The Echanted One

By ShaunaRoberts304

65 3 1

Amethyst Sharpe is just a plain ordinary human girl living in a magical world filled with fairies, elves... More

Chapter One...
Chapter Two....
Chapter three...
Chapter Four....
Chapter Five...
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven...
Chapter Eight.....
Chapter Nine.....
Chapter Ten...
Chapter Eleven....
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen ....
Chapter Fourteen....
Chapter Fifteen.....
Chapter Seventeen.....
Chapter Eighteen...
Chapter Nineteen...

Chapter Sixteen....

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By ShaunaRoberts304

" Good evening Mrs Sharpe, and thanks for the dinner invite. You really didn't have to go all out and do this you know, both Katio and myself were just happy enough to be able to help you out," Tryne said.

But Indigo wasn't having a bar of it as she said," Nonsense, you boy's work hard, and I definitely wouldn't have it any other way.
Now if you please, follow me and I will show you all to your seat's.

As they all followed Indigo into the dinning area, Amethyst looked straight at Pandora and said," Well someone better call the lifeguards cause this boats about to sink!"

Pandora stopped dead in her tracks, grabbed Amethyst by the arm and told her to snap out of it, that everything will be perfectly fine if she'd just learn to relax a bit.

Amethyst rolled her eyes and shook her head wishing this whole night would end right here, right now..... but that was just wishful  thinking.

So she took a deep breath as she mumbled to herself," You can do this, do it for your Aunt!"

Obviously Pandora had heard her and said,
" That's it girl, keep telling yourself that and I swear now everything will be fine."

Walking into the dinning area, Indigo says,
" Okay here we are. Tryne will sit this end of the table with Briony on his left and I'll sit on his right side. Pandora your next to me with Katio at this end of the table and Amethyst on his left."

"Oh super!" Amethyst mumbled.

Pandora whacked her, as she whispered,
"Ame, you will be me."

Amethyst runs her hand through her hair, let's out a breath of air as she took her seat next to Katio.

Her Aunt had layed out her best laced table cloth, placed some placemats down and she had her finest china out, along with some wine glasses.

In the middle of the table, she had placed a vase with freshly picked flowers from the garden.

Amethyst Aunt had even placed everything she cooked into her finest serving bowls and placed them on the table.

Everything looked amazing.
And the aromas coming from those dishes smelt simply Devine and they couldn't wait to sink there teeth into it.

After pouring everyone a glass of wine, Amethyst sits back down in her seat and says," Well, here's to good food.... Now dig in and enjoy!"

And that they did.

The meal was to die for, as Amethysts Aunt had baked a lamb rack with all the trimmings and a mint sauce, followed by a sticky date pudding with brandy custard for dessert.

"Oh Aunt Indigo, you really out did yourself, as this meal is delicious!" Amethyst said as she shoved another spoonful of the sticky date pudding in her mouth.

"I couldn't agree meal I've had in such a long time. Thankyou very much for the dinner invite Mrs Sharpe," Katio said as he stretched out his legs, brushing against Amethysts leg in the progress.

She practically jumped in her seat as a slight tingling sensation shot up leg, causing her to almost spill her drink.

But when it happened for the second time, Amethyst literally jumped out of her seat and in her panic moment she freezed everyone.

Unaware of what happened, she stops dead in her tracks, looks around the room and realised it had suddenly gone dead quite.

"W..what, what's happening? Why is everyone sitting there not talking or moving? H.h.hello, guys, hello," she said as she waved her hands in front of Pandora 's face.

No response, nothing!

"Oh come on guys, this isn't funny," she said thinking they were all playing some sort of trick on her; seeing that fairies and elves are known for there sneaky little trick's.

But nope, still no response.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Amethyst shouted as she walked into the kitchen, than shouted , what the fuck is happening?

The poor girl was beside herself.

When all of a sudden in walks Pandora, half frightening Amethyst to death as she asks her what that was all about back there in the dinning room.

Amethyst in a total daze just mumbled,"Huh!"

Pandora looks at her weirdly and shakes her head  saying," Girl what the hell's wrong with you, you look like your miles away."

Amethyst thinks about telling Pandora about what happened, but than desides against it because she still didn't have a clue herself as to what actually happened. So instead she just say's she needed a drink of water.

Not buying it, Pandora says," Mmm, well sorry girlfriend but I wasn't born in the last shower, so come on let's try this again. What was that all about?"

Amethyst looked straight at Pandora and told her that Katio had brushed his leg up against her's sending a tingling sensation up her leg which freaked her out, so she jumped.

Pandora couldn't contain herself and bursted out laughing as she said," Is that it? Seriously girl, you need to learn to mellow out... It's not like your gonna die because some hot dude brushed his leg up against yours. It wasn't like the poor guy did it on purpose."

"I'm glad you find it highly amusing," Amethyst said glarring at her.

Pandora shook her head, as she said no she finds it hilarious.

Than says to her, "Come on Ame pull yourself together, you cannot hide the rest of the evening in your Aunt's kitchen. You got to get your act together, calm yourself down a notch and go back in there and mingle.
You can do this Ame, I know you can!"

So Amethyst took a couple deep breaths to try settle her nerves down before heading back into the dinning area to rejoin the rest of the group.

She couldn't believe it, it was like nothing had happened....
Everyone was chit-chatting away like nothing happened and this truly had Amethyst baffled.

As the night progressed on, they chatted away for at least an other hour or so when both the boys thanked Amethysts Aunt for such a lovely home baked dinner, and called it a night.

"Well aren't they both just lovely young men,"Amethyst Aunt said before turning in for the night.

"Lovely," Amethyst mumbled under her breath, as all 3 girls decided to follow Indigo's lead and call it a night.

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