Helluva boss: Jaeger, the dev...

By Geo-devourer

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A Demon Royal decides to play mad doctor on an imp, turning him into a no steroid killer. But it was to smart... More

Imp Bio
Martha's demon form
Murder Family
Loo Loo Land
Spring Broken
The Harvest Moon
Demon Bio
Team Bonding
The M and M treatment
Fallen Oath
Season 2 Teaser
The Brotherhood
The Devilous Offspring
Hellhound Bio
Bro Down
Botherhood Bio: King Of Hackers
Bros before Doves
Bro Down Showdown
Diablo Brother Bio: Abyss Sender
Shark vs Wolf
Diablo Brother Bio: King of Hellhounds
Western Energy
Striker's True Colors
Striker's True Colors Part 2
Diablo Brother Bio: Flying Serpent
Speed Demon
Moon's Heir
King's Ninja
Here's Trizzy
Dynamic Love
Dynamic Love Part 2
Dynamic Love Part 3
The Diablo Recruits
Dynamic Love Encore
Diablo Brotherhood: The Rookies
Rookies Unleashed: Speed Demon and Wraithian Amazon
Rookie Adventure: Typhoon Ninja and the Grillz
Rookie Adventure: Pet Quest
Shock N Awe
Millie's Mark
Oops.....Update Time
King Vs. Prince
Blitzo Ultimatum
Double Jeopardy
Halloween Special: Fortress of Tricks
5 Deaths at Trizzy's
Bone Shark
I Want Barbie
Down to the Wire
New Wires Attached
Family Is Still Family
Rookie/IMP Mania
Christmas Special: The Most Helluva Time
Party in the Fortress
Richter Magnitude

Barbie Most Wanted

81 0 29
By Geo-devourer


It's rare for the fortress to be in a state of glum, and today is one of those days. IMP stood at the fortress all night as it was now morning. Millie and Moxxie are n a room bring watched by richter dyno and Rico who hovered over them. And they were not happy.

Millie: can we at least explain 

Richter: explain what, that our own teammates been going behind our back and been secretly helping Barbie wire escape.

Dyno: I expected this from Moxxie but from my own sister, in law, I'm hurt I'm hurt

Moxxie: what, why would you expect it from me

Dyno snaps his fingers, then Rico slaps Moxxie to the ground. 

Dyno: because you're desperate to something like this, and behind our back. You're lucky I don't beat you right now. And you know I can

Stirker: and you two are lucky 

Striker walks inside

Striker: that your not dealing with jaeger 

With the leader of diablos. He in his room chewing out blitzo. Blitzo put furnitures in front of jaeger, only to burn as he approached. Jaeger grabs blitzo by the collar and lifts him into the air.

Jaeger: you lied to me blitzo

Blitzo: what you mean I never told you that she was my sister

Jaeger: I meant your motives blitzo

Blitzo: oh yeah, k you got me

Jaeger: why didn't you tell me she was your sister [shakes him]

Blitzo: cause I never would've thought it would be a big deal as it is now!

Jaeger: well now it is

Jaeger slams blitzo down. He growls as he walks around.

Blitzo: ow, ok jaeger I know I messed up but give my sister a chance, she doesn't deserve the Diablo beat down. Trust me I know from experience 

We get a flashback of dyno tackling blitzo and beating him to the punch of life. Back to jaeger he snarls and glares at blitzo.

Jaeger: you think you get it blizto, you think Im acting like some kind of gang boss with authority issues. CAUSE IM NOT!! We let her into our family, made her feel welcome, and what did she do. She used us, she betrayed our family blitzo, she stole dyno tech, stab me and striker in the back, and broke richter heart, emotionally not in love interest kind of way, just to move above the ranks, but she was already equal to the ranks. We are not letting her into the family again. 

Blitzo: but if you give her a chance

Jaeger: we gave her chances blitzo, what you think we did when confronting her, she left this group

Blitzo: oh and what about when striker and you guys left

Jaeger: we didn't have a choice, we left out due to how we felt that day... but she had a choice, and now, she's dead meat, and you are not to interfere, that is an order blitz. And oh if you think getting beaten by dyno was bad

Jaeger slams his fist into the wall near blitzo face, the impact dents the was as it begins to burn. 

