The Eclipsed Heart

By mehhh024

100K 7.4K 3.7K

In the comforting embrace of his perfect life, Khan Murtasim Khan had everything one could wish for. Yet, a c... More

Character Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Last Chapter

Chapter 11

1.5K 124 40
By mehhh024

Meerab felt her stomach churn up in disgust as the reality of her so called marriage struck her. The name "Mahi" hung in the air, an elusive presence that stood between her and Murtasim, making Murtasim's rigidness towards accepting their marriage or putting in any effort to make their forced, yet, consensual relationship work. The question echoed in her mind like a haunting refrain - who was Mahi, and why did Murtasim chose to ruin her life when he was seemingly entangled in a clandestine web of love with someone else?

The night unfolded like a surreal nightmare, the moon casting eerie shadows on the backyard where Meerab found herself pacing. Her emotions danced wildly between anger and sorrow, a tempest of betrayal brewing within her. A loveless marriage had already been her cross to bear, but discovering that Murtasim might have been cheating on her added salt to her festering wounds.

The marriage, an unfair alliance orchestrated by Maa Begum and her father, had become a prison for Meerab. A sense of injustice, like a storm, raged within her, fueled by the realization that her fate had been manipulated to fulfill the selfish desires of others. She wanted to curse at the puppeteers of her misery, but the words remained trapped in her throat, suffocated by the weight of societal expectations.

Maa Begum, the architect of this doomed wedlock, bore the weight of Meerab's resentment. How could one woman, willingly condemn another woman to a life of misery? It was as if Maa Begum had traded Meerab's life for a fleeting fulfillment of a dying wish, a transaction that left Meerab with nothing but complete loss. It seemed as though on that fateful day, it wasn't just Uncle Shahnawaz who passed away; he had taken away Meerab's happiness with him along with him.

The anger within Meerab intensified as she grappled with the revelation that Murtasim was not the noble figure Maa Begum and her father had portrayed him to be. Instead, he happened to be a coward, who was unable to confront his own wishes and tangled emotions. The bitterness in her heart surged as she pondered on how her life had become collateral damage in the pursuit of choosing other people's happiness over her own.

In her desperation, Meerab wanted to scream and shout at her father and Maa Begum, expressing the devastation they had imposed upon her life. Yet, a voice within her knew it would be useless, drowned out by the chorus of well-meaning lectures on making the marriage work instead. The irony of seeking advice from the very orchestrators of her misery was not lost on her.

As she grappled with her helplessness, Meerab's mind raced through potential figures she could possibly turn to in which Farukh crossed her mind. Yet the fear that he would obviously side with Murtasim stifled her impulse to seek solace. The isolation she felt deepened, and tears threatened to spill, yet she reminded herself that these people were not worthy enough of her tears.

With a deep inhale, Meerab acknowledged the harsh reality that confronted her. In the stillness of the night, she felt the weight of her circumstances pressing down on her shoulders. The revelation had exposed the fragility of her world, and as she stood amidst the ruins, she understood that rebuilding would require more strength than she ever imagined. However, for now, she had let the feeling of helplessness, like a relentless tide, wash over her as she sat on the bench contemplating her once perfect joyous life.

Murtasim couldn't help but notice the very much palpable shift in Meerab's demeanor. The vibrant and lively presence of Meerab he had seen since the last two months had faded into a mere whisper of herself. For an entire week, he had observed her withdrawal from her daily activities, as if she inhabited a world entirely separate from everyone else.

The silence that enveloped Meerab seemed to echo louder than any words she had ever spoken. She had retreated into a cocoon of isolation, her laptop and headphones acting as barriers that shielded her from the outside world. Murtasim couldn't fathom the cause of this sudden transformation, and the unknowing uncertainty gnawed at him.

Even the daily routines that once defined Meerab's presence in their household had been discarded. She no longer joined them for meals, her absence felt like an empty chair at the dinner table. The vivacious spirit that usually fueled her interactions with the family had dwindled, leaving behind a void that maa begum and her father couldn't ignore. They had tried to talk to her but she had dismissed them numerous times.

