Is There Anybody Out There?

By VerchansTacos

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A VernonxDino fanfic written by girlfriends who love "I'm gonna murder these tacos" and "Look at my fit" prob... More

Prologue: Lee Chan - Dino
Prologue: Hansol Vernon Chwe
My Aegi Is An Out Of Control Child
Chapter 1: Dino
Chapter 1: Vernon
Chapter 2: Dino
Chapter 2: Vernon
Chapter 3: Dino
Chapter 3: Vernon
What The Aegi Just Happened?
Chapter 4: Dino
Chapter 4: Vernon
Chapter 5: Dino
Chapter 5: Vernon
Chapter 6: Dino
Chapter 6: Vernon
Chapter 7: Dino
Chapter 7: Vernon
Chapter 8: Dino
Chapter 8: Vernon
Drunk Confessions Of A Lovesick Aegi
2 Minus 1: The Spiral of The Emo Aegi
Chapter 9: Dino
Chapter 9: Vernon
Chapter 10: Dino
Chapter 10: Vernon
Chapter 11: Dino
Chapter 11: Vernon
Chapter 12: Dino
Chapter 13: Dino
Chapter 13: Vernon
Chapter 14: The Family Story

Chapter 12: Vernon

73 2 0
By VerchansTacos

I woke up confused as I felt Chan hit me in the face with his pillow, blinking the sleep away and looking at Chan. What the fuck did I do?! Did he dream I cheated on him or something?! "What happened?!"

"You took my pants off!" Chan pouted at me, hitting me with the pillow again.

I looked at him even more confused, blinking hard and looking around, "No I did not??"

"Then who did!? My pants, gone. Just... gone! Where are they!?" Chan hit me again with the pillow.

I just looked at him sleepily, letting him hit me since it didn't actually hurt, "It wasn't me!! I don't know where they are? Did they bunch up or something? Wait..." I started blushing at the realization, "You're not wearing pants right now?!"

Chan just looked at me before hitting me with the pillow again, "No, I'm not because SOMEONE decided to take them off me while I slept, VERNON!" Chan hit me with the pillow for more empathsis as he yelled my name.


"WELL THEN WHO DID!?" Chan went to hit me again but lost his grip on the pillow, causing it to fly and hit the wall, "Oops..."

I laughed slightly, "I don't know who!! It wasn't me Chan, I promise!"

Joshua came running in then, opening the door, stopping to look at us, probably to make sure we were okay and no one was in there attacking us pausing when he saw the scene in front of him.

Chan looked over at Joshua when the door suddenly opened. Suddenly, "Did YOU take my pants off!?"

"NO?! Why would I take your pants off?? What is going on?!" Joshua asks, confused.

"MY PANTS ARE GONE! THEY'RE JUST GONE! I WAS ASLEEP AND NOW THEY'RE GONE!" Chan told him, before pouting, "They used their legs to walk away..."

I started busting out laughing, shaking my head and hiding my face in the blanket, seeing something between us, before poking my head back out, "Hey Chan... they're right here!!" I pulled the pants out of the blankets, showing them to Chan.

Chan blinked at them before quietly taking them and burrowing himself into the blankets.

Joshua shook his head, "You probably got too hot or something and took them off, Chan. I don't think anyone snuck in here to strip you, and I doubt Vernon did it."

I looked over at Chan, "SEE! I told you I didn't take your pants off, CHAN!!"

"You probably would've taken off my shirt instead if my pants were just under the blankets..." Chan mumbled, face red and hiding more.

"Okay, I'll leave you two to situate that then. Good luck keeping your pants on, Chan." Joshua said before walking out, closing the door behind him.

I looked at him, "I would never strip you without your consent! I can't believe you thought I just casually took off your pants!!"

"I'm sorry..." Chan mumbled, hiding under the blankets even more, fully covering himself now.

I sighed before I started chuckling, trying to stop as I hid my face in the blanket again before absolutely losing it and busting out laughing again.

Chan peeked out at me, the blanket covering his face enough to look like a burrito.

I calmed down, taking a breath before looking at him and busting out laughing again, "Okay Mr. Chanrito, put your pants on and go back to sleep! We have a date later today, remember?"

