He's so flirty

By luxurybillie

20.4K 228 90

Everyone said that Jungkook was the school bully of No. 1 High School. Cutting classes, fighting, poor grades... More

90: Extra
91: Extra
92: Last extra


149 3 0
By luxurybillie

"Hey? When you say that, it seems to be...a bit familiar..."

The second child who rushed to the front also stopped hesitantly.

Hearing the words, the head of the room gave her a contemptuous look: "Are you sure you don't see every nice little brother and feel as if you met in a dream?"

The second child turned around in the same sympathy: "It's also possible."

"Go go, don't put me and my second child as a nymphomaniac."

The third girl in the dormitory who was nicknamed "Three Girls" frowned and looked at the two vocalists, then she turned her gaze to the elevator—

"With my 1.5 corrected vision, I must have seen this little brother. When did it...ah!"

The third girl's scream shocked the two people standing next to her.

The second child came back to her and gave her gently:

"What is it, it scared us a lot..."

"No, no, I remember!"

The third girl left hand in hand and grabbed her second child with the right hand of the head of the room, and brought the two together and whispered: "Lisa didn't even send text messages before asking if we drank alcohol during college, don't you remember?"

The chief's eyes flashed: "Wait, you mean he was that sophomore year..."

The second child interjected suspiciously: "In sophomore year? Which one?"

The third girl stared at her with hatred for iron and steel: "You forgot, at that time, they managed to send Lisa downstairs in the dormitory, and you even molested him!"

"...Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!" The second child patted the third girl with an exaggerated expression while tiptoeing toward the elevator.


The three girls were grinning, but at this time they could only bear it.

Because the "little brother" in their mouths had already got out of the elevator together with Lisa and came here.

Judging from the confluence of eyes, this little brother was obviously impressed by the shadows of the three of them...No, he was quite impressed.

Lisa stopped first, her eyes turned around among the other four people who had been embarrassed in a strange atmosphere for a few seconds.

She hesitated, and looked at the three girls with a smile on her face and said, "This is my boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. You should have seen it."


As soon as Lisa's words fell, Jungkook was the first to look at her in shock. "you remember......"

Lisa gave him a meaningful look and said nothing.

And after the other three people exchanged their eyes for a moment, their faces looked more like a thunderous expression.

The second child murmured: "Lisa...Did you make a mistake? How do I remember that your soldier brother was also called by this name?...Is this the same name? Hahahaha..."

"No," Lisa smiled and crushed her second child's last hope. "It's the same person."


The head of the room and the third girl were embarrassed for the second child.

How the second child spared no effort to inspire the best little brother in front of him to chase after Lisa who "just entered" the empty window period, they are still vividly remembered.

The head of the room moved his eyes slightly, and his gaze swept over the two of them: "Then..."

Lisa took the conversation without hesitation.

"It's a misunderstanding."

Jungkook was startled.


The head of the room and the third girl looked at each other.

Looking at the original posture, it would not have been a misunderstanding before and after, but this is after all other people's relationships. Even if their roommates have a close relationship with each other, some things should not be or can be intervened based on this relationship. .

Finally, the head of the room clapped his hands: "Come here, the box has been booked. Let's go here."

Lisa, who was walking behind, was led by Jungkook, and she looked up in confusion.

"I won't go there anymore." Jungkook looked down at her with gentle eyes, "They will be embarrassed. You should get together for a while. Have a good chat. I'll wait for you in the car."

Lisa held him back: "But you have dinner—"

"It's okay. Call me if you have something to do, and I'll be downstairs."


Lisa tangledly glanced at the three girls behind her, then turned around, nodding with some guilty conscience——

"Sorry, tonight I..."

Before Lisa finished her words, she was blocked by a light kiss.

In the blink of an eye, the man had retreated, his black eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes filled with a thin, three-pointed smile——

"This is an apologetic deposit, and the rest will be taken later."

After speaking, Jungkook stepped back and waved to Lisa.

At this time, the urging voice of the room manager and others also came from behind, and Lisa had to blush her cheeks and waved her hand with Jungkook, then turned and walked in the corridor.


Of the four people in the dormitory of Qinqing University, except for the second child who went home to work in his hometown after graduation, the other three are all studying in graduate school.

It's just that although the three of them are in T City, the universities where the graduate students are located are different, so this is the first time that the four of them have really found a chance to gather in more than two years.

