Ghost bc oneshots english

By Shadowgirl0306

7.9K 163 76

Hi! this is the english version of my oneshots! I hope you'll enjoy them! <3 More

Important Information!
Rain - a willow on the lake
Swiss-No wind resistance
Sodo-My Father's eyes
Rain-Life Eternal
Aether-Life Eternal
Mountain-Life Eternal
Phantom-Life Eternal
Swiss-Life Eternal
Sodo-Life Eternal Part 1
Sodo-Life Eternal Part 2
Swiss (x Sodo) - Toxic
Sodo x Rain - war of hearts
Sodo - Thunder
Sodo - Burnings
Terzo - Soldier
Requests & Questions
Primo - Elizabeth
🔞Rain x Reader - High Enough
Rain - Mama's boy
Terzo x Omega - Stressed Out
☃️ Swiss-Snowman☃️
Secondo - Idolatrine
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Primo, Terzo, Secondo-I'm with you always
🔞Swiss - Yellow🔞
Phantom - His love will conquer (Book Tropes Pt. 1)
Sodo - You are my Sunshine (Book Tropes Pt. 2)

🎄Wonderful Christmas Time🎄

155 5 2
By Shadowgirl0306

I know it's a christian holiday so it propably won't fit the Ministry, but I Love christmas so I decided to write a few christmas-oneshots. During the next weeks, I'll publish a few christmas-chapters but I hope that you don't mind ^^'

Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year. Well at least for Rain and Sunshine. The two of them loved all the lights on the street, the smells of the baked goods and the Christmas movies you watch while wrapped in your blanket with hot chocolate. Both also liked different traditions from all over the world, even if the whole thing was actually a Christian holiday. And today was the first of December, so they could start the first tradition: decorating. They had actually wanted to start after Halloween, but they had to make an agreement with the Ministry that the two of them wouldn't start until December 1st at the earliest. After breakfast, the two of them gathered all the ghouls together to distribute the tasks.

"Is everyone ready?" Sunshine asked excitedly, looking around. She immediately noticed that one ghoul was missing and rolled her eyes.
"Does anyone know where Sodo is?" She asked annoyed, to which Swiss replied with a grin.
"You know him, Sunny. He hates Christmas."
"He can't be serious!" Rain complained, raising his arms
"He can't just suppress the spirit of Christmas!" He shook his head.
"If he doesn't come, I'll have to get him!" The ghouls started laughing.
"Good luck with that, Rain," Cumulus giggled, which annoyed Rain a little. He would get Sodo to help. He grabbed Mountain's hand and dragged the large ghoul with him.
"What is he doing?" Cirrus asked confused and the others shrugged
"Just let him do it. We'll see," Aether murmured, stretching briefly. A short time later, Sodo was heard complaining about something.

When Mountain carried him through the door, it was clear to everyone why.
"Let me down!" He shouted angrily
"I'm not in the mood for this nonsense!"
Mountain put the ghoul down in his place and Rain grinned cheekily at him.
"Even if you don't feel like it, you have to go through it now."
Rain grinned cheekily.
"Christmas only comes once a year. Grit your teeth or finally let the spirit of Christmas get to you!" Rain said.
"I hate Christmas! What's so special about it? To me it just means that winter is starting! It's getting cold, everything is wet and the snow is just unbearable!" He continued to complain.
"Oh Sodo!" Sunshine giggled and ran towards him.
"The winter and the cold can only affect you if you let it. Try some cozy blankets, hot chocolate, tea or a hot bath. Use the time to snuggle up in bed and watch films and Just to relax" she smiled.

The Ghoulette had a way of speaking that put everyone at ease. Sodo too. The smaller ghoul stood there and looked at her a little speechless, which was really rare for Sodo. Sunshine just grinned wider and put an arm around Sodo.
"If you'll help us out today, I'll think about joining you for your cozy movie night or hot bath tonight."
The ghoulette saw that she had clearly piqued Sodo's interest. His eyes shimmered with anticipation, but as quickly as the shimmer came, it disappeared and Sodo rolled his eyes.
"All right, then let's decorate, but don't you dare sing any songs or put me in a stupid sweater," he muttered in a bad mood, which made them all giggle.
Rain clapped his hands.
"Good, then we can start!" He said, looking around
"We already have a plan!" He pointed to Cirrus and Cumulus.
"You start with the dining room. And you two take over the living room"
He pointed to Sodo and Sunshine.
"Aether and Swiss, you take care of the hallway on the second floor!" The two ghouls nodded.
"Mountain, you and I do the hallway downstairs and when we're all done, we'll take care of the tree!"
.They all nodded as a sign that they understood.
"If you have problems hanging something high, you can ask Mountain, he can handle it," he patted the big ghoul on the back.
"Well then, let's go!" Sunshine immediately grabbed Sodo's hand and pulled him along so he didn't have time to fight back.
"Come on C, this will be fun!" Cumulus pulled Cirrus with her toward the dining room as they whispered to each other, giggling.

