Lost City of Atlantis 💦🌊

بواسطة GothNebula

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Plagg did mentioned that he was the cause of Atlantis to sink to the bottom of the ocean but he never told th... المزيد

Lost to the Sea
Previous Kittens from the Past
The Adventure Begins
Air Pocket
Dark Reflections
Fury of Gluttony
Fury of Envy
Visions of Past
Fury of Lust
Death Rock
Fury of Gossip
Fury of Jealousy
Fury of Panic
Nice Friends
Pet Control
Love and Support

Fury of Pain

78 3 3
بواسطة GothNebula

The heroes did not feel like eating since the vomit slime they had to wash off, it made them lose their appetite. Young adult to teenager talk to help the Paris duos get it together.

"I mean, there was one time when Cat Noir made a rooftop dinner but I stood him up badly because I was waiting for Adrien to come hang with us to get ice cream. Until his father made him not go and I felt heartbroken and I broke Cat Noir's heart" Marinette explained to Pelle.

"I'm sorry to hear that Marinette" Pelle said.

"Yeah, you're right that I was young and dumb. I still have a lot more growing up to do. Besides my unlimited lucky charms without transforming back" Marinette said.

"Growing up doesn't mean physically, Flicka. It just means the maturity growing strong. Take Chloe for example, she did not reach hers because she hadn't learned anything. She was stuck mentally like a 5-year-old" Pelle said.

"Yeah, only used Sabrina like a slave," Marinette said.

"Sabrina was trying too hard to get approved but wasted for nothing. Now she's on your side. You told us the story that you and she exposed Lila's true colors in front of everyone with that one-way mirror. That was indeed very clever" Pelle chuckled.

"Yeah, it was" Marinette smiled.

"Your boyfriend is both the prince and the cat. Yes, I know it's dangerous to reveal but there are two sides in one. Love is stronger and Gabriel is no longer a threat to your relationship with Adrien. You don't have to hide it anymore, Flicka. You can't let fear divide everything" Pelle said.

"Yeah. You erased Cerise's knowledge of our identities, so it's perfectly safe" Marinette said.

"And let's hope she doesn't remember it again. But she still remembers how you ruined her life when she was Lila" Pelle said, walking near the water.

"She has ruined mine much worse than I did with hers. She had everyone fooled like she didn't care who she hurt. She almost expelled me again. It's obvious she has an irrational obsession to get rid of me" Marinette said.

"Like she views you as her favorite victim" Pelle assumed.

"Yes. She knew I wouldn't fall for her lies" Marinette skips a rock in the water.

"That means she's afraid of you, Flicka. That's her weakness. She's afraid to lose her reputation and her fake puppets. She doesn't know anything about what it means to have a real life than a fake life. Living a fake life means living in a fantasy of her own instead of reality" Pelle tosses a rock and it skips in the water.

"Of course, like father like daughter," Marinette said.

"You should know that Gabriel never tried to be a good father to Adrien. The only thing he tried is getting his hands on the miraculous" Pelle throws another rock.

"No, Plagg was something of a father figure to Adrien in a sense," Marinette said.

"Yup. And my kwami, he reminds me of my elephant friends in Thailand when I was a kid" He glanced at Trunkk playing with Tikki.

"Nice. I remember you playing with the mammoth calves" Marinette said.

"Gotcha!" Trunkk pounced on Tikki.

"Yeah. First time I played with an extinct living mammoth" Pelle chuckled.


Luna and Adrien were walking around in the village filled with water and Atlanteans.

"It's sometimes common in Latina families for children to lose a father. Like in fairytales, every princess would lose a mother. It's like you as the prince thought you lost your mother" Luna explained how it's sometimes common for her culture to lose fathers.

"Yes, and like I told my counterpart. She would want me to be happy, thus leading to his reformation as Paw Noir" Adrien said.

"That's an adorable name. Paws are harmless" Luna chuckled.

"Yeah. I forgot to say that I'm glad your family is reunited with your father" Adrien said.

