A Missed Opportunity

By hopeless_romanticXD

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In the bustling streets of New York City, Kiara Stone is faced with a life-altering decision. The health of h... More



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By hopeless_romanticXD


I've tried to gain back my sister's trust and love. I managed to somehow do it, but sometimes I can tell there are still some scars there. I hurt her, and I really didn't deserve to be let back into not just her life, but her new family's lives too.

The whole drive to her place after dinner, I try to come to terms with the fact that I'm going to get tossed back a few notches after this. Even if neither of us ever meant to hurt her, this is just one of the many scars she has from me. It'll hurt her whether she decides to accept it or not.

I haven't fully come to terms with it by the time I get up to their place with them, but I don't need to be the one comforted anyway. It's my own fault.

The worst thing though is the fact that Aaliyah's excited I came back with them. "That entire dinner was awkward." She giggles as she heads for the kitchen as soon as she's inside.

Alex watches me cautiously as I follow them in, shutting the door behind me. "Yeah." I awkwardly agree. I nod down to Elaina. He takes the silent hint and leans down to scoop her up in his arms to take her down the hall with a curious dog right behind him. Meanwhile, I wander off towards the kitchen where Aaliyah is.

Aaliyah's still talking while she stands in front of the fridge. "Mom was on your butt the entire time." She giggles, finding it funny.

"Yeah." I repeat quietly. "I'm sorry, kid. You had some great news to share, but she was on a mission this time for some reason. It shouldn't have happened that way."

Aaliyah slows down for a moment while she pulls out a premade pie that she probably just needs to stick in the oven. "Yeah...that kind of sucked." She mutters. I start towards the oven beside me to preheat it for her. "But it's okay. I was thinking about maybe calling Kiara and seeing if she wants to help me make, like...I don't know. A thing for it." She laughs because she doesn't even know what she'd like to make.

I glance to the doorway when I notice Alex walk into it, probably having put Elaina in her room with a show or a toy. Lucifer isn't with him, so he probably put him on babysitting duty. I take a deep breath as I look to Aaliyah. "Sounds like fun." I mumble.

"I don't know. I'll ask her." Aaliyah shrugs as she absently begins opening up the pie box.

I clear my throat. "Aaliyah...about Kiara." I begin slowly and reluctantly. All of the confidence I built up—which really wasn't much to begin with—starts fading the more I talk.

Aaliyah pauses what she's doing. She looks over at me with furrowed brows and a little frown. "What?" She quietly asks, unhappy with my tone already. "She's great. She's nice. She..." She slowly trials off with her defensive measures when she makes eye contact with me.

I sigh quietly and glance at Alex like he's going to help me. He clenches his jaw shut and looks away, rejecting my request for help. Coward.

Aaliyah's shoulders deflate. "Noah." She quietly calls. I shift on my feet as I reluctantly look back at her. She shakes her head softly when she sees something in my expression. Maybe something she recognizes. "You didn't..." She gives a weak smile and shrugs softly. "I mean, you haven't...with Kiara. Right?"

I glance down at the ground. "Aaliyah,"

Her face falls. "Are you..." She lets out a weak chuckle of disbelief. "Wait, are you serious?"

"Yeah." I mutter. "But just let me explain."

Her face contorts, torn between anger and betrayal. "How...Why? Why do you keep doing this to me?" She starts to shake her head at me.

"Aaliyah, I didn't mean to—"

"I can't believe you." She scoffs, nose scrunching in disgust now. "I should've never forgiven you in the first place! All you know how to do is ruin people's lives. And—clearly—you've decided you just love ruining mine!"

"Aaliyah," Alex finally comes to my rescue. He's a little late, but I'll take it.

She ignores him. "Get out."

"Aaliyah, please." I pitifully plead. "We didn't mean to."

"I don't want to hear your excuses! You said you wouldn't do that to me again, and you did." She snaps. "Get out, Noah. Get out of my face and get out of my life." She dismisses, waving me away and towards the door.