Chan nodded, before quickly maneuvering himself underneath the blankets to get his pants on before cuddling up to me pulling the blanket back up and over his head, "We're gonna go to the park and stargaze... I can't wait..."

I chuckled softly and cuddled him tightly, rubbing his back and slowly pulling the blanket out from over his face, leaving it at his chin, "Yes we are. Maybe we can find the fireflies again?"

Chan sadly shook his head, "it's probably too cold out for them now... but it's okay! We'll still have fun!"

I shrugged slightly, "Who knows, at least we'll have the stars! It's supposed to be super clear tonight."

Chan smiled at me, before snuggling into me more, "I have my star..."

I shook my head, "I'm not a star..."

"You are to me... You're gonna be recording a song tomorrow and doing rockstar things... and then we're gonna see stars up in the sky tomorrow night..." Chan then yawned.

I sighed softly, playing with his hair, "Go to sleep Channie, and keep your pants on."

Chan hugged me to him, barely awake, "You're warmer than usual..." he mumbled.

I looked at him confused, "but I feel cold...? Maybe that's why you took off your pants..."

Chan sleepily pulled the blankets up and over me, "Snuggles... Bonon..."

I chuckled and nodded, cuddling him and slowly falling back asleep.


I was woken up from my sleep by Chan talking at my head, "Hey! I'm late! You're GONNA BE late! We need to get going!"

I groaned groggily and snuggled into the blankets more, sniffling slightly, "Five more minutes..."

I was so cold... And shakey... My head was swimming and my throat hurts so bad.

"I'm already five minutes late though..." Chan trailed off, pouting.

Late? My eyes snapped open as I jumped up, "Oh shit!! I'm so sorry Chan!! I'll get you there! Hold on!!!" I ran to the closet, grabbing a random shirt and shoving on my shoes, moving around in a chaotic rush, ignoring the pounding in my head and the aching in my body.

Chan got up then, shaking his head at me, "Hey... hey... slow down! You're gonna hurt yourself! I overslept too! I already talked to Soonyoung!"

I shook my head, "I'm okay! I didn't mean to make you late!! I'm so sorry, please don't be mad! I can go really fast, you won't be too late!" I know what happens when I'm late...

"It's not your fault! I overslept too!! And I'm not mad? And you don't need to go really fast, I'm not teaching classes or anything, I'm just dancing by myself." Chan then gently took my arm, "Slow down before you hurt yourself..."

I sighed softly and nodded, "Okay, okay, but I'm ready! Are you ready? Let's go!"

Chan blinked at me before looking down at his pajamas, oh... I guess he wouldn't have his clothes on since I had run around like that and he didn't, "I can always get changed into my sweats there... They'd probably love it... So I just need my dance bag?" He then went over to it and picked it up, putting it around himself, "Ready!"

I nodded, "Okay! Come on!" I then took off down the stairs, stopping to clear my throat at the bottom, coughing slightly, "Ah, just morning voice... I might need a drink before I record stuff..."

Chan walked down the stairs after me, "You really need to slow down too... running around like this in the cold and sweating... you'll get sick!" Chan held out his hand to me.

I shook my head and took his hand, "No! I'm fine! I just don't want to make you super late! I'm really sorry I didn't wake up!" I then opened the door, letting Chan lead the way out, opening the car door for him.

"I didn't wake up either... You don't have to rush... okay? When I get there, I get there... I don't have a set schedule, they literally just want me to be there."

I nodded, "I know... I'll go the speed limit, as long as you're safe..." I shut the door after Chan got in, going to  my side and getting in, turning on the heater as I started driving.

Chan must have noticed because he looked at me confused, "Are you okay?"

I nodded slightly, shivering and looking over at him, "Are you not? It's gotten so cold... I should have grabbed a jacket..."

Chan just looked at me, "I mean... it is chilly out... You should've grabbed a jacket."

I shivered more, "I think I have one in the back still? That you used after the pool? I'll grab it when I drop you off... you have hoodies with the sweats right? You'll be warm too?"

"I keep a lightweight jacket in my dance bag... I'll be good. Dancing is gonna make me feel hot too..." Chan trailed off.

I looked over at him and turned the heat up more, "Here... if I'm cold, you must be freezing..."

"Not really..." Chan said.

I looked at him, "Maybe it's where I just woke up so suddenly then..."