"Gracias," Luna said.

In the waters was a green moray eel sitting in its hole.

"And I'm happy that you have your mother back for months now. I wish I was your age again. Even if everyone thinks I don't look 20 years old. I'm like 3 inches taller than you" Luna said.

"If only. Milady and I were once turned into 7-year-old kids by Youth Maker" Adrien said.

"Heh, really? What did it feel like being a kid again?" Luna chuckled walking by the Atlanteans shopping at the food market.

"The same as now but smaller and cuter as a kitten," Adrien said.

"Aww....with cute paws?" Luna said.

"Yeah, Ladybug had so much fun with the laser pointer," Adrien said.

"I bet. But still, growing up is what it means to learn in life. Discover your interests, and what you wanna be, and live your life on your own. Like I did by moving to my mom's home country to protect my people. They even built a statue of Panthera. They think I came from the Mayans" Luna said.

"Interesting, Before I had no idea what I wanted to be, but now I could imagine that Marinette and I will have a happy future, with kids and marriage. And now Paris is planning to set up a statue of me and Ladybug" Adrien said.

"Maybe that's your future. All your life you said you were homeschooled and your mom raised you well. It taught you something about family. Even your friends too. Having friends is like family too. If only your father could see that you had a life outside that mansion. His parties that you told me about, you said his club members were horrible people. He should never do that in front of you like that. You're just a kid and you have every right to invite your friends" Luna said.

"Yes, I do," Adrien said.

"Why did he choose activities for you when you never asked what you wanted to do?" Luna asked, noticing the kids playing.

"I never had any in mind by the time," Adrien said.

"And I hear you speak fluent Chinese. Learning English was very tough for me, my mom, and my brother when we moved to America but it was fun to learn another language. Especially French too" Luna picks up a rock and skips it into the water.

"Chinese was very tough for me but I did have a teacher to teach me. It wasn't my choice but when my father made me take Chinese, I realized why before I found out he was that monster" Adrien skips a rock in the water.

"What's that?" Luna asked.

"The grimoire book he kept hidden. It had ancient Chinese writing and I had a feeling he would one day make me translate it for him. But it never happened" Adrien said.

"Selfish pendejo he was. But you have a girlfriend who is Chinese like her mom. It made you learn something about her culture, gatito" Luna does another rock skip in the water.

"Well, Marinette is half-Chinese and half-French" Adrien corrected her.

"I know. I met her parents the day I came to Paris for the first time to buy macaroons. Her parents were very nice" Luna said.

"They are and it makes me feel like a son to them. Son-in-law in the future. By the way, how is your father doing besides knowing that 10 years have changed" Adrien asked.

"He's doing great. It took him a while to understand the new phones he had never seen. His kwami Razor, he was very fascinated with the world. He almost got a little hyped up but he and mi papi are doing well. Mi mama and my brother, they helped him see what he missed after 10 years" Luna explained her father adapting to the world changing.

"Thank goodness," Adrien said.

They both glanced at Plagg and Clawws playing together like cats.

"I wish I was like you, gatito. More than a big Cat Noir fan. Your confidence, your bravery" Luna said, trying to reach the bananas in the tree.

"One day you might get it," Adrien said.

"Gracias. I see your cousin is doing well. I know I misjudged him too much but it's my traumatic experience with bullies and bad boys during my high school life. Other than that, I suppose he and his mother moved to Paris since he's now an addition to the Team Miraculous" Luna grabs the bananas and jumps down, handing him one.

"Yep. He is. Though his duty is to prevent Chrysalis from destroying us all" Adrien peels the banana.

"His superpower is thievery and pickpocket. He used it for bad things before but now this time he's doing it for the greater good I suppose" Luna peels hers and eats.

"Of course, he does," Adrien said, "Well I have to admit Atlantis has been preserved well"

"Unlike last time with the underground world with living fossils. That also reminds me that the scientists let the raptors free in the Isla Tortuga. Mi papi still loves raptors and he can still talk to them. Just like you talk to cats" Luna tossed the banana peel away.

