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Shayna keeps quiet about her boyfriend abusing her and her younger sister becoming pregnant yet, her mum does... More

Trust: The Intro
Trust: Chapter 1
Trust: Chapter 2
Trust: Chapter 3
Trust: Chapter 4
Trust: Chapter 5
Trust: Chapter 6
Trust: Chapter 7
Trust: Chapter 8
Trust: Chapter 9
Trust: Chapter 10
Trust: Chapter 11
Trust: Chapter 12
Trust: Chapter 13
Trust: Chapter 14
Trust: Chapter 15
Trust: Chapter 16
Trust: Chapter 17
Trust: Chapter 18
Trust: Chapter 19
Trust: Chapter 20
Trust: Chapter 21
Trust: Chapter 22
Trust: Chapter 23
Trust: Chapter 24
Trust: Chapter 25
Trust: Chapter 26
Trust: Chapter 27
Trust: Chapter 29
Trust: Chapter 30
Trust: Chapter 31 Part 1
Trust: Chapter 31 Part 2

Trust: Chapter 28

2.5K 27 9

'Happy birthday to youuu, happy birthday to youu, happy birthday dear Aidannn! Happy birthday to youuuu!' I sang to him and he grinned, and bobbed along. Without wasting anytime he dived onto his presents and started ripping them open, Dominic slowly shook his head and I laughed. It made me feel warm inside to see him smile and show off his dimples when he opened his presents and kept saying thank you after each one.

I bounced Tyrell on my lap and he started to squeal, he was getting too big now. I kissed him on his forehead and Aidan showed off one of his toys to Tyrell. Dominic was being strangely quiet, I knew it had something to do with last night when he realised Nathan had phoned me and it didn't take a genius to know that Nathan was threatening me. Once we put all of the wrappings in the bin, I went to feed Tyrell and Dominic came back into the living room. He looked at me and I focused my attention on Tyrell.

'Rochelle lied about coming onto me.' I frowned and he sighed.

'She's lied?! You told me she did too!'

'Because she didn't want to tell you it was really Nathan.' 

'My sisters ex? That messed up, abusive, idiot?' I asked and he nodded.

'She's my cousin man, what the fuck do you take me for and her even? I was just covering her up.' I shook my head.

'Instead of both of YOU having a go at me for telling lies, you be honest and don't swear around my son.'

'Your son? Tyrell can't even understand us Shayna.'

'Whatever Dominic I don't want to argue with you on Aidan's birthday.' He kissed his teeth and I went upstairs to get ready, we were all going to my mums where she was holding Aidan's birthday party since she insisted. I went upstairs a while later and washed Tyrell, I got him dressed and Dominic looked after him whilst I went to shower and brush my teeth. I put on this peachy coloured pleated bandeau playsuit which was short. I brushed my front fringe and left the rest of my hair out, the whole time Dominic was slyly looking at me. I put my mascara and eyeliner on and took out my white strappy platform heels. 

'Dominic stop acting off with me, ever since last night-'

'Alright I'll forget it but I'm not going to forget what happened earlier that night.' He said and smirked, I laughed and rolled my eyes. I got up and sat next to him and he kissed me slowly.

'Go and get Aidan ready.' I said and he sighed, he handed Tyrell over to me and pinched my bum as he got up, I screwed after him and my phone started ringing.


'Shay, um I don't think I can come today.' My face remained straight.


'Look I know Dominic told you it was really Nathan but nothing else happened with him, I've told Joel as well.'

'And what did Joel have to say about the fact you lied? Kya's nearly 1 Rochelle fucking hell you lied for-'


'I'm so sorry I didn't mean it-' I hung up and put my phone in my pocket, I picked up mine and Tyrells bag and took it into the car. Aidan was looking fresh and Dominic kept taking all the credit for him. I laughed and put Tyrell in his carseat and once Aidan got in we started driving to my mums but Dominic took a different route and I raised my eyebrow.

'Where are you going?'

'To your mums.' He said.

'Um, this isn't the way.'

'I know, quick stop.' I noticed we pulled up in his old estate which is basically where Justine, Tarik and some of his old friends still lived. I recognised the block Justine lived in and Aidan looked outside the window.

'Dad, why are we here? I don't want to see Justine.' Aidan said and I looked at Dominic.

'We're not here to see her, just waiting for Uncle Tarik to come with us.' I kissed my teeth and Dominic started laughing hard.

