I RҽɱҽɱႦҽɾ ყσυ... °ˢʰⁱⁿ ˢᵒᵘᵏᵒ...

By o0sertraline0o

4K 198 144

I of course do not own Bungou stray dogs nor any of the characters, just the storyline! Nor do i own this won... More

Untimely meeting ~1
Someone at the window ~2
Unnecessary torture ~3
Here again? ~4
Just focus on me ~5
Murderous Freak ~6
Fatal beatings ~7
just in case... (not a chapter)
what's the meaning of this? ~8
Higuchi's disappearance ~8.5
you care, don't you? ~9
Awake ~10
The mission has officially started! ~11
It was real to him ~12
limbos gate part 2 ~14
timely meeting ~15
Exposure therapy part 1 ~16
Exposure therapy part 2 ~17
I've fallen in love with you ~18

limbos gate Part 1 ~13

130 9 4
By o0sertraline0o

"So What do you see?" Asked Ranpo from the earpiece.

Atsushi looked around the dimly lit tunnel, finally laying eyes on large graffiti writing that read 'limbos gate' in stylized letters containing many different shades of purple.

Beneath the lettering was a black arrow just as sizable, pointing straight ahead.

"Something about limbos gate? And an arrow pointing straight." The silverette finally answered, directing his quiet words into his sleeve.

"Well, just as well to follow the arrow and move forward huh?" The two could practically hear Ranpo smirking. "Just remember to tell me what you see every now and then."

"Understood." Replied Atsushi in a hushed voice.

The silverette looked back at his partner who stood calmly against the wall, staring back as he had noticed the boy glance over.

It was incredibly quiet in the enclosed tunnel, causing echos of the silverettes pounding heart to bounce against the walls and towards the ravenette.

"Are you having a heart attack weretiger? Should I be concerned?" Akutagawa joked, pushing off from the stone wall.

Atsushi shook his head and grabbed at his chest, trying somehow to stop his heart from screaming. "Good to know that you understand jokes now." The silverette chuckled nervously.

Akutagawa coughed out a small laugh. "Practice makes perfect."

Atsushi hummed in agreement, though it was more or less a noise he could make to feel less awkward.

"Let's get going..." the silverette mumbled, starting to walk with Akutagawa trailing close behind.

"Are you not going to tell me?" Akutagawa was exceedingly close to Atsushi now, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

Atsushi shiverd. "Tell you what?"

"Why you're heart was behaving the way it was."

"Ya Atsushi-kun~ even i could hear it! And see it being recorded by that fancy ring you're wearing~" Ranpo cut in from the earpiece, obviously entertained by what he considered a horribly done romcom. Not to mention, it was clear that he was popping small candies and crunching on pop corn the entire time.

Atsushi sighed. "Do we really have to talk about this now? We're in the middle of an important mission. Can't you humiliate me later?"

"It was just a simple question weretiger. Admittedly, I'm rather curious."

Atsushis cheeks flared with frustration and embarrassment, and at this point, he was beginning to develop a headache.

"...just- ugh... Every time I look at you, i just remember--- remember what we did on the surface... I'm just... still embarrassed okay..?" Atsushi attempted to keep his voice from shaking, whilst maintaining a low volume.

"I see."

"...is that it?"

"I told you that i just wanted an answer. So yes, that's it."

Atsushi grumbled. "You're a pain in the ass."

"Yes you are." The ravenette shot back with a quiet chuckle.

Atsushi scoffed playfully as the two continued to saunter along the tunnel.

Now that Atsushi thought about it, was it natural for men to kiss other men? Was it abnormal and wrong? Whilst in the orphanage, he has only ever been made aware of love between a man and a woman.

So was what they did wrong? Even if it did not mean anything, he still wished to know.

He felt different around his partner, it was not a terrible feeling, but he could not say it was a pleasant feeling either.

He felt queasy and anxious, but also happy and filled with comforting nostalgia. For some reason.

Recently anyway.

