Rise Of Faeries Book I : Asce...

De Deiwrites

853 158 926

Kairo Stormhart finds herself back home, in Kaimana. Except she has to go through death games to enrol in Kai... Mais

Chapter Two - Back In Kaimana 🌟 (rewritten)
Chapter Three - The death games 🌟 (rewritten)
Chapter Four - The Clearing 🌟(rewritten)
Chapter Five - Made It.🌟 (rewritten version)
Chapter Six - Prince Dariel 🌟 (rewritten)
Chapter Seven - The tree climb 🌟 (rewritten)
Chapter 12 - The Contract
Chapter 13 - It Was Foretold
Chapter 14 - Celestria's Council
Chapter 15 - The Crown Princess Of Celestria
Chapter 16 - Intruder
Chapter 17 - Amaira Svetlana
Chapter 18 - Aloys and Marcella
Chapter 19 - Grandmother's Permission
Chapter 20 - He needs her
Chapter 21 - Atlas
Chapter 22 - Ekiya Academy
Chapter 23 - Past Encounters
Chapter 24 -We Meet Again
Chapter 25 - Orientation
Chapter 26 - Ghost
Chapter 27 - Magical Into Nightmare
Chapter 28 - Challenge
Chapter 29 - Pay Back

Chapter One - Jumping Ship 🌟 (rewritten)

286 44 437
De Deiwrites

There is a hierarchy in every established institution in the world. Even in politics. But high school had to be the worst of them all. There were the queen bees, leaders of the popular female species and the bad boys who were also football captains, leaders of the popular male species.

And then, aside from the nerds and those who didn't care about education or what happened in school, there was a group that Kairo classified herself with. The sportspersons.

After graduating high school, Kairo had grown considerably in her sports career. She had been a gymnast for as long as she could remember and was exceptionally good at it. But she could never fit in with the popular kids or join cheerleading. There were several reasons for that, but one of them was that she had a short temper and was never one for pretending.

"So you are saying, you are leaving the country entirely for college?" Ada asked her lips in a pout. She was short for a gymnast, but she had mad skills and, like, Kairo, this wasn't her only ticket to a much better life. The girl was also a science nerd who wanted to venture into science politics. Kairo would miss this girl, the first-ever friend she made in middle school.

"Yes. My parents will be waiting for me there." The thought of her parents made her both excited and anxious. According to her aunt, the decision to send her to Earth broke the camel's back on their already weak relationship. Her father was against her going through a civil war that occurred in Celestria, her mother's kingdom while her mother was adamant about her upbringing in a war-riddled kingdom, talking about how it would make her tough.

Ada took a long sip of her cocktail, she pushed back her auburn locks but they fell back down her shoulders and almost into her glass. So she hastily pulled them into a messy ponytail. "Do you think you will be able to cross back to Earth again?" She whispered, looking around as though fishing out eavesdroppers.

Kairo held back the urge to remind her they were in a raging club. Thousands of bodies mingled together as they danced as one to various songs of the DJ's choosing oblivious to anyone else, lost completely in their pleasure. Sin Club was the only one of its kind in Dovedale, and it accepted everyone. Kairo wondered how that sat with the law enforcement, the parents didn't like it one bit and a local church had begun protesting against its existence. Kairo liked it, she would come here to avoid academic stress or her life's complications. "I may not come back, Ada. I have been gone long enough and I am not sure my father would win the favor this time."

Ada harrumphed, scrunching up her nose as her eyes turned glassy and widened. "You have to come back, Kairo. What am I going to do without you, huh? We are basically omegas in this cutthroat life."

Kairo felt her own tears coming. Damn, she had hoped that the cocktail would keep the tears at bay. She didn't like to cry much. She deduced she had done enough of that when she was growing up."This is why I threatened to cut off Ezra's balls should he mess with you or dump you before you got your life together," Kairo whispered to her with a wink.

The two girls looked at each other for a second before they burst out laughing. "You did?" she asked after a while, getting serious again.

Kairo sighed, watching her empty cocktail glass as though it would refill itself. "I really did."

