The Empath And The Narcissist...

By ewahantae

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"You shot me, jungkook!" "I just marked you mine, Y/N" </3 #mafia More



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By ewahantae

The emotional exhaustion from the earlier confrontation with Jungkook, combined with the tears and the stress of recent events, eventually takes its toll on you. Without realizing it, you succumb to a fitful sleep, your sobs gradually fading into the quiet rhythms of slumber. When you awake, it's to a house shrouded in darkness, the silence echoing the emptiness within.

Your face feels slightly swollen, a physical testament to the emotional trauma you've endured. You navigate through the pitch darkness, feeling the void of Jungkook's absence in the house. You decide to take a shower, allowing the warm water to run over you, hoping it might wash away some of the day's pain.

Afterwards, wrapped in the comfort of a towel, you sit with your laptop, immersing yourself in work. It's a distraction, a way to anchor yourself to a semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos of your current life.

Hours pass in this way, the night deepening around you. Then, the sound of your hasty typing on your keyboard is interrupted by the keys jingling, followed by the door opening. I

It's Jungkook. You just know it's him. You hate to look up at him but something about his image on your peripheral vision makes you turn your head up to him. Your heart skips a beat at the sight of him — his face is bruised and bleeding, his body language betraying a slight limp, and he appears tipsy. The anger and hurt you harbored against him momentarily fade, replaced by concern at his battered state. You throw your laptop on the couch and stand up, still soaking his condition in.

As you rush to him, your initial instinct is to ask if he is okay is been cut off, "Jungkook—", you catch yourself. You remember the emotional distance you decided to maintain, the stoic attitude you adopted as a shield against further hurt. Yet, despite your resolve, your actions betray your concern.

As he looks at you, trying to support his figure by leaning on the wall, he tries to take in a few healing breaths. You then decide to take his hand, helping him into the house, your touch gentle yet reserved.

You guide him to the dining table, where he leans heavily, a silent acknowledgment of his need for support. Glancing at him one more time, moving away, you fetch a wet cloth, determined to clean his wounds without a word, maintaining the barrier you've built around your emotions.

As you begin to clean the cuts and bruises, Jungkook attempts to take the cloth, insisting on tending to himself. But you swat his hand away, a silent declaration of your intent to help despite the emotional distance. Every new wound you discover — especially the torn knuckles on his right hand — sends a pang through your heart. He's hurt, and despite everything, you can't help but feel empathy, a connection that still lingers despite your efforts to suppress it.

Jungkook watches you, he follows your eyes as they move around examining his wounds, and a mix of gratitude and something deeper settles in his gaze. He's hoping for you to break the silence, to express the emotions that are clearly bubbling under the surface. But you remain silent, focusing on the task at hand, not once meeting his eyes.

The tension in the room is palpable, a dance of complex emotions playing out in silence. Your actions, while caring, are efficient, a wall still firmly in place around your heart. Jungkook's presence, injured and vulnerable, is a stark contrast to the distance you're trying to maintain.

In this silent exchange, so much is communicated. Jungkook's physical state is a visual representation of the dangers and struggles he faces, while your meticulous care for his wounds speaks of an underlying concern that you're not yet ready to vocalize.

After a while, Jungkook breaks the silence, his voice is a tentative intrusion into the emotionally charged atmosphere. "I got in a fight," he begins, his words tentative, almost cautious.

There's an underlying note of reluctance in his voice as if he's aware that every mention of his violent world only serves to widen the gap between you two."I didn't fight back," he adds quickly, a detail he hopes might soften your perception of the situation. His eyes flicker with a mix of defensiveness and a plea for understanding. He's treading carefully, aware that every word he says could either bridge or further the emotional divide.

Your response comes sharp and cold, a reflexive shield against the vulnerability you feel. "I didn't ask you anything," you say, your voice cutting through the air. It's more than just a retort; it's a wall you're putting up, a barrier to protect yourself from getting drawn back into the cycle of emotional turbulence.

Jungkook's tone shifts and becomes softer, more vulnerable. "I want to tell you......," he says, the hardness in his voice giving way to a neediness that he rarely shows. "I shouldn't have done what I did in the morning........," "I am sorry." The apology, so uncharacteristic of him, hangs in the air, charged with significance. It's a rare admission of guilt from someone who often seems untouchable, and emotionally distant.

As he apologizes, you can't help but react. Your eyes, which had been carefully guarded, shoot up to meet his. There's shock there, a flicker of confusion as if you're trying to reconcile this admission with the man you know. Jungkook's eyes are earnest, filled with a hope for some kind of forgiveness, or at least an acknowledgment of his remorse.

He implores you, "Say something," his voice thick with the weight of unspoken emotions. There's a desperation there, desperation for a connection that he's afraid he might have irreversibly damaged.