He tried his best to forget the moments his limbs were detached from his body by Akutagawas hands. He truly tried.

Either way, he had forgiven the ravenette. So, why did he feel the way he did? He could not understand what his own emotions ment.

Perhaps someone as old and wise as Fukuzawa would know? He could not be sure. Perhaps he would ask once the mission was over. It was worth a try.

"The tunnel splits, a path continuing forward and a separate path to the left." Akutagawa whispered suddenly into the microphone, startling Atsushi slightly.

"Go left." Ranpo responded, his mouth filled with some sort of sweet.

Akutagawa signaled for Atsushi to go first, which snapped the boy back into focus.

I'll think about this later! The lives of these victims are more important!

Atsushi nodded and crept into the tunnel, sticking close to the cold stone walls. His eyes followed the large unused wires that ran beside him, noticing how it traveled to the ceiling like an arch.

He moved to the other side of the narrow tunnel and ran his gloved hand along the extensive metallic coverings that wrapped the wires.

He was curious about what this place was used for in the past, and why the amusement park above it never utilized it.

The two continued to sneak down the underground passage, listening for any signs of human life.

Soon enough, they come to the end of the tunnel, where they heard the modulation of voices entangled in a physical struggle.

Atsushi slowly peaked around the corner, with Akutagawa looming close to the frigid walls behind him.

His eyes caught several glimpses of lengthy obsidian colored hair, messy with the constant grabbing and scratching of various hands. Atsushi couldn't quite tell which limb belonged to who.

"Ack! You bitch!" A man bellowed, swallowing his pain as he backed away from the scuffle, his arm bloody with the new bite wound penatrating his rough skin.

The girl spat the mans blood from her mouth, making sure the fluid landed on another man hassling her. She flipped her hair out of her face revealing her penatrating slate grey eyes.


The two made brief eye contact, which made Gin crack a small smile as they kicked at another man.

Atsushi turned back into the tunnel to look at his partner, who looked like a predator ready to pounce. If not for Atsushi giving him a disapproving look, he would have sprang into action without a single thought.

The silverette sighed.

You know your sister better than anyone. You of all people should know that they're going to be fine. You need to stop being so rash all the time Akutagawa.

Atsushi thought, searching around the area for a solution to get by the group of men.

His eyes fell upon the dim lights, flickering in no particular pattern. With that, an idea appeared in Atsushis mind.

The silverette pulled on Akutagawas tie, drawing him close enough to hear his faint whisper, "when the lights go out, pull the guy with the bite mark over here into the dark. Strangle him to the point where he faints. He's a skill user, so take him out while he's vulnerable."

Akutagawa rolled his eyes, finding it quite annoying but cute at the same time that his partner was trying to be a leader.

Atsushi took Akutagawas expression as a go ahead, eventhough he seemed rather bothered to be taking orders from the silverette.

Atsushi slid his hand out of one of his gloves as he ran down the tunnel, subsequently shoving the limp leather glove into his pocket.

Once he thought he was far enough, he jumped up onto the metal tubes that lined the walls, gaining enough momentum to push off and land on the metal tubes opposite of him all while smashing the lights that hung from the ceiling haphazardly.

He hoped that the men would not hear the shattering of glass over the commotion they were causing, not until the last few pleading lights at least.

He lept from side to side quickly, not missing a single light. He landed next to Akutagawa who immediately used Rashomon to drag the skill user into the dark tunnel.

"What the hell?!" Cried a man, who was inevitably next to go.

The two remaining gang members took out their guns, but they were quickly disarmed by Atsushi who came rushing out of the dark.

Atsushi used his foot to kick the fire arm into the air, catching it whilst keeping his eyes on the two men. He pointed the pistol towards the men, threatening to shoot if they so much as blinked.

Akutagawa emerged from the shadows, coughing gently into his hand.

Ropes emitting scarlett bolts of lightning grew from the ravenettes back, quickly enveloping each gang members tender necks and jaws.

