Black Heels

By dreamk1d15

115 21 21

Hello to you all, this story is my first book on this account not necessarily Wattpad, my story description m... More

Chapter I: Beginning of sweet
Chapter 2: Pretty distraction
Chapter 3: Beginning of the end
Chapter 4: A candle light in the dark
Chapter 5: Unveiling a long forgotten revenge
Chapter 6: A quick strike
Chapter 7: A little confession
Chapter 9: Old foe
Chapter 10: This aren't real
Chapter11:Surprise Visit
Chapter 12 : Grave Discovery
Chapter 13:He is alive.
Chapter 15: Edge of sanity II
Chapter 16: Edge of sanity III
Chapter 14: Edge of sanity I
Chapter 17: Innocent but deadly
Chapter 18:A perfect plan
Chapter 19: Lights, Camera, Action
Chapter 20 : Bittersweet
Chapter 21:Past

Chapter 8:Final Farewell

6 1 1
By dreamk1d15

The wind blew gently as
each snow flake landed slowly but gently on the ground.Some of the snow landed on top of a huge white tent which was neatly decorated with embroidery.
A small crowd of people wearing all black gathered there.They were waiting for the coffin to arrive.
After some time, a huge black car drove in .It was coming from church as it was now time to bury Tyson.
The people gathered  opposite sides and let way for the casket to pass.
Kenzie was crying at the scene, she dared not to go next to it because she knew she will cause a scene.
After more procedures occured, it was time for the final goodbye.It was time to lower the coffin down to Earth but first, people had to bid their last farewell.Kenzie was the first one who had to begin the procedure.She just stood there for some time without doing or saying anything.She stared at the coffin, suddenly tears run on her face.She didn't wipe them but continued to cry.
"Tyson... I am burying you today on my own, Mike can't come , I don't know where he is, I am confused, I don't know where to start.. please forgive me but I promise you I will find him and let him bid his goodbye, he deserves it".
Kenzie then removed something from her coat pocket and stared at it.

"Tyson...I got this for your birthday..I thought you would like it, you always liked crystal but I , I couldn't give it to you in person"
"It's like you, it's beautiful and unlike a real flower, it won't wither, but it also doesn't die.. you are here right, you will forever be with me, I believe you didn't leave me, you are still in my heart , I will never forget that, I know that's what you would want, you said it yourself, we are...we are nothing without each other"
"From now on, I will keep this forever, I don't want to forget you, I don't want to..."
Kenzie broke down in tears, she couldn't keep balance and fainted.
She was caught by Sandy.People gasped , while some murmured how she had been crying since the service.
Sandy took her in the tent where she sprinkled water on her and tried to wake her up.


After the burial took place, people started leaving.But they  first came to pass their condolences to Kenzie.She knew few of them ,the rest she just gave them her sincerely gratitude.Sandy was helping a lot because Kenzie wasn't even paying attention.
But one name got her on both ears that she focused on the person.
".. your brother was my coworker, we worked together, to make Grand Stone and Blue Whale  a huge success.Its heartbreaking that I lost a potential friend,  he was quite  wise for his young age, I am deeply sorry"
"You work at Blue Whales?", Kenzie for once spoke.
"Ofcourse, I am the CEO of Blue Whales, Maxwell Carter, you must be Kenzie Lincoln, Tyson's sister"
Kenzie just nodded and hand shaked him.
"I'm pleased  to meet you, surprisingly,Tyson never mentioned his partner in business "
Maxwell just smiled at that.
"I will get going Miss Kenzie, I do apologize again for your loss "
Kenzie  gave him an  awkward reassuring smile.
After Maxwell left Sandy came back with a bottle of water.
"Do you know him?"
Sandy looked at Maxwell's silhouette and nodded.
"He's the CEO of Blue Whales, around his  fifties  but still fit and running, he is  the definition of a  perfect boss "
Kenzie stared at him, and didn't reply.
"Too perfect ", Kenzie murmured under her breath, "Even after he wronged you, you still praise him and put him in good light, you really are one of a kind"
Sandy smiled.
"Are you going straight home?", Sandy asked.
Kenzie looked at Sandy, she looked wiry, she had been busy since morning and Kenzie was more than grateful for her help.
"Go and rest, You will end up catching a cold in this weather", Kenzie said smiling at  Sandy.
"No buts, I will be fine, me and Lucas will finish up here, then I also will go home"
Sandy thought for moment and then nodded.Lucas was already cleaning up the place.
Kenzie looked at him and smiled.She also felt deeply indebted to him.
Sandy eyed the two and then smiled,
"Is the mighty Lucas your.., you know, are you guys sort of, uhm a thing or something?"
Sandy was now laughing.
"No Sandy, no, the relationship between me and Lucas is strictly professional..well not entirely professional, he's also my friend after I got to know you, after Tyson's incident, I thought getting a personal bodyguard will be for the best"
"Ohh.,, I see, but as for the Kenzie I know, dealing with some jerks isn't  a problem, what's this now "
Kenzie sighed.
"Sandy I realized, I can't do this alone, I can't get through all this on my own, yes, I never need anyone's help but this Time, I don't want to suffer, that will only make my enemies happy, so that's why I need Lucas's help and yours, because without you all, I will be totally destroyed "
"Awww, that's so cute", Sandy hugged Kenzie.
"See you later "
Kenzie nodded and waved at Sandy as she left.
" I didn't know ma'am knows how to make friends, it's shocking "
Kenzie agreed with that, but she didn't want to give Lucas the satisfaction of being right.
" I don't think we will be done if you keep on babbling nonsense, come"
Lucas nodded and obediently followed the order.

