The Tale of Ignite and Ultra...

By PameliaGoodwin

13.3K 445 128

Just the tale of my OC, Ignite, and Ultra Magnus. Starts out with a bitch ass teacher. Language will be used. More

Chapter One: Eyes of a Demon
The Awakening
Just Dance...... Gonna be Okay
Flashback: Cuteness Warning
What's an Easter?
Another A/N
Somethings Wrong
Sparkling Troubles
Sparkling Preparation: The Complete First Season
Why It's A Bad Idea To Let Arcee Plan A Party
Air Support
Air Support, Part Two
The Party
Alrighty then.
Kidnapped, Part 1
Kidnapped, Part 2
Human, Part Two
Human, the Trilogy
Sword Training
Is it Mary Sue??????
I havent any inspiration.

Promposals: The Stressful Story Behind the Beginning of Jiko

180 7 2
By PameliaGoodwin

We interuppt this very tense moment with a little fluff. Jiko fluff. And how Jiko becomes canon. (I ship it so hard. Jiko is OTP.) ~Esper

Jack couldn't help it when his heart started pounding every time she hugged him. He was in love, and he couldn't do anything about it. He had never felt this way about anyone, not even Sierra. The girl had captured his heart, but not in the same way the one he had his heart set on. She was wild, and always had a need for adventure, even if that need almost got her killed. When the posters for prom began to pop up all around the school, he began to devise a plan to get her to go with him.

All of the plans he had tried overflowed the waste basket, and spilled onto the garage floor. He turned as the familiar portal opened, and his motorcycle guardian drove through.
"Jack, for the last time, come eat!" June called from the kitchen.
"What's with all the balls of paper?" Arcee transformed, and nearly bumped her head on the ceiling.
"Failed promposal ideas." Jack replied.
"You're going to ask someone to prom? Tell me who!" June asked from the doorway into the house.
"She'll probably say no anyway." Jack took the plate of food and set back down at his desk.
"What's a promposal?" Arcee asked, leaning over her charge's shoulder.
"He basically wants to ask a girl to prom."
"What's prom?"
June's jaw dropped open.
"You don't know what prom is?" She asked, shocked.
"Mom, she's from a different planet." Jack facepalmed. "It's basically a dance that's extremely important in high school society. You don't go, you're considered as bland. You go, you have fun. You go without a date, and you look like your parents have forced you to go."
"So basically this dance is a big deal." Arcee smirked.
"Arcee, what's that smirk for?"
"Jack, why don't you just go up to this girl and ask her, like normal people?"
"Because promposals are supposed to be elaborate, not normal." Jack sighed, crumbling up the paper. June decided it was time to take her leave, and leave the ideas to the two partners.
"Jack, you just gotta surprise her. All you have to do its send her on a little scavenger hunt. Girls love it when they have to follow clues." The Cybertronian female smirked once more. "Then, you wait for her where the last destination leads her, hold out a bunch of roses, and have Raf and Miko hold up a sign that has Prom with a question mark on it. It's foolproof!" Arcee exclaimed.
"Yeah, that last bit won't exactly work out." Jack sighed.
"Why not?" Arcee tilted her head to one side.
"Because Miko is the girl I'm trying to ask out."
Arcee gasped at what her human said.
"I had a feeling that's who it was." She smirked once more. "Then simply replace Miko in that plan, with Sadie."
"Who the heck is Sadie?" Jack raised an eyebrow at the femme, who transformed and activated her human holoform. The holoform removed her helmet and smiled.
"Hiya." The brunette smirked. "Name's Sadie." The human form spoke with Arcee's voice, leaving the human to freak out.
"What? How the- what the- but I-"
"Human holomatter form. It makes it easier for us to blend in with the humans." She explained. Then promptly smacked him across the face. "That was for being an aft."
"How did a hologram just touch me?!" Jack began flipping out again.
"Holomatter. It's a hologram you can touch." Arcee sighed at her charge's stupidity.
"Hop on." She ordered as she deactivated Sadie. "We need to let Bulkhead in on this."
"But my mom-" Jack was interrupted by Arcee shouting.
"Hey June! I'm taking Jack back to base! He wants to ask Miko out and Bulk has to get in on this!"
"Just don't stay out too late!" The woman called back.