"Mami," Alex whispers as he walks around me to come up beside her, his hand gently landing on the small of her back as he peeks around her shoulder at her. She's still scowling up at me with eyes that are slowly growing red rimmed.

"If you want to protect him, you can get out too." She shoots a scowl up at him too, but it's just out of misplaced anger. She'll take it back once she's had a moment for herself, and he knows it. Even still, he frowns softly at her.

"I never wanted to hurt you like this again." I insist, still trying to just get it out. But I think I know how it'll end for me before it even happens. "We met a long time ago before I got sober. We never thought we'd see each other again—We didn't do this on purpose."

She squeals her anger, uncaring of my explanation. "Just go, Noah!" She demands, pointing to the door again. "Get out!" She repeats. When I open my mouth, she goes again. "Get the fuck out!" She snaps.

I blink at her. Alex takes a big step back, deeming this a battle he no longer wants to be a part of. I can't even blame him anymore.

She scoffs at me when I don't move for a long moment. "Get out before I go get Lucifer and let him maul you to death." She threatens.

I don't move. "Are you going to listen to me or not?"

"Not." She stubbornly decides.

"Too fucking bad. I'm not leaving until I get this out." I decide just as stubbornly, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Alex," Aaliyah huffs, looking up at him for help to get me out.

He nods. "Hear him out first." He encourages. Aaliyah grumbles in response as she reluctantly looks to me.

"Okay." I begin with another deep breath. "I want you to know we haven't done anything since we've seen each other again."

"I didn't want to know that but thank you. Get out."

I ignore her. "We met, like, seven years ago in a bar, okay? For seven years, I haven't seen her again until Elaina's birthday party. We had no way of knowing you two were friends now." I explain with a gentle shake of my head. Aaliyah softens a little while she listens, but that betrayal is still present on her face. "I'm so sorry, kid. I meant it when I said I never wanted to do this to you again. It's all just...an accident now."

She watches me silently for a little longer before she nods softly. "Okay." She slowly accepts. "Kiara hasn't said anything about it." She mumbles as she looks up at Alex briefly. "And she's still my friend, so..."

"Yeah." I mumble, slowly nodding. "Yeah—There's a reason she hasn't said anything..."

Aaliyah pulls back at that. "What?"

"You know her son? Cameron? He's, uh...seven—He's seven-years-old."

She stares. Alex backs up against the counter some more.

Aaliyah looks away from me and down at her pie. I look down at the ground in my shame. "I didn't know about him. Kiara left before I knew. And, again, we didn't mean for this to happen—"

I cut myself off when I notice a very nice-looking cold pie come into my line of sight. All I can do is stand here while it's shoved in my face. Then mushed around a little before it falls onto the floor.

I don't know what to do first, so for a moment I end up just standing here with cherry pie all over my face. Along with some nice whipped cream topping. Parts of it falls off my face and onto my shirt. Or the floor. Someone, I think Alex, sighs deeply. "Feel better?" He asks.

"A little." Aaliyah hums calmly. I clear my throat and lift my hand to drag it across my face to try and get rid of some of the pie. When I have clear eyesight, I look to her. She gestures to the floor. "Clean this up." She demands as she walks around me.

I frown down at the sad pie lying face down on the floor. Then look up at Alex like he's going to help me out. He shrugs. "Could'a been worse." He reasons.

"Alex, you too! Since you clearly knew!"

Alex frowns too. He looks down at the pie on the floor.

"Wanna stay at mine tonight? She's going to send you to the couch." I mutter as I reach over for a roll of paper towels.

"No, she's not." He shakes his head with a sad sigh. "She likes to make me sleep in the bed with her just so she can roll over and face the other way." He mutters as he walks around me to probably go get a mop.

I grimace at that. "Sorry." I awkwardly call after him.

"Fuck you."

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