By aablanco_author

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Book 1 of the Sinners DUO ‼️18 VERY MATURE‼️ Celeste Dolores daughter of a Spain mob leader, trying to escape... More

Main Characters/ Plot
Chapter 1: Stranger Danger
Chapter 2: Elope
Chapter 4: Obeyed
Chapter 5: Slap
Chapter 6: My Ruler
Chapter 7: Elias
Chapter 8: Trust
Chapter 9: Bed Fight
Chapter 10: Fuck
Chapter 11: Bodyguard
Chapter 12: Everywhere Baby
Chapter 13: Death
Chapter 14: Fire
Chapter 15: Haunting
Chapter 16: Shadows
Chapter 17: Enemy
Chapter 18: Run
Chapter 19: Lilith
Chapter 20: Swell
Chapter 21: Do I?
Chapter 22: Deal
Chapter 23: Stay
Chapter 24: CD Dinning
Chapter 25: Me and the Devil
Chapter 26: I Did Nothing
Chapter 27: Overdose
Chapter 28: Wife
Chapter 29: Emerald
Chapter 30: Fallen Angel
Chapter 31: Antidote
Chapter 32: I Lied
Chapter 33: No Us
Chapter 34: Care
Chapter 35: Please Motherfucker
Chapter 36: Feelings
Chapter 37: I Hoped
Chapter 38: Raus III
Chapter 39: The Basement
Chapter 40: Make Love
Chapter 41: Helmet
Chapter 42: Don't Scream
Chapter 43: Why
Chapter 44: Red hair red lips and pale skin.
Chapter 45: I Promise You
Chapter 46: Unholy
Chapter 47: Marylyn
Chapter 48: Dangerous Feeling
Chapter 49: Mafia King

Chapter 3: Adira Tariq

792 25 15
By aablanco_author


I wore a white crop top with a pair of clean jeans and heels, It looks like I'm dressed for the goddamn mall instead of a wedding reception, I hope my soon-to-be husband doesn't mind.

Walking toward the front office, my eyes instantly dart to his, wearing a regular black outfit, a black buttoned-up t-shirt, the first couple of buttons free showing off his chest.

Black pair of expensive slacks, and some black loafers, his hair styled to the side, when he suddenly starts pacing up to me, his natural bitch face glaring through me.


What is he trying to achieve? no wrinkles when he's at the age of sixty? Could the man not give me one slight little smile at least, it's like he already hates me without even saying a word to me. Literally.

"Here" He grasped my wrist tightly when he suddenly placed a beautiful man's wedding ring on my palm, "We should get the marriage contract soon"

Rolling my eyes once he turned my back I gripped the ring, the ring was huge around my fingers, and I scolded him in the back as he made his way to my guess is his fucking bestie.

He seriously thinks he can treat me like a fucking ghost in front of his people, fuck no, I will not be treated as a ghost, and I will gain his respect if he likes it or not, it's time to show who the fucker is marrying.

Fisting the ring I pace toward them, my small self beside men ten times my height didn't intimidate me, even with heels they were huge, and the loud stomp of my heels catch their attention.

I smile wide and glance up at Damian, "What's your favorite color soon-to-be husband?" I asked grinning, and folding my arms across my chest as he arched a brow at me. Ah, an arch of a brow!

We're getting somewhere people.

"Well if your going to be my husband I should know at least one thing about you right" He inhaled a breath as his friend smirked beside me, not taking my eyes away from him, I kept myself steady.

His gaze was intimidating, but mine was much worse, he'll look away first, I'll make sure of it.

No man has been able to maintain contact with me for longer than a minute, and Damian, he's not backing down and neither am I, well will you look at that? we're both stubborn, good to know the rest of my life will become full of petty arguments.

"This is a business marriage, I don't find interest in getting to know you" A snarl seeks his lips, and I hold onto the urge to choke him in the middle of the goddamn room.

"Right business, well before you take my hand, let's make one thing clear"

Taking a step closer I close the gap between us glaring at him, my gaze becomes intense as I see a hint of amusement in his eyes, good, I hope he enjoys the show.

