Inazuma Girls ¡ENGLISH!

By Ecritaz5

169 40 0

It's been a few weeks since Inazuma Japan won the FFI and the football association has already prepared a new... More



39 4 0
By Ecritaz5

A few weeks had already passed since the Frontier International Football was won by Inazuma Japan. Each of the members (players, managers and coach) returned to their homes continuing with their normal lives. It was early when Prime Minister Vanguard called his daughter to come to his office. She entered that whitish space with large windows to find her father sitting at his desk with several papers on the table.

-Good morning, Victoria

-What do you need, dad? - Tori asked - He gave her a sign that advertised Women's Frontier Soccer.This when reading it andreread it confirming that it was real he started jumping for joy - This is great! -At that moment he realized something-, but... Dad, I'm not on any completely female team, I don't even go to school, I study at home!

-Don't worry, I'll let you study at the institute you want.- Tori's face lit up as she formed a big smile, because she already had something on her mind.

Come afternoon at the Raimon Institute, his soccer team was training after finishing classes. Camelia and Percival Travis (manager and coach of Inazuma Japan) moved to Inazuma City, studying and working at the same institute. As in the national team, Camellia was a manager, however her father only worked as a teacher, so he had returned home a while ago. On the field, the boys were training when a familiar voice came running up.

-Hey! Hello! -Tori said running down the stairs. Almost out of breath she gave the sign to her friends - Look at this

Curious, the players came over to see what was happening. Tori was dressed in the school uniform, a magenta skirt, a white shirt and on her neck a bow of the same color as the skirt, in addition to her characteristic hat. Silvia, the one closest to the poster, began to read it.

-Frontier... women's soccer? That's great, Tori, with how much you like soccer! -Tori nodded her head smiling.

-Hey, why are you wearing the school uniform? -said Celia- Don't tell me that...

-But, Tori, there is no women's team here, you knew that, right? - Nelly would say

-Well, of course! -Tori would lie, but she quickly thought of something- I-I... I want to form one! -those present were surprised- With you inside, obviously! -They would remain silent for a moment, which seemed eternal-Come on, say something.

-I would love to help you but we don't know how to play soccer," Silvia said somewhat sadly.

-I'm joining in, Tori! - everyone turned to the one who spoke - Celia Hills, at your service - she said winking - Girls, trying something new won't hurt, what do you say, Cammy.

"I'll try," she said determinedly.

-Come on, Silvia, Nelly - the captain of the Raimon, Mark, encouraged the disconcerted ones - you will make it! - This was very important for them.

"Well... I guess I can't say no," Nelly smiled.

Silvia, who now had everyone's eyes on her, could only say "Yes." Tori hugged the four of them as best she could. Mark, who had already formed a club a long time ago, informed them where they could do it, and after being official they returned to the field, where someone was waiting for them.

Tori had called someone that morning to inform them of everything, the girl couldn't wait to see her friend, so she took a train to Inazuma to meet her again. From the top of the ramp a girl with blue hair and dark skin called to the new team.

-Hello girls! -he said while waving with his arm. She went down the stairs and when it seemed like she was going to hug her pink-haired best friend, she hugged the Raimon midfielder, Erik- DARLING, I had missed you so much!

"Hello, Sue," he said, trying to free himself to continue training.

Sue stopped holding him and went straight towards them.

-Girls! How happy I am! I hope we face each other in a match, but first - he said, pointing to the former managers - we have to decide your positions. - Cammy, put on a tracksuit, we're going to train. -I do not mention Silvia, Nelly or Celia, since they were already wearing an orange, pink and green tracksuit respectively.

She went to change and once she arrived dressed in blue, they warmed up on the field. Because it was a special occasion, the boys finished training early, but some like Mark, Axel, Jude, Nathan and Erik stayed to help. Sue had decided on a training session to test what they were better at: shooting on goal, forward; dribble, medium; stealing the ball, defending and stopping a kick; goal. One by one they tried each thing, there were some stumbles or others but from seeing the boys something stuck out to them. Nelly and Celia almost managed to put Mark in a bind, Cammy almost stole the ball from Erik, Silvia tried to dribble with Nathan but he was too fast, and so test after test, the boys, Tori and Sue analyzed their way of playing , which was pretty bad. After a while of chatting, the veterans led by the girl from Osaka decided their "ideal" positions according to how they had played.

