I Wanna Be Yours | Bojan x Kä...

By BojanGurl14

12.4K 447 180

Although they think that they're just friends, the spark between them is something which they cannot resist... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 29

Part 28

180 10 8
By BojanGurl14

The band had a concert planned, which was going to take place in a weeks' time. Bojan knew that he had to open up about his relationship with Jere there.

Saying that he was nervous was an understatement. There were many times where he felt like he would never be able to come out... but he knew that he could not let his fear of what people would think of him hold him back from pursuing his relationship with Jere.

Jere was too important to him... and if it meant that he would have to endure nasty stares and harsh words then so be it.

Nothing mattered as long as he was with Jere.

Bojan looked down towards Jere, who's head was resting on his chest. He admired Jere's peaceful face as he slept. They still had their arms wrapped around each other in the same way that they were when they drifted off to sleep the night before.

Bojan gently removed Jere's hand and got up from bed. He slowly opened the curtains and looked out of the window. Rays of sun landed on his face. He admired the beautiful weather outside and the first thought that came into his head was how much he wanted to appreciate this beautiful weather with Jere.

"Maybe we could go on a little walk together...", Bojan thought, while smiling to himself.

He was so grateful that they reconciled. He felt that if they did not, then he would not be able to continue living. Everything in his life lost meaning when Jere was not there.

Then Bojan heart a small yawn and the sound of the mattresses moving. He looked back and saw that Jere was covering his face from the sunlight. He closed the curtains again.

Bojan: "Good morning"

Jere: "Morning...", he said, as he yawned.

Bojan sat next to Jere on the bed, placed his hand on Jere's thigh and caressed it. It felt like electricity zapped through Jere's body every time Bojan touched him in any way.

They gave each other a small peck on the lips.

Bojan: "I was wondering... do you want to go on a walk together? It is beautiful outside today."

Jere: "I would like that", he smiled.

They got dressed and left.

Bojan did not feel comfortable holding hands with Jere in public yet... he has not come out yet. Even though it was hard, Jere understood that Bojan would eventually feel comfortable when their relationship would be public, so he decided to respect his boundaries.

As they were walking, they came across a cute café and decided to stop to grab something to each and drink.

They sat down at a table in the corner of the café. Jere ordered a hot chocolate while Bojan ordered a cappuccino. They also ordered a slice of cake each, Jere wanted vanilla while Bojan fancied chocolate.

They sat there, talking for a while about things which they have not had the chance to talk about for quite a while... talking to each other about the little things made them realize even more just how much they missed each other when they were apart.

While they were eating the cake, Jere jokingly poked Bojan's cake with his fork to pretend to steal a piece. Bojan looked up and started straight into Jere's eyes.

Jere giggled cutely. "God, he's perfect... how can he be so perfect?", Bojan thought to himself. Every time he looked at Jere his feelings for him grew.

Bojan grabbed a piece of cake on his fork and moved it towards Jere's mouth. Jere was taken by surprise... this was something that couples would do... I mean, they were a couple but they were not public yet... there relationship was still a secret. Yet Bojan's action reassured him that soon it would not remain that way. They would not have to stay a secret anymore.

Jere opened his mouth and at the piece of cake was Bojan gave him. He decided that he wanted to do the same. So, he grabbed a piece of his vanilla cake on his fork and fed it to Bojan.

They both looked at each other and smiled. They eyes twinkled and glowed whenever they looked at each other, it's almost like they were each other's source of life.

Everything seemed so peaceful, so normal... like they were an ordinary couple, out on a little date together, eating together, enjoying each other's company...

After they finished, they walked out of the café and decided to head back to the hotel. On their walk back they were stopped by someone...

"Sorry to disturb you. You're Bojan Cvjetićanin and Jere Pöyhönen, right?"

They both looked at him with a confused expression.

Bojan: "Yes... who are you?"

"I'm an interviewer. I would like to invite you on my show which is happening in two days."

They were taken by surprise.

Jere: "An interview?"

"Exactly. You will be asked a number of questions so that fans can get to know you more. We will also be accepting calls from fans during the show so they can interact with you. It can be a way for both of you to bond more with your fans."

They looked at each other and decided that it was not a bad idea at all. The interviewer gave them his card with his company name and phone number, thanked them and left.

Bojan and Jere arrived back at the hotel. They were both excited to have an interview together. However, at the same time, Bojan was anxious about what kind of questions they would ask... would they ask about relationships? Maybe that people are suspecting that something is happening between him and Jere?

He knew that he had to come out eventually but he was preparing himself to do so during their next concert... Just two days is not enough to mentally and emotionally prepare himself.

He began to feel a bit lightheaded due to the sudden splurge of thoughts that came into his head and overwhelmed him.

Jere noticed that something was wrong because Bojan turned a bit pale. They both sat down next to each other on the bed.

Jere: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Bojan: "No, no, it's nothing, really."

Bojan felt scared to tell Jere how he was feeling. He was scared that he would lose him again and he did not want to risk it.

Jere held Bojan's hand and tightened his grip to indicate reassurance.

Jere: "It's okay Bojan, you can tell me anything..."

Bojan: "B-but do you promise that you would not get angry or anything?"

Jere: "I promise". Jere even gave him a small kiss to reassure him.

Bojan: "It's just... I'm scared about the interview... what if they ask questions about us?"

Jere: "Don't worry Bojan... we'll get through this together".

They hugged each other tightly.

Although Bojan was terrified, he knew that with Jere by his side he could get through anything.


*I apologise for taking ages to update... my 16 year old dog Max passed away and I just had no motivation to write...

*Thanks for reading!!! <3 <3 <3 

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