Jaeger: you have no idea what I'm capable 

With that jaeger walks off. Blitzo is left terrified, shaking from the conversation. But suddenly he realized Barbie is in jaeger war path. He shakes it off and growls.

Blitzo: sorry jaeger, but the only one who can mess with Barbie is me

Later we see the Diablo brothers heading towards the entrance.

Jaeger: we last seen Barbie heading to a motel. She's cornered. Dyno back in the server, make sure no enters.

Dyno: got it [slams fist]

Jaeger: richter, destroy the modes of transportation in the area, so she can't drive away

Richter: what kind of damage we talking about

Jaeger: sink holes

Richter: my specialty [produce a mini hellquake]

Jaeger: striker your with me, time to corner a vermin

Striker: this is serious, your using my line

As they made it to the doors they are stopped. They giant doors were locked. 

Dyno: what the 

Dyno press the doors button but they weren't responding.

Richter: hey striker did you know they could close

Striker: nope 

Jaeger: blitzo 

Dyno: oh come on how did he even get the security override. I keep it in one place. [Sharp inhale] He didn't 


We see IMP going through a portal as Moxxie struggles to hold a bag as something inside it kicks an punches its way out. Blitzo grabs the bag as Rico pops up with his body tied up. 


Dyno: I'm gonna kill him

Richter: alright stand back, I'm plowing through

Dyno: don't try richter I made the steel tough enough to keep a goetia in here

Striker: so we'll make a portal and grab blitzo

Jaeger: we do nothing

Dyno: yeah.... Wait what. Have you met. That's one thing I don't do well

Jeager: we'll watch them. Let's see how far blitzo will go

With that jaeger walks off. He calls someone on his phone.

Jaeger: get your team ready, your needed

He hangs up and walks off

-Pride Ring

In the wasteland field outside of the city, we see sinker and chopper flying through the air.

Chopper: you sure Barbie will be find, she's your girlfriend 

Sinker: she'll be find dude. We're making this supply run then we can meet back with her. 


Something blast chopper

Chopper: I'm gonna die

Sinker: crikey  

Sinker flys after chopper. Chopper was free falling as he returned to normal. Sinker catches chopper as they ascend.  

Sinker: see your find


another missile hit sinker, causing both to fall. 


They crash into ground. In the crater sinker and chopper get up. They see figures and goons before them. They ready themselves.

Trizz: hold it fellows

Razhar: hes right boys, let's talk 

Sinker And chopper look at each other confused.


At the motel we see Barbie rummaging through her stuff. Then suddenly the door is knocked upon. 

Blitzo: sis, it's me

Barbie opens the door and sees IMP. She looks instantly runs and hugs blitzo. He's left shocked. Barbie let's go and gains her posture.

Barbie: hey

Blitzo: good to see you to.

Moxxie: may we come in

Barbie let's them in and closes the door.

Barbie: I gotta get out of here

Blitzo: I know and trust me we got your back.

Barbie: oh, thanks. Wait what's in the bag

The bag blitzo he held was moving. Then he drops it revealing a tied of Rico. He tries to make a break for it but he's tried up to the chair.

Barbie: who's the little chicken

Rico takes offense and kicks her shin

Barbie: GAHH

Blitzo: his name is Rico, he has a robot penguin

Barbie: well that's answer my foot in pain. But why you bring

Blitzo: we had to used him to lock up the diablos. They are on a war path.

Barbie: wow you did that. Man your in the same boat as me

Moxxie: well it gets worse 

Millie: yeah another party is hunting you too. Some of them we know

Barbie: great, can it get anymore worse

Blitzo: well yes. Rico is dyno pet

Barbie:..... WHAT! You stole the pet of the guy who'll must likely beat you to the inch of life. And I seen him do it

Blitzo: hey I was just gonna use him to lock the diablos up, it was Moxxie who brought him to the otherside

Moxxie: you said we should keep the diablos locked up, what would stop Rico from opening the doors once we left 

Millie: guys focus. We need to analyze the situation. Right now that third party might be hunting us now. So far that a super fast shark, a ninja cyborg, and a trident wielding shark with a mouth that's full of lives.

Barbie: I'm sensing drama between them

Blitzo: oh it's a long story it's highly doubtful you'd see him in the room with these two


Out of nowhere a trident impales the walls. It juggles before being pulled out, revealing Chaz on the otherside.

