following them, and Luce's identity as being the moon goddess's daughter... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:

Chapter 14:

5 2 0
By mommabear1518

Everyone headed back to what they were doing. Night fall was in 5 hours, then everyone would be locking up. I only hoped it would be enough.

Damon's phone started ringing, he stepped away to answer it. When he walked back over to me, he grabbed my hand and lead me into the house. Closing the door behind us, he turned towards me with a look of worry and anger on his face.

"What's going on?" I asked, worried by the look on his face.

"That was Eric. The rogues are being led by his brother. The attacks aren't random, he is sending them. They attacked Eric's pack with force. They lost over 100 people. His brother was standing at the edge of his border, watching with a smile as his pack attacked. Eric fought to get to him but by the time he got there, he was gone."

"So now we not only have to worry about his psychotic brother, but also his pack of rogues that could attack at any time? What the hell are we supposed to do?"

"We stay on high alert, expect an attack at any time. Prepare the pack, make sure the women and kids know where to go if and when it happens. We will brief them in the morning, its not safe to have anyone out tonight. He won't attack tonight after attacking Eric's pack. Tonight, we form a plan then sleep." He said as we headed towards his study.

"Okay, so there's 3 different spots that are big enough for them to attack from. We get scouts to stay out there and watch for any activity. At the first sight of anything, we have the women and children taken to the old dungeons. Theres only one way in and out, so they will be safe. We send 2 guards down with them in case the rogues find it. You will be there with them."

"No. I will be in battle with you." I said sternly.

"No, you will be with the other women and children. I need you safe, I can't focus on fighting if I have to worry about you being out there in it." He said pleading with me not to fight with him on this.

"Okay, I will stay with them and protect them."

"Okay, once you all are in there safely locked inside, we will try to bring the battle to the middle of the field where there is more area to see. We have a better chance of getting ground there. Eric has already agreed to come with his warriors when it happens. So, we have more numbers. If all goes as planned, it will be over soon."

It wasn't a bad plan. Though I didn't like the thought of him being out there without me, at least I knew that Eric would be with him. There was no way to prevent it, no matter how much I wished there were. May the goddess be with us and see us through this, I prayed. After going over it again to make sure everything was accounted for, we headed to bed.

Everything was bright, the sky a beautiful light blue. The clouds beneath my bare feet, were soft and fluffy. I walked towards my mother who was sitting on a fluffy cloud with a bowl of grapes.

"We don't have much time. The battle coming your way will be the biggest to happen in decades. Many will be lost." She said with sorrow in her voice.

"Do we win?" I ask, desperation in my voice.

"The end of the battle is not yet written. Only the fallen. You will lose that which you hold dear, and through that become that of which you were born to be."

Why was she being so cryptic? Here lately every visit has been this way, she reveals less and less.

"Why am I here if you can't tell me anything that will be of any help!" I yelled at her. Goddess or not she is my mother. She's supposed to protect me and help me. She turned towards me with tears in her eyes and gave me a small smile.

"I can only tell you what is written, nothing more and nothing less. To reveal anything else would alter destiny and change everything as we know it. I love you my daughter, I am very proud of the woman you have grown into and the Luna that you are. Always know that." With that she was gone and the dream with her.

I woke to the light shining through the window. It was such a beautiful day, that was about to be ruined by the upcoming war. Today we warned the pack about what was to come. I got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready. I couldn't stop thinking about what my mom had said 'You will lose that which you hold dear.' What did she mean about that? Would we lose the battle? Would the pack be destroyed? Would I lose Damon? I kept replaying it over and over again through my head.

Heading downstairs, I met Damon at the door, and we headed outside to brief the pack and try to prepare them for what was to come. I started to feel dizzy and had to grab ahold of Damon for support. He gave me a worried look. I gave him a small smile, trying to downplay it, and he went back to walking. We didn't get very far before I stopped dead in my tracks as everything started spinning. Before I knew it, I was falling, and Damon was catching me. After a minute, the feeling passed, and I stood back up.

"I'm fine. I don't know what that was. I felt a little dizzy." I said shaking it off and taking a step back from him.

"Come on, we are stopping in to see the Doc before going to the village." He said grabbing my hand.

"No, I am fine. It's gone now. We have to tell the pack what's going on."

"No, your health is what's important right now. You can't defend yourself if you're getting dizzy." He said, not taking no for an answer.

Not even 10 minutes later we were walking into the Doc's office.

"Hello Luna. Alpha. What can I do for you today?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"She had a dizzy spell and almost passed out." Damon explained to the Doc.

After looking at my chart he gave me a small reassuring smile before putting it down and pulling out gloves.

"Okay, your chart looks great, but I don't like the dizzy spells. I would like to have some blood work done while you are here. It won't take but fifteen minutes tops to get the results back." He said as he listened to my heartbeat and checked my lungs.

"Okay, that's fine. Might as well since we are here." I said looking towards Damon who gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

He gave me a smile then proceeded to take blood. I looked at Damon while he did it, my fear of needles making me woozy.

"Alright, you are all done. I will be back as soon as I get the results." He said exiting the room.

Fifteen minutes later he came back in with a huge smile on his face. Damon's phone started ringing, Eric's number across the screen.

"I have to step out and get this." He said leaving the room.

Doc waited until he was gone before he turned to me, his smile back on his face.

"So, we got the results back. Everything looks great, your vitamin D is a little low which can cause dizzy spells. Your iron levels are finally where they are supposed to be, which is great."

"That's great! So, the Vitamin D being low is what's causing the dizziness?" I asked, thankful it wasn't something serious.

"Not exactly. It looks like you're pregnant Luna. Congratulations!" he said excitedly.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that, I think I misheard you." I said wanting to make sure I heard what I thought I heard.

"You're pregnant. I take it this isn't what you expected." He said still smiling.

Of course, I wanted to start a family with Damon, and watch him be a father but I didn't expect it to happen this soon. We haven't even talked about it. I don't even know if he wants kids.

"No, it wasn't planned. I'm going to be a mother." I said still in shock. A small smile spread across my face. As scared as I was, apart of me was excited. My wolf howled in excitement.

"Yes, it's still early so you need to take it easy. I will make you a appointment for 4 weeks from today, where we will do a ultra sound and check the heartbeat."

"Thank you so much. If you could keep this between us for right now, I would really appreciate it."

"Of course, Luna. I won't tell a soul. Congratulations again." He said before leaving the room as Damon walked in.

"So, what did he say?" Damon asked while putting his phone in his back pocket.

"Oh, just that my vitamin D is a little low and it can cause dizzy spells. Nothing to worry about!" I said giving him a small smile. I know it was wrong to keep it from him, but with everything going on this was the last thing he needed to worry about. I would tell him when this is all over. 

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