The Doctor's Baby

By sunflowersatdusk

112K 2.8K 331

We all have Doctor fantasies but what happens when you work in the same hospital and end up having a steamy s... More

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By sunflowersatdusk

Her eyes fluttered open, she was lying on a bed in the ER. The lights were bright, and she could hear the sounds of monitors and equipment beeping around her. She looked around, her head throbbing.

"Welcome back," Chris greeted her, his voice filled with concern.

"What happened?" She asked, her voice hoarse.

"You passed out. The stress of the situation, the fight, it was too much. We've been waiting for you to wake up."

"Is René alright?"

"No, Skye. He's gone," Chris replied, his voice gentle.

Skye's heart sank. She had hoped that maybe the outcome would have been different.

"It wasn't your fault, Skye," Chris said, reading her thoughts.

"If I had been faster, maybe..."

"You did everything you could. You can't blame yourself."

"I guess," she murmured, still not convinced.

"I'm sure his family appreciates everything you did for him," Chris said, his voice reassuring.

Skye couldn't help but scoff. "Oh, yeah, his family. They were all fighting over his will, and his wife and ex-wife were ready to tear each other apart. If it wasn't for the fact that I was in the room, they probably would have," she said, her tone filled with disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Skye," Chris replied, his expression sympathetic.

Skye tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness forced her to lie back down. She pressed a hand to her forehead, feeling the pounding headache. "How long was I out?"

"About an hour," Chris replied, checking his watch.

Skye sighed. She knew it would be a while before she recovered from the shock of losing her first patient.

"Hey," Chris said, his voice soft. "I know this is hard, but you can't let it consume you. You did everything you could. That's all that matters."

Skye nodded, though she wasn't sure if she believed him.

"You need to take it easy, Skye. You've been pushing yourself too hard," Chris said softly.

Skye opened her eyes and met his gaze. "I know, but with everything going on, it's hard to just... relax."

Chris squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I understand, but you have to think about your health, and the baby's. You can't help others if you're not well yourself."

Fuck. He had a point. He was right, but her mind kept playing back to René.

"Thank you, Chris. I'll try to remember that."

"Good. Now, rest. And no more emergencies," he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Skye gave him a weak smile.

Skye nodded, knowing he was right. The reality of her pregnancy and the responsibility she had towards her unborn child weighed heavily on her mind.

Nurse Montoya, a very introverted nurse entered the room, her expression professional yet kind. "How are we feeling, Skye?"

"A bit better, thanks," Skye replied, attempting a weak smile.

"The doctor will be in shortly to check on you, but from what we can see, you just need some rest," the Montoya informed her.

"Actually," Chris interjected, "I can handle this. She's my responsibility."

Montoya glanced between them, her expression unreadable.

"As long as her health is fine," she replied, her tone noncommittal.

Chris nodded.

Montoya looked at her notes, and looked at both of them. "Miss Johnson, you're vitals show that you're preg-"

"Montoya, I think we're done here," Chris interjected, a hint of urgency in his voice.

Montoya eyed him suspiciously, her eyes darting between the two of them. "Yes, Doctor," she said, a slight edge to her voice.

As she left the room, Skye looked at him with a wary look on her face, "She was just doing her job."

"I know, but we can't have people find out about the baby until you're ready," he responded, his tone apologetic.

"It's not exactly a secret," she said, her tone exasperated.

"No, but we don't want to have to deal with the judgment from everyone."

Skye sighed, knowing he had a point.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"I'm fine. Just tired," she replied, her expression weary.

"You should go home, get some rest," he said, his voice gentle.

"Yeah, I think I will."

"Actually," Chris started, his voice taking on a hesitant note, "Do you want to stay the night at my place? It's closer, and I can keep an eye on you."

"That's very sweet, but I think I'll be okay," she replied, touched by his offer.

"Skye please, I won't have you collapsing or anything else. It's safer at my place."

"Chris, I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine," she said, her tone firm.

Chris sighed, clearly not satisfied with her answer. His eyes took her in, she felt like she could get lost in them over and over again. She just wanted to eat his perfect ass.

"Just until tomorrow, okay?" He compromised, his expression pleading.

Skye thought for a moment, considering his proposal. "Fine. But only until tomorrow," she relented, knowing he wasn't going to give up.

"Deal," Chris said, a relieved smile crossing his lips.

With a plan in place, the two headed to the parking garage. Skye climbed into the passenger seat of Chris' car, her mind reeling from the day's events. As they drove through the city, Skye couldn't help but admire the view.

The lights of the city glimmered like a sea of diamonds, the energy of the nightlife palpable even through the car windows. Chris' apartment building was a skyscraper, towering over the other buildings around it. The doorman greeted them as they entered, and the interior of the building was just as elegant as the exterior.