They fell quiet. Music thumped through the walls, they vibrated at how loud it was. Ada's phone vibrating with a text brought her out of her sad stupor.

"Shoot! It's my mom, she is going to church and I have to watch the twins-," she paused, a stern-looking frown finding its way on her face, "You aren't going to jump ship in the middle of the night, are you? I won't forgive you if you did."

Kairo laughed, swallowing the lump of sadness in her chest. "Just go already. My spaceship has yet to arrive. I will just get one more cocktail before heading home."

"Goodnight, chica." Ada air kissed her before she dashed out of the club.

Kairo watched her as she navigated her way through the crowd on the floor they had occupied. She watched her small figure disappear down the stairs as she ran. She sighed, change wasn't something she had ŵelcomed with both arms. It scared her and she had no idea how she was meant to adapt to an entirely new world. Even though it was her home.

Ada was the only person she had told about her real heritage. Kairo had prayed about it first, afraid the other girl would either be afraid of her, call her insane and never hang out with her or tell the entire world, which meant the Dovedale High school society her secret. But she soon learnt the girl was as loyal as they came and since Ada knew of her secret all those years ago, this was only the third time it was brought out in a conversation.

Sia's Cheap Thrill blasted through the speakers and soon Kairo was on the dance floor, a new cocktail in hand and dancing among the red, blue and purple club lights that highlighted her face now and then. Her ruby red dress hugged all her curves, her silvery butterfly high heels adding to the charm of her attire. And she danced, alone in the club, her lustrous silvery hair shining in the moonlight, all care in the world was abandoned.

But as Kairo danced and sang to cheap thrill, she was unaware of the fact that a couple of demons slipped into the club and the buzz of the alcohol in her system, made her completely disregard the faint buzzing of her violet and silvery bracelet. It was unique and there was a bird as a centerpiece, taking flight. Its wings were violet with silver stripes, Ada had wanted the bracelet but Kairo couldn't give it to her. It was the only thing her father gave her.

Her phone buzzed where she had stashed it in between her breaths,and it got her attention. She picked on the third ring,breathless, "Aunt Fedora?"

"Kai! Thank goodness! Where the hell are you?" her aunt shrieked into the phone. On the background, Kairo could make the sound of squealing tyres and a ferocious barking that rose her hackles.

"Aunt Fedora? What's going on?" Kairo asked, completely sobbering up. She elbowed her way out of the club so that she could hear her call well. "Are you speeding? Where are you headed?"

"To you. Don't you feel it? Where is your bracelet?" Her uncle Rowan barked into the phone as another squeal of tyres sounded close. But the mention of the bracelet made Kairo's attention shift to it and she realised it had been buzzing and it was slowly heating up in warning of danger.

"Shit!" she muttered into the phone, looking wildly around.

"Language!" Both her guardians admonished her albeit distractedly and more out of habit.

The next set of tyres squealing happened in her eyes and ear range, as her uncle swerved their battered grey Mazda into view and parked in front of the club. Kairo did not want to know what damaged the car this badly. Her aunt and uncle emerged from the car at the same time, each with their backpacks and clad in leather outfits.

"Take off those shoes and wear this," Fedora instructed as soon as she reached her niece and Kairo obliged without another word.

"How is the buzzing of your bracelet?" Rowan asked, looking around warily around the club. Kids, Kairo's age and younger filed in and out of the club, some drunk while others were generally just sleepy. Oblivious of what got the trio on edge.

"Increasing pressure," Kairo responded as she accepted her backpack from her aunt, shoving in her shoes and immediately putting it on her back.

"We are running out of time then. There is a portal waiting for us somewhere north in that forest, we need to make a run for it," Fedora suggested.

And run they did. It occurred to Kairo as they ran that she was indeed jumping ship in the middle of the night. But that thought was thrown out of her mind when a loud growl emanated behind them and the ground shook.

Author's Note

I have taken a lot of your feedback through book clubs into consideration and realised there were a lot of plot holes. This is me trying to fix those. Enjoy!

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