"I'm not one of your whores who'll follow you like a puppy, if your going to be my husband your going to respect me and treat me like a human being, if not, I'll make you regret signing your name on that fucking piece of paper"

I smile wider as his eyes widen in shock from my curse, I catch a smirk on his lips before it disappears, HAHA. Keeping my stand I take a step back, "Damian Morana and Celeste Dolores" Someone shouts, not catching our attention we keep our staring contest.

The air between us was already tense, but I didn't back down from a challenge, and he was testing me.

"Better start walking Wifey" he smirks, my smile drops and a snarl crosses my lips, I bite my tongue tasting the copper in my mouth, "Fucker" I mutter under my breath as I start pacing toward the random lady staring between us both as if she just witnessed a murder I storm inside the room.


I don't know Celeste, but I can tell she's been through a lot to get where she is now, I couldn't deny and say I was impressed, as intimidating as her looks are, she also is on the inside, she would make a great leader one day.

She doesn't let any man walk over her like a carpet, I know that. Her walk was even intimidating and...hot.

Tho I can't deny and say I'm not grateful my wife is a feisty person, that means she'll put my men in their places if they try her, and I doubt none of them will get the last word out before there's a knife inside their throats.

Bitting on my lower lip I swerve down the street, "She's going to be a lot to handle" Dean blew the smoke from his cigarette out his big ass mouth.

"You sure this is a good idea?" He asked
"Don't question me Dean, I know what I'm doing" I roll my eyes swerving to my left again nearly rolling the car on its back, Dean grips the door handle tighter yet still calm, "Your going to end up getting her killed, once Elias finds out your married now he'll come after you like a fucking roach"

Like the fucker isn't already after my life, either way, I need a wife, and I need to have children as quickly as possible, this war ends in blood, knowing my brother he won't give up till I'm six feet underground.

One of us will have to take it for the team, but I know I don't give up a fight, as long as it takes I'll do everything to kill the piece of shit.

"She's not going to get killed, Elias is after me, he won't give a shit about her" Dean arches a brow and rolls his eyes, "And if you fall for her? Who fucked now" glaring at him break the car, causing us to nearly tumble upwards.

"I'm not fucking falling for her, I don't need another mistake in my life"

I glared from the balcony, my eyes watching her from head to toe as she walks inside my mansion, her hips seductively swaying side to side, she was so goddamn gorgeous, what was I expecting really? She's the daughter of Spain's face.

One of the sexiest women alive, of course, her daughter would be sexy as well, she wore a long white dress, Dior white sunglasses with her perfect shade of blonde hair pinned straight.

She lifts them above her head, catching my gaze, rolling her eyes she scoffs, my butlers and maids, heading up the stairs into her room to unload her bags, as expected the woman has more than a thousand luggage.

Her gaze intimidated me, she stared at me like the devil herself, her green eyes were brighter than a lake, and the perfect shape of almond eyes...

I know she'll be tough to handle, but that's what I signed myself up for, "Fuck it" I groan stalking my way toward her, her gaze watches me as I make my way toward her, stopping a foot she arched a brow, "Are you going to show me around Husband?" Maintaining my smirk I gesture for her to lead the way upstairs.

Rolling her eyes she leads me upstairs, I resist the urge to glance at her seductive walk again, she holds herself up with her confidence, she knows her worth, and knows where she stands.

She knows who's worth her time, and who isn't.

Very unique

Walking past her I opened her bedroom door, "Welcome to Moranas Mansion" She arched a brow and took a step inside her new room, the whiff of her intoxicating rich perfume hit my nostrils.


I couldn't deny and say the room was gorgeous, yet dark, it screamed danger, it was the opposite compared to me, yet cozy, and the bed was big enough for a family.

Two tinted glass doors lead toward a walk-in closet, multiple maids and butlers rush out of the room once they notice us, the room smells like fall, and the view of Detriot is incredibly beautiful from up here, maybe this won't be so bad...

"I hope it's to your liking" His deep accent spoke behind me, sending a thrill down my spine from how firm he normally speaks, "It's a work in progress" I turned to face him-

My eyes caught in his dark mysterious gaze, he leaned against the doorframe, his big buff arms crossed around his chest, with his dark facial features staring back at me as if he was trying to figure me out, trying to find me out.

Why does he have to look so goddamn mysterious all the time, I hate how curious I am to find out more as if my head is telling me to stay away as much as I can, but my heart is begging me to break that stupid mask of his.

