sticky notes - sunsun

By yeonbubbles

23.4K 1.2K 3.1K

"Roses are red, Violets are blue, you're not Bae Suzy but you'll do ;)" It all started with a sticky note. Su... More

00 - Sticky Notes
01 - Campus Sweetheart
02 - Bae Suzy?
03 - Note Guy
04 - Park Who?
05 - Operation Make Sunoo Mine
06 - He's Human Too
07 - Heeseung's Weed
08 - Mr. Park
09 - ⚠️Marriage and Masturbation⚠️
10 - The Downfall
11 - Anything For You
12 - Want and Love
13 - Forget About It
14 - ⚠️Sex, Regrets, and Drugs⚠️
14.5 - Hooters
15 - Flowers for Sunoo

14.5.2 - ⚠️Our Dirty Little Secret⚠️

934 32 34
By yeonbubbles

-fat shaming
-harsh language
-sexual harassment

(Reminder this and the last chapter are flashbacks, not present time, the time period was 1-2 years ago)

(expect mistakes and reused words)

6:22 pm

Trembling, he walked closer the the same brick wall where they stopped. He saw Min-Jun puffing on an almost gone cigar, guessing he was on his fourth stick, knowing the way he smokes.

He knows he takes at least 10-15 puffs in one lit cigar, the way he plants it on his lips with his front upper teeth loosely securing the white paper, how he grabs it out with his thumb and index finger dropping it down and stomping it down, swishing his heel left and right to defuse the cigar.

His feet dragged themselves towards the male who still hadn't acknowledged his presence, puffing his life away.

"Come here," Min-Jun commanded, blowing another puff of smoke

Sunoo slides himself slowly beside Min-Jun, leaving a three-foot distance between them, fumbling his nails flicking them on one another.

"Closer." His voice deepened, urging Sunoo to move closer much faster

A tense silence followed.

"A-Are you still going to r-rape me? here?" Sunoo questioned, hoping none of what he mentioned during the call would happen

"Do you think I'm dumb enough to rape you in an open space?" Min-Jun scoffed at Sunoo's dumb question.

"N-No—" Sunoo was cut off with a sudden grasp on his wrist

With no warning whatsoever, he was immediately dragged towards the corner of the wall they were at, walking hastily moving from street to street sliding through corners and more corners.

It felt like seconds to Sunoo. The painful grip, the fast movements, and his soles aching from the wide steps.

They both reached a point, their surroundings plain and solace with nothing but darkness

He got pulled into a tiny abandoned cave with graffiti on the worn-out bricks, faint in color.

He felt the ice-cold air seeping into his supposedly warm clothing giving him shivers, he fidgeted his fingers as he watched his boyfriend slow down as they entered the solicited area.

It was dead silent, with nothing but their footsteps crunching on the wet debris and dirt with stagnant waters splashing around releasing their pungent odor.

But then...


He was pushed onto the damp and dirty brick walls with both of his arms held behind him.

He shrieked in surprise, at the spontaneous actions of Min-Jun, seeing his evil grin and darkening gaze on him.

"God, why do you have to be so pretty?" He devilishly chuckled, while shoving his face closer to Sunoo's who had his right cheek planted tightly on the dirty walls and his chest compressed onto the uneven nature of the bricks, making it hard for him to breathe.

"Even other men are yearning for you." He gripped tighter creating more whimpers from Sunoo

"So beautiful. So pure. So corruptible. You're such a pathetic low-life boy who loves every ounce of attention he gets." He caressed Sunoo's squished face, feeling the harsh air being exhaled on his fingertips.

Min-Jun then went lower, his left hand grasping his bottom and his inner thighs from the back as the younger's breathing became more frantic.

"Tell me, when the group of boys approached us, did you like how they wanted you?" Min-Jun slyly questioned, massaging Sunoo's left thigh while rubbing it up and down creating an uncomfortable feeling inside Sunoo

"N-No..." Sunoo responded shortly, unable to get a grasp of what was happening

"Really?" Min-Jun stared at the panicking Sunoo underneath him in wonder

"Why, Sunoo?" He continued, sounding more possessive than before

"B-Because..." The younger stuttered on his words

"Because what?" The elder gritted through his teeth, expecting the answer he wanted to hear from Sunoo that he's been teaching him lately.

