Ejen Ali Oneshots featuring A...


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Collection of Oneshots made by truly yours with touch of fanarts made by fellow shippers and music that may g... More



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Considering that they needed to put up a booth for their school festival, Alicia's class immediately held a brainstorming for possible booths and activities that they could do that are not yet taken by other classes. Unfortunately, the popular ones are already taken and all that are left are not to Alicia's liking so naturally she is beaten by majority when they voted on whether to try an "emotional-support" booth which is just basically a booth where you can get advices or simple hug that could lift your spirit and the appalling "rent-your-the-one" where you will auction for your chosen person to be with for an hour.

She did not sign up for this really. To think that at sixteen they should have passed from this... ridiculousness. She's basically powerless in her case, as her giddy classmates already got the stamp of approval from the teacher in charge after deciding to merge both ideas. 

Basically, all of them would take turns in offering advice then there would be a few who would offer said hugs though Alicia managed to avoid that part she ended up belonging to those who are going to be "auctioned" since their booth is not that profitable. The idea did not sit well with her, she feels like some painting to be sold no matter how much it will cost. 

 For the first time in her life, Alicia did not want to participate in a school activity, actually she's already planning to excuse herself that day and train at HQ instead but the embarrassment! The teacher inquired about her reason in front of her classmates that are set on making her the "star" of their booth.

Honestly, Alicia does not know why she is putting up with her classmates; the teacher rejected her and instead, advised her to "have some fun" and make sure that the booth will be a success. The frown on her face stayed until they finished their mission that day.

She did not have anything against the non-academic activity of the school since the purpose of the booths are not only for those who are attending the school. The student council proposed it--with her, out of sincere and earnest intentions-- to help fund the program regarding the children of Pinggiran attending schools in Cyberjaya and since the foundation week is approaching, their proposal was approved with stipulations of:

○ All year level and section must participate in the event by putting up booths 

○ The program that will be held in the first and last day of the foundation week must still be taken care of the student council

○ All clubs must perform in the said program all throughout the week

○ All profits made by booths are to be donated to the program for the children of Pinggiran

As the head of prefects and a member of the student council, Alicia's duty doubled and well--now tripled, she's put out how inconsiderate her classmates are being to her. To her luck, Mia is not in the same section as her, as well as a certain tekno boy so she doesn't have anyone to share her burden with. 

Alicia frowned, things are more bearable when someone is there.


Ali noticed of course, going out of his way to try and lift her mood up; purposely act sloppy in the mission while indulging her in their bickering so she had the upper hand--like she needed it anyway, not making unfavorable remarks about her during their report regarding said mission, inviting her to an ice cream shop quote and unquote his treat, and converse with her about light topics... until he talked about the school's festival.

Alicia's expression turned sour immediately, no matter that he was only talking about what he heard in the halls, or the booth his section would put up.

" I heard that the event will drag on till 10 pm on friday and the student council is planning a bonfire, is it true? "




" Alicia? "

Her lips pursed as she begrudgingly answered him knowing that the conversation will drag on with this topic .

" Yes "

" Nice, I heard there is a tradition in this school during the gathering around bonfires but I bet that it is all made up stories by fourth years "

" What is your point here, Ali? " she sighed

" Oh.. Hemm... nothing. So speaking, I got a good look at the placement of the booths. Ours are not far away from yours and Mia and Viktor's are just a few booths away beside yours. What is your booth about anyways? "

Involuntarily, her cheeks warmed out of shame, she didn't want to say!

" None of your business! " she quipped and walked off almost stomping.

And so Ali finally get it, something must be troubling her regarding the booths, he sighs and went home


Days before the foundation week Ali is set on talking to Alicia about her class' booth and maybe offers her help after hearing some things about the said booth in the hallways. To be honest, he thinks the advice thing is really wholesome; he doesn't understand how Alicia is so cross with it.

It's not until the school's over and someone from Alicia's class shouted to advertise the whole activity the said booth is going to hold that he finally understands Alicia's hate for the said booth. The boy sounds so boastful while he chats with his clique that they get to bid for an hour date with his girl classmates --specially Alicia.

He tried to approach Alicia to talk to her again at their mission, at school, through text before the opening but Alicia just looks tired of it and stressed with all the work so he just sighed and decided to take the matter in his own hands.


Alicia is dreading the opening program which is also the opening of booths but at the same time she just want everything to be over already, nothing too taxing today at her class' booth her responsibility today is all about the program--organizing the queue and smooth progression of the performance of the clubs; music, dance and art club.