"Oh yeah," Adrien nodded.

Just then, a fury came out of nowhere and pushed the heroes, causing their rings to fall into the deep water.

"Agh! The hell?!" Adrien groaned.

"Watch out!" Luna rolled with him before ending on top of him, "Lo siento!"

"How romantic! Two lovebirds gonna die!" A fury of pain taunted.

"Shut up, pendejo! We are just friends and I'm 6 years older than him!" Luna glared.

"No time. The miraculous!" Adrien dragged her and they both jumped in the water to go find their miraculous.

Adrien searched frantically, hoping Plagg can find it but he probably got sucked in the ring.

He soon saw one ring at the bottom and reached for it, but as he put it on, it wasn't Plagg that came out but Clawws, "What the? Clawws?"

"Guapo boy? No time, just say let's hunt!" Clawws said.

"Clawws, let's hunt!" He transformed into a Jaguar-themed superhero. He had Jaguar purple spots on his side arms and side legs. Teeth necklace, dark purple hair with a low ponytail similar to Cat Walker's, a belt tail, black boots, purple eyes like Panthera's, and big cat ears on his head.

"Cool. I hope Luna found Plagg somewhere" He swims up to the surface to fight the fury.

Luna was looking for her ring everywhere but couldn't find it. She saw something shining at the bottom.

As she reached it, Plagg came out, "Plagg?" She gasps.

"Luna? Hurry and just say claws out!" Plagg said.

"Plagg, claws out!" She transformed into a cat-themed superheroine similar to Lady Noire. However, she gained a leather short-sleeve jacket that stops to her elbows, green highlights on her side bangs, a belt buckle with a green cat paw print, biker gloves like Kitty Noire's with claws, high-heeled boots with green lines on her legs with cat toes, and a belt tail.

"Wow! So cool! Agh! Focus! Um....Felina. Yeah, Felina! Puuuuurrrrfect!" Felina swims up to the surface, "Adrien where are you?" Felina looks for him.

She had no idea how to use the staff but it was the only way to find him by pole vaulting.

"Over here!" Adrien appeared in his jaguar attire, "Call me Panther Noir" He said.

"Felina. Where's the monster?" Felina asked.

"It's heading for Milady and Pelle!" Panther Noir rushed with her.

"Shit! We gotta move! Meow!" Felina extends her staff to the pole vault to the ruins of the temple.

The pain fury then saw Ladybug and Blu Tembo ready to fight them, "Now you two will suffer the greatest pain you'll ever experience!" The fury cackled.

They thought it was bluffing but then felt something painful in their bodies but nothing was hurting them. It was like mind tricks to make them think they were in pain. It was the fury's trick of pain illusion.

"AAAARGH!!!" Blu Tembo clutched his head.

"Agh! What the hell is this?!" Ladybug felt like her chest was scratching inside but didn't see anything scratching her.

"The pain! It's too much!!!" Blu Tembo goes crazy from the pain.

"Hey, pendejo! Get the hell away from them!" Felina jumped in with a pose like Black Widow, "Cataclysm!"

"Careful, Felina! Cataclysm is very powerful to destroy! We don't know what it can do on the fury!" Panther Noir held his spear.

"He's causing pain illusion and I hate torture!" Felina ran towards the fury and touched it with her cataclysm but it only left a black hand mark instead of destroying it, "Huh?"

"Foolish creature! Pain is my power!" It grows when it absorbs pain energy.

"Damn it! It's immune to cataclysm!" Panther Noir exclaims.

"Whoops. Whoa! Okay, bad move! I can see that!" Felina dodged from the 10 ft fury.

"Help us guys!" Ladybug scratched herself frantically.

"I can't take it anymore!" Blu Tembo smashing boulders with his blow horn.

"Love is stronger than pain! You know what to do!" Panther Noir said before rushing to aid his lady.

"Oh, man! Not like last time!" Felina rushed to her best friend.