"This place is nice," Skye commented, her eyes taking in the luxurious surroundings. She hadn't been here since...well they did the deed.

"Yeah, it's a good building. And it's close to the hospital, so that's a plus," Chris replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

"True," she agreed.

The elevator ride to the top floor was quick, and the doors opened to reveal a sprawling apartment. The décor was modern and stylish, and the space was well-appointed with expensive furniture and fixtures.

"Wow," Skye said, her voice filled with awe.

"Thanks," Chris replied. His eyes started traveling up her body, admiring her curves.

"It's so...big," she breathed, her eyes wide. This was the first time she saw it when the apartment wasn't completly black from just rushing into his sheets.

"It is, and it's all yours," he teased.

Skye rolled her eyes. His eyes didn't move from her body, as he walked closer to her. He cupped her cheek with his hand. "Skye, you're beautiful," he whispered.

His gaze was intense, his words sending shivers down her spine. Skye's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Chris," she breathed, her eyes locking with his.

"I know we said we would wait, but you're too damn tempting," he admitted, his voice husky with desire.

"Chris," Skye protested, though her words were half-hearted.

"Shhh," he murmured, his lips finding hers in a searing kiss.

The heat between them was undeniable, and Skye could feel her resolve slipping. His hand reached up underneath her shirt, gently caressing her skin.

"We can't," she protested weakly, her body betraying her.

"Yes, we can," he argued, his lips trailing down her neck.

Skye sighed, her body responding to his touch. She was weak. And as horrible as it sounds. She was fine with that.

He pulled her closer, his hands roaming over her curves. Skye let out a soft moan, her body craving more. Chris moved with a practiced ease, his movements designed to elicit pleasure. He knew just how to touch her, and where, driving her wild with desire.

Skye let go, allowing herself to experience the passion of the moment. Their bodies moved together, the sensations overwhelming.

"This needs to come off," he muttered, tugging at her clothing.

Skye complied, quickly removing her clothes.

"Fuck," he groaned, his eyes roaming over her exposed body.

"What?" She asked, self-conscious.

"You're so damn sexy," he breathed, his voice filled with desire.

Skye could feel the blush coloring her cheeks.

Chris picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, gently placing her on the bed. He removed his own clothing, his body muscular and toned. Skye couldn't help but stare, her eyes raking over his bare form.

He leaned in, his lips capturing hers in a heated kiss. His hands explored her body, eliciting a moan of pleasure. Skye surrendered to the moment, letting go of her inhibitions.

"Chris," she gasped, her body craving more.

"Tell me what you want," he demanded, his voice low and husky.

"I want you," she breathed, her voice filled with need.

Chris grinned, his eyes darkening with desire. Then with as fast as the look came he stopped. "I can't. The baby."

Skye sighed, her frustration evident. "Ugh, really?"

"We can other things," he suggested, his expression mischievous.

"Fine, but I'm not satisfied," she pouted, her tone playful.

Chris chuckled, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Trust me, I'm not either. But, I-I just don't want to hurt you or the baby," he explained, his voice sincere.

"You're right," she admitted, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Come on," he said, leading her to the bathroom.

"What are we doing?" She asked, curiosity lacing her voice.

"Relaxing," he replied, a teasing note in his voice.

Chris led her into the shower, turning on the water. Skye shivered as the hot water hit her skin, the sensation instantly relaxing her.

"Let me help," Chris murmured, his hands moving over her body.

Skye sighed, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her.

"Close your eyes," he instructed, his voice low and seductive.

Skye obeyed, the sensations intensifying as he massaged her body. She could feel his arousal pressing against her, and she couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

"Oh, you like that, don't you?" He teased, his hands roaming over her curves.

"Yes," she breathed, her body craving more.

He kissed her, his lips gentle and passionate. Skye melted into the kiss, her body responding to his touch.

"Chris," she moaned, her voice filled with desire.

"You're so fucking hot," he growled, his arousal growing. She shivered as she felt his breath on her shoulder.

Skye reached down, stroking him, the feeling of his hardness under her hand sending shivers down her spine.

He let out a soft groan, his hands roaming over her body.

Skye couldn't take it any longer, her desire consuming her.

"Please," she begged, her voice breathless.

Chris complied, his fingers finding her center. He stroked her, his movements designed to elicit pleasure.

"Fuck," she gasped, her body tensing as the orgasm washed over her.

"Yes," he growled, his own release nearing.

They stood there for a moment, their bodies entwined.

"That was amazing," Skye breathed, her voice filled with satisfaction.

"You're amazing," Chris replied, his voice husky with desire.

"That wasn't fair, by the way," she complained, a playful pout on her lips.

"I know, but I wasn't kidding. I just didn't want to risk the baby," he admitted, his expression sincere.

