Silver Lining


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Secret Organization. White Star. Sealed God. They are all gone now. Peace has come again to the Western and E... More

Team Leader
Our Past
Our Past II
Our Past III
Raisa II
Raisa III
Jung Yeon Hwa
How Peaceful
God of Death
Cherished One
You Are Not Alone
Silver and Black
Little One
How Did You Know?
QnA Part 1
QnA Part 2
QnA Part 3
Deja Vu
The Present
Festival II
Festival III
The Butler and The Chef
The Lady
The Rose, The Lights & The Darkness
Special AU Part 1
Special AU Part 2
Special AU Part 3
Special AU Part 4
Side Story
New Moonlight
Zero Failure
Losing Her
The Diary
Puzzle City
The Heart and Soul
The Dukedom
Kim Soo Yeon
The Night
The Sun
Her Guilt
The Roots
New Day
The Sea
World Tree

His Guest

1.4K 142 12

In the majestic royal office of the Emperor, the air hung heavy with an aura of importance.

The room was adorned with regal furnishings, and sunlight streamed in through the ornate windows, casting a warm glow upon the opulent surroundings.

The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the history of the Roan Empire, a testament to its storied past.

In the room, resonating with a sense of gravity, two figures engaged in a serious discussion.

Emperor Alberu Crossman, with his striking blond hair and piercing blue eyes, sat on the armchair elegantly.

Despite the gravity of the conversation, a benevolent smile perpetually graced his handsome face, portraying a ruler who cared for his people and his allies.

His gaze was fixed on the man seated across from him.

The other figure was the red-haired, sharp-faced individual known for his tactical brilliance and expressionless demeanor – Cale Henituse.

His reddish-brown eyes, usually void of emotion, were focused intently on the matter at hand.

Seated at a polished wooden table, scattered with documents and maps, the two men engaged in a conversation of utmost importance.

The sunlight streaming through the ornate windows cast a warm glow on the plush furnishings, creating an illusion of tranquility in the midst of intense deliberations.

The blond Emperor leaned forward, his hands clasped together, displaying an air of thoughtful consideration.

The royal office was filled with the hushed rustle of parchment as Cale Henituse, utilizing his unique ability 'Record,' skimmed through the reports detailing the resurgence of black mages across the Western Continent.

His reddish-brown eyes flickered with intensity, absorbing the information at an unbelievable pace.

Emperor Alberu Crossman observed his sworn little brother, his gaze silent but keen.

Cale, seemingly unaffected by the accelerated pace of his own actions, took a sip of tea before closing the thick volume of reports with a resolute thud.

Cale's voice broke the silence, cutting through the air like a blade.

"There is a problem with these reports, Hyung-nim."

Alberu, leaning back in his chair, raised an eyebrow, prompting Cale to continue.

The young master continued.

"Every kingdom in the Western Continent is grappling with the black mage problem."

The Emperor nodded, acknowledging the shared knowledge.

"Well, yes. It's been a growing concern across the continent."

Cale's next words hung in the air, laden with realization that sent a chill down Alberu's spine.

"Except Roan."

Alberu's eyes, the color of a clear summer sky, narrowed slightly as he absorbed Cale's keen observation that he overlooked.

The young Emperor's usually benevolent smile vanished, replaced by a grave expression.

Alberu spoke slowly, the weight of the revelation sinking in.

"Their main goal all along is us."

Cale's gaze remained fixed on the maps sprawled across the table, his mind already racing through the potential consequences of Roan standing alone in prosperity while the surrounding kingdoms suffered from the black mage menace.

Emperor Alberu, too, grasped the severity of the situation, his normally cheerful demeanor replaced by a thoughtful frown.

Cale's voice cut through the heavy silence, addressing the pressing issue at hand.

"Hyung–nim, you know that Roan's strength lies not just in military might but in the network of trust and cooperation we've built with the surrounding kingdoms. Breck, Whipper, Jungle, Caro, Mogoru, and Paerun – they've all come to rely on us, not just as allies but as partners."

"If Roan is the only nation untouched, it won't be seen as a blessing. It'll be seen as suspicious."

"It won't take long for distrust and resentment to fester."

Emperor Alberu's brow furrowed as he considered the ramifications of this precarious situation.

The alliances Roan had were based on mutual trust and cooperation.

If Roan stood alone in prosperity, suspicion would cast a shadow over these relationships.

Alberu's fingers drummed lightly on the table, his mind working through the intricacies of diplomacy and the delicate balance.