"Maybe... the blankets were really warm and you were like a human heater last night."

I nodded before laughing, "Well you did wake me up by beating me with a pillow and accusing me of stripping you."

Chan pouted, "I said I'm sorry! I was really hot though... normally I'm trying to bury myself into the blankets cause I'm cold..."

I looked at him, "Maybe YOU'RE sick?"

"No way! I feel fine. Maybe I'm just not used to having so many blankets and someone next to me?" Chan said.

I nodded, "Maybe that's it. It's easier to feel warm with someone beside you..." I mumbled before turning on the radio, sneakily turning the heat up to max, continuing the drive to Tiger Pounce. As I pulled in and parked, I looked over at Chan, "Here we are! Sorry, again, that you're late."

"It's okay! Like I said, no set schedule." Chan smiled at me, grabbing his dance bag.

I got out, going to the door and opening it for him, "Want me to walk you in and apologize to Soonyoung for you?"

Chan got out, "You don't need to apologize, I overslept too. I'd like it though if you walked me in." he smiled at me.

I smiled softly and took his dance bag, carrying it as i took his hand and led him in, "Your wish is my command, princess Channie!"

"It feels cool out, but not too cold..."

I shivered slightly as he mentioned it, "It's a little too cold..."

Chan looked at me, "You sure you're okay?"

I nodded, opening the door and waiting for Chan to walk in, "I'm perfect!"

Chan walked inside before looking at me, "If you're sure... Just don't overwork yourself today, okay?"

I nodded, "Of course, it's just recording," I said as I led Chan to the employee locker room, knowing he had to get ready.

Chan looked around, "I guess they all have classes going on right now... You know what room I'll be in right?" he asked with a head tilt.

I chuckled softly and nodded, leaning against Chan's locker, "Your normal one, right? At this point Soonyoung should put your name on it."

Chan laughed a little, "Yep! Though, I don't think that's a good idea to put my name on it..." he trailed off.

I raised my eyebrow, "Because he only does that for the teachers?"

Chan blinked, "I didn't even think he did that at all... Oh! You gotta go! You're gonna be late."

I laughed and nodded, "Okay yeah, you're right..." I sighed and pulled Chan in for a hug, kissing the top of his head, "Have a good day, call me if you need to come home earlier. We have our date tonight so look forward to it!"

Chan hugged me back, "I will! You have a good day too."

I smiled softly and let him go, "Bye bye!" I waved before walking out, grabbing a hoodie from the back of my car before getting in. I turned the heat on high again and sighed. I know what's happening and I refuse to let it happen. I'm not sick! I'm not! I can't be! We have a date! I can't miss a date. I know better. I won't mess anything up. I have to be the perfect boyfriend. I pulled into the studio and glanced at the clock. A few minutes late, not too bad. They'll understand so it's okay.

Joshua looked up at me as I walked in, "Oh you made it! I was worried since you weren't up when I left, but after last night I thought you could use some more sleep."

I nodded, "Sorry I'm late..."

"You're good, Seungcheol and Mingyu are already in there so just relax." Jihoon smiled at me before starting recording, "From the top!"

I sighed and nodded, sitting down on the couch behind Jihoon and curling into myself, my eyes starting to water as I held them closed, burying my face in the hoodie that still vaguely smelled like Chan, just listening to the recording.

Suddenly I heard Wonwoo talking, "Vernon are you okay?"

"Yeah, just tired..." I mumbled.

"Chan woke him up last night thinking he had taken off his pants... then they woke me up and Chan asked if I took off his pants!" Joshua said laughing before putting a hand on my head, going to pat it before gasping, "Vernon you're burning up!"

"Okay, Seungcheol, I think you're good for now. Mingyu, let's work on your next part, okay?" Jihoon said, thankfully not hearing anything because of his headphones. If he hears them he'll send me home.

"No, I'm okay! It's probably from having the heat on in my car!" I said, perking up, trying to look fine.

Seungcheol then walked out of the room, coming over to us "That was rea- Vernon. Go home."

I looked up confused, "What?! No! I'm fine, I swear!!" HOW DOES HE ALWAYS KNOW!?

Seungcheol just stared at me, going over and reaching to feel my forehead.

I pulled away, knowing if he feels my head he'd know I'm lying, "I had the heat on in my car on the way here! My face feels warm but I'm fine!!"

