Withered spirit -compleated

By Deruta_DK

27.8K 289 58

after having a confession go wrong he proves to everyone and himself that hes better More

Attack of the weak
recovery time
I'm on holiday really
I need a minute to think
calm before the storm
fear of the future
what is the plan?
fame and fortune
Hunter vs Pray
blessing or curse?
Chapter 14 Who's side are you one
The strongest
Back to where you started
the heartbroken dragon
Moments of the broken
game plan
Wills end
The end

A pleasant time

572 12 4
By Deruta_DK

Kuroka: okay...

She was conflicted, as of right now he was alive which she was happy about but on the other hand, She could see the cracks on his body becoming less and less till they were gone as time went on he used this and started taking in the peaceful feeling in

Kuroka: so mind telling me what your plan is?

He thought about it he didn't have a set-in-stone plan and to top it off he didn't even know where to start he just wanted to first try and get things better on his side before just running in blind

Issei: find the men that hurt everyone and kill them.

The cracks on his body started growing, She felt the bloodlust leave his body and slowly removed his hands in fear, her fingers started trembling she backed away and tried to get away from him, this wasn't the same Issei but whoever this new version is just as scary

He turned around and came closer to her, he could see the fear on her face

Issei: sleep

She fell asleep and she just lay there sleeping soundly, he channelled his magic side and opened his hands over her head

Issei: you won't remember this conversation, you won't remember me this moment or who I am, it never happened

He waved his hand over her head and the spell took effect he picked her up and then teleported to the gremory territory and left her there by the door with a note and left again taking a look at where he could go next

A few hours later rias walked to the door because she could hear someone knocking on the door as she opened the door she kuroka stood in the doorway with a confused look

kuroka: good the redhead, mind letting me in I don't how I got here

Rias: sure quick come in, let me tell everyone you're here

She sent out an alert to everyone and they came running in seconds surprised to see her alive and unharmed within seconds koneko ran to her sister and gave her a hug

Koruka: (confused) Woah did I miss something?

She looked around and everyone was concerned for her well-being

Le fay: wait don't you remember?

kuroka: remember what?

Biko: you are being taken by the shadow man that nearly killed all of us including you

kuroka: um, no I remember him taking me then I fell asleep then I woke up here

Koneko: he probably wiped your memory

She let go of her sister and then walked back to Rias

Koruka: still not happy with me are you

Koneko: no...

She nodded, and then they all looked at each other

Sirzechs: that aside I think you should see this, it's not pretty

He motioned to follow him and she saw the look of everyone looking sad and helpless

kuroka: hey where is vail?

Akeno: on his death bed.... We tried everything but as much as hes stable now he looks like a lost cause... there's nothing we can do now but wait

They walked to the room and kuroka was shocked vali looked weak

kuroka: what happened?

She walked to him and held his hand its where they saw the note stuck to her back that was hidden behind her hair.

Rias: hey what's this?

She walked to koruka took the note and started looking at it while the others tried their best to be strong

Koruka: (scared) What the hell is there anything else on me?

Rias: no that seems to be all, but before this valis been cursed...

Asia: we tried everything to try and heal him but we couldn't.

Koruka: even sage arts?

Koneko: I tried but it was too extensive we had Lady Yasaka look and she agreed...

Koruka: no, I refuse to let him die

She started shedding tears and tried to heal him more but it wasn't doing anything

Azazel: rias what does the note say?

Rias: um... it's from the shadow man I think... it says that he won't die and will be fine but this is to prove to this... dickhead... that he's useless and pathetic and will never amount to anything in his life....

Azazel: rough...