"I-I belong to y-y-you h-hyung..." He trembled, hoping Min-Jun would release him by now

"Very good." He chuckled.

As of now, Sunoo was struggling to even catch a breath from the near panic attack he was having alongside his chest being tightly held down minimizing his air capacity.

"C-Cant. Breathe." He managed to muster out of the last of his breath

Thankfully, The tightness from his body was released but his hand was still held behind him.

But in less than a second, Min-Jun threw him down on the moldy floor causing Sunoo to whimper at the sudden throw.

"Look at me." The older commanded while staring at Sunoo who was struggling to stand up from his sprained wrist he landed on from the push.

Min-Jun kneeled in front of Sunoo who was trying his best to look at him but from his frail figure, his head started to pang from the lack of food and energy causing difficulty in moving his head.

From that, Min-Jun just held Sunoo's head still and pulled towards him with his hand strongly cupped under his chin.

"God, your cheeks are chubby again." His voice turned angry at the sight of Sunoo's new fluffy cheeks after getting used to seeing his cheekbones getting a little prominent a couple of weeks back.

"H-Huh?" Sunoo's heart dropped, the feeling of Min-Jun seeing an inch of imperfection on him was his worst nightmare.

Every time his boyfriend found or discovered something about Sunoo that he didn't like he wouldn't hesitate to degrade him for it and bully and humiliate him for it till Sunoo gets rid of it or he's satisfied with Sunoo.

It usually lasts a month or two at least. To get him to stop and for him to change himself to get Min-Jun to stop

But his old weight was the one he's still yet to move on from.

It's been almost a year since he's been like this...

"Did you gain weight?" He held his cheeks harder till Sunoo made high-pitched sounds of pain

"W-Why? Do—Do I look different?" Sunoo spoke through the tight grip Min-Jun had on him

"The fuck? Yes, you do!" He scowled, throwing Sunoo's face away and standing up


"Who the hell wants a puffy boyfriend." He scoffed, bringing another cigar to his mouth.

"W-Why are you so j-judgemental? I-I can j-just go back to dieting—"

"Shut the fuck up." He cut off a stuttering Sunoo who was trying his best to stand back up

"I don't want your mom getting suspicious of me again after she found out you were starving yourself." He walked back towards Sunoo lighting the stick of tobacco in his face

Sunoo wobbled from his balance on the damp and cold ground, he could feel the heat from the lighter to the smoke being puffed straight to his face causing him to cough in disgust at the smell of the nicotine-filled rod.

"I only made you eat what you want last week because of your stupid family and friends."

"And look at you now." He eyed Sunoo up and down while stepping a bit back to get a better view of the smaller who was shamelessly standing in his presence

"You're all bloated-looking and I can still see your fucking smile lines. Are you still even using the retinol I bought you?" He stared at Sunoo in disgust at the slight change in his appearance from his appetite.

"Tch wasted my money on some fat fuck like you." He chuckled sarcastically at those words, which broke Sunoo's heart which was already shredded into fine pieces from how many times he'd been hurt by his words.

"Next thing tomorrow, after tonight's dinner.—You.  starve yourself." Min-Jun walked up to Sunoo pointing at the middle of his face by his last sentence, which made Sunoo anxious from his commands.

"I'm bringing you with me and the boys next week to the games. I don't want an ugly boyfriend that will make me look bad."

"Look at your thighs. The gap became smaller."

"Your arms are fucking flabby, And your neck looks stubby as hell."

"This is why you're better off not eating anything, you're like an inflatable balloon. I mean, you chose to not eat."

The elder growled at Sunoo's trembling state.

Sunoo could not take it anymore.

He can't just keep on swallowing in his pity and depression while his 'boyfriend' discards him being alive in this world and acts like he's just a pleasure pill to be used for his satisfaction.

"But you w-were the one starving me—" He stuttered heavily, cowering over Min-Jun's dark gaze that was widening each second after what he said.

"What the fuck did you just say?" The enraged male marched more towards Sunoo till he was in his space

"N-Nothing..." Sunoo looked away, scared of what he was about to do next.

"No. No. You said something. What did you say again?" He flicked Sunoo's side making him look back at him

"Y-You we're the o-o-one s-starving me..." Sunoo repeated lowly, knowing the consequences he would face after it.

But he couldn't just live under Min-Jun's criticisms and control for the rest of his life.