Kenzie and Lucas finally arrived at her house.Kenzie looked tired and sick, but she didn't want to look valuable.
"Are you sure, you are fine ?"
"Lucas, how many times have I told you, I am 100 percent okay, what's with you, quit it and open the door"
"Actually it's the third time"
Kenzie looked at Lucas in a confused manner,"You are even counting, I have never met such stupidity in my life", Kenzie shook her head and entered the house.
She remembered that she hadn't dismissed Lucas.
"Oh Lucas , keep an eye on that smart pants for me, I have a feeling there's much to him, than what meets the eye"
"You mean Maxwell?"
Kenzie nodded and dismissed Lucas as she climbed the stairs.
But she heard  two voices now talking downstairs by the door.
She hurried down to check, and to find Lucas and Sandy talking.
"I'm surprised you are here this late, is there something wrong"
Sandy shook her head at Lucas , and faintly smiled,"There's something I want to discuss with Kenzie..oh here she is".
"Should I stay..I can take Miss Sandy home after the discussion, that way she can be safe, it's now late, she...," Lucas asked concerned , Kenzie cut him off.
"She will be fine, , you may leave "
Lucas looked hesitant at first but then agreed.
He  nodded and bid farewell to both Kenzie and Sandy,
"I may take my leave now ", and with that he left.
"Your bodyguard really is clingy to you, I wonder why", Sandy said walking towards Kenzie.
Kenzie shook her head almost immediately,"He's not clingy, he's just concerned, he's truly devoted on his duty, so I wouldn't call him clingy"
Sandy nodded smiling,"Ohkay, if you say so anyways he will be happy if he heard you praising  him"
Kenzie just smiled.
"Anyways what brings you here late, something wrong "
Sandy's expression suddenly turned sour,"Yes.. something came up, and it's wrong"
Kenzie looked at Sandy and she looked serious.
"Okay come with me.
The two headed to the lounge.
"Do you want something to drink or maybe eat"
Sandy shook her head and put her hands together between her thighs.She looked as if she was about to cry.
"Kenzie reached out for tissues,"Let me bring you water, it might help calm you down "
Sandy nodded , Kenzie then passed her a glass of water ,  she took a sip and sighed.
"When are  we investigating Blue Whales?"
"This..why are you now eager to investigate them, at first you were hesitant, that's why I was quiet about this issue"
"I have, had it with Maxwell, it's enough now...he humiliated my father, he confiscated all the fish my father had and claimed it was because they were endangered species.
"Fish? your father is a fisherman?"
Sandy nodded.
"Maxwell wants to build a branch over the local market in our town, most people have agreed to move because they have been promised something all poor people yearn for "
"My dad refused, he stood his ground, but Maxwell played dirty tricks, and got my dad's stall shut down, he also got fined..I hate him , I hate Maxwell Carter to the guts"
Kenzie looked at Sandy, her eyes spoke for her, she was very angry, not sad.
"So ...may I help you?", Sandy turned and looked at Kenzie.
Kenzie smiled, "Of course, what's your plan ".

After a long session of discussion, Kenzie was impressed with the plan.
"First thing first, you need to arrange a meeting with Maxwell, I know he's schedule,  it's a bit tight but it will be easy, what about tomorrow, you can visit him , I think around 11, because he has a meeting with some construction company around 8, so after that, you may get your chance".
Kenzie nodded, tomorrow it was, she would confront Maxwell and drive the topic to being about the company, finally when she seizes an opportunity, she will do some digging".
But something suddenly struck her, how did Sandy know his schedule so detailed, she had lost her job .."
"What are you thinking Kenzie?, "
"Oh I was just wondering how you are so knowledgeable about Maxwell's whereabouts, it's surprising "
Sandy smiled.
"Dear friend, though I was hesitant when you offered me the task but deep down I had  already agreed, so I started with my digging "
Kenzie smiled,"You really are worthy to be my partner in crime", with that said, they both laughed.

"Oh gosh, it's now late, I should get going", Sandy was now up.
"Ohh,let me drive you there"
Sandy nodded .
Kenzie grabbed the car keys and a coat, she also took her dagger along without Sandy noticing.
Nothing was too certain in Kenzie's world, anything might happen.

Hi People, again another drop of a new chapter which I  am confidently fond of, I have been restless lately but I  will always make time for a chapter, hope you enjoy it😴🛌 good night

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