
By MistakenKey

56.3K 983 333

Suguru couldn't handle being in that god forsaken horrible school and at his breaking pint he left but stumbk... More



955 24 6
By MistakenKey

Yuji sat in his room, balled up his bed, his knees to his chest as he stared into the darkness engulfing his room."It's been 4 months.. where are you.." yuji thought his eyes fixated on nothing but the fake images the darkness made. Yujis mind went blank as he stared. Nothing shook him from this trance that now engulfed the poor teens mind."You promised to stay by my side." Yuji mutterd. There was knock at the door. yujis eyes glanced to the door as the nob twisted and rays of sun entered the room. Hitting yuji, "yuji..". Megumi muttered, seeing just how horrible the teens looked was. He had eye bags, his hair longer, and most likely matted, and who knows the last time he ate or showerd. Yuji looked at him, his eyelids droppy. Megumi sighed he didn't want to do this, but seeing yuji like this hurt."yuji were leaving, taking and showering, and getting dressed." Megumi said yuji just stared."Now!" Megumi demanded yuji slightly whinced at the loud noise." Get up, let's go!" Megumi demaned agian yuji slid outta bed."No clean clothes.." yuji mutterd megumi paused."We're gonna go to my room then and get you some." Megumi said he knew yuji was lying since the younger hadn't left his room in months and changed like 2 times a week."Come on." Megumi said, reaching his hand out. yuji walked over slowly and grabbed his hand. Megumi pulled yuji to his room. Megumi went to let yujis hand go, but yuji held on tightly. "Yuji, you have to let go." Megumi said yuji shook his head." Megumi sighed as he walked to his closet, grabbing some clothes."Here now, go shower." Megumi demaned, handing yuji the clothes. Yuji stared at them for a moment but grabbed them, letting go of megumis hand he dragged himself into the bathroom. After about 30 minutes, the water stopped, and megumi could hear shuffling again. After about another 10 minutes he heard fustrated groans then something hit the floor follwed by a very annoyed "fuck" Megumi walked to the door."yuji?" He called the door swung opend and yuji stood dressed but a hair brush stuck in his hair and he looked like he was gonna cry."do u need help?" Megumi asked yuji began to cry."no.." he mutterd megumi walked into the bathroom"then why are you crying?" Megumi asked yuji sniffled and wioped his face "be..cause i can." He said Megumi stood infront of him reaching up he pulled the brush out and yuji yelped." Your fustrated i get it, its okay to cry when your fustrated,and its okay to need help". Megumi said yuji looked down."help..please." yuji mutterd megumi placed his hand on yujis cheek."alright". He said and pulled yuji over to his bed sitting down he instrucked yuji to sit on the floor between his legs. Megumi gentle burshed his hair making sure to get each tangle out slowly and as softly as possible. Yuji relaxed in his touch, his head resting on megumis thigh."Talk to me." Megumi suddenly spoke, and yuji tensed up."You'll never heal if you dont talk, and you dont need to say a lot, but say something to me..atleast." Megumi said yuji stayed quiet for a moment, letting megumis words sink in as megumi continued his brushing."he..promised". Yuji started megumi stayed quiet."he promised to stay by my side threw all the new things life threw at me..." yuji spoke up, clenching his fist."he was an amazing person....i loved him so much..". Yuji said, beginning to tear up his voice cracking." He kept me safe...protcted from the scary world that once hurt me..a. and ..now..t..that world... someone i..in it took..him from m..me.." yuji began to cry, tears streaming fast as he pulled his knees to his chest."im scared.." yuji said, putting his face down into his knees. Megumi stood up and got down onto the floor beside yuji he wrapped his arms around him, allowing yuji to cry." You talk about him in the past tense like hes dead, hes one of the stringest sources alive hed never die so easily no matter how long its been, and im sure hes fighting to get back to you,." Megumi said yuji looked at him."but you have to fight to, he can't do it alone and you cant sit hear and mope waiting for him to come back, so get up, bring yourself reality and get yourself together for him..and me" Megumi spoke softly yuji was confused the last statement seemed weird but he nodded hed fight for megumi and geto two of the most important people in his life.


Yuji ran through the broken city body, aching as he avoided the thousands of curses. "F..fuck!" He yelped as one hit him, sending him tumbling into a buliding. And down a flight of stairs that lead to a dark cavern. Yuji crawled into the cavern, using it as a hiding spot to catch his breath. Blood trinckled down his forehead."What happened...why is this happening... where is everyone.." yuji thought, looking around, but nothing but darkness engulfed his site. Yuji cralwed out the cavern, stainding again he refused to sit and mope about as thousands died right before him. Yuji ripped the sleeves of his jacket off, tying it around his head, stopping the gushing blood."I won't let it end here, not alone." Yuji thought, running into the city agian. Flames and screams filled the air. Yuji felt ill as the site before him worsened every second things were moving to fast life was flashing before his eyes every happy moment in his life seemed to wither away.

"Why does life hate me..."

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