Harry Potter: Imagines & Pref...

By fremdenliebe

5.9K 141 10

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to attend Hogwarts? ⚡️ Well, here's a collection of Harry Potter Ima... More

✯ How you first met ✯
Imagine ➳ Oliver Wood [001]
Imagine ➳ Fred Weasley [002]
Imagine ➳ Neville Longbottom [003]
Imagine ➳ Draco Malfoy [004]
Imagine ➳ George Weasley [005]
✯ How he asked you out ✯
Imagine ➳ Oliver Wood [006]
Imagine ➳ Fred Weasley [007]
Imagine ➳ Neville Longbottom [008]
Imagine ➳ Draco Malfoy [009]
Imagine ➳ George Weasley [010]
✯ How he asked you to be his girlfriend ✯
Request ✎ Draco Malfoy [001]
Imagine ➳ Oliver Wood [011]

Request ✎ Draco Malfoy [002]

19 1 1
By fremdenliebe

The Hogwarts Express echoed with the chatter of excited students, including y/n and Draco Malfoy, who laughed together, unaware of the future that lay ahead.

The two of them have been friends ever since his parents joined the Death Eaters, her parents were already following the Dark Lord. Their initial bonding over magical creatures and Quidditch during their childhood set the foundation for a unique connection.

Amidst the commotion on the Hogwarts Express, y/n found solace in Draco as they discussed the upcoming life in Hogwarts.

Their friendship seemed unbreakable until the Sorting Hat's verdict sent y/n to Gryffindor and Draco to Slytherin, dividing their paths within the school. The Sorting Hat's decision marked a distinct change in their relationship, pulling them apart.

Draco's disappointment was palpable when y/n was sorted into Gryffindor. Hurt by what he saw as a betrayal, Draco distanced himself, and their interaction reduced drastically. Their laughter that once made their stomachs hurt turned to silence.

She often caught Draco's gaze in the corridors, but the familiar warmth that once existed between them was replaced by a cold, distant stare. Draco's only words addressed to her were filled with hate. Despite the lack of direct communication, y/n often caught snippets of Draco's conversations, overhearing vague references to family expectations. This insight into Draco's inner turmoil made y/n understand the complexities of his situation, she knew it was all about the pure blood fanaticism his and her parents shared. Their lack of contact became more pronounced in the subsequent years. In their fourth year, Draco started to ignore her completely. It was worse to be ignored than insulted, she admitted embarrassingly.

So not only did y/n lose her best friend on September 1st, but her parents didn't think it was necessary to discuss more than the most important things with her since that day. Taking her back in every summer felt more like a burden to them than anything else.

But even after all of this she was still grateful. Grateful for the friends and family found along the way. She may have lost Draco and her parents but found her new family in Harry, Ron and Hermione. The Weasley's took her in as if she were one of them and gave her the love and affection she deeply needed. If there's anything she wasn't, it's alone. And for that y/n was grateful.
In their fifth year at Hogwarts, an unexpected encounter in the library led to a significant moment of reconciliation between y/n and Draco. A large stack of books, a careless y/n, a Draco blocking the way and the expected happened. y/n hurried through the aisles of the Hogwarts library, a tower of books precariously balanced in her arms. Engrossed in her search for a particular volume on magical history, she didn't notice the figure approaching until it was too late. She collided with someone solid, the impact sending her stumbling backward, books flying in every direction.

"Watch where you're-" Draco's sneer cut through the air, only to pause abruptly mid-insult. As he looked down, he saw the person who had bumped into him gathering the fallen books. y/n felt her cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and frustration, the result of her unfortunate collision with none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Are you all right?" he asked, his voice betraying a touch of genuine concern. y/n nodded, somewhat taken aback by the unexpected concern in his voice. "I'm... I'm okay," she managed to say, still slightly flustered by the whole encounter.Draco knelt down, joining her in gathering the scattered books. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice at you. "His apology caught her completely off guard. y/n blinked in surprise, feeling a mix of emotions—confusion, gratitude, and a strange sense of respect for the unexpected gesture. Draco hesitated, a rare vulnerability flashing across his features. y/n looked at him, noticing the sincerity in his eyes and she gave him a reassuring smile. As they finished gathering the books, an awkward silence hung between them. She felt a strange warmth at the unexpected exchange, a part of Draco she hadn't seen in years. 