"I guess we should start too?" Mountain asked Rain and together they ran down into the hallway.
"Where do we start?" The large ghoul asked curiously. Rain ran to the decorative box and looked inside.
"So we have garlands for the banister, fairy lights for the windows, a wreath for the front door, nutcrackers and a small Christmas tree." He listed as he rummaged a little in the box.
"That sounds like a start." Mountain ran to the box and took out one of the many fairy lights.
“Should they just go to the top of the window?” He asked, to which Rain nodded.
"Yep. Do you need a ladder or can you get to it on your own?"
“Do I look like I need a ladder?” He asked giggling, making Rain blush.
"Probably not," he mumbled embarrassedly.
"It's okay, I'll manage it," the ghoul smiled encouragingly and walked to the window with the fairy lights. Rain turned around and took out the first nutcracker, which he placed next to the front door.

Then he took the wreath and hung it on the door outside. The cold wind gave him goosebumps, so he quickly walked inside and grabbed the garland he was using to decorate the banister. When he was finished, he looked at Mountain, who had already decorated half of his windows with fairy lights.
"Looks good" Rain smiled at Mountain as he turned around.
"Thanks. I told you I could do it without a ladder," he took the next string of lights and ran with them to another window.

Rain took smaller figures, like gnomes and reindeer out of the box, and placed them in the hallway wherever they looked good. They all looked different, had different colors and sizes. But the nine gnomes had one thing in common. They all had a cloth with a name around their neck. Rain smiled. He had sewn the gnomes' scarves himself. He wanted to make a Christmas present for each of the ghouls, so he sewed fabrics of different colors into cloths and always embroidered a name on them. The largest gnome had a green cloth with silver embroidery with which he had written the name "Mountain" and the smallest had a red cloth with the golden name "Sodo". It had been strenuous work, which meant he often pricked his finger and since he couldn't sew, everything was crooked. But Rain really wanted to do it. For him it was only the thought behind it that mattered, not what it looked like. The most difficult one was the gnome he placed in the middle. He had sewn him a coat and modified the cap so that it looked like a miter, and he also had a little make-up on his face. It was supposed to represent Papa. So he lined up all the gnomes in a row and looked at the result with satisfaction.

“Did you make all of these for us?” He suddenly heard Mountain's voice behind him, which made him turn around
"U-Uhm... Y-Yes" he stuttered uncertainly and felt himself blushing.
"They don't look good, but I t-thought-"
"They look perfect!" Mountain said, crouching down in front of the elves.
"D-Do you really think so?" Rain asked in amazement and looked at him with big, hopeful eyes.
"Yes, really. They look great," he smiled and took a closer look at his.
"Green is my favorite color, did you know that?" He asked, which made Rain blush, but he nodded anyway.
"Y-Yes. I know all your favorite colors"
He confessed, scratching the back of his head a little.
Mountain stood back up and smiled softly.
“How thoughtful of you,” he grinned happily and then turned around to take care of the next decoration.
After a while they finally got everything set up and hung up. Everything except one thing.

"Mountain, can you please help me hang the mistletoe from the ceiling?" Rain asked a little uncertainly and pointed up to the ceiling, where there was a small hook on which the mistletoe could be hung. The large ghoul looked up and seemed to think.
"Well, I'm big, but I can't reach it myself," he grinned crookedly. Rain looked at the mistletoe somewhat disappointed.
"Well... It doesn't have to hang," he mumbled and was about to put it down again when Mountain took his hand.
"Hey, if you sit on my shoulders, we'll definitely get to it," he offered with a gentle smile, which made Rain a little nervous.
"U-Uhm well, we can try it" with that, Mountain got on his knees in front of him and waited for him to sit on him.
Rain carefully put one leg over his shoulder before pulling the other one over as well and holding on to his head.
"Be careful, I'm getting up." The big ghoul carefully got up again and Rain held on tighter as it wobbled a bit. Still, it wasn't long before he was standing and Rain could lift his arms to hang the mistletoe.
"So... Done!" He looked at his work with satisfaction.
"Can I put you down again?" Mountain asked, who then slowly let Rain slide off his shoulders. He and Rain suddenly found themselves directly opposite each other, so that the little ghoul had to look up at him and slowly noticed how nervous and red he was. Mountain smiled softly.