They were all confused and shocked that this person had such a grudge against vali but they were happy with the fact vali will live with the thought of this type of punishment as one serious one

As the letter said vali was awake and on his feet but still super weak from the injuries but fine overall, they decided to take team vali in and gave them a place to stay, this was a start to a new alliance with at least one powerful dragon in their ranks again, they focused on getting stronger over a year all the girls mellowed out and they tried to move on from issei but it never happened anyone was like him sure they went on a few dates here and there but nothing stuck they grew quite most days everyone could see it they miss him a lot

For the first time in over two years, they were all together again watching a rating game, after issei died Irina had just left the school and all their lives and focused on being an angle she was made into a high-ranking angle better known as a seraph she was still part of lord Micheals set as his ace but even with her they could see the lack of someone in their lives

They all sat in the VIP section with everyone, they were all pretty quiet even vali and his team were quiet watching the game go

Asia: today seems off don't you think?

Akeno: hmmm

Serafall: so I'm not the only one

Irina: something is coming I can't tell if it is good or bad

In the two years since isseis death her growth in power allowed her to pick up on the wide range around with everyone's intent and whether they were evil or not she was able to see them

Irina: two large power signatures are nearby and its no one in this room

Azazel: seems demonic to say the least

Vali: feels like a dragon too

Sirzechs then be ready to jump into action at a moment's notice

Venelana: your father and I will assist with getting the people out of the area if need be

Sirzechs: thank you Mother father

They nodded in agreement and carried on watching the game

Rias: wonder what's going on with our enemy hes been quiet since they killed him

Akeno: couldn't agree more.

They sat and waited for anything to happen and throughout the whole game nothing happened till the end the roof caved in and a large creature fell through it and started attacking and killing those participating in the game

They all jumped into action but as soon as they got to the floor

???: don't move

They all froze in place all the people around them managed to get out but they were all stuck

Koneko: this isn't good. We need to move

Aisa: what's that

They looked up and saw the shadow figure standing by the ledge of the hole in the room with his hair that was tied up blowing in the wind and his glowing red eyes looking down at them

Before he moved the creature broke free breaking technique freeing all of them and ran towards them as it was about to hit them the man was in front of them and knocked the creature away, this was the first time they had felt so close to death the man in front of them looked like walking death

It roared at him in anger and he slowly started growing his red scales which shocked them all because only one person grew scales like that, they watched him put his hands together and what looked like a large slice cut the creature but it was no use it only pushed it back more a red and familiar aura spread around all of them and the man grinned

???: been a while since I've used these it feels good

As the creature started running towards him

???: hey swordsman get your holy devil sword ready

Kiba: alright

As he pulled out his sword he clapped and Kiba was next to him running towards the creature each time he clapped they would switch places he pulled out Ascalon shocking everyone and they both brought out a frenzy of attack towards the creature As it, Kiba landed on the ground and the creature was about to attack him but he switched places with the man who threw his hands together making a blaster with his scales and blasted the creature into Kibas sword then he sent Kiba back and turned full dragon with his large skull head red black and white scales spread around it with large sharp spines sticking out of its arms and back

The dragon rammed it into the wall and then something happened that shattered everyone's train of thought


His fire started to spread around him creating a vortex and he charged the creature one last time taking him and the creature away and leaving nothing behind but damage

Akeno: (shocked) Does he have the boosted gear?

Azazel: no that's impossible it can't be the next user would have to be two years old at this point the gear moves on to the next person when the previous one dies

Irirna: what's more concerning he has asculon

Vali: it's definitely the ass that attacked us, that much I can say

Sirzechs: let's see what the cameras caught

They made their way to the observation room where they pulled up the footage of what happened just before the attack they saw everything and saw the clear face of the man

Xenovia: who is he, he clearly knows us how did he know about Kiba's balance breaker

Gasper: he froze everything but the people and then still fought that thing

Rossweisse: perhaps he's a neutral figure?

Vali: neutral my ass he kidnapped kuroka and left me an inch of my life

Koruka: even when I try and think back, I don't remember anything

Rias: but here's the real question the boosted gear, asculon and the fact this person is a dragon don't make it comfortable sence only one person had those items at the same time and he was killed two years ago

Azazel: I fear this may be far beyond our control, it might be Issei....

They looked at him confused.