Chaz: here's chazzy

Blitzo: Christ on a stick I just jinxed us

Barbie: you think

Chaz: well, well, if it isn't may favorite group, and our target. 

Chaz then sees blitzo and Barbie and gets confused.

Chaz: Hey is there some sort of thing between you two,  cause you look way to simi-

Millie punches the hole, that connects with Chaz eye as he screams


Chaz stumbles backwards.

Chaz: ah why the eye

They kick the door into him and run out. Chaz gets up and cracks his neck

Chaz: not cool babes... oh well.. it's Chaz time 

He charges at them. When they reach the bronco, they get in and Chaz jumps off the second floor and slide down off the wall with his trident, landing in a superhero pose.

Blitzo: oh you got to admit that's cool

Moxxie: blitz!!!

Millie: run him down

She steps on the pedal. But they were moving. Then Chaz smirks and points down, they look to see the wheels were gone. Then a gust of wind gets their attention, revealed to be deadcool.

Deadcool: hey, if it isn't the three stooges 

Blitzo: fuck it's that speed demon asshole, mills, Moxxie, handle them while I fix the bronco

M and M: gladly 

Millie and Moxxie rush out and battle the duo.

Barbie: you think they'll beat them 

Blitzo: possibly

Moxxie is thrown past them by Deadpool.

Blitzo: maybe 

Chaz and Millie are seen clashing weapons.

Blitzo: definitely 

Moxxie falls down as Deadcool gives him the elbow drop. He proceeds to punch the Moxxie brutally in front of the twins.

Blitzo: can you repeat the question.

They continue to battle. Moxxie is being strangle by Deadcool. He smiles as Moxxie reached for something, anything. He grabs a broken glass and stabs Deadcool eye. He shoots up in pain and screams.

Deadcool: Wade: ah my eyes, do you realize how long it takes to generate them

He stumbles back as Moxxie tied him up. Millie counties swings at Chaz but he pins her axe down, she tries lifting it as Chaz leans over.

Chaz: you seem tense

Millie: Tense!!

She roars until Wade is kicked into him by Moxxie. Millie then ties them up and throws them into a garbage bin. 

Deadcool: she's strong for an imp

Chaz: I could've told you that

with the wheels fixed, IMP drives off. Seconds later the bin explodes revealed an enraged Wade

Wade: you don't just run off after stabbing someone eyes. They are dead

Chaz: do they have to be

Wade: chaz, you not gonna have a shot with them, you tried Force marry one, and the other wants you dead way before that incident. Plus you got a girlfriend 

Chaz: alright. And for the record I meant I wanted to bury the hatchet between them

Wade: good now let's go

Wade gives Chaz a piggyback ride as they chase after them. It was night as the bronco drives down and open road.

Blitzo: alright we seem to have lost them.

Millie: for now, need I remind you one of them is a speedster 

Barbie: a speedster who doesn't know where he's going.

Blitzo: hey wait, where's Rico

Rico is seen back at the motel still tired up as he rolls around.

Blitzo: oooh Moxxie dyno gonna kill you

Moxxie: what why me

Blitzo: you know why 

Barbie: yeah. Anyways I appreciate this not so good rescue, but I need to split, you weren't get far, especially with their beast, that four armed freak

Millie: wait did you say beast

Barbie: that!!!!

Few feet away a figure stood and ones to them, it undergoes a transformation as we see nin beast form latch on the van, blitz swerves as beast crawls around the truck.

Blitzo: what the fuck is that

Millie: it's nin

Blitzo: that fucking little asexual looking imp, what the hell did he eat

Millie: probably other demons

Its claws burst through the ceiling and grabs Moxxie head trying to grab Barbie, Millie frees him after tries. When it was over a long tongue burst through the ceiling and wraps around Moxxie head. ( I forgot to mention, nin has a cybernetic tongue to, like venom) One of them burns the tongue as he lets go and screech.

Blitzo: what kind of tail was that

Moxxie: ugh, that wasn't his tail

Blitzo: oh.... How much you gotta pay for that

Moxxie: seriously, now

Blitzo: what you know what kind of action you can get into Moxxie

Barbie: he's got a point 

Then bursting the doors was nin as he roars, but stops and jumps off. Blitzo sees it was a Deadcool speeding at them. Chaz jumps ahead and grabs his arm, striking his trident he spins around with deadcool. He spins and throws him, deadcool brings forth his sickles and spins into a buzzsaw, cleaving the bronco in two. deadcool slid back as his weapons glow.

deadcool: damn I'm good

They all pop up and saw Chaz standing there, jumping beside him was nin, who changes back and fist bump him. Deadcool appears by them as they smirk at the group.