"If the other kingdoms are struggling with the black mage issue, and Roan remains unscathed, they might perceive it as intentional isolation. A prosperity untouched by the problems they are grappling with."

"Exactly, Hyung-nim. The worst-case scenario is that they'll start harboring doubts. They might even think we sent these black mages to stir problems in their territories while we thrive in isolation."

Cale's gaze remained fixed on the emperor as he continued to articulate the potential ramifications of Roan's unique position.

"We need to establish communication, share intelligence, and work together against this common threat. If not, distrust and misunderstanding will breed, and the consequences could be dire."

Alberu nodded solemnly, recognizing the necessity of preemptive action.

The fate of the Western Continent hung in the balance, and the room echoed with the weight of their shared responsibility.

Alberu took a sip of his tea and shared information about Rosalyn's proactive measures.

"Tower Master Rosalyn has already initiated investigations with mages from the Tower of Magic. They are on their way to the affected kingdoms to gather more information. But we need something more, Cale."

Cale, considering the practical aspects, added his insights.

"I suggest we create a joint task force with representatives from each kingdom. A collaboration to share intelligence, and strategies, and work together to eradicate the black mages. This not only ensures transparency but also builds a stronger united front against the common threat."

"Although we had experience handling black mages in the past, especially thanks to Pope Jack and Hannah, these bastards are not normal black mages according to the reports."

"They are stray black mages. A group of crazy people without a leader, so they brazenly kidnapped and killed innocent citizens to obtain the dead mana."

Alberu, ever the pragmatic ruler, leaned forward, his gaze locked onto Cale.

The redhead young master also stared into the young Emperor's blue eyes without fear as he was the only person in the Empire who dared to do so,

"It's a delicate situation, Cale. We must tread carefully to avoid escalating tensions or triggering unnecessary conflicts."

"You don't need to worry, Your Majesty. The key is to show sincerity and a genuine desire for collaboration. We're not just protecting the Roan Empire; we're safeguarding the entire Western Continent."

As the discussion unfolded, the room buzzed with an air of determination.

Emperor Alberu hesitated for a moment before broaching the topic that lingered in the back of his mind.

He regarded Cale, the young man who had become not just a trusted ally but a brother.

"Cale, there's another matter I'd like to discuss."

Cale, still engrossed in the reports, looked up with a raised eyebrow, indicating Alberu to continue.

"I'm aware of the tremendous burden you've been carrying for Roan. Your contributions haven't gone unnoticed."

Cale, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the praise, simply nodded.

"However, considering the delicate nature of this situation and the need for someone both skilled and trustworthy to navigate these discussions, I find myself contemplating a particular assignment."


The redhead could sense the foreboding feelings of hearing his sworn brother using his glib tongue for once in a long time that he was not pretending to be polite anymore.

Alberu took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself to suggest a mission that would demand much from his little slacker.

"I believe you should be the one to represent the Roan Empire in these diplomatic efforts. Act as our emissary to the other kingdoms."

Cale's expression remained impassive, but a flicker of reluctance passed through his eyes.

The young man, with a half-smile, replied,

"Hyung, you know I prefer a quiet life."

The Emperor chuckled, acknowledging the irony of asking the laziest person he knew to take on such a significant task.

Alberu stroked the bright red hair of his sworn brother whom he cherished more than his blood-related brothers.

"Sometimes, Cale, the quietest lives bear the heaviest responsibilities. I trust you'll handle this with the same finesse you apply to everything else."

"Your presence carries weight, Cale Henituse. It's not just about diplomacy; it's about trust. You've earned the trust of our people, and that extends to the leaders of other nations. They need to see, firsthand, our commitment to this alliance against the black mages."

Cale sighed, running a hand through his disheveled red hair.

A genuine smile plastered on the young Emperor's face softening his stern demeanor.

"You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't necessary. Plus, I have faith in you, dongsaeng."

The emperor's words hung in the air, emphasizing the dual roles Cale played — as the nonchalant brother and the indispensable figurehead of the Roan Empire.

Alberu looked at the redhead who grumbled quietly and couldn't help but find the situation funny.

This little sworn brother of his could reject right away his request with his influence and power almost on par with the imperial family and might be higher.

However, this young master obediently chooses to listen to him.

This behavior just made Alberu trust and care for Cale like a real family should be.

Cale, after a moment of contemplation, closed the reports and looked directly at Alberu.

The Emperor could see the wheels turning in the young man's mind, calculating the best approach for his own benefit.

"Alright, I'll meet them. But don't expect me to give a flowery speech."