"Weak people should die and give way to the stronger ones." The ravenette stated in an intimidating throaty voice.

The two clawed at the ebony ropes binding their airways, desperate to get away.

Atsushi lowered the gun and tossed it to the ground, seeing no use for it.

"I didn't know you could act so intimidating Nakajima-kun." Gin exclaimed whilst attempting to untangle their ebony hair with their slender fingers.

Atsushi chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.

The soft sound of static filled his ears as the two men continued to struggle like savage animals.

The static of rashomon almost seemed like that of a tv with no cable connection. The sound would be almost calming if it weren't for the situation.

Those words feel very... familiar. Have i said something like that before?

Atsushi furrowed his brows but shook his head.

Later. I'll think about it later.

Akutagawa released the two now unconscious men, approaching his sister with stormy eyes full of worry.

"Did they do anything to you?" He whispered, checking her skin for any wounds.

"Ryu, I'm fine. Just a few scratches and bruises. Nothing i can't handle." She smiled back.

Akutagawa sighed in return, looking at the men.

"They could've done something to you. I wish you had at least told me that you were planning on doing this."

"I can handle myself Ryu. Don't you believe in me?"

"I do, When you have weapons!"

"Bait isn't supposed to have weapons. Plus, this isn't important right now, Higuchi-san and Kyouka-chans saftey is of utmost importance. So i think we should all get going." Gin added, pushing her brother away gently.

"Gins right." Ranpo began, popping a hard candy into his mouth. "Tell her to continue forward acting as if she's looking for an exit. They're bound to attract attention."

Atsushi relayed the detectives instructions in his usual quiet but sweet voice.

Gin nodded, giving a shy wave before running off into the dim tunnel ahead of them.

"So what do you see in the room you're in?" Asked Ranpo.

"It's a room with only one other way to go. But it's filled with shelving with boxes on it."

"What're in them?"

"Do you really think that we have enough time to look?" Akutagawa whispered angrily into his sleeve.

"Fine, I'll let my curiosity fester then." Ranpo huffed childishly.

Akutagawa scoffed, subsequently turning into the tunnel ahead of them. This one was slightly more lengthy, having a small room along the way that contained a fuse box. Nothing important.

As they marched deeper into the utility tunnels, the walls began to look more decrepit, and wires hung out of their metal skin, reaching out in pain as they sparked.

The environment that the silverette found himself in felt very similar to the orphanage in a way, which made his face contort into that of unease.

Akutagawa looked beside him at his partner, examining the boys expression. The dreary light fell upon his soft features, painting a familiar picture.

Atsushi stopped, picking up on fast approaching foot steps coming straight towards them.

"Someones coming. Block the tunnel." Atsushi instructed, hoisting himself onto the rusting metal that lined the tunnels rough walls, subsequently moving ahead of Akutagawa to an area where the light refused to highlight.

Akutagawa hated listening to directions, but he really had no choice. He had to listen to the leader.

He snickered to himself, causing his partner to look at him with a confused expression from within the darkness.

Akutagawa waited patiently with his hands in his pockets, fidgeting with the ring fitted snugly on his finger.

It was not long until a few men flooded into the cramped passage, their eyes landing upon a dark haired figure.

The lights above Akutagawa flickered as his eyes slowly moved to look at the men. With every second the light flickered into darkness, the ravenettes eyes almost seemed to glow.

Even with the fear they felt, the men began attacking, some with firearms and some with close range weapons. Rashomon easily Inhaled each bullet as Akutagawa dodged each slice and stab.

Once all the gang members had passed the concealed Atsushi, the boy jumped out behind them, ending up landing a powerful punch on one of the stragglers, immediately knocking the man out cold.

As the rest of the small group acknowledged Atsushis presence, some had began charging towards him. This gave Atsushi only a moment to signal to Akutagawa that none of them were skill users.

Akutagawa picked some of them up by the throat with Rashomon, doing the same thing he had before. All while Atsushi let his tiger fists do the talking.