'You need to get used to him, he's gonna be my best man and he could be Kya's dad.' Dominic said and I shrugged, I didn't NEED to get used to him or anyone, I didn't like him and that was final. 

'Shay you look beautiful.' Aidan said and I grinned, I blew him kisses and he blew me back some.

'Can I have some?' Dominic said and I stared at him blankly.

'Anyways...' I said and Aidan started laughing, he started playing his psp that I got him and I checked on Tyrell who of course, had fallen asleep. I had to check he was breathing okay and that his breaths weren't short and quick, I'd often just wake up in the middle of the night to check on him to see if he was okay or not. Dominic rubbed my thigh and leaned over to whisper something to me.

'Later round two yeah?'

'You're too flipping horny Dominic and I'm in pain!'

'Sorry, you need to understand I haven't been near there in like 8 months, yesterday was a relief.' I giggled and he kissed me, a loud bang on my window made us both jump and Aidan looked up. Tarik was standing by the window and he wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and Dominic laughed.

'Aidan move up and put your seatbelt on.' Dominic said and Aidan did that, Tarik got in the car holding a gift bag.

'Happy birthday little man!'

'Thanks Uncle! I'm this old today!' He held up 6 fingers and grinned his little cheeky smile, Tarik laughed and watched him unwrap his present whilst Dominic started driving. I could of sworn I saw Justine looking through her window but I blinked hard as he turned out of the estate and started driving to my mums. Tarik had gotten Aidan some toy, I didn't know what it was all toys were the same to me but he was still excited. Once we got to my mum's, I took Tyrell out and we all went in, everyone was already there apart from Rochelle, Kya and Joel. At this rate I was re-thinking having Rochelle as my maid of honour, I felt someone pinch my bum and I looked to see Tarik wink at me, I was about to open my mouth to cuss him and my mum came and took Tyrell from me cooing at him.

'Look at my beautiful grand baby!' Tarik laughed at me and walked away, my mum screwed him and slowly shook her head.

'I don't know why Dominic is still good friends with that useless grown man.' I laughed.

'I don't know myself mum.' I said and looked at Dominic who was playing with Aidan, the doorbell went and I answered the door. My mouth dropped as I saw her sore red eyes, I recognised her straight away. I remembered her curly light brown hair always being fresh and styled but it was tied into a messy ponytail and she looked at least 5 years older than she really was.

'Leona... can I help?' I asked, it made me feel slightly sick to see her in this state. I cleared my throat, it used to be me, her and Rochelle then she started mixing with Melody and turned against me when I needed her, she showed her true colours and wasn't there through the whole Wayne thing.

'I ran into Rochelle the other day and she told me you had a baby.' Leona said and I glared at her.

'What do you want Leona?'

'Nothing, nothing... I'm just sorry for everything that happened in the past I was a horrible friend to you and-'

'I need to go, my family is here-'

'Shay I just needed a favour.' 

'Leona, fuck off.' I said and slammed the front door shut, Aisha came downstairs and saw my face, she raised her eyebrow and I shook my head.

'Don't worry, if anymore unwanted guests turn up I'm going to go mad.' She laughed and pulled down her dress a little.

'Sooo is Tarik in there?' She asked.

'Um yeah, why?' I looked at what she wearing and her make up, please Lord do not tell me my sister is making herself look nice for him.

'To be honest you could of put a plastic bag over your head and Tarik would still find you sexy, he's desperate.' Her mouth dropped.

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Oh nothing, sorry... um, where's Dominic?' She shrugged and pointed upstairs, I went upstairs and into my mums room, he was putting Tyrell to lay down and I smiled to myself. I was so glad I had him, I just needed to learn how to open up to him more. He closed my mums door and saw me standing there.

'You tryna scare me or something?' I shook my head and stepped closer to him, kissing him. I saw the look in his eyes and I started shaking my head.

'Nooo, not now.' 

'Why not? No-one's up here!'

'Dominic no! I'm still recovering after yesterday.' He grinned and winked.

'Sorry bout that, come on just quickly?' He said holding me by my waist.

'No it's your sons birthday party! And this is my mums house!'

'We've had sex here before so don't even go there.'

'I'm not in the mood Dominic.' He sighed and kissed me, I looked at him and then heard the shouting downstairs. Why was people arguing at a 6 year olds birthday party? We both went downstairs and Joel there, shouting at Tarik who looked confused as hell.


'Are you high or suttin? What are you talking about?'

'KYA! She's yours!' I looked around awkwardly and Rochelle walked into the room, everyone turned to look at her and Joel kissed his teeth.