"As long as you show up, that's good enough. They need to see the face of the man they trust the most from our Empire."

Despite the carefree facade, Alberu knew Cale wouldn't shirk a duty that concerned the safety of the Roan Empire.

His slacker life depends on the peace of the Roan, his homeland after all.

"But, there's something I want..."

"What is it? Another golden plaque?"

Before the young master finishing his words, Alberu already expected Cale going to ask something from him.

This is the Cale Henituse that he knows.

"Hmm? No, I just want it to delay until the summer season arrive."

"...? Well, Miss Rosalyn already on the move. Those stray black mages wouldn't do something reckless for the time being. I can set back the meeting at most a month. Is that all you want?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"....How about the reward?"

"No, I am okay."

"...Did you hit something in your head from the time I hadn't seen you?"

"...Hyung-nim, did you just curse at me?"

Alberu confused at his materialistic younger brother suddenly behaved so good.

Cale was a little bit offended by his expression.

The redhead, with his signature nonchalant demeanor, stood up, signaling his departure from the royal office.

The blondie Emperor arched an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Leaving already?"

"I don't want to see your face."

"Our Silver Shield has a sharp tongue as ever."

"Oh, it's nothing compared to our Emperor of boundless brilliance! Your reign, a celestial dance of wisdom and wit, paints history's canvas with strokes of triu—."

"Okay, shut up. Get out, you little prick."

Cale avoided the pen that Alberu thrown towards him and an unapologetic smirk plastered on his face.

As he ambled toward the door, he halted, glancing back at Alberu.

"Oh, by the way, I'll be taking Choi Han back with me."

"Sure thing. He's originally your guardian knight. It's been weeks since he was here as my instructor, it's time for him to return to his liege's side."

"Then, I'll be taking my leave, Your Majesty, the Sun of Empire."

With a casual bow, Cale left the royal office, leaving Alberu to return to the reports with a mixture of amusement and admiration for his unpredictable sworn brother.

The grand hallway of the palace stretched ahead of Cale, its opulent design a testament to the empire's wealth and power.

As he strolled leisurely, the faint echo of his footsteps resonated through the polished marble floor.

Abruptly, Cale came to a standstill, his brows furrowing slightly.

It was one of those moments when a nagging feeling of forgotten information hung in the air, just out of reach.

He tilted his head, trying to remember something.

It's like he needs to inform something to his Hyung-nim.

Then, he just shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly.

"Well, I will just tell him next time."

In the grandeur of the royal palace, both sworn brothers remained blissfully unaware of the missing piece in their exchange.

By the time Alberu received that piece, he was the last one to be aware of the existence of that person.

Cale continued his leisurely stroll down the corridor, his destination the training arena where Choi Han was.

At the training ground, the air in the training ground was charged with excitement as the three children, On, Hong, and Raon, stood at the sidelines, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Their cheers, a lively melody, echoed through the spacious arena.

"Go, Choi Han! You can do it!"

"Show them your awesome moves, Choi Han Nya!"

"Captain Knight, you better watch out! Our Strong Choi Han is unbeatable!"

In the center of the training ground, Choi Han gracefully engaged in a sparring match with the royal captain knight.

Their swords clashed and danced, a mesmerizing display of skill and strategy.

The captain knight, a seasoned warrior, moved with precision, while Choi Han's movements were a poetic blend of agility and finesse.

Cale, leaning against a nearby pillar, observed the scene with a leisure gaze

The training ground had transformed into a stage for a friendly yet intense spar, and the children's cheers added a layer of encouragement to the spectacle.

The clash of swords and the resounding cheers created a harmonious melody, painting a vivid picture of camaraderie and skill on the canvas of the training ground.

The clang of swords gradually subsided as Choi Han, the youngest swordmaster of the Roan Empire, gracefully concluded the sparring session.

The royal captain knight, acknowledging the young man's prowess, sheathed his sword and extended a hand with a nod of respect.

"Well fought, Choi Han-nim."

Captain Knight complimented, his voice carrying the weight of respect.

The other knights, having witnessed the sparring match, gathered around, forming a semi-circle as a gesture of recognition.

Choi Han reciprocated the handshake, his demeanor calm and collected with his usual innocent smile.

"Thank you, Captain. It was an honor to spar with you."

It was at this moment that they collectively turned their attention to the figure leaning against a pillar, the red-haired young master himself—Cale Henituse.

A ripple of anticipation spread through the knights as they recognized the hero of the Roan Empire.

Captain Knight stepped forward, leading the knights in a salute.