The silverette looked over to his partner who looked completely unfazed as he wiped his bloodied knuckles on his black button up.

Atsushi crossed his arms as he seen the bits of blood mixed with rubble and dirt scattering the ground. "I turned my back for literally a minute-"

"They were struggling for too long. So i just decided to punch them in the face. Must've broken a few noses." Akutagawa shrugged as he approached his partner.

"Trust me, they aren't dead kitty." Akutagawa mocked, running the tip of his pointer finger softly off the bottom of Atsushis chin as he passed by.

Atsushis skin reddened, feeling Akutagaws touch lingering. "Just because we... kissed earlier, doesn't mean that you can treat me like that!" Atsushi whisper yelled.

"Like what weretiger?" Akutagawa shot back in his usual tone, this time with a slight grin pulling at his chapped lips.

Atsushis cheeks flushed once more, this time in frustration. "Whatever, let's just finish this mission." He sighed.

Akutagawa lead the way this time, entering the next room with a cautious silverette following close behind.

"Don't you find it weird that we've only come across a few gang members so far?"

"Of course it's strange. Even with the cameras, they should still be patrolling." Akutagawa said as he looked around the room.

There was a white desk off to the side of the room, accompanied by an expensive looking printer. Across from the desk was a few studio lights pointed towards a white backdrop. And in the middle of it all was a single professional grade camera.

"What is all this...?" Atsushi questioned no one in particular, now looking at a splintered wooden crate on the other side of the room.

The box held ropes and packets of zip ties. Many 'props' stood next to the crate, as well as a neighboring box filled with all sorts of makeup and beauty products.

"Come see this weretiger." Akutagawa called out quietly to the silverette, not once taking his eyes off of what he was looking at.

Atsushi approached him, somewhat nervous about what he was about to see.

"I thought you said we didn't have time to look around." Atsushi said as he fidgeted with his silky smoke colored hair.

"I thought that you'd want to see this." Akutagawa presented a photo album, flipped specifically to a page titled 'izumi kyouka'.

The page was scattered with tons of photos of her doing daily tasks, obviously somewhat unaware that she was being watched, though she did look rather uncomfortable in each photo.

Atsushi was filled with rage as he looked at the photos, some where she was only in a bra, and some that were taken in the room they currently stood in. Tied up and laying on the bottom of the white tarp with half lidded eyes.

"Those sick fucks! She's only fourteen, she doesn't deserve this! No one of any age does." Atsushi snapped, now seething with anger.

"Don't tell me they have one of Higuchi..." Akutagawa uttered, brows furrowed.

Akutagawa then flipped to the next page, his eyes widening as his irises filled with a pool of pure rage. On this page, pictures of Atsushi scattered the page. Having the same theme of unconsensual photos. There were photos of him at work, walking down the street, and they had somehow gotten a picture from behind of Atsushi taking his shirt off in the comfort of his own apartment.

There were some empty spaces, obviously reserving a spot for pictures of Atsushi tied up and semi unconscious.

Atsushi wanted to throw up. He had no idea someone was stalking him and capturing pictures without his knowledge. Though, that was supposedly the point.

Akutagawa knew that the book was evidence, so he restrained himself from ripping the album to shreds.

Near the photo album was a shelf tucked in with the desk. The shelves has a small plate that read 'routes'.

Did they have all of their victims routes mapped out?

Akutagawa shook his head, he did not want to spend any more time thinking about it.

"Let's just keep going..." Atsushi trailed off, feeling somewhat nauseous.

The two walked in uncomfortable silence for awhile, until Atsushis voice interrupted Akutagawas tinnitus.

"They must know that Kyouka-chan and Higuchi belong to two very influential organizations. So why do you think they took them?"

Akutagawa thought for a moment, but nothing came to mind.

"So what's the answer detective?" The ravenette asked in a low voice, speaking into the microphone hidden within his sleeve.