"Thanks for helping," she said, finally standing up and holding the stack of books he handed back to her. Draco nodded, his usual aloofness slowly returning. "Just... watch where you're going next time."

The girl chuckled softly, nodding in agreement, and as she turned to leave the library, she couldn't shake off the surprising encounter. Draco Malfoy, the last person she'd have expected to apologize, had just caught her completely off guard.
After their unexpected encounter in the library, y/n found herself contemplating the newfound change in Draco's character. As days passed, occasional nods and small smiles were exchanged in the corridors, a subtle acknowledgment of their shared moment of reconciliation. The air between them seemed lighter, carrying an unspoken understanding.

One breezy afternoon, she found herself sitting by the edge of the Hogwarts lake, a picturesque setting with the water glistening in the sunlight. Engrossed in a book, she heard footsteps approaching. Glancing up, she noticed Draco strolling towards the lake.

"Mind if I join you?" Draco asked, surprising y/n, who nodded in response, slightly taken aback by the unexpected company. "Sure, I guess," she replied, shifting slightly to make room. Draco sat down, a comfortable silence settling between them. The gentle lapping of the water against the shore accompanied their quietude. "So, what are you reading?" Draco inquired, breaking the silence with genuine curiosity. She held up the book, a slight smile gracing her lips. "It's about the history of Hogwarts. Fascinating stuff, really." 

"Mind if I take a look?" Draco leaned in, genuinely interested. "Sure," y/n replied, passing the book to him. As Draco flipped through the pages, they started discussing various secrets about the castle. "You know," y/n began, gazing across the lake, "there were times when I'd just wander around the castle, exploring hidden corners and secret passageways." Draco raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk forming. "Ah, the castle's mysteries. Hogwarts has its way of keeping secrets."

They exchanged stories about peculiar encounters in the castle, whispering hallways, and unexpected places within Hogwarts. "I found this hidden courtyard by accident once," y/n shared, a hint of excitement in her voice. "It was like stepping into a secluded sanctuary, away from everything." Draco's interest was piqued. "I think I might know the one. The roses there bloom all year round. "Her eyes widened in surprise. "You've been there too?" Draco nodded, a touch of amusement in his tone. "It's a well-kept secret, or at least it was until now."

"It's funny," she remarked, "how Hogwarts manages to bring us together despite everything else." Draco hesitated for a moment, his usual guardedness briefly softening. "Yeah, it does have that effect."

Amidst their conversation, Draco hesitated for a moment, his usual demeanor briefly faltering. "I never really had the chance to properly apologize for all the things I said and did in the past. I was... I was awful. "The girl looked at him, sensing the sincerity in his voice. "I appreciate that, Draco. I see you're trying to change." The atmosphere between them felt surprisingly open, a stark contrast to their previous interactions.

As the sun started to set, casting a warm glow over the lake, they both realized how much time had passed. "I should probably head back," y/n said, collecting her belongings.

Draco nodded, a genuine smile gracing his lips. "Thanks for the chat. It was... different."She returned the smile, feeling a sense of newfound connection. "Yeah, it was. In a good way." They stood up, walking back towards the castle together, the air lighter and their steps carrying a newfound ease in each other's company.

As y/n and Draco navigated their rekindling connection, a crucial question remained unanswered. In the secluded serenity by the lake, away from the watchful eyes of her friends, y/n broached the subject that had lingered in her curiosity. She ventured, "there's something I've been curious about for a while." He cast a furtive glance, a subtle tension in his eyes. "What is it?" She hesitated, her thoughts carefully gathering. "Why did you suddenly put an end to the insults a year ago?" Draco averted his gaze. "It's complicated." Leaning in, y/n pressed, concern across her features. "What do you mean?" With a deep breath, Draco spoke, his voice just above a whisper. "Our families... they made an arrangement." Her eyes widened. "An arrangement?" Draco nodded, his eyes fixed on the rippling lake. "They planned a marriage between us. It was decided long ago."