'After everything! I gave you a fucking home, money, clothes, everything you wanted I gave it to you and I wasn't even with you but I decided to be a man and you lied to me for God knows how long-'

'I'm sorry-'

'SORRY ISN'T ENOUGH MAN! WASTED MY FUCKING TIME!' Aisha took Aidan out of the room and Rochelle hung her head down.

'I told you not to come here Rochelle! You're ruining Aidan's birthday-'

'Why do you care Shayna? He isn't even your son-'

'Shut up, at least I know who my baby's dad is and you're not my maid of honour anymore you're not even invited to the fucking wedding.' I said and a tear fell down her cheek.

'At least let me explain-'

'NO! Nathan? Rochelle, you know what he did to Aisha! And even to me and you fucking slept with him! THEN LIED!'


'Leaving this house would be nice.' I said and she sighed, she walked out of the house and Joel was about to walk out but Dominic grabbed his arm.

'Stay away from Shayna and don't come to the wedding.' He said, his deep voice serious. Joel looked at me and slowly shook his head.

'She knows what she wants fam and don't touch me.' Dominic glared at him and then his grip loosened, Joel walked out of the house and it stayed silent once the door slammed shut and Tarik cleared his throat.

'At least no-one got beat up.' 

'Do you find everything funny? You could have a daughter!' I said and he shrugged, drank his beer and put his jacket on.

'Ah well, it wasn't even a big ting with Rochelle so I don't know how I could be the dad-'


'Alright man, Dominic put a muzzle on your bitch man she's too fucking rude-'


'Shut up Dominic I can defend myself, who the fuck do you think you are Tarik? If I find out you ARE Kya's dad I'll personally see that you take care of her, you worthless piece of shit. Now get out of my house.' I said and he kissed his teeth.

'You gonna let her talk to me like that yeah?' Dominic stayed quiet and Tarik shook his head.

'Dickhead.' He said and walked out of the house, Dominic looked at me and grabbed our coats. 

'We're going home.' My mouth dropped, it was Aidan's birthday party.

'But Aidan-'

'I said WE not Aidan and Tyrell, now come.' I knew we would end up having an argument when we got home and he just didn't want to shout infront of everyone that was here. We got in the car and he drove us back home. We both got out of the car and went inside the house.

'You fucking embarrassed me infront of everyone!'

'SO?! He was talking down to me like I'm shit and you weren't going to say anything-'

'Am I a prick Shay? You think I wouldn't say anything?'

'I don't know Dominic, I can defend myself.'

'Whatever man, next time Nathan comes looking for you don't come crying to me since you've got such a loud ass mouth.'

'Shut up Dominic-'

'Or what?' I turned around to have a go at him and he kissed me, I kissed him back and wrapped my legs around him whilst we went upstairs...


My eyes opened and I was laying on the sofa with Dominic, a cover was over us and Dominic was wide awake staring at the ceiling.

'So that was make up sex then.' I said and laughed, he laughed lightly but I could see something wasn't right.

'What's wrong?' He shook his head.

'Nothing, we'll be married in a week you know Shay?' I nodded and leaned in to kiss him.

'I know that baby, come lets go back to the party before everyone wonders where we are.' I said and he nodded, I needed to get out of that house or a little bit anyway there was a little bit of tension. We both got ready and opened the front door to leave the house, Justine was standing there holding a present and her face dropped slightly.

'Oh I thought only you were here Dominic.' He raised his eyebrow.

'What do you want? I told you to stay the fuck away from my son and this house.'

'I have, it's his 6th birthday Dominic I at least deserve to say happy birthday.'

'Nahh you don't deserve shit, now get off my doorstep.' He said to her and she shook her head.

'I'm not going anywhere! I'm clean now, I want a second chance with my son I don't want this bitch replacing me-'

'Excuse me-' I started but Dominic held my hand.

'I'm asking you nicely to leave Justine before I hurt you, not even Tarik wants you and he'd do anything for some pu-'

'Shut the fuck up Dominic, why as soon as you and Shay argued did you come running back to my bed then?' He kissed his teeth and dragged Justine away from our house by her arm.

'STAY THE FUCK AWAY OR ELSE, DUMB HOE.' He shouted and she walked away, Dominic came back to me and he was acting strange, I looked at him.

'Tell me if what she said was true-'

'You know that's bullshit Shay, come on.' He said and I nodded, we got in the car and started driving back to my mum's house, something about me didn't believe what Dominic was saying...


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