"You piece of shit" Sunoo flinched from the stern hiss he made

"After all I did to help you get a good-looking body, you're saying it like you aren't grateful."

"What. You wanna be fucking fat again Kim Sunoo? Kim Piggy?"

"I-I was never fat. I was perfectly normal—"

"Yes, you fucking were. I couldn't see your fucking ribs and pelvis back then, you fat fuck."

Min-Jun pointed out and reminded Sunoo, which made him conscious of his appearance once again

Sunoo then started to pull up his clothes and feel his body to try to find if his body had really changed from his new appetite.

And once he felt the after-effects of the weight gain from eating, as his lips began to tremble from the pent-up emotions going inside of him.

It's been a while since he's been conscious of his body to the point he didn't even notice that he's changed a lot just in weeks.

"Oh, so you want to cry now?" Min-Jun heckled, after blowing another puff onto Sunoo's face, making Sunoo flutter his lashes from the stinging black smoke touching his eyes

"H-Hyung...I'm s-still seventeen. I need to take care o-of myse—"

"And neglect my needs and satisfaction? Hah. You make me want to blow your fucking face." Min-Jun scoffed, hitting his right fist on his left palm, cracking his knuckles

"You're lucky I didn't bring my gun or would have held you at gunpoint."

Sunoo was almost about to shed a tear, he can't do this anymore...

"You don't wanna see your boyfriend happy?"

"I-Its not like that I—"

"Well, it SOUNDS like it!"

"If you want to eat so bad. You might as well just stuff your fucking face with my cock."

After Min-Jun words, Sunoo looked at him with eyes full of surprise and fear. Knowing what would happen.

"H-Hyung what the f-fuck?—" Sunoo shivered in fear, feeling Min-Jun slowly grabbing him and planting him back onto the brick wall

"Now. I want you to keep quiet." He started to glide his right hand under Sunoo's shirt and played with his navel giving Sunoo an electric feeling from his stomach to his pelvis

"Don't make a sound. No screaming. No shouting. Do NOT make any noise." Then he stopped playing and gradually slipped his hand inside Sunoo's pants and underwear where he reached Sunoo's genitalia but barely touched it

"You got that?"

Sunoo gasped at the sudden grab Min-Jun had on his private part. He was tugging on it almost

The uncomfortable and painful feeling rushed throughout the inner parts of Sunoo's lower stomach from the harsh pull made by the elder.

"Answer me." He sneered over Sunoo's pained expression

"Y-Yes..." Sunoo softly cried out, hating the suffocating feeling underneath him

"Yes, who?"

"Yes...S-Sir..." Sunoo choked a cry, holding in his tears trying to keep quiet just as his hyung told him to do.

"That's more like it."

Min-Jun smirked, letting go of Sunoo but then started rubbing his right hand on every part underneath Sunoo's pants.

"Look at you whimpering, fuckin slut."

A gasp emitted from Sunoo as he felt a finger trying to force itself inside of him. He squirmed at the painful and new feeling of something entering his bottom.

"Do you think your parents would still love you if they saw their precious little son being a whore under his boyfriend's touch?"

"You better apologize to your mom and dad for what I'm about to do to you."

"Because You Deserve It."

"You deserve it because you were brought onto this world to please men, am I right?"

Min-Jun asked maliciously but was only greeted by a silent Sunoo who was on the verge of tears from his untrimmed fingernails nipping on his walls as he forced up his middle finger inside Sunoo's virgin walls

"AM I RIGHT?!?!?!" He shoved his finger up even  more making Sunoo shriek in shock

"Y-Y-Yes! Yes Sir!" He replied as fast as he could

"Now don't tell anyone."

"This is gonna be our Dirty Little Secret."

"If you tell a soul."

"You already know."

Sunoo did not notice that his finger had finally fully been inserted in him now that the pain and uncomfortable tension were replaced with minor pleasure and a churning feeling inside him...

Was he really enjoying this?...

Sunoo, you're getting raped...

Don't enjoy this.

You can't fight back, but that doesn't mean you can enjoy this...


It so...

It feels so good...

H-His finger...It's doing something to me...


What is wrong with you....

What have I become?

What has Min-Jun hyung done to me...

'Mom, Dad...I'm sorry...'

'Hyung said I deserve it....'

I'm a whore.

yall are getting chapter 15 after this omg

sticky notes - sunsun

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