"Your face has cooled down from the heater by now. Plus, you're really pale. Let me feel your forehead, Vernon." Seungcheol said sternly, getting the voice with me.

I sighed, sitting still, "I'm okay! I promise! I'm fine! I have a date with Chan tonight! I am FINE!!! I-" as I yelled, I overexerted myself too much and started coughing, hiding my face away in the hoodie before peeking back out as soon as I could breathe, "I just choked on my own spit is all..."

Seungcheol looked at me for a second before his hand was on my forehead, "You're burning up, running a fever probably. Time to go home and rest." Seungcheol then looked at Joshua, "Joshua, you think you got him?"

I shook my head, "No!! I can't! I'm okay!!"

"Yeah, I got him. Come on Hansol, time to go home." Joshua said sternly, holding his hand out to me.

I frowned, shaking my head again, making myself dizzy and closing my eyes, feeling weak as I mumbled out, "No, I'm okay, I can't be sick today!"

"You can't control when you get sick, Vernon. Go home and get some rest." Seungcheol said, patting me gently on the back.

I frowned, tears in my eyes from how watery they were, looking up at Seungcheol, "Please... don't make me... I can't miss date night, I'm really fine, I promise! Please don't make me... I can't mess this up!"

"Mess what up? Things with Chan?" Seungcheol sighed, "Look, if you guys went out tonight and you ended up hospitalized, Chan would probably have a mental breakdown and blame himself for you getting that sick. Go home and rest, get some medicine in you."

I sighed, "But... it's date night..." I can't miss date night... Last time I missed a date night with HER I got berated... I know better now. I can't be a bad boyfriend for Chan.

"Chan will understand. I know him well enough to know that he'd rather postpone date night over you ending up worse." Seungcheol said

"But then I'd disappoint him..."

Joshua sighed, "He's not her, Vernon, he'd be more worried that you're sick than the fact you missed your date. He'll probably take care of you even. If you go home now and sleep, if you're not sick then you can wake up and feel better and go afterwards."

"Nap before date night so I can feel better for Chan?" I asked, giving him watery puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, just go rest first." Joshua said, nodding.

"Rest up and see how you're feeling after a nap." Seungcheol said, taking out his phone and calling someone, "Hey, Soonyoung..."

I jumped up, grabbing his phone and hanging up, "NO!! Don't tell Chan!! He can't know!! I'll set an alarm and go get him! Don't tell anyone!"

"You're unstable on your feet right now! Do you really think it's safe for you to drive? ESPECIALLY since you'd be driving with Chan in the passenger seat? Wouldn't you rather have one of us go get him after we're done today?" Seungcheol asked as his phone started to ring.

I shook my head, "I'll be better after a nap and then I can go get him!!! I promise! Let's go right now Josh, I'll nap quickly!"

"Tea will also help, your voice sounds hoarse. That's gotta hurt." Jihoon said, nonchalantly.

I nodded, "Yeah! And tea! Then I'll be all better! Come on!!"

Joshua took my arm, casually handing Seungcheol his phone back before following me out and to the car, taking me home. When we got there he forced me to take medicine before I laid in bed, curling into the blankets, not taking off the hoodie.

I set a bunch of alarms before Joshua came in, handing me a cup of tea he'd just brewed. I thanked him before taking a small sip. The warmth felt so good on my throat, warming me up from the inside as I swallowed. I kept sipping until it was all gone, Joshua sitting on the edge of the bed watching me.

"Better?" He asked, taking the cup.

I nodded and laid back, snuggling back up, "A little. Now a nap and then I'll be all good for Chan!" As soon as Joshua walked out I passed out.


I blinked slowly, waking up a little and feeling wetness on my forehead, moving my hand up to touch it, feeling the towel before I felt someone cuddled up to me, immediately realizing it was Chan. I gasped, looking down before grabbing my phone to check the time, "Chan!! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to sleep like that! It was supposed to be a nap! Why is my alarm off?! I set an alarm to come get you!!! We can still go on our date, I promise I'm okay!!!"

Chan just looked at me, "You're sick? Sick enough that you shouldn't drive? Minghao brought me home. You're also really pale and way too hot to the touch. That's probably why I took my pants off in my sleep last night... So... I'm sorry for blaming you and hitting you with the pillow." Chan said, adjusting the cloth carefully, "Need anything? Need more medicine? I got you water before I came in here."