Her heart raced as she grappled with the revelation. She couldn't believe it. How could she not be good enough for her parents to talk to her but good enough to be married to Draco? Her body ached with the weight of betrayal. "But why didn't you tell me?" Draco met her gaze, a blend of guilt and vulnerability in his eyes. "I didn't want it to color our relationship. I wanted to make things right between us before you knew." Their conversation delved into a whirlwind of emotions – surprise, uncertainty, and an undercurrent of something unsaid.

Finally, y/n spoke, "Do you... do you mind it?"Draco hesitated before responding, "Do you?" Her heart fluttered. She missed him, all the years without him made her want him even more." I don't mind at all, especially now that we're friends again." In the quietude that followed, Draco's gaze held a mixture of relief and something more profound. "Would you consider making this more than just a friendship?" Her eyes widened, a warmth spreading through her. "Are you asking...?" He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm asking if you'd be my girlfriend. Officially." Her heart soared, and a smile mirrored his. "Yes, Draco. I'd love that."

In the covert dance of their forbidden love, Draco and y/n mastered the art of secrecy within the walls of Hogwarts. Their stolen moments unfolded like chapters in an enchanted book, hidden away from the prying eyes of their respective houses and the looming expectations of their families. The library, with its towering shelves and dusty corners, became a clandestine meeting place, where whispered confessions and stolen glances spoke volumes. Hidden courtyards, veiled in the shadows, bore witness to their stolen kisses and tender embraces, shielded from the judgmental eyes of the castle. Hogsmeade weekends transformed into covert rendezvous, where they navigated the narrow streets like shadows, sharing laughter and secrets over butterbeer in the dimly lit corners of the Three Broomsticks. Their love thrived in the hidden pockets of Hogwarts, an intricate tapestry of stolen time and shared secrets that added a layer of mystery to the undeniable connection they shared.

As the end of seventh year at Hogwarts approached, tensions in the wizarding world reached a boiling point. In the midst of this turmoil, unexpected alliances were forming, and secrets were unraveling. On the day of the battle the entire school gathered in the Great Hall for a crucial announcement from Professor McGonagall. The trio—Harry, Ron, and Hermione—exchanged puzzled glances, their minds racing with questions about the unfolding events.In front of the assembled students, McGonagall stepped forward with a solemn expression. "I have an important announcement to make regarding the allegiance of one of our own. Draco Malfoy has chosen to join the fight against Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters. He has bravely decided to stand on the side of justice and unity."

The murmurs that erupted across the Great Hall were a mix of surprise and disbelief. Draco Malfoy, the once-proud Slytherin, had defied his family's legacy and chosen a different path. The trio exchanged astonished glances, unable to comprehend the sudden shift in allegiance. As McGonagall continued her announcement, she dropped another bombshell. "Furthermore, I am pleased to share that Draco Malfoy and y/n have decided to join forces not only in the battle against darkness but also in their personal lives. They are engaged to be married."

The Great Hall erupted into gasps and whispers. The trio's eyes widened in shock. Not only was Draco fighting against his family, but he was also engaged to y/n, someone they had known from the beginning as Draco's childhood friend, only to be estranged over the years.Hermione turned to Ron, her expression a mix of confusion and realization. "Did you know about this?" Ron shook his head, equally surprised. "No, not a clue. They kept this well-hidden."Meanwhile, Harry's thoughts were racing. The revelation explained the mysterious change in Draco's behavior over the years and their subsequent reconciliation. He couldn't fathom the challenges they must have faced to be together, considering the tumultuous circumstances surrounding their families.