"To the great hero, Cale Henituse, we offer our utmost respect and gratitude for his unwavering leadership and dedication to our empire."

The synchronized clinking of armor echoed the sentiment of the knights as they stood in a disciplined formation, expressing their appreciation for the man who had become a symbol of strength and resilience.

Cale, ever nonchalant in his demeanor, acknowledged the salutes with a nod and a casual wave of his hand.

"At ease, everyone. No need for formalities."

He said, his tone carrying a casual yet authoritative air.

His calm aura just increases the admiration of knights towards him.

Little did they know, their 'great hero' just felt some chills at his back hearing their salute.

He rather handle his Emperor brother's glib tongue all day than face their fearsome admiration.

After the exchange of respect with the Royal Knights, Cale Henituse gestured for Choi Han, the cat siblings, and the ever-eager Raon to gather around.

The knights, having fulfilled their duty, respectfully dispersed, leaving the training ground to the departing group.

"We're heading home."

"Yes, Cale-nim."

"Let's go home!"

"Home, Nya!"

"Let's go, Weak Human!"

Choi Han, always attuned to Cale's cues, followed without hesitation.

The children—On, Hong, and Raon—gathered around, their faces reflecting a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Raon, the young dragon, fluttered his wings with eagerness, ready to perform the teleportation magic that would transport them back to the Henituse Duchy.

With a shared understanding, the group gathered close.

Cale placed a hand on Raon's round head, signaling the young dragon to initiate the teleportation spell.

In an instant, the surroundings blurred, and the next moment, they found themselves back in the familiar territory of the Henituse Duchy.

As they stepped into the inviting interior of Henituse Manor, Cale addressed the children and Choi Han with a congenial directive.

"Go ahead, freshen up a bit, and take a break. We'll gather for lunch later."

He instructed with a hint of warmth in his voice.

The trio of On, Hong, and Raon eagerly acknowledged his words, nodding in unison before dashing off toward their respective rooms.

Choi Han, ever respectful, offered a graceful bow to his liege before proceeding to his own quarters.

As the others dispersed, Cale found himself at a crossroads in the hallway, where his gaze met the graceful figure of Duchess Violan, his mother.

Their eyes met, and Cale, momentarily caught off guard, offered a polite nod of acknowledgment.


"Cale, my son. How was your time at the palace?"

She replied, her gaze filled with maternal warmth.

Duchess Violan, with her graceful demeanor, engaged in a conversation with Cale about his time at the palace, the affairs of the kingdom, and his discussions with Emperor Alberu.

As they conversed, there was an unspoken understanding between them, a silent exchange of a mother's concern and a son's assurance.

As Cale was about to excuse himself, ready to retreat to the comfort of his own space, Duchess Violan's words halted him.

"We have a precious guest today."

She announced, her eyes gleaming.

Cale, momentarily puzzled, raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Precious guest?"

He echoed, curiosity evident in his voice.

Duchess Violan, with a knowing smile, dropped the name that caught Cale off guard.

"Raisa is here."

The mention of Raisa's name seemed to hang in the air, causing a momentary pause in Cale's movements.

Cale's usually composed demeanor faltered for a moment, surprise evident in his expression.


"That's right. She's currently walking around the mansion"

"I see. Then, I'll take my leave first, Mother."

Cale, still processing the unexpected news, bowed slightly to his mother before striding away in search of Raisa.

As he began to walk away, Duchess Violan called out to him.


She spoke, her voice carrying a warmth that only a mother's could.

Turning his head slightly, Cale arched an eyebrow inquisitively, silently prompting his mother to continue.

With a warm smile, Duchess Violan expressed her thoughts.

"Raisa is a good young lady."

A small smile tugged at Cale's lips as he replied.

"Of course, she is."

With that, he continued on his way, leaving Duchess Violan with a fond gaze lingering in the direction he had gone.

As Cale gracefully slipped away from his mother's view, the head maid, a silent spectator to the interaction, couldn't conceal her mild astonishment.

She ventured a soft remark.

"This is my first time seeing Young Master Cale acting like this."

Duchess Violan, however, responded only with a serene smile before turning her attention back to her duties.

Meanwhile, Cale traversed the finely adorned halls, his purpose clear – to seek out Raisa, the unexpected guest who had graced the Henituse Manor.

As he walked, the resonating sounds of a commotion reached his ears, prompting him to change his course toward the training grounds.

There, amidst a group of knights, stood a young lady with ash-brown hair, clad in a dress of a light shade of green that complemented her demeanor.