I blinked at him, "No! I'm fine! Really! I promised you we would go stargazing! I'm so sorry Chan... I promise I'm fine, we can go!"

Chan looked confused, "Oh yeah... We had a date planned... Don't feel sorry, we can go when you're feeling better."

I frowned, "Yeah we had a date planned... and I told you to get excited for it... I don't want to postpone it!!"

"You're sick Vernon. We can go when you're feeling better. It's supposed to get cold tonight so you would definitely end up getting worse. I'm not gonna lie, I was really excited but... I kinda forgot when Minghao told me you were sick..." Chan sheepishly smiled.

I frowned more and shook my head. I'm so mad at myself!! I moved a hand up and smacked myself, "Stupid body for getting sick. I can go! I promise! You were excited and I ruined it... I'm sorry Chan... I can still go! I promise! I'd be fine! See! I'm fine!"

Chan shook his head, gently taking my hand in his, "No. You're not. We can go another night, we have the rest of our lives together to go!" He then fixed the cloth on my forehead, "You didn't ruin anything. Getting sick happens. We can still have a date night though."

I frowned, tearing up again before looking away from Chan, "But it's not what you wanted..."

Chan sighed, gently laying a hand on my face and turning it so we could meet eyes, "I don't care what the date is. I don't care if we do nothing and just sit here in silence all night. All I want is to be with you. We can just rest watching movies and shows all night long. I'll go make you some soup or I'll ask someone to go get some. As long as we're together, I'll be happy, okay?"

I shook my head again, looking back down, "I'm so sorry... please don't be mad..."

"I'm not mad at all. I'm more worried about you than anything honestly." Chan said before gently kissing me on the cheek, "I just want you to get better."

I sighed, "I'll make it up to you, I promise... I'm okay, really, you don't have to take care of me..."

Chan was quiet for a minute, "Well... what if I want to take care of you? I think it'd be fun to play nurse..." He then booped me on the nose, "And you will be my patient!"

I looked at him shocked, "You're just shitting with me to get me to not feel bad aren't you!"

Chan pouted, giving me puppy dog eyes, "Awww, I never got to actually play doctor as a kid... I guess if you really don't wanna let me take care of you..."

I laughed softly, feeling a bit better about everything, "Fine!! You can play doctor! I'll be a good patient!"

Chan smiled brightly, "Yay! Okay, first things first... medicine.. it's probably been a few hours since you got your lost dose. Where do you guys keep it?"

"Joshua probably left it on the kitchen counter? If not it's in the medicine cabinet..." I trailed off, not really wanting to take the medicine.

Chan nodded, getting off the bed, "Okay! I'll be right back!"

He left to the kitchen and came back way too quick with that yucky medicine. I looked up at him, "Do I really have to? I promise I'm okay..."

Chan smiled softly, "Yeahhh... You do... But, I got something sweet to help with the yucky aftertaste!" He handed me the medicine cup before pouring some honey onto the spoon.

I watched him curiously, taking the medicine quickly before looking back at him with a disgusted face.

Chan held the spoon out close enough to feed me, "Here, now take some of this. It'll also help coat your throat and make it feel better."

I nodded, opening my mouth and waiting, eating all of the honey as he put it in my mouth before looking at Chan, "That wasn't sweet... not compared to you..."

Chan turned bright red, "I... ummm.... Did it at least help with the after taste?"

I shrugged, "A little..." I then laid my head back against the headboard, "I'm still sorry... I hope you're not mad that we didn't get to go out tonight."

Chan picked up the empty cup and the honey bear, pouting, "I'm not mad at all. You don't have anything to be sorry for. I'm sorry the honey didn't work as well as I hoped..." He then walked out to put everything up before coming back and handing me the water on the nightstand, "Here's the water I got for you earlier."

I smiled at him and drank some of it, sitting it back down before pulling Chan in, snuggling up to him, "Thank you... you're better than any medicine... or honey..."

Chan smiled softly, snuggling up to me, "I don't get how but... you're welcome. Is there anything you wanna do?"

I shrugged slightly, "Whatever you want, you're the one who was let down..."