"Well, like Atsushi-kun said, both of our organizations are quite influential. Meaning that we're a threat. I have a theory that their plan was to make us fight each other, and eventually bring eachother down into shambles. All so they could both be the most feared and they would be hard to catch." Ranpo explained, pushing a lollipop around in his mouth.

Atsushi sighed as they came to a halt, eyes switching between two different tunnels restlessly.

"There's two directions to go Ranpo-san. Should we go left or right?"

"Take another left." Ranpo responded, seemingly confident.

Akutagawa nodded towards his partner, signaling for him to start moving.

As they proceeded further into the utility tunnels, the stench of some sort of acidic cleaner, like bleach, started to become stronger as did the slight smell of blood and mildew.

Atsushi covered his nose with his gloved hand, trying to block the smell from his airways. His nose began to burn while his nausea intensified in response to his developing headache.

"What's wrong with you?" Akutagawa Inquired, feeling a slight tinge of worry for the silverette.

"That smell is just making me feel a bit sick is all." Atsushi replied, showing the ravenette a reassuring smile.

"Is the smell really bothering you that much?"

"Heightened senses, remember?"

"Ah yes, my bad. How could I ever forget you're cat like attributes." Akutagawa chuckled teasingly.


"What was that kitty?"

Atsushi groaned in frustration, seeing no reason to continue talking to the ravenette.

The short time they spent bickering did however distract him from the smells.

It was not long until they stopped again, eyeing another fork in the road.

"The tunnel splits again. They aren't very long, and they both look like they have a metal door at the end." Atsushi explained to Ranpo.

"Both directions are right. Just be careful." Ranpo warned.

Atsushi began to go right, with Akutagawa shadowing him more prudently, suspicious at how easy this all seemed to be.

A sudden shiver ran up his spine, accompanied by the strange feeling of being watched.

Although, when he turned around, he was met with nothing. Strangely enough, he still felt eyes burning through his pale skin, melting away his confidence.

He knew this was all too easy, but now he was simply confused. Where could they possibly be watching from?

Surely not the security cameras?



Akutagawa turned around swiftly to see his partner pressed up against the stone wall by an invisible force, clawing at his neck while he tried desperately to let his lungs suck in the heavy air around him.

"Weretiger!-" Akutagawa yelled out to the struggling silverette, attempting to run forward, but was rudely interrupted by a man pulling him back and putting him in a head lock.

Akutagawa coughed, trying to think of a way to get the Stanger off of him without killing him.

Atsushis sunset eyes scanned the area, noticing Akutagawa just a ways away from him. He looked ahead, though he still saw nothing.

But it was then he realized a heart beat that seemed to quicken, as if trying to get as much blood around as it could. The invisible force in front of him, being without a doubt a skill user, was holding their breath.

If I'm right...

Atsushi raised his leg slowly without drawing attention, and kicked where he thought someones stomach would be.

As his foot made impact, a man suddenly appeared as the air was forced out of his lungs by the kick. With his surprise, the man had loosened his grip on Atsushis throat, allowing the silverette to grab one of the arms that bound him, subsequently breaking it before hurdling the man to the hard ground.

Screams of agony ricochet off the tunnel walls, ultimately alerting anyone nearby. Nevertheless, it was not a big deal as the silverettes main goal was to get to Akutagawa.

"I can handle myself weretiger." The ravenette managed to get out before using Rashomon to pry the man off of him.

Atsushi stopped for a moment as Akutagawa was about to throw the man off to the side. He heard a familiar sound, one that had caused all this.

The sound of a cylindrical object pushing through the air became louder and louder as it flew forward. A dart.

Atsushi quickly lept towards Akutagawa, pulling the ravenette towards himself so that the dart would fly past him, in doing so, hitting the wrong target.

Rashomon dropped the now sleeping man, newly adorned with a colorful pattern and a feathered dart that sat comfortably in the warm embrace of his skin.