"Well, the baby is fine, and I'm not. I swear, next time, we're doing more than this," she declared, her voice determined.

Chris chuckled, a smile crossing his lips. "Whatever you say, boss."

They stepped out of the shower, the steam rising around them. Chris grabbed a towel and began to dry her off, his movements gentle and tender.

"So, what's for dinner?" Skye asked, her stomach growling.

"Let's order something," Chris suggested, his voice nonchalant.

"Sounds good," she replied, her stomach growling in agreement.

Skye wrapped a towel around her body and padded into the kitchen, Chris following close behind.

"How about Chinese?" He asked, opening the fridge.

"Sure, I could go for some orange chicken," she replied, her expression eager.

"Done," he said, picking up his phone and placing an order.

As they waited for their food, Chris grabbed a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass.

"Do you mind?" He asked, his expression apologetic.

"Not at all," she replied, her voice filled with understanding.

He took a sip, the wine warming his insides.

"You should relax," he urged, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I am relaxed," she insisted, her expression defensive.

"Really? Because you look like you're about to fall over," he teased, a smirk crossing his lips.

"Hey," she exclaimed, a hint of indignation in her voice.

Chris chuckled, amused by her reaction.

"You're lucky I'm pregnant. I'd take you down if I wasn't," she threatened, her voice playful.

"I'm sure you would," he said, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

"Yeah, and you'd be begging for mercy," she quipped, a mischievous grin on her lips.

"Now, that sounds interesting," he replied, a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Don't tempt me," she warned, her voice filled with challenge.

Chris raised an eyebrow, a grin crossing his lips.

Before he could respond, the intercom buzzed, signaling the arrival of their food.

"Perfect timing," he said, pressing the button to let the delivery person into the building.

"You're lucky I'm hungry," she replied, a hint of amusement in her voice.

As the smell of the Chinese food filled the air, Skye's stomach growled.

"I hope you're hungry," he said, eyeing the large order.

"Oh, I am," she replied, her eyes lighting up.

Chris opened the containers, the scent of the food making her mouth water.

"Let's eat," he said, handing her a plate.

They dug in, the food disappearing quickly.

"Damn, that was good," Skye said, her expression satisfied.

"I know, right? I could eat it all day," he replied, a grin crossing his face.

"Me too," she agreed, her stomach full.

Chris grabbed the bottle of wine and refilled his glass.

"I have a question," Skye began, her expression thoughtful.

"Shoot," he replied, his eyes meeting hers.

"Why did you choose medicine? Was it just because your parents wanted you to?"

"Honestly, yes. I mean, I always knew I was going to be a doctor, but I didn't have a specific specialty in mind until I was a bit older. But, yeah, my parents pushed me into it," he admitted, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"And now that you're doing it, do you enjoy it?"

"I do. It's challenging and rewarding. I wouldn't trade it for the world," he said, his voice sincere.

"That's good," she replied, a hint of relief in her voice.

"Now, I have a question."

"Go for it," she said, a smile crossing her lips.

"Do you have any names in mind?" He said leaning back in his chairl

"For the baby? I have no idea. I've barely thought about it. Maybe I'll ask Alyx. She's better at these kinds of things."

"I can tell," Chris joked.

Skye laughed, her expression playful.

"I don't know. Maybe something like Aaliyah or Aisha. Or even Alaina. All names that start with the letter 'A'. But to be honest I really like the name Harper. It's unique and strong."

"Harper," Chris repeated, the name rolling off his tongue.

"Yeah, I mean, it's just a thought," Skye said, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"No, I like it. Harper Watson. It has a nice ring to it," Chris said, his voice filled with conviction.

"You're right. I'll think about it." Skye said. Who said she'd have your last name?

"Well, let me know when you've decided," he said, a smile crossing his lips.

Skye nodded, her expression thoughtful. She couldn't help but notice how nice his lips looked. Damn why horny today, I need to get a grip!

"Well, I think we should get to bed. We have work tomorrow," Chris said, his voice taking on a more serious tone.

"You're right," she agreed, standing up and stretching. Her head was still pounding and yet here she was captivated by those eyes.

Chris' eyes roamed over her body, a hint of desire in his gaze.

"You're not tired yet?" She teased, her voice filled with challenge.

"I can keep going, but you need to rest," he said, his tone noncommittal.

"Alright, fine," she smiled.

"C'mon," he said, extending his hand.

Skye took it, her fingers intertwining with his.

Chris led her to the bedroom, the two of them climbing into bed. The sheets were soft and inviting, and Skye could feel herself relaxing.

"Good night," Chris whispered, his voice soft.

"Good night," she replied, her eyelids growing heavy.

The darkness surrounded her, and she drifted off to sleep, her body pressed against his as if he was her forever lifeline.

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