“Do you notice anything?” He asked and Rain shook his head. The big ghoul leaned towards him a little.
"We stand together under a mistletoe"
He whispered in his ear, making Rain blush instantly.
"U-um... I..." He wanted to step away from him, but Mountain held him back, making his heart race.
"Don't worry," he said gently.
"I won't do anything you don't want me to do." Still, he leaned down and lifted Rain's chin with a finger so it was easier to reach. The smaller ghoul felt his heart racing even more and his body shaking with excitement and nervousness.
Suddenly the feeling passed and a pleasant calm spread over him. The silence lulled him and almost made him sleepy.
"I-I know you're using your power," he whispered as Mountain's face got closer and closer to his.
“Do you hate me for that?” He asked curiously, but still in a calm voice.
It took a moment for Rain to find his voice again because he was far too distracted by Mountain's olive green eyes. The gentle soul of the great ghoul, which Rain had always found so fascinating, seemed to be reflected in it.
"No..." He whispered
"I love you for that"
"You do?" Rain's lips began to tingle as he felt the other ghoul's breath on them. He wanted to kiss him. Absolutely. And he wanted it not to be the last kiss. He nodded, making Mountain smile.
"May I?" The large ghoul asked, looking at his lips.

"N-No... I-I mean yes!" Rain stuttered a little excitedly. Not even the Earth Ghoul's powers could hide his excitement.
Smiling, Mountain bridged the last few centimeters and their lips touched gently. The Water Ghoul's heart burst into flames and began to race, almost seeming to burst out of his chest. Mountain's kiss was so gentle that it felt so good, almost like they were created just to kiss him. After a few seconds, Mountain deepened the kiss so that his tongue slipped into Rain's mouth and gently brushed against Rain's tongue.
Rain sighed contentedly and closed his eyes. His hands moved up to Mountain's chest, which he gently stroked before holding on to the shirt to keep from falling over.

After a while, the larger ghoul pulled his head away and looked at him, smiling.
"That was nice." He gently stroked the smaller ghoul's cheek.
"It was" Rain replied, smiling. There was a comfortable, warm feeling in his body. He wasn't nervous or excited. There was just peace and joy within him.
"Y-You can stop using your powers." He said, looking into Mountain's deep green eyes, noticing the ghoul's mischievous grin.
"I haven't used them since the kiss, Raindrop." he chuckled while the smaller ghoul blushed.
"Y-You haven't?" he asked, causing the larger ghoul to shake his head.
"No. That was all you." he grinned before stepping out from under the mistletoe.
"Come on, the others are probably waiting for us!" with that the ghoul ran towards the living room.
"Coming!" Rain quickly ran after him so as not to fall behind.

"There you are finally!" Cumulus greeted them.
"We wanted to start without you!" she smiled before turning back to the Christmas tree.
"How did you even get the tree up without me? It's huge!" Mountain looked at her a little dumbfounded.
"Honestly, it was tiring, but with teamwork it worked!" Swiss patted Sodo and Aether on the shoulder.
"However, we had to wait a bit before we could start." Cirrus giggled.
"Sodo was a little distracted," she winked at the two.
"It obviously didn't do him any good to spend time with Sunshine."
The fire ghoul snorted in response.
"If you only knew what else we did besides decorating..." he mumbled annoyed and turned away.
"Let's not talk such nonsense! Let's decorate the tree instead!"
Sunshine took the first colorful balls out of a box and started hanging them on the tree.
"Help me! Then it will go faster!"

Everyone immediately started hanging the balls on the tree together. There was no system; everyone simply picked a ball they liked before hanging it on the tree. In the end the tree was totally colorful and had every color you could imagine. Green, red, blue, gold, silver, pink, purple... There were candy canes or reindeer hanging in between, and sometimes pine cones. Finally, Mountain and Rain put the top together before they all looked at the tree together.

"It's... ugly, somehow." Sodo muttered and had to giggle.
"It's... quite colorful." Swiss also noted with amusement.
"It doesn't matter! We decorated it together, that's all that matters!" Mountain grinned before putting his arm around Rain.
"No matter what it looks like, what's more important is who we decorated the tree with."
"You're right, Mountain!" Sunshine confirmed before running towards the fireplace.
"By the way, Sodo and I hung a sock for everyone over the fireplace. If you want, we can draw pieces of paper so that everyone fills someone else's sock!" She suggested enthusiastically before everyone nodded.
"Good idea! Let's get started!" So everyone drew a piece of paper.
Rain smiled as he pulled Sodo. Of course he got the on that was grumpy about Christmas, but that didn't bother him. With the right chocolate, you could also delight Sodo.
"I've got your name." Mountain suddenly whispered in his ear, causing him to blush.
"Don't worry, you'll get the best gift you can imagine..."
"I just need one wish, nothing more." Rain replied, still looking at the piece of paper with Sodo's name on it.
"And what would that wish be?"
"That this wasn't our last kiss" he finally looked up to be greeted by Mountain's gentle smile.
"Then I can guarantee you that your Christmas wish will come true."

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