The knights, showing respect to a guest, surrounded her in an informal circle, engaging in light conversation.

Cale observed the scene with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

He observed the situation with a discerning gaze, his presence unnoticed for a moment amidst the organized chaos.

The energy of the training ground felt different, charged with an air of unexpected excitement.

Silently observing from a distance, Cale's eyes followed the lively interactions between Raisa and the knights.

Among them, a young knight with light brown hair and endearing freckles on his face seemed to summon the courage to engage with the young lady.

His shy demeanor caught his attention, and the exchange between them carried an air of innocence and budding emotions.

Raisa responded to the young knight's words with a soft-spoken kindness, her gentle demeanor causing a noticeable blush to spread across the young man's face.

Unbeknownst to them, Cale, with his typically inscrutable expression, slowly closed the distance.

The knights, one by one, became aware of Cale's approach.

A recognition spread through their ranks, freezing them momentarily in place.

Even the young knight, caught in a moment of blush and bashfulness, sensed the change in the air.

With a deliberate movement, Cale closed the distance between himself and Raisa, his hand gently encircling her waist, drawing her subtly closer to his chest.

The unexpected touch prompted a hushed silence among the knights.

At that moment, amidst the quiet acknowledgment and the frozen movements of the knights, Cale's gaze remained fixed on Raisa.

In the momentary hush that followed, Cale sensed the subtle tension in the lady within his embrace.

He could feel her attempting to nudge him with her elbow, a silent protest to his unexpected closeness.

Yet, she stopped for a moment before looking up at him.

As she met his gaze, her enchanting silver eyes widened in recognition.

The moonlight eyes widened, reflecting a mix of surprise and curiosity.

In response, Cale continued to gaze at her, his expression unreadable as ever.

A minute passed in the silent exchange, and then, breaking the quietude, the lady softly called his name.


Her gentle voice reached his ears, and in response, a subtle upturn at the corners of his lips hinted at a semblance of his usual smile.


He replied in a tone that held a mixture of familiarity and warmth, the unspoken understanding between them resonating in the air.

The atmosphere around them seemed to hold a subtle quiet acknowledgment of the connection between the two.

"When did you arrive?"

Raisa's voice carried a subtle note of joy as her silver eyes transformed into crescent moons.

The unexpected reunion seemed to brighten her demeanor.

"Just now."

He responded to her question as his hand, which had been wrapped around her waist, subtly shifted.

Without drawing much attention, he seamlessly moved to hold her hand.

Then, he turned his attention to the knights who stood in front of them.

The subtle gesture of holding hands was not lost on the onlookers.

The surprise radiated in the eyes of the knights, particularly evident in the gaze of Frede, the young knight.

However, the seasoned Captain of the Henituse Dukedom Knight Brigade, Hilsman, adeptly managed the situation.

With a commanding presence, he orchestrated the knights to greet the returning eldest young master of Henituse Dukedom.

"Welcome back, Young Master Cale. We've been diligently carrying out our duties in your absence, awaiting your return."

The captain's words were laced with a mixture of respect and readiness to serve.

Under their captain's lead, each knight executed the greeting in a synchronized manner.

As Cale surveyed the group of knights, his gaze moved from one to another with silent scrutiny.

The knights, recognizing the shift in atmosphere, adjusted their stance to convey respect.

The eldest young master, with his typical nonchalant demeanor, finally addressed them.

"At ease."

The abrupt shift in tone signaled a return to the usual demeanor of the young master – a blend of nonchalance and authority that left no room for ambiguity.

In response to his command, the knights shifted from their rigid stance, relaxing slightly.

However, the air held a certain tension, as if the softness exhibited a moment ago had dissipated, and the formidable nature of the young master had reclaimed its dominion.

"Continue your training. We are not going to bother you guys."

Cale's voice, while commanding, held a certain level of consideration.

Without waiting for any response, he smoothly pulled Raisa's hand, leading her away from the training ground.

The knights, accustomed to their young master's character, didn't protest or question his abrupt departure.

Raisa, as she was being led away, turned to glance at the knights she had unintentionally disrupted.

With a warm smile, she waved in their direction, a polite gesture that spoke of her considerate nature.

The knights, in response, executed a respectful bow, their expressions reflecting a mix of emotions.

It was a combination of respect for their young master, curiosity about the unexpected guest, and perhaps a hint of admiration for the lady who had captured the attention of the usually inscrutable Cale Henituse.

Despite the complexities underlying their expressions, the knights maintained the decorum befitting members of the Henituse Dukedom Knight Brigade.

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