And see the ugly truth behind his beautiful structure, "Start getting ready, our marriage party is in five hours" My eyes widen and my mask slips, watching the smirk form on his lips as he shut the door and leaves me alone in shock.

Oh, that mother trucker! just got here and he's expecting me to start getting dressed for a party? We haven't even been married for five hours straight!

Walking out of my room for the very first time that day, I overhear the laughs of men and women coming beneath me, along with music and the sounds of glass being dinged together, my anxiety was up the roof, I'd never been to a ball on my own, especially with people I know could kill me without any shame, knowing Damian as one of the most dangerous people in Detriot.

His friends are also dangerous, I wonder if Anastasia is here...she's Spain's princess, I wouldn't be surprised if she was-

"Wow look at you" I jerk to my right, where the balcony view leads toward another hallway, my eyes land on another pair of emreald green eyes, dark big red lips with a smile, gorgeous red hair curled at her shoulders, tall long legs only an inch shorter than me.

She had beautiful fair skin, and long red sharp nails, "You the new talk of the city sweetheart" She took a step closer, her eyes gazing at me up and down as I arched a brow and did the same, "Thank you, am I supposed to know who you are?" our eyes dart together, and I could tell just by the tensed air.

And the way she looked at me and faked a nice smile, she was bad news, and I should not be near her, "Adira Tariq" Oh how nice of her she finally introduced herself.

"Celeste Dolores, yeah I know" Well okay, she grinned up at me when she suddenly gestured for us to head downstairs, I hesitated at first, gazing at her creepy smile, "Dont worry sweetheart I don't bite"

"I doubt that" she chuckles, as if I was joking.

Both at once we made our way down, side by side we kept our heads up straight and glared at the crowd of people laughing and cheering, I could tell Adira was just like me, from how she kept herself up high, and the way she spoke.

It was soft, deep, elegant, As much as I could tell we're alike, I know for a fact that smile was not genuine.

"So Cely" Oh we're on nickname terms had no clue, "I heard you and Elija were a thing" I smile to myself as a random butler hands me a glass of lemon-colored champagne, grasping it I take a long sip, "Were" She glances at me with her smile.

"Funny he never mentioned you" I giggle licking my lips, she's testing me, she might think I'm a rookie, daughter of a mob who isn't even as dangerous as we think.

But too sad I'm smarter than I look, and if she's trying to manipulate me into exposing my emotions, she'll have to try harder, I was raised by the devil of manipulation himself.

"Oh is that so? neither did he mention you" Smirking to myself we stopped in a living room, where a bunch of fancy women and men wore suits and dresses, playing some classical music, the room was gorgeous, with black and red velvet walls, and a black marble floor.

Two red couches sit in the middle of the room, a bar at the corner where a group of men sat laughing at whatever dumb joke one of them said, and a woman who stood laughing and gossiping, following Adira we sit on the couch, facing a fireplace.

"I expected that, he was always such an asshole" Grinning I wet my lips, my red matte lipstick should be good for the whole night, crossing my legs I face her direction, "He was, sadly his cock wasn't" She releases another chuckle along with my own, the fucker egos was bigger than his dick.

His pull-out game was weak I had the shove the bitch away from me, "I'm surprised he dated a woman like you" Her smile slowly drops as her gaze darted toward my body once again, is she gay?

I've caught her staring more than I wish I had.

I had no clue if she meant that last sentence in a bad way, or a good way. I'm not surprised a your personality is fake just like your face sweetheart, "Thank you for the compliment love" Taking another sip of my champagne I ignore her glare into my cheek-

"Adira" Glancing above me, stood Damian's friend from the reception, "Asher is waiting for you" He ignored my gaze, and I glanced back at Adiras whose face brightened into a pink blush.

"What does he want?" She asked, revealing her attitude.
"Your head on a stick if you don't start moving" She rolls her eyes and stands practically storming out of the living room right after.

Swallowing he sat beside me, finally meeting my gaze, his dark chocolate-brown eyes met mine, "Don't worry Dolores, Asher wouldn't hurt Damian's wife," As much as I would love to believe him.

Knowing Dons, Assassins, Naecs, Underbosses, Soldiers, and Godfathers/Mothers, they have no remorse to murder someone even if that person practically rules a whole city.

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