Her indifference extended to the daily activities, a stark contrast to the assertiveness she had displayed before. It came to him as a surprise when he asked her to tidy up the bed, cluttered with her clothes, and she didn't throw a tantrum as she typically would. Moreover, she didn't bother asking him to fix the bed, a notable departure from her previous emphasis on such matters. The plants and flowers that were attended with regularity by Meerab, now stood parched. The laughter and playfulness she once shared with the maids' children had also vanished. It wasn't like Murtasim was overly concerned about Meerab but the growing unease made him wonder if he was the cause of her behavior.

The lingering effects of a massive hangover served as a haunting backdrop to the unfolding mystery. Murtasim couldn't shake the feeling that during that intoxicated haze, he might have inadvertently hurt Meerab's feelings. The fear of having said or done something inappropriate weighed heavily on his conscience, but the uncertainty paralyzed him, preventing him from broaching the subject with her.

Surprisingly, the anticipated relief that should have accompanied Meerab's silence eluded Murtasim. Instead, an unsettling unease settled within him, prompting him to question cause of her strange behavior. His mother and uncle's worry had not gone unnoticed by him either. Which is exactly why, after dinner, as the quietude of the house enveloped them, Murtasim found himself contemplating a conversation with Meerab.

The air hung heavy with tension as Murtasim cautiously approached Meerab, who seemed enveloped in the glow of her laptop screen. "Are you okay?" he ventured, his words lingering in the charged atmosphere. Meerab, however, remained unresponsive, her focus undeterred by the inquiry.

Clearing his throat, Murtasim tried again, "I'm talking to you, Meerab." This time, her response came with a sharp exclamation, "I'm busy," she declared, fingers tapping fervently on the keyboard.

"I just wanted to say that Maa and Chacha Sahab have been worried about you. You should at least reassure them that you're okay," Murtasim persisted, choosing to ignore Meerab's stern tone. In response, she snapped her laptop shut with visible frustration, an abrupt interruption to the digital world that had consumed her as she spoke, "Well then, they can keep their worries to themselves but I don't give a damn about it,"

Meerab's rudeness caught him off guard. "Meerab, I get that you're not feeling well, but you cannot talk like this," Murtasim cautioned, the weight of displeasure and shock evident in his voice. Meerab, however, seemed unyielding in her resolve.

"I assume that I should be given a speaking guideline as well now, right? What more do you guys want? First my clothes, then my way of living, and now my way of talking. When will this never-ending list of demands end?" Meerab's anger surged, an emotional tempest that threatened to consume them both. The emotions that had been bottling up inside of her had now managed to overflow.

"Have you lost your mind?" Murtasim questioned, disbelief etched on his face. She was turning a simple conversation he had hoped to have with her into an exaggerated ordeal. Meerab's response was a defiant admission, "Yes, I have! I have lost my mind because I have been trapped into this stupid, meaningless relationship because of some goddamn idiotic wish of a person I didn't even know about!"

"Watch your mouth, Meerab. I won't tolerate another word about my father now," Murtasim cautioned, his eyes narrowing with a flicker of anger, and a sharp edge in his tone cut through the air as he warned Meerab.

Meerab, however, seemed unmoved, her defiance growing stronger. "What if I don't?" she challenged, fury blazing in her eyes. As Murtasim's patience reached its limit, he dismissed her with a scowled look. "It's useless talking to you," he declared, turning to leave.

"Yes, of course. Why don't you go and have a heart-to-heart chat with your beloved Mahi then?" she blurred out the words that stabbed Murtasim like a dagger. The room crackled with tension as her accusations struck a nerve, freezing Murtasim in his tracks, like a deer caught in the headlights.

As Meerab continued, her words carried a taunting melody, "Why, Mr. Khan, is your little secret finally out? Is that going to threaten your image of being the mighty hero?" she taunted.

Murtasim's fingers clinched around her arm, the pressure tightening like an invisible vise. His gaze darkened into an abyss of agony. "You've gone mad, you don't even know what you're saying," he pronounced in a voice as deep and harsh as the looming shadows, each syllable resonating with the stern weight of his anger.