Blitzo: fuck, how are we gonna deal with this

Moxxie: our best choice is to spilt them up this time

Blitzo: like that work out before

As they argued the trio argued.

deadcool: I want to fight that so called lethal combo

Chaz: aw, but I wanted to fight them

Nin: I never got to cut loose against the top

deadcool: to bad cause I call dibs

Chaz: man your just made that you got your eyes gorged, yet you can heal from getting your dick chomped,

Nin: actually I can heal with ancient techniques

Chaz: really why haven't you

Nin: cause we've never needed it and yet you have survived more then us despite being the weakest

Chaz: ah thanks, you know I'm trying my best to learn my limits

Deadcool: can we focus

Chaz: I got an easy way to decide

seconds later they're seem doing rock-paper-scissors.

Nin: since we tied chaz, we can team up on the M's

Chaz: yeah man

deadcool: ugh fine, I'll handle these idiots

They look and saw they were gone, Chaz and nin chased after them and deadcool notice blitzo and Barbie were still there. 

Deadcool: alright let's make this quick

Deadcool rushes the two as they smirk. 

Moxxie runs through a warehouse, he lost track of Millie.

???: Moxxie

Moxxie: Millie hold on

He runs to the voice, only to run into a set of muscles. Embracing them

Chaz: awww

Moxxie: look up seeing Chaz

Chaz: look like someone still miss their daddy

Moxxie: ugh why

Chaz: you know why

He kicks him back

Chaz: to psych you out

He closes the door on them. Millie runs through the warehouse looking for Moxxie

???: Millie

Millie: Moxxie, I'm coming

She runs to Moxxie, seeing the an impish figure. But then it turns to reveal nin

Nin: [moxxie voice] hello Millie, let's place

With this new ability of nin being able to change his vocal patterns aka copy voices. He waist no time and attacks.  Suddenly the screen goes on the fritz and deadcool

Deadcool: sup guys, now I know you want to get started on the fight scenes, but let's cut to the chase

deadcool resumes the video and skips to the near ends. Deadpool stumbled across the ground tied up again.

deadcool: ugh, not cool, wish we could've skipped this part

Blitzo and Barbie smirked, but then Wade phone rings

Wade: the boss

Barbie searches Wade

Wade: a little lower, to the left... no no the other left. Oh there is is

Barbie hits his head and answer the call, which sounded feminine

???: Wade, you there, did you get the target

Barbie: you failed bitch

Blitzo: that voice, where have I heard it before

???: looks like I have to come help, in my way

Barbie and blitzo look at each other, whist Wade smiles and laughs, slowly breaking free. Chaz pins Moxxie to the wall covering his mouth.

Chaz: oh I dare you to shout harder Moxxie foxy, you know you want to

Then his phone beeps a glow and he smiles

Chaz: the boss coming, let's go see

He drags Moxxie away. Millie is trying to survive nin attacks in his beast form, he sees his phone glow and smiles.

Nin: she approaches 

By the smoldering bronco, Moxxie is thrown to the others as Chaz walks to them. He spots Deadcool predicament and laughs.

Deadcool: it's not funny

Barbie: one more step and he's dead

Chaz: not gonna stop him anyway, plus you got bigger problems

From the distance they see a car approaching. It was a it looks of something from mad max. Blasting flames from its pistons it drifts around them just as Deadcool frees himself and trips up the rest of the gang, the car stops right between deadcool and Chaz. It opens up as waking out, packing a massive Sycthe, a red bandanna one her hair to go with her new set of clothes, pitch of white on her black hair, and a her horns black and white striped. And containing an uncounted head count, the leader, Sallie May

Sallie: well hello boys, you have something that belongs to us

Moxxie: what the fuck

Blitzo: that's who I remember the voice

They all look at blitzo as the trio look over them

To Be Continued 

Deadcool: Dun dun dun 

Boom that's it for the chapter. Razhar and Trizz make their move, and you just met the leader of the hunters, Sallie May, be honest who saw this coming. And what will happen to Barbie now. Next chapter, the final straw for many is upon us in, Family Is Still Family

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