"Bulkhead! Get over here, ya big lug!" Arcee called, letting Jack off before transforming.
"Shouldn't he be at home, in recharge?" Ratchet grumbled, motioning to Jack.
"Save it Ratchet. This is way more important." The femme shushed him, grabbing Bulkhead by the arm and dragging him to the corner of the room. "You stay over there." She told her human charge, who was forced to comply.
"Bulk, we- well, Jack needs your help. He wants to ask Miko to this prom thing, but he needs someone to drive Miko to each little clue he's gonna come up with." She briefed, smiling the whole time.
"I'm in. Miko's been talking about prom." The olive green mech smiled back. Arcee gave her charge a thumbs up.
"We'll let you know when we're ready."

A few weeks later, Jack had successfully planted each clue, starting with one that Raf had sneaked into the girl's phone. How the twelve year old managed to do it, only he knew.
"Do you think she'll find it?" He asked.
"Jack, it's in her phone. She'll find it."

Miko huffed, sitting on the wall next to the stairs outside of the school building.
"Where is he? She wondered aloud, before flipping her phone open, only for a piece of red paper to fall out.
"What the heck is this?" Miko unfolded the small square of paper, and quickly read the note scribbled inside in an unfamiliar scrawl.
'Find the spot where your life changed, for good. You'll find the next clue there.'
Miko scowled.
"The only time my life really changed was when I discovered Arcee and Jack.... In the alley!" Miko jumped off of the ledge and grabbed her backpack, and ran into the alley behind the school. On the ground, pinned by a fluorescent orange painted rock, was a piece of orange paper, folded in the same way the one she found inside her phone. She quickly unfolded it, sticking the red piece into her pocket as she read this note, written in a swirly font.
'Turn around. A ride is waiting to take you to the spot we got trapped.'
Miko turned, just as Bulkhead honked.
"Bulk? What's going on? She asked, tossing her bag in the backseat as she climbed into the green mech's cabin.
"I don't know." He lied easily, having practiced on Bumblebee. "All I know is I'm taking you somewhere, based on that note. Where to?"
"I don't know. It says 'to the spot we got trapped.'" Miko sighed.
"Wouldn't that be that cave that collapsed on us?" Bulkhead suggested.
"Yeah! TO THE CREEPY CAVE!" Miko cheered happily.

After Ratchet had groundbridged the duo to the cave, Miko hopped out of the truck, who transformed.
After searching for a note for a good ten minutes, Miko began to speak.
"I bet it's Jack. He's the only one who knows all of this." She thought for a minute. "Wait, so far Arcee's been at each spot. What if she's just pranking me?" She asked the olive green bot.
"Hey, why is that rock so yellow?" He pointed to the spot that she and Jack once stood, before the cave had collapsed. "Another note!" She hastily unfolded it, and sighed.
"I have no idea who wrote this one, but they seriously need to brush up on their letters." She muttered, before reading the note aloud.
"You'll need another bridge. Go to the place we ran from a Decepticon zombie."
"To the canyon." Bulkhead smiled.

The moment Bulkhead and Miko stepped from the portal, they were greeted by a large, solid green flag waving in the mech's face.
"This one says to go to the place where you almost lost your best friend."
"Ugh." Bulkhead trudged through the open portal, the secret weighing down on his processor. He wished he could just tell the girl, but, as Arcee threatened, she would hunt him down. Which would be easy, seeming as they lived in the same base.

Once Miko stepped from the groundbridge, she nearly tripped over the bright blue rock in her way.
"Ratchet sure makes it easy to find these things." She rubbed her sore toe before picking up the note underneath.
"The final clue is just through a groundbridge. Then, you have a question to answer."

Miko stepped through the groundbridge, and was greeted by a path outlined in red, pink, and white ribbon. She curiously followed it, and opened the human sized door to the Rex room.
Inside, Jack was already blushing as Arcee's holoform went crazy with the sign, and Raf began filming.
"Jack? What's with all this?" She asked.
"Well, I um, wanted to ask you, if you'd, uh, maybe go to prom with me?" He blushed harder.
"I don't know." Miko gently kisses his cheek.
"What does that tell you."

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