In the beginning, a few people were just joking about Lisa, and when they woke up and poured a bottle of red wine ordered by no one, the chat box was completely opened.

Lisa, the only one who knew how much she had "poured" her drink, was strictly guarded against death and did not want to touch a drop. Only then did she stay awake until the other three cried and laughed.

Hearing that the second child had poured out his hardship for the past two years, and then lay down on the table unconsciously, Lisa looked at her watch again, and it was already eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

The three ladies on the table who almost cried with their exquisite waterproof makeup made Lisa even more wry smiles and big heads.

No way, she could only call the suffering master who had been guarding downstairs for nearly three hours.

When the three people were sent back to their respective dormitories or hotels, when Lisa and Jungkook returned to the school, it was already half past nine in the evening.

Different from other places, the university campus at half past nine in the evening is in a lively time.

"Go for a walk in the school playground?"

Out of guilt, Lisa took the initiative to propose.

Jungkook looked at her, didn't say anything, and nodded.

The two entered the school playground together and began to wander around the plastic track.

At first no one spoke, and the four fields were quiet. The two walked side by side, but Lisa didn't feel embarrassed at all, but only felt a refreshing sense of peace and satisfaction.

Then the wind brought the singing from a distance, passing through the flat house and empty football field in the dance studio, until reaching Lisa's side. The starless night and the distant wind seem to modify ordinary singing into fascinating piano music.

Everything is just right and reassuring.

"so good."

"......very nice."

When Lisa heard her own voice, the low tone that rang in her ears was half a beat slower than her own, but the ending sounds overlapped.

After she was startled, she couldn't help but bend her eyes with a smile, and turned her head to look at the person walking next to her.

Jungkook was also watching her intently.

"What's so good?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook lowered his eyes: "The sound of wind, singing, night, this moment..."

He raised his eyes, "And you."

In the dark and clear eyes, Lisa could clearly see his figure.

It completely occupies these pupils, or perhaps a whole piece of the world connected to it.

Almost involuntarily, Lisa opened her arms and hugged Jungkook.

She pressed her ear to his chest and listened to the beating sound of the world.

She curled her lips: "Yes, the sound of the wind, the singing, the night, this moment, and you--I feel good too."

Lisa rarely takes the initiative, Jungkook has not recovered from this hug at this time, and once again is nailed to the place by the girl's words——

"Let's keep going like this, Jungkook."


Lisa's head was quiet for a long time when the words fell behind.

In this quietness, Lisa felt uneasy, and couldn't help but want to raise her head, a slender palm lifted up from the back and pressed her face back to the chest that was still hot in the cool breeze.

At the same time, a low and hoarse voice pressed against her ear tips and vibrated in the chest cavity——

"This is what you said."

"...Can't go back."

"Yeah," Lisa raised her lips again and hugged her tighter, "I won't regret it."


After a walk, Jungkook sent Lisa back to the dormitory downstairs, and still couldn't help asking the question that disturbed him most of the night—

"Drinking snippets... When did you remember it? Was it because Eunwoo told you that I came to you, so I remembered it?"

Mentioning this, the smile on Lisa's face cooled slightly.

She didn't answer, but instead asked: "If I can't remember, are you going to hide it from me forever? -even if I keep refusing to forgive you?"

Jungkook fell silent.

After a while, he laughed bitterly.

"......I do not know either."

Lisa was stunned.

She was accustomed to this person's reckless spirit since she was a teenager, and had never seen this moment of confusion and almost helpless look on Jungkook's face.

"I would often think about this question in the first two years, guessing when I can't hold on...I came to you to explain in embarrassment."

Jungkook let out a sigh of relief, his thin lips lifted slightly, and a slight smile in his eyes, "Fortunately, at that time, his eyesight did not recover, and he could not really appear in front of you....Otherwise, it might scare you."


Lisa's heart felt a twitching pain.

The past two years of Jungkook that she had not participated in was a thorn in her heart.

Because every time she only imagined the invisible, possibly helpless or even desperate Jungkook, she felt that the thorny barb was deeply embedded in every muscle of the heart, and a little bit of involvement would tear the heart. The pain of split lung.

But she can't mention it. No matter how painful it is, it can't be in front of him.

Lisa pinched the palm of her hand lightly and held up a smile: "Then you are firm enough, you don't even have a phone call."