Micheal: what do you mean brother issei has been passed on for 2 years now

Azazel: necromancy... I'm beginning to think that someone found his body and made this monster, it probably has a few of his memories which is how he knew of us and still has access to the boosted gear asculon I want to suggest to confirm my suspicions that if he has the dividing gear then its isseis body

Akeno: (tearing up) I'll kill them for doing this to him

Azazel: slow down it only a thought I could be way off and it could be fakes but even so this man is super powerful and dangerous, to say the least we need to tread lightly around him if he used the dividing gear then it would complicate things more for all of us because if this is isseis body... then we have problems, issei was growing at such a rate you would never think he was human a few months prior no supernatural being has been able to do that ever

Sirzehcs: he's right, we need to make our hearts strong if he turns on us and uses our memories of him against us it's going to be easy to kill us

They all nodded in agreement

Serafall: Hey Ajuka is there a way to trace him the cameras can track magic signature so wouldn't it also give us some information on what we working with

Ajuka: let me see

He pulled out a different screen and it scanned the man and it showed what magic it's reading off him

Ajuka: our fears might just come true, the system reads the magic from a person and it reads 80% red dragon emperor, 5% white dragon emperor and 15% unknown.

Silence filled the room the girls started to shed a few tears because his body had turned into this monster even some of the guys couldn't help it two years later his body was being used for evil

Rias: (tearing up) Brother permission to get Issei's body back

Sirzechs: granted but we all are going we will get Isseis body back

They nodded and started looking for a signature and they tracked it to a singular location in the overworld

Ajuka: hes in Central Asia

Micheal: then let's get our friend back

The girls' hearts started racing knowing that he probably has some of his memories were something good to look for

They made a magic circle and landed in a forest of central Asia surrounded by large trees in an opening

Ravel: gross

They looked to the side and saw a large dead animal that was gutted.

They heard a voice and hid their signatures and presence and saw something that confused them it was the man but he was eating something they thought was dangerous, ophis

With issei

Issei: you have enough to eat?

Ophis: yes but are you sure about this

Issei: we have no choice It has been two years since the incident and I want payback for me and you, I made a promise to get your power back and I'll do so

Ophis: when we get my power back I'll help you get the queen to add to your arsenal.

Issei: oh I will then im killing everything and everyone that gets in my way

He took up and took off his shirt and unknown to him they saw the large scar going down his chest and a load of other scars worse than what he initially had Yuji and Megumi littered his body with scars from all the training in the past year

Issei: Ember raise a vail, that doesn't need to be tracked with this

The ball of fire came out of his chest

Ember: yay my turn to help

They watched as it made a large barrier around them then went back to Issei he changed his shirt and then held his hand to ophis

Issei: let's hope this doesn't kill us because now that shikigami I beat this morning is one of the best with the tools I have with me as well I'm going to raise hell


He turned to his side and ophis was consumed by a red aura and his eyes started glowing he

Issei burnt away everything in the barrier revealing everyone hiding in the bushes, he didn't say anything but shook his head

Issei: so your chose death

He released his blood lust and murderous intent and they fell to their knees feeling like death was upon all of them

Issei: don't get involved with other people's business this is my business it doesn't concern either of you, that white-haired jack ass knows what im exactly talking about

He covered his arm with white scales

Issei: it's nice great red let me keep this when I met him

He divided all their power and shot it into the sky

Rias:(weak) No, give back his body its, not yours

Azazel: (weak) who is your master

Issei(laughing) cute you think you can give me orders not even Sirzechs can touch me

He snapped his fingers and they were sent back to the underworld

Ajuka: what happened?

Azazel:(weak) it's definitely isseis body I was right but it's not Issei it's something else

Ajuka: that's troublesome

Sera fall: where do you think he's going to next?

Sirzechs: our best bet would be to wait and see when we get a large-scale power attack that we can trace, but first

He looked to his side and the girls were shedding tears because they wanted to bring Isseis body back but it was not possible

Sirzechs: we need to prepare them for what's to come

Chapter end

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