-Girls! -Mark called them- Everything ready!

They left the water bottles on the bench and got up from the seats (and the floor) to go to them. Those "little tests you're welcome," according toSue, they had left them exhausted.

-Well, we will soon announce the positions in which we think that could you fit well on the playing field according to...

"But for today, little brother," Celia said to Jude who looked like it was going to take forever.

"Cammy," Axel said with a voice so determined that it made the aforementioned almost give a military salute, "defense."

"Celia," Nathan said with the same seriousness, "midfielder." Jude's glasses shone and he couldn't hide a smile.

"Nelly," Mark began, "forward." - He raised his thumb at her, making her blush.

-Silvia...- Erik paused-...goalkeeper.

-You have done very well for never having played!- Sue congratulated them, interrupting the silence.

-Nelly, you have a very strong shot and Silvia, you were able to see where they were going!what shots! - Tori told them - also, Celia, you haggled with Axel...

"And Cammy stole the ball from me," Erik continued.

-Although after several attempts- Cammy laughed a little embarrassed.

They all looked at each other smiling, one more step they had taken. Night would fall right now,Sue I would sleep that night at Tori's house and return to Osaka at dawn. Everyone headed home, telling their families the new news. Silvia lay face up on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She didn't like the idea at all, she didn't see herself defending the goal, or any other position, she simply didn't think it was her thing, although she didn't want to disappoint her teammates.

-I guess I'll have to give it a chance...


The next day arrived, Sue had already returned home and classes had finished, the girls team, currently five members, met near the soccer field (they couldn't because the other team was training).

-We are five. - Celia clarified.

-Yes - Cammy followed.

-And we need eleven.


-Well, we need...

"Six more players," he said after sighing.

-Well, we'll have to go out and look for them.- Nelly joined in.

"Especially if we want to enter the tournament on time," said Silvia.

-Wellwe shared to take less time -Tori suggested happily- in a while here.

They took different paths, asking any student they came across. The majority responded with "I'm already in another club", "I'm not interested in football", "Why am I going to kick a ball, stain me? "You're clear" and the like. After a while Cammy ran into two girls, one with short, messy green hair, and the second was light-skinned with big dark eyes. Her hair was purple and tied in a ponytail high side except for two large bangs.

-Hello, would you like to join the girls soccer club? It has just been founded.

"I'm joining," the green-haired girl said determinedly and extended her hand. "Annie Breez, first year." Cammy returned the greeting, leaving one unknown: would her friend join? -And your Rai, what do you say?

The girl looked a little nervous, for her it was an important decision that she had to make NOW. Football was not her passion by any means, although she did not dislike it either, so in order to be with her friend she accepted.

-Y-yes, ¡I-I will join the team! -she said a little unsure- I'm Rai Mabushii, also a first year.

"Thank you very much," he said, taking her hands, then releasing them and looking at the two of them in the face. "I'm Camellia Travis, second year." But you can call me Cammy!

Meanwhile, near the clubhouse, Celia found a short girl leaning against the wall; she assumed she was in her course, although not in her class. She had a large, curly blonde ponytail, her eyes were green and her pink cheeks were noticeable. The one with glasses approached him and before he could say anything the girl spoke. do you need?

-Hello! My name is Celia Hills, first year, I'm in the new soccer club - the girl listened with a face of little interest - We need players.

-Me in the soccer club?

He nodded-Do you want to come in? -said enthusiastically

"Sierra, Sierra Range," her voice sounded serious, but she was smiling, "third year." Celia was surprised to hear that, but she knew how to hide it so as not to offend her. "You can count on me." Celia was filled with joy.

-Great, let's go!

It had been some time since they separated and returned to where they were before, along with the new members. They introduced themselves clarifying the positions in which they were going to play, everyone was very happy to have them on the team. Annie said that she had a little experience, having played a lot with her brother, and that she liked defense.

-And you? What position do you want to play in? Tori asked.

"W-well, I-I would like to be a defender," said Rai.

"Me too, I may have played something," Sierra said.