There was not enough time to think about what had just happened, nor the blush that bloomed upon Akutagawas cheeks at the silverettes actions.

Whoever threw that dart knew that Akutagawa was going to use Rashomon like that, they knew that an opening would appear, thus being able to put the ravenette out of commission.

They were waiting specifically for that moment.

The two turned their backs on the metal doors, coming face to face with a tall lanky man, with an outfit that seemed stereotypical of a young mob boss.

Atsushi knew the mans face, a young but dangerous skill user by the name of-

"Shun'ichirō Namino, I'm rather excited to be acquainted with the new double black." He smiled, his expression dripping with a well hidden amount of malice. His voice was velvety, but threatening in a way Atsushi could not explain.

The man let his jacket slide off one of his shoulders, giving him the image of a man with delicate masculinity.

"They look ready to attack... I'm so scared..!" He looked up slightly with his monolided eyes, to see that neither Atsushi nor Akutagawa were amused, but this was seemingly what Namino found so funny.

A deep scratchy laugh erupted from his stomach, echoing throughout the tunnels loudly. His smile stretched ear to ear, showcasing his sharp canines that greatly contrasted his blood colored hair.

"Isn't it funny Chiho- chan? They looked so annoyed!" The young boss exclaimed, still holding his uncanny grin.

The woman beside him was dressed rather formally, she appeared to be a woman with high standards and even higher expectations. On the outside, an air of silent kindness surrounded her, though looking in was an obedient dealmaker who was skilled at many things criminal. No more than a snake.

"And they thought this 'mission' was going to be easy! It's hilarious!"

"Of course it's funny Namino-san, ridiculous even. To think a crime ring as big as ours would have such sloppy security." Her eyes had their own smile, that of a business woman with her prize in reach.

Akutagawa got into a battle ready stance as the woman inched closer with each nauseating click of her stilettos.

"Wait..." Atsushi whispered to his partner, sticking his arm out to stop the ravenette.

"Don't tell me wh-"

"Ryunosuke, wait." Atsushi somewhat snapped, looking into his partners surprised stormy eyes.

Akutagawa knew that stupid look.

'Trust me.'

Such a stupid look on such a pretty face.

Atsushi suddenly felt a pen graze across the bottom of his chin, causing him to shiver slightly as he turned his head to look at the woman.

"The amount of money we've been offered for you, has exceeded any price we've set for our merchandise. You're special Atsushi Nakajima. Worth five billion yen, even. There is no way we're letting you leave." The woman sneered, exaggerating her serpent-like features.

If i had a nickel for every time someone tried to capture me in exchange for yen, I'd have two nickels. It's not a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

Atsushi thought, internally sighing.

The woman backed away to her bosses side, running her tanned hands over her charcoal colored hair to sooth any flyaways.

Namino began to talk, giving Atsushi lots of time to think. Namino was obviously someone who never knew when to stop blabbing.

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exceedingly~ extremely.

extensive~ covering or affecting a large area.

modulation~ variation in the strength, tone, or pitch of one's voice.

rash~ displaying or proceeding from a lack of careful consideration of the possible consequences of an action.

decrepit~ worn out or ruined because of age or neglect.

dreary~ dull, bleak, and lifeless; depressing.

prudently~ in a way that shows care and thought for the future.

velvety voice~ smooth or soft in some way.

monolided~ an eyelid shape commonly seen in people of Asian descent.

A/N: welcome back! So like the Last chapter, this chapter was originally supposed to be apart of another. But if i hadn't split it up, the original chapter would most likely be a bit more than eleven thousand words, and I'm not even done yet. Theres lots of info that I'm trying to squeeze into these chapters, but hopefully not too much that it's overwhelming. I thought that splitting it up would be easier for both me, and you. (So you don't feel like you're scrolling endlessly and so you don't get overwhelmed.) I actually planned to post this chapter yesterday, but shit hit the fan and i just couldn't. I'm surviving. 👍 Anyway, i hope you have the best day/night!

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