Johnny + V - Chippin' in

By mushrommmsss

1.9K 75 2

A world where Dexter deshawn doesn't kill her. A world where she zeroed herself, what a fucking idiot. --- T... More



99 4 1
By mushrommmsss

V took out the shard, her vision blurry. She felt dizzy from using that thing, very disoriented.

"that's how it's done!" Jackie spoke, turning around from the window and looking at v, giving her a goofy grin. 

V stayed quiet, trying to get her vision under control. Must just be a side effect of using the damn flathead.

"How ya feeling? He asked, a bit of concern in his voice. V waved him off, managing to get to the sofa without falling.

"I'm okay, jack. Just a bit dizzy is all." She mumbled rubbing her head. Jackie didn't look to convinced.

"How are we on time, Bug?" V asked getting comfortable on the sofa. Her head finally feeling a bit better, she could concentrate on the mission at hand.

Bugs voice came through on the comms.
"Soooo The ice is thicker then I thought, it's gonna take a couple of hours. Id sit down and relax for a bit." She chuckled a bit before hanging up on v and Jackie.

V sighed, her anxiety and stress building up. It felt like it was going to bubble over. Her shoulders tense, her head throbbing. She didn't like sitting in this hotel longer then she had to. This was fucking stupid. They were stupid for taking this job.  V rubbed her eyes, her leg shaking. She was in her thoughts not realizing Jackie had crouched down in front of her until she felt a hand touch her thigh.

She flinched, opening her eyes and pulling her hand off of her face. She stared at Jackie, he had a soft smile on his face. She knew he was just trying to calm her down. "V, are you okay?" He asked again, concern obviously in his voice and written all over his face.

She gave him a timid smile. "I'm okay jack-" he cut her off with a head shake, putting both of his hands on her thighs. The action making her face tinge red. "I know your not okay, senorita. Your stressed, your anxiety is through the roof. No need to lie to me. I've known you long enough to know this, love. " He spoke with such a caring tone. His voice full of love. She hated it. he was to sweet for his own good. V grabbed his hands, holding them, relaxing at his touch.

"Is this job really that scary for you?" He muttered, taking his hand from yours and cupping your face. V nodded, letting walls down a bit. Her face was pretty red now. Why wouldn't she be? Shes robbing her ex bosses!

He seemed to hesitate a bit before leaning in closer to her and kissing her softly. She froze for a second, not expecting that from him before she started to kiss him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. He grinned into the kiss, hoisting v up to wrap her legs around him. He pulled away for a second, catching his breathe. She panted, her heart beating in her chest loudly, she could Jackie's heart beat as well.

She couldn't believe shes doing this.
"Let me take your stress away.. please." He begged in her ear. Her stomach twisted in a delighted way. He knocked off all the stuff on the desk, the flathead case landing on the floor. He sat her gently down on it, his hands going back up to her face, cupping it gently.

She hesitated, her eyes meeting Jackie's. She trusted him with her life.. why would she say no?

She nodded timidly
"Just.. don't tell anyone." He chuckled a bit, his eyes obviously full of love for the women in front of him. He had a bad feeling as well but.. if one of them was going to die on this gig, he wanted to make sure he left no connections behind.

That includes finally admitting his love for his partner. And if he had a choice, he'd make sure he damn sure died instead of her..she deserved the best the world could offer. And being dead wasn't one of them.

He kissed her softly, his hands still on her face. She moaned softly in the kiss, kissing him back

her hands started trailing to his suit. She started taking it off of him, slowly undressing him. He groaned at the touch of her cold hands on his now naked chest. She pulled away from the kiss, her eyes wandering all over his body. She rubbed her legs together at the sight of him.

His face was red, he was panting hard, he looked like a hot mess. But so did she. He squeezed in between her legs, grinding his hips against hers making both of them moan from the action.

"Fuck, v." He groaned, laying his head on her neck. He kept grinding,  wanting to hear her moans. He started kissing her neck, starting from underneath her ear, all the way to her shoulder.

Her quiet moans and his moans filling the room as he grinded against her desperately. She felt a knot in her stomach but a voice made them stop

"Okay horn dogs, you guys can do this later when I'm not forced to be here." T bugs voice came through, a disgusted tone in her voice, v instantly pushed Jackie off of her and stood up. Her legs wobbly. "Shit, bug your still here?" Jackie asked, embarrassment obviously written on his face.

"I-i have to go grab something." V hurried in the bathroom, locking it behind her. She could feel her wetness, she was all hot and bothered. She was so embarrassed she let it get that far. It wasn't right.

She sighed loudly,  sitting against the door.

How the hell was she going to face this doofus now and finished this gig. She groaned in frustration, hitting the back of her head on the door behind her. She closed her eyes, her head deciding to continue to throb again.


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