But instead of words, your response is an action. You reach out, your hand gently cupping his mouth, silencing him. It's a gesture that's intimate and controlling all at once. Your eyes, glistening with the tears you're fighting to hold back, lock onto his, conveying a world of hurt, understanding, and an unspoken dialogue that words would fail to capture.

As you resume to treat his wounds, there's a tenderness in your touch, a care that belies the coldness of your earlier words. As you apply the antiseptic, you're prepared for him to react to the pain, but Jungkook is stoic, his gaze fixed on you, unflinching. It's as if he's using this moment, this acceptance of pain, to atone for the emotional hurt he's caused. Worse, he is just used to his wounds facing the starking pain.

His lack of reaction speaks volumes. It's as if he's willing to endure any physical pain as a self-punishment, a silent plea for redemption. And you focused on treating his wounds, are caught in a battle between the instinct to care and the need to protect your own bruised heart.

As you gently dab the cotton against his wounds, the rhythm of your movements slows, mirroring the shift in your emotional state. The tears you've been fighting so hard to contain start to roll down your cheeks, each one a silent testament to the overwhelming turmoil within you. The sight of him injured, the tension of the past days, the fear and uncertainty of your situation — it all converges into a moment of emotional release. The room, previously filled with the tension of silence, is now punctuated by the soft sobs and sounds of your care. You close your eyes as you set your tears free.

Leaning forward slowly, you bridge the gap between you and Jungkook, a gesture that's both tender and heartbreakingly vulnerable. Your forehead rests softly against his, a physical connection that contrasts with the emotional distance that fear has created. The only thing that is between the lips of your two is your hand still covering his mouth.

After a second, you whisper through your heavy sobs, almost inaudibly, "I am scared of you the most....." It's a confession laden with vulnerability, a raw admission that cuts through the facade of strength you've been maintaining.

Jungkook's response to your raw admission of fear is marked by a surge of emotion that seems to catch him off guard. His actions, swift and decisive, speak volumes about the tumult of feelings that your words have stirred within him. He stands up straight, leaning in your direction as he takes your hand that was on his mouth, swiftly slides it behind your back, and pushes you behind as he towers over you. Your face lathered with your tears, eyes drowned in confusion because of his, you try to comprehend his sudden actions.

He slides his half-treated, still bleeding hand up to your jaw, cupping it gently yet firmly. There's an urgency in his touch, a need to bridge the emotional distance that has grown between you. Then, he looks into your eyes one last time before seizing your bottom lip wet with your salty tears by his pierced lips, his kiss a mixture of aggression and healing, a desperate attempt to reconnect, to communicate through action what words have failed to convey.

The kiss is intense, a swirl of emotions rippling between you. At first, you're taken aback, the taste of his blood a stark reminder of the physical and emotional pain surrounding you both. But as he continues, something within you responds. The initial shock gives way to a flood of restrained emotions, and you find yourself kissing him back, a reluctant surrender to the complex feelings you harbored for him since always.

As you taste the metallic tang of his blood, it serves as a poignant reminder of the dangerous world you've been drawn into, the risks and sacrifices that have become part of your daily existence. This kiss, aggressive yet healing, becomes a symbol of your intertwined lives — fraught with danger and conflict, yet underscored by a deep connection. It's a moment of surrender, not just to each other, but to the complexities of a situation that is both threatening and binding.

As the intensity of the kiss subsides, Jungkook gently breaks the connection, going back in for one last peck on the corner of your lips, his movements slow and deliberate. He lingers close, observing you with an intensity that speaks volumes. Your eyes remain closed for a moment longer, still caught up in the whirlwind of emotions ignited by his unexpected act. The kiss, so fraught with conflicting emotions, leaves you reeling, trying to process the complexity of what just happened.

When you finally open your eyes, you find Jungkook's gaze locked onto yours. His eyes search your face, perhaps looking for a sign, an indication of your feelings after such a profound and revealing moment. There's a vulnerability in his gaze, a silent question hanging between you.

The realization of what happened — the kiss, its intensity, the taste of his blood — hits you all at once. In a reflexive response, you free your hand from his grasp and push him away with a force that conveys your inner turmoil. The push isn't just a physical act; it's an expression of the confusion and conflict raging within you.

Without a word, you turn and make a hurried retreat to your room. The sound of the door closing behind you is a resounding echo of the emotional barriers being reinstated. Leaning against the door, your heart pounds wildly, a physical manifestation of the chaos of emotions — fear, longing, confusion, and a deep-seated turmoil over the dangerous entanglement of your lives.

On the other side of the door, Jungkook doesn't attempt to stop you. He stands there, the aftermath of the kiss and your subsequent rejection hanging heavily in the air. It's a moment of profound realization for him, a recognition and reminder of the deep complexities of your relationship and the impact of his actions.T

he moment marks a significant turning point, an important reflection of the turbulent journey your relationship is undergoing amidst the backdrop of danger and unpredictability that defines your current existence.


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