-Excuse me! - Before they could answer their companions, they heard a voice behind them. Two girls with dark skin and freckles on their faces approached them, one was a little taller with straight hair, a white ribbon on her head, different shades of blue, and her eyes were purple. The other had two short pigtails on the sides that ended in the shape of a flame with a red center, the rest of her hair was purple and curly, and her eyes were sky blue. The little girl was the one who spoke, and she continued when she was close to the group -Excuse me, hello, is it true that there is a women's soccer team?- Rumors had been spreading at the institute.

-We are interested in joining - the other continued - we are midfielders, we have played a lot, not in teams but we are not bad.

"Eh, yes! We are the players," Silvia answered.

"Delighted to have you join," said Nelly.

-The truth is we need it! -said Celia amused.

-That's great! -said the one with blue eyes- well about joining the team... not about what you need - she corrected

"I am Lucy Snowtorch, second year," said the one with blue hair, "and this is my sister Adara Snowtorch, first year," she looked at her sister.

"Thank you very much," they said in unison, it seemed like they were the same person.

Annie began to count realizing that there were ten.

-Hey, we're missing one. We are ten.

"You're right," Adara said after checking it out, "and by the way, who is the captain?"

-And the uniforms?

-The trainer?


Problems were piling up, they had to solve them one by one.

"Don't worry about the uniforms," ​​Nelly reassured, "my father knows someone."

-And we will find the eleventh player. From what I found out, in this tournament we can register with a minimum of nine players. -Cammy clarified.

-Okay, but which of us will be the captain? -Sierra asked. They looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

-I vote for Tori. She is the only one who has played on a team as such, and she has already been captain. -Celia broke the ice.

-That?? -Tori was surprised.

-It makes sense - said Annie - Who votes for Tori!? - They all raised their hands instantly - Well, there's nothing more to talk about.

-B-but! -she sighed and smiled- well, I accept it, since you all agree...- as long as the team wanted her, she would love to be its captain.

Together they decided that his name could be like that of his high school, Raimon, but with a different touch; Raimon Girls or, shortened, Raimon G. Everyone liked it so it stayed as is.

-As for the coach...We could ask your father, Cammy - Silvia suggested.

-I don't know if it will be possible, but if you try it, it won't work. Let's go to my house toask him.

The team of ten headed towards the Travis residence, the sky was orange, on the horizon you could see the Sun setting. While Cammy was aheadguiding them, Silvia was behind with Nelly. There was a bit of sadness or concern on his face, which the redhead realized.

-Silvia, are you okay?

-¿Eh?, are you...-Nelly He looked at her empathetically.

-You can tell me.

Silvia sighed and looked ahead. "It's just that I'm not sure about playing soccer, but I don't want to leave you alone. I want to be on this team, but..." she paused. " don't remember all the problems." What the boys had with football. -Nelly was thoughtful.

-Problems that they solved with their soccer, almost all caused by one or two bad people, but not everything was so horrible, they made friends playing soccer, they were and are happy, they have a good time playing soccer. I'm not very athletic either, yet I also want to have fun like they did. -They had already arrived at Cammy's house, she was opening the door- We can solve all the problems that come our way, we will win the Women's Frontier Soccer.

Cammy went to look for her father to come out, there were too many to enter Travis's small living room. Former Inazuma Japan coach leavesmeeting with his daughter's classmates.

"Good afternoon," they all said, bowing.

-Good afternoon...well, what do you need? -Tori stepped forward, as captain it was her duty.

-Mr. Travis, we are looking for a coach for the team and wewe asked and...

"I'm not available," he interrupted, this depressed them, "but I have a friend who can help you."

-Would you do that for us? -Adara said excitedly.

"No," he replied dryly, "but I owe him a favor and he's looking for a job." "There's no silver lining," Adara thought, a little disappointed by the answer. "I'll call him, he lives nearby." Now you can leave, it's getting late and your parents can worry.

"Thank you very much, sir." They thanked him with another bow and each one set out on their way to their homes.

Once at home, they all received a message from Cammy, since along the way they exchanged numbers, the coach would come tomorrow although her father had not yet told her who it was. This made everyone happy, tomorrow they could register for the tournament. Nelly also commented that he had already spoken with his father about the uniforms and for tomorrow's training they would have them. Silvia was very happy, that conversation with Nelly had clarified her doubts, she would stop every ball that came near her and she would win the FFF.

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