"...Fought, and more than once."

Jungkook spoke suddenly.

Lisa's expression was stagnant: "When—"

Jungkook looked uncomfortable for a moment.

He turned his gaze away: "...A few times, after getting drunk with Eunwoo... they would **** their cell phone and call you."

Lisa's eyes turned weird.

She kept that old mobile phone in her carry-on bag for a few years, and she did receive some advertising calls or wrong calls every year... But she never thought of how many calls he would have in it. Called.

As if seeing Lisa's puzzlement, Jungkook's expression became increasingly uncomfortable.

With embarrassment hidden in his pitch-black eyes, he said in a dumb voice: "...There will be some uncomfortable times when I can't stand it... At that time, Eunwoo and the others will be called to drink, and every time I tell them in advance, don't Let me see the phone."

Thinking of the word "snatched" by Jungkook just now, Lisa's eyes moved: "You won't be..."

Jungkook coughed slightly at the beginning, and then answered it after a while: "When I was drunk, I wanted to call you wholeheartedly, but I knew that I couldn't use my own number. After I put them down, I picked up Eunwoo and others. A cell phone will call you."

Without waiting for Lisa's question, Jungkook took the initiative to confess: "But every time I call through, I don't dare to speak. I will plug my phone back in again."

Lisa: "..."

"So this is the reason why my mobile phone number has passed so many years, and I can always receive inexplicable unmarked advertising calls every three to five times?"

"Eunwoo said that before they went out for a drink, they each learned a harassing phone well before going out."

"...Then why not just not bring your phone?"

"In the entertainment city, I also robbed others."

Lisa: "..."

She suddenly felt sympathy.

"So, before I found out that old phone to call you, it was not surprising that you picked it up?"

"Yeah. I know you haven't thrown away this number."

"Know that you still refuse to ask me to explain?"


Returning to the original question again, Jungkook sighed helplessly.

After a while, he raised his eyes to Lisa, his eyes deep and serious:

"Lili, I came to you that year and listened to your roommate telling me about your serious illness, and when I never showed up from start to finish -I wish I would kill myself."

"How did you get through every moment of the day when you were ill -I can't even think about it, and I dare not even dare to it now."

He sighed deeply, "I admit that I'm like a coward in this matter. But let you go through such a period of time, I don't dare to ask you to forgive me."

Lisa fell silent.

In fact, she didn't know if she didn't have the tempering of her mind in the past few years, would she really be able to forgive inwardly after Jungkook's explanation, instead of worrying about what is meaningless but actually happened. Past things.

Maybe it can.

...Maybe not.

Thinking of this, Lisa sighed involuntarily.

Then she looked up and looked around for a week, still being able to collide with the peeping eyes of many people outside the dormitory.

Lisa turned her face back: "It's late, I should go back to the bedroom too. Have you booked the hotel?"

Jungkook responded.

Lisa raised her wrist and waved it: "Then tomorrow--"

She didn't finish her words, she tightened her wrist, followed a flower in front of her, and she was pulled in front of Jungkook.

The man lowered his head and looked at her, his eyes were dark, as if there were two clusters of black fireworks hidden deep inside.

"Your apologies before dinner, I only received a deposit."

Lisa: "..."


Looking at this person's expression at this time, how could he still have the appearance of "dare not asking for forgiveness" just now?

It's like a ferocious wolf who has been thinking about it for several days at the door of the rabbit's nest, drooling, his eyes glimmering.

Helpless, Lisa stood on tiptoe and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

Then she just wanted to run away, but was dragged back.

"not enough."

The grievance in this look is completely in place-

"I waited in the car for two and a half hours."

Lisa: "..."

"This time is the peak time to return to the bedroom, so many people..."

Jungkook seemed to have expected her to say this a long time ago, and not accidentally lowered his gaze to fall somewhere.

Lisa followed and looked over, her thin coat was draped over her shoulders.


Lisa sounded the alarm instinctively.

However, it was too late.

In front of him, he hung down suddenly, and at the same time a light on his shoulders, the thin coat was pulled up, covering his long hair and covering the top of his head.

The sight was completely obscured by the darkness.

In the darkness, a hot kiss, accompanied by the mess in her ears, fell in a low voice.

Then swallowed her whole person.

Like falling to hell.

—— "Hell" between people forgetting everything, lingering greed, and not being lovers.

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