Meerab, steadfast, stared into his eyes and declared, "Better to be mad than a disgusting cheater like you." The tension reached its peak as Murtasim abruptly released her arm and turned to leave. The door slammed shut, echoing through the room, leaving Meerab alone with frustration hot tears streaming down her face.

The room enclosed Meerab in an eerie silence as her mind replaying the heated argument that had unfolded between her and Murtasim hours ago. The clock, its hands inching closer to midnight, became a relentless reminder of the unresolved turmoil. Where was Murtasim? A question that danced on the edges of her thoughts, weaving seamlessly into the fabric of her frustration.

As she glanced at the empty space beside her, the absence of Murtasim added fuel to her smoldering discontent. The man, who had feigned innocence and an air of unfamiliarity during their confrontation, had still not returned back. The realization simmered within Meerab – a betrayal so profound, it demanded evidence to shatter the illusion of Murtasim's supposed perfection.

She refused to be a pitiful figure, drowning in tears over a cheating husband. The flicker of determination ignited within her as Meerab recognized the need to expose the truth. The façade of Murtasim's untarnished image needed to crumble before his mother and her father, the same people who kept on singing his praises.

With a resolute step, Meerab rose from her seat, the cool tiles beneath her feet providing an anchor to her determination. Meerab approached the main gate, her voice cutting through the night as she called for Farukh.

"Meerab Bibi, what happened? Why are you here at this time?" Farukh's voice dripped with confusion, his eyes reflecting the concern etched on his face.

"I want you to take me to Murtasim," Meerab demanded, her tone unwavering. Farukh's shock lingered, but Meerab's eyes held a glint of fierce determination.

"I know you're aware of his whereabouts, and I want you to take me there, Farukh," she pressed, the urgency in her voice leaving no room for refusal.

Farukh, torn between loyalty and apprehension, hesitated. "I—I don't think this is right. You should—" he began, desperation tainting his words.

"Are you going to take me, or should I leave on my own?" Meerab's threat hung in the air, her gaze unyielding. Farukh, aware that resistance was futile, nodded reluctantly. "Okay," he gave in, as both of them ventured into the obsidian night, a journey fueled by Meerab's determination to unearth the truth.

The journey with Farukh led Meerab to a place that existed on the edge of peculiarity. An ethereal blend of nature's beauty and an uncanny sense of tranquility surrounded them. Oak trees stood as a lookout, their gnarled branches casting elongated shadows that painted the ground in shades of dusk. The atmosphere was reminiscent of a park, yet it deviated from the ordinary, wrapped in an mysterious aura.

The air bore a serene stillness, punctuated only by the hushed whispers of leaves rustling in the wind. The place seemed to possess a quiet wisdom, a secret shared only with those who ventured into its embrace. Meerab observed that Murtasim's car was also parked nearby, making his presence evident.

Meerab's eyes scanned the surroundings, registering the oddly blissful yet mysterious ambiance. It felt as though the place was saturated with an otherworldly essence, casting a tranquil spell over everything. If anything, this was the last place Meerab imagined to be at.

She turned to Farukh, her expression a canvas of confusion seeking answers. In response, he wordlessly pointed towards a figure seated in the distance. Murtasim, dressed in the same black shalwar kameez, sat with his back turned, a silhouette against the soft moonlit night.

As they stood there, Farukh whispered words of encouragement. "Go, Meerab. Find the answers you seek." His voice, barely louder than the rustle of leaves, echoed with an unusual mix of sympathy and anticipation.

Meerab took hesitant steps toward Murtasim, the uneven ground beneath her feet guiding her towards an unfolding revelation. The surreal landscape cradled the scene that awaited her, an unexpected revelation concealed within the shadows.


I swear i wrote more but this seemed like a suitable ending so bear with me for this chapter only.
Mahi's finally going to make an appearance in the next chapter👀

Oh and drop your feedbacks for this chapter and tell me about your anticipation for the next one. I'll try to update as soon as i can but i havent been feeling well lately(the changing season and its effects) and since the next chapter's really important so i dont wanna mess it. But i'll try my best🤞🏻

Thankyou for all your love and support🫶🏻

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