In the midst of the chaos, the trio found themselves in a corner, processing the revelation. "Who would've thought?" Ron mumbled, still trying to wrap his head around the news.Hermione, ever the logical thinker, considered the implications. "It must have been incredibly difficult for them, especially Draco, to break away from his family and make such a bold decision. "Harry nodded, his gaze fixed on the engaged couple across the room. "We should talk to them, offer our support. She is our friend and they're risking a lot by standing against their families." As the trio approached Draco and y/n, there was a mixture of awkwardness and understanding in the air. The unspoken acknowledgment passed between them – a recognition of shared secrets and newfound alliances. "Congratulations," Hermione said sincerely, breaking the ice. "It takes a lot of courage to do what you both have done." Draco nodded, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you. It wasn't an easy decision, but we believe it's the right one." As the battle of Hogwarts loomed on the horizon, Draco and y/n, now united not only by love but also by a shared commitment to a better future, faced the challenges ahead with determination. The trio, realizing the complexities of the choices made by their former classmates, stood ready to fight alongside them, united against the looming darkness.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the garden of the Weasleys, where y/n and Draco's wedding was taking place. The air was filled with laughter and joy as friends and family gathered to celebrate the union of two souls who had overcome the odds but also the of victory in the Battle of Hogwarts. Amid laughter, guests toasted to a new beginning, remembering lives lost.

The Weasleys' garden, adorned with enchanting decorations, became a backdrop to the celebration of love and resilience. However, an undercurrent of tension lingered in the air. All four parents appeared at the wedding, each navigating their emotions in the sea of well-wishers.

The Weasleys, who had become a second family to y/n, welcomed everyone with open arms, bridging the gaps between different worlds.y/n will forever be grateful for the Weasleys. Even here at their wedding, Molly and Arthur do their best to make the situation with their parents better. She knows that nothing can undo the past and the neglect. She wanted nothing more than support and affection from her parents, but she got none of it. She was never good enough but she was good enough to marry Draco for a pure bloodline. She will never be able to forgive them for that, but it would have felt wrong not to have her and Draco's parents there. She had never given up hope, so a small glimmer of hope remained within her. Hope that things could only get better from now on.

Hermione and Ginny, standing by y/n's side as bridesmaids, exchanged knowing glances, silently reassuring her that everything would be alright. "You survived Voldemort, you will survive having Lucius Malfoy as your father in law. "

The wedding vows were exchanged, each word resonating with the challenges they had faced and the love that had blossomed in the hidden corners of Hogwarts. Draco and y/n danced together under the twinkling fairy lights, their steps echoing the harmony they had found in each other. Lucius, standing on the sidelines, wore a stoic expression, the complexities of the situation evident in his eyes. y/n understands Draco's feelings, they both understand the difficulties with their parents. She gives Lucius a small smile and encourages him to find his way to his son. Surprisingly, Lucius takes steps toward the couple on the dance floor. "Would you have this dance with me?" Her and draco exchange a look and nod at lucius with a smile. As the song comes to an end, Lucius looks at both of them sincerely. "I am sorry. For everything. I hope you both can forgive me one day." With that he excuses himself and makes his way back into the crowd.

After the ceremony and the public celebrations, Draco and y/n retreated to a private place in the garden to bask in the quietude of their newfound unity as Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. The air was charged with a mixture of relief and anticipation for the future. Draco sat down close to her, creating a momentary sanctuary away from the festivities. The echoes of laughter and music filtered through, a reminder of the joyous celebration awaiting them outside.

As they settled into the intimate space, Draco took y/n's hands, his eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of gratitude and determination. "We did it," he whispered, the weight of their journey palpable in those three words.

Y/n smiled, her eyes reflecting the shared triumph. "We did. And we'll face whatever comes next together." Draco nodded, a silent promise exchanged between them. The awkwardness with Lucius, the shadows of the past – they were challenges to overcome, but they were ready to confront them as a united front.

The night unfolded in a tapestry of laughter, dancing, and shared moments. The trio, stood together, watching the couple with smiles that held stories of shared adventures and unwavering support. The complexities of the past were overshadowed by the promise of a brighter future. In the heart of the celebration, Draco and y/n, surrounded by friends and family, danced under the moonlit sky.

And so, in the midst of laughter, music, and the company of those who had become their chosen family, Draco and y/n embraced the happiness they had fought for. The story of forbidden love had transformed into a tale of resilience, unity, and the enduring power of love. In the garden of the Weasleys, where the past met the future, they waltzed into the next chapter of their lives, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

authors note: i come out every seven full moons to actually write something. sorry.

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