Johnny + V - Chippin' in

By mushrommmsss

1.5K 59 2

A world where Dexter deshawn doesn't kill her. A world where she zeroed herself, what a fucking idiot. --- T... More



59 2 0
By mushrommmsss

She leaned up against the bed, not sitting on it. She debated on whether she should put the chip in or not.. she was scared. Scared to see what was on it. Why did Jackie... Tell Viktor to take care of her?

Johnny stood watching her contemplate her life, he sat down on the couch and decided to watch the TV that was on. Waiting for her to decide.

Her leg was shaking back and forth as she basically said fuck it and put the shard in.

Her breath hitched, as a screen popped up. Jackie sat at his desk.. he was drinking something. He wore the very hoodie v had on.

She was confused why was Jackie... Recording something for Viktor?

"Hey vik.. this message will be sent to you... If I die.  I may have landed a big job. But I'm not sure if I'll make it out alive. If I don't, Will you take care of v for me? That chica usually gets drunk at the coyote and then passes out on a bench about 4 miles from it. On the main highway. She'll need to be brought home. And she makes really dumb decisions and she'll need someone there to guide her. Be there for her. Especially now that I'm gone.." he seemed to hesitate a bit, scratching his neck. His voice was cracking. It was like he knew he was going to die..

"And.. if you ever show v this.." he stared directly into the camera.. tears welled up in his eyes, he looked scared. she choked down a sob.

"Im sorry we never got more time together, senorita. We always were one gig to another and never fully sat down and enjoyed each other. We should have. Maybe things could have been different with us... Heh. You know v? I love you. So much. I hope you keep on living for me, keep on going. Be happy. Fall in love again. Be free, STOP doing so many gigs and working yourself to death. Just.. enjoy life, my love. You deserve it." He gave the camera a smile.

"I want you to have my bike, chica. Take good care of it. And please, don't beat yourself up. Whatever happens tomorrow, you need to be strong. Your the strongest women I know, well mama is pretty close but you know what I mean. Don't cry over a stupid gonk like me, we will see each other In a different lifetime, my senorita." He sighed softly, rubbing his eyes. "This is goodbye.. I love you, valerie."

The Recording cut off. She pulled the shard out, setting it on the ground next to her.

Her heart hurt, every word he spoke she felt her chest getting heavier and heavier. HE fucking knew but he still went.. he still.. why. He's so stupid.

She couldn't believe he was gone. She missed his voice. She.. hated that she loved him. Because now he's gone. Everyone she's ever loved has left her or died.

Her head started to spin, her emotions were just to much for her. She couldn't get any air in or out. She was struggling. She choked out a sob, she brought her knees to her chest and covered her head, crying into her knees. She was so confused. And so angry. So fucking angry.

It felt like someone had ripped her heart out and stomped on it. And then shoved concrete in her lungs.

She couldn't concentrate at all, her vision blurry. She tried to calm down, it felt like she was having a anxiety attack but much much worse.

She loved him. So so much. He was one of the first people who treated her with kindness and love. Instead of using her and discarding her like a piece of trash. He made her happy again. And now hes gone.

She was struggling to breath, tears running down her face

She felt someone touch her face, bringing her head up. Wiping her tears away.

She couldn't see their face.


Johnny's pov:

I felt dumb. For trying to console this women but I couldn't hold myself back. I could see she was struggling with a panic attack.

I cupped her face, my glasses off so she could see my eyes.

"V, listen to me. You need to breath in and out. Concentrate on my voice. " I spoke, trying to calm her down. Her body was shaking, I could feel every ounce of her pain and anger, it's taking a toll on me as well.

"Why does everyone I love, die? He's gone. I can't ever see him, I cant touch him again, I can't feel him again. I can't do this. It hurts so much. He left me alone in this horrible world. I was so mean to him the night he died, I didn't... Even apologize. I didn't even get to say I love you back.. i didnt even appreciate him like i wanted because i was afraid..." her words were all over the place as she cried, she grabbed onto my wrist, my hand still cupping her face. Tears kept streaming down her face but she opened her eyes and stared at me. She was trying to get her breathing under control but it was hard. I could tell.

My heart broke for this women, she lost everything she had. Again.  She lost her lover, like I lost mine. To arasaka.

In the few weeks I've been in this women's head, she hasn't broke down like this. I didn't know what to do so I just.. decided to hold her and let her cry, rubbing her head. I didn't have any words to say. I couldn't. It wasn't my place.

She spoke in his shoulder between her cries. "He's probably so disappointed in me. I killed myself. I literally blew my brains out in my apartment because I couldn't handle it anymore. I couldn't and didn't want to be tortured by saka ninjas, I didn't want to go on without him..and then i woke up in a muddy disgusting landfill. It isn't fair. I just wanted to be at peace." she cried. I was shocked. Very.. shocked. V shot herself? Is that how I become me in her brain?.. fuck. That's.. that's fuck up. No one was there to help her?

Shes made me soft, can't tell if I'm turning into her or I'm just doing it to myself.

----time skip----

Ever since that day, she broke down.  v's been overworking herself, gig, after gig. She tried to find something that would make her happy again.

She had just gotten back from a side gig. She had found a note earlier that day to feed a cat in a garbage can, she was tired but wanted to see if she could find the kitty. She put the food out and decided to lay down.

She woke, up grabbing a bite of food and

She decided to go check out the food, walking down the hallway and turning to the right. She saw the little kitty!

"Look, hey! Look. See that?" Johnny pointed at the cat. We assumed was nibbles.

she chuckled and walked over to the kitty, petting nibbles softly before picking nibbles up. "Let's get you inside nibbles?" The cat meowed at her, purring.

There she stood crouched over, petting nibbles in a basket. Such a cute lil cat. She was happy to see a creature like this, it was rare nowadays.

"Well there it is."
Johnny was also crouched by the cat, really wanting to pet it but obviously cant. He Seemed to be absolutely in love with the cat.  Her thoughts making her laugh a bit.

"Guess nibbles is ours now." She shrugged. Johnny seemed to be very very interested in the cat and she was to. Nibbles was cute as heck!

She sighed softly, enjoying the sight. "I do have to go meet goro but I think this kitty will be okay until then." She smiled. Johnny noticed a weight off her shoulders a bit, less tense. And that was good. Animals always had that effect on people.


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