"Luna! Help me!" Blu Tembo begged.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Felina stopped him from going berserk, "Forgive me again like last time!" She kissed him hard to calm him down so that her passion could take over the pain illusion in his head.

Blu Tembo tensed up at the kiss from his friend. The pain was fading away like it was completely gone. Panther Noir kissed his lady to save her from the pain illusion corrupting her mind from thinking she was in pain. Ladybug kissed him back and held his neck.

"NO!" The fury of pain couldn't cause pain illusion through passion and love they are feeling.

"Whoa.....Thanks.... uhhhh, Kitty" Blu Tembo blushed from Felina's kiss.

"Uhhh....Ahem" Felina blushed hard, "Are you calm, Chico?"

"I'm good. I take it the kiss was to save me?" Blu Tembo looks away.

"Again? Yes," Felina said shyly.

"No time to talk! We gotta stop this fury!" Ladybug said.

"How? Every punch only makes him stronger. Physical harm creates pain. Not even destruction that I gave him did anything but powerful pain that made him grow bigger" Felina said.

"I got it! The opposite of pain is pleasure" Blu Tembo said.

"Ay, Dios! Sexual pleasure?! Are you out of your mind?!" Felina gagged out.

"Not that kind of pleasure. I meant relief kind of pleasure. Like massages, comfort, aroma scents" Blu Tembo said.

"Lucky charm!" Ladybug summons a lucky charm and out came a full-size bed mattress, "A bed mattress?" She looks at it and then at her teammates.

"Just what we need, Princess" Panther Noir lays on the bed like a cat.

"Que haces?" Felina has no idea what he's doing.

"Haaaah...... Så skönt" Blu Tembo laid down.

"To beat the fury, we have to feel comforting pleasure" Ladybug explained.

"Good idea, Bugaboo. You make me feel cozy" Panther Noir nuzzled her.

"Oh," Felina lies down with Blu Tembo, accidentally purring on his chest which she had no idea that being the holder of the Black Cat Miraculous has an instinct to it like an animal.

"Did you just purr?" He felt it.

Felina squeaked in embarrassment but could not control her purring when she felt content.

"No! This cannot be!" Fury shrunk and was pulled into the Pandora's box Ladybug was holding.

"Pound it!" The four fist-bumped.

The purring wouldn't stop since Felina was feeling too comfy with Blu Tembo, "Sorry! Sorry! I have no control of it!"

"Heh, now I know why Cat Noir flirts with his lady" Blu Tembo chuckled.

"Happened with me too," Ladybug said.

"I hardly noticed," Panther Noir said.

"Well, I suppose being a big cat is better than a small cat. Claws in" Felina detransformed and fed Plagg her only treat to him, even if he's a picky eater.

"Track" Panther Noir does his clairvoyance superpower just to make sure that no more furies are lurking around. None were spotted close near the palace of Atlantis before his vision returned to normal, "Okay, we are safe. Whoo! That's a cool superpower. Clawws, let's rest" He detransformed and fed Camembert to Clawws.

"Thanks for your help, Plagg. It was really amazing" Luna giggled.

"No worries. It's great to have another female as the black cat again" Plagg said.

"Thanks for your help, Clawws. Totally wild like a big cat" Adrien hands the ring to her.

"You're welcome" Clawws hands the ring back to Luna.

"Gracias, gatito. Here's your own ring back" Luna's camouflage galaxy purple ring touches Adrien's hand as it changes back to silver as his camouflage.

"Thanks. Looks like friendship also worked defeating that fury. I wonder what's next for the furies to face? We defeated Pain and Gluttony" Adrien said.

"Jealousy could do anything at whatever we feel jealous of something," Ladybug said.

"Or old age might drain us to old and depict people," Blu Tembo said.

"Maybe or it could turn us into babies," Adrien said.

"Let's not talk about that, por favor," Luna asked politely.

"Whoever's next we'll be ready. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" Ladybug tossed the mattress to repair the damage.

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