"I wasn't let down. You got sick, it happens. You pick what we do, if anything. I just want to be next to you." Chan said.

I sighed sadly, shaking my head, "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry... I love you, I don't want you to get sicker and end up barely able to move... Just rest and then we'll go whenever you're feeling better."

I sighed again, "Yeah... I love you too... and that's why I'll make it up to you... I just hate that I'm sick! I should be better than this!"

Chan just looked at me, confused, "Better than what? Everyone gets sick sometimes, yeah it stinks but if you rest up you might be better in a day or two? And you really don't have to make anything up to me, I'm still getting what I want."

I frowned, closing my eyes, "Better than letting everyone know I was sick... I was doing so good... then I wouldn't have had to disappoint you..."

Chan sighed, running his fingers through my hair, "Apparently Seungcheol can always tell when you're sick, and I knew something was off since we woke up, just not what exactly. Also, I am not disappointed at all. I'm still next to you aren't I?"

I nodded slightly, slowly relaxing into his hand, "I guess... and yeah, I have to avoid him if I'm trying to hide it... Joshua is pretty good but I swear Seungcheol can SMELL the sickness..."

Chan giggled at that, still running his fingers through my hair, "Just be glad Jeonghan wasn't with you when Seungcheol found out that you're sick... He will drag you to a bed and make you stay in it. I swear you can't ever escape him..."

I laughed softly, "I can trick him sometimes, and he normally makes Joshua take me home... that's what Seungcheol did today... they tricked me into sleeping then turned off my alarm... they said if I nap I'll wake up better and I could go get you and take you on our date..."

Chan paused, "So... wait... you've never had to go through Jeonghan taking care of you while sick!? Can... Can I have your luck? Please? He's the fucking devil, I swear I can't get away with anything if he's taking care of me while I'm sick!"

I laughed, "I've dealt with him, just normally after Seungcheol notices, there's no point in fighting it anymore, so I'm not dealing with him keeping me from anything."

Chan blinked, "...Lucky..."

I shook my head, "You've never dealt with Joshua... he practically shoved the medicine down my throat and then made me drink tea that I'm pretty sure he drugged with more medicine and probably something to make me sleep..."

"I think Minghao said something about that earlier... At least it worked. You shouldn't drive right now."

I sighed, "I guess... I am still sleepy from it though..."

"Go back to sleep, I'll nap with you this time and when we wake up I'll get us food, whether I make it or I ask Joshua to bring it home, okay?" Chan said, snuggling closer.

I sighed softly and cuddled into him, "Yeah... that works..." I mumbled as my eyes slipped closed.

Chan mumbled out, "Get better soon..."

"I'm sorry... I love you..." I mumbled back sleepily before falling asleep.


We're currently all sitting at Stray Kids, it becoming a safe place for us all to meet up and talk. Seungcheol and Jeonghan have gathered all 13 of us here.

"OKAY! Guys! Listen up and don't speak until I'm done! Jeonghan had an idea and it was an AMAZING one so I have gathered you here to ask if you're in. Basically we've been looking at apartment buildings for sale. Obviously they're expensive because it's like a whole duplex. We're thinking we all pool our money together for the down payment, then pay the mortgage like we would rent. This way we're all together, everyone is safe, we can share apartments if we want, and there will be extra rooms. I've been to some tours and the building I found that fits us best has four apartments per floor, four floors. Each apartment has a full kitchen, full bathroom, and two bedrooms. You could have your own apartment or share and still have your own room. I know you all agreed before but I want to come together like this now that you know we are a hundred percent serious and it's not a joke. What do we think?" Seungcheol said before looking around at everyone for their opinions.


"How much would it be?" Wonwoo asked cautiously.

"Enough that we could do it. Not too much, but we'd need everyone's help!" Seungcheol answered.

"I'm down! I'll give my whole savings!" Mingyu said happily.

"I mean, it sounds really great... How far is it from Tiger Pounce?" Minghao asked.

"It'll still take less time to get there by car than it used to take Chan to walk one way." Jeonghan told him.

"So, less than thirty minutes by car... I'll do it. It'll also be nice to have everyone under one roof." Jun said

Minghao looked at him, "Plus we could carpool now and like Soonyoung said, sleepovers would be easier..."

"Maybe I can play with my ball outside without having to worry about neighbors getting mad?" Seungkwan thought out loud.

"There's also a big courtyard where we could have picnics or play outside." Seungcheol added.

"I get to not third wheel in my own apartment anymore or be woken up by Chan yelling about us taking off his pants? Count me in!!" Joshua said happily.

I busted out laughing as Chan turned bright red and he moved his chair behind me, burying his face in my back. "I like it. Having our own spaces while still being super close sounds amazing. Plus we can all have dinners or something, just hang out more often."

"We'll all be under one roof! I love it!" Seokmin smiled brightly.

"It would be better than my current apartment, and I could have a studio there... practice space for the band too..." Jihoon mumbled, mostly thinking out loud.

"Twelve yeses..." Jeonghan mumbled before moving to try to see Chan behind me, "Channie, aegi, wanna not be a hermit anymore?"

"No more being by yourself too, someone will always be around to hang out with and talk to." Seungkwan said.

"Would be safer, always have protection even if I'm not home..." I added, looking over my shoulder at Chan.

Chan looked up at me for a moment before peeking out from behind me smiling, "I'd love it."

Seungcheol clapped, "Then it's settled!! I'll send you guys the listing with the down payment price and you can just give however much you want towards it, I'll pay the rest."

"I think we should all split it up as evenly as possible, just so then it's not too much on some." Soonyoung said.

"Yeah, I agree. Then we can all celebrate after moving in!" Seokmin cheered, beyond excited.

"We absolutely will!! I think we should be in within the month!" Seungcheol said happily.

"I hope so! I hate living all by myself." Jeonghan told them all.

"Is that why you're always at Seungcheol's pla- OW!" Mingyu yelped, glaring at Joshua who just smiled back at him innocently.

"Wait... Does someone not know that they're together? It's kinda obvious?" Seungkwan asked.

Everyone stopped, looking at him wide eyed. HOW'D HE KNOW?!

Mingyu gasped, "HE KNEW ALL ALONG?!"



Jeonghan took Seungcheol by the arm, trying to calm him, "How did you find out?"

"I mean, the way you two always look at each other and then you both try to always get a second alone? I thought something else was going on and that's why nobody ever said anything about it?" Seungkwan asked, looking around at all of the confused faces.


"I guess we all just thought it was an unspoken thing? And that you guys didn't like PDA?" Jun said, trying to make it all better.

"I thought it was a secret from everyone else...?" I mumbled confused.

Seungcheol looked at Seungkwan, "You were the only one we hadn't confirmed it for yet..." he then grabbed Jeonghan by the neck and planted a big kiss on him.

"I didn't really need it confirmed honestly... I just want everyone to be happy at the end of the day." Seungkwan shrugged with a small smile.

"Well, they definitely look happy..." Joshua mumbled as he watched them proceed to pretty much make out beside him.

"Poor Joshua... you always have to deal with this don't you?" Jihoon said, looking at him as he sadly nodded in response.

"You'll get someone to make out with someday Shua, you just gotta keep looking!" Seokmin smiled at him.

"THAT'S NOT WHY I'M BOTHERED?!" Joshua exclaimed, letting out an exhausted sigh.

Just then Chris walked over, "You guys need anything? Felix is starting his brownies for tonight if you want some!"

"Yeah! Joshua needs a boyfriend so he can make out too! You single and ready to mingle!?" Junhui asked him, wiggling his eyebrows and gesturing over to Joshua.

Joshua turned bright red and slammed his head down on the table, "NO I DO NOT!!!"

Chris blushed as he looked at them, "Uh, I mean- I am but-"

"DON'T ANSWER THAT!!!" Joshua yelled over him, grabbing Jeonghan and yanking him from Seungcheol, trying to get him to fix the situation.

"A round of brownies and waters for everyone please! Maybe some fries too for good measure?" Jeonghan smiled at him before patting Joshua on the back.

Chris nodded, "I-I'll get right on it!!" He said before practically running away.

"WAY TO GO JUN YOU MADE US SEEM CREEPY!" Joshua whisper yelled.

"We are crazy, not creepy." Soonyoung told him before going to change the subject, "So, no alcohol tonight?"

"Absolutely not!" Minghao interrupted, "We'll save that for when we buy the apartment."


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