Tomorrow though, she is on rotation at the booth meaning she's going to ruin the  day of romantics with her rational advice.

Que sigh, fortunately Mia is off her duty in her class booth tomorrow, maybe they'll try some good booths.

That idiot though...

Tsk, who cares

"Alicia, the speech is going to end soon please stand by"


By Tuesday Ali resolved to just execute his plan by Friday, what could go wrong right?

So when Mia finally let go of Alicia ten minutes before his break he jogged up to her to attempt a conversation with her again to say sorry(?) but he didn't offend her, awkwardly bringing up the booths to sympathize with her(?) maybe offer her help(?)

He cleared his throat, Crap! he didn't think of what to say

Rubbing his nape, he gently tugged her arm towards his class' booth

"Do you want to try our booth?"

"I'll be the one to accompany you", he added

"Erm...I mean it's nothing special, you can come with others too if you want..."

Alicia lets him tug her, curious and genuinely wants to try virtual gaming, see what Ali's class decided to put in the simulation. Is it like those in their training? Does it feel the same?

Seems like Ali knows what she is thinking because he suddenly commented

"It's different, more restricted. MATA's tech is different level of advance and e-gaming is not that realistic as of now but virtual gaming is the closest"

"We installed three different programs, which one do you want to try?"

"Only three?" she quipped

"Yes, I'm sorry that ours did not reach the standard of your class, sacrificing everything even their lives" he jested

Alicia rolled her eyes at him and replied,

"you choose, surprise me"

Ali doesn't know how to respond, there's nothing there to surprise her, his class decided on general themes which Alicia would just take in her stead without a second glance. Sadly, the majority decided to create those that will appeal generally to boys, to girls, and one that will appease the faculty with all the moral lessons, journey-sort-of thing.

He cleared his throat and mumbles,

"my proposal got turned down before the inception of something surprising so I have to disappoint you Alicia" he sighs for dramatic effect

"Seriously, what do you guys have there?"

"Uhh we have the popular among us game but we made it space friendly and changed some things a bit so no one gets hurt, only 3-5 players though, then we have that journey-sort-of-thing for elders, it's basically just like genshin impact you know that? but much simple, uhh umm I don't know how to explain it clearly, and then the last one...I don't know exactly, the girls designed that one we didn't ask just assumed it's dress up or something like the sims'' he supplied, embarrassed

Alicia snorted, "Wow, I'm disappointed"

"Right??? I mostly go with those who play the among us one, my classmates are all unimaginative"

"If your idea is so good they would have go with that one"

"They are just lazy" he defended, his idea is the best in his mind but it does require a long period of sleepless nights to accomplish

"it would be just like our missions"he added as Alicia tugged him away from his class' booth


Wednesday, Alicia is up for advising once again, no matter how many complaints she got from girls who spent 20 MYR for an advice from the class' very own love guru she's still obliged to do her duty there, how unfortunate of those girls to be assigned to Alicia who kept telling them that it is not a healthy relationship in the first place so why do they want to fix it and settle with the toxicity.

Ali on the other hand is free to roam on wednesday, he had visited Mia's "professional" photo booth first deciding to set an appointment on friday after he saw the results, they offer high quality photography anytime, anywhere, to any theme, any scene and whatever the "client" wants. No one would say no to that though it is rightly expensive or if you want the affordable one, you get to experience the classic photo booth that only comes with accessories and customization of the picture itself.

After that he went to Viktor's, theirs is a movie booth; with connections they managed to get permission to show a local movie that will only be out in the cinemas in the following week. Viktor said the showing of said movie in their booth will be tomorrow though, they have been showing four other popular movies since Monday.

And right now, he stood leaning at Alicia's booth where Alicia can see him laughing every time someone left her session dark faced. At her break Alicia marched up to him and hit him repeatedly, only once or twice actually hitting him because his reflexes improved in due time. He continues to laugh nonetheless, almost choking on air as he recalls her iconic advice that he apparently managed to make out given the proximity earlier.

"Seriously, who advises someone to break up with someone they love for a simple fight?" he added when he finally calmed down

"Are you calling me insensitive?"

"No no no, that is not what I mean" Ali steps back shaking his head vigorously

"I just mean, Imagine loving someone you see being with now and in the future; couples get into petty fights, misunderstandings, other problems but it's not a reason to break up, you solve them for the relationship to work out, with us not having enough information we don't know what advice would suit their situation... but generally you just don't advise someone to break up with their lover if the problem is not life altering or something, I don't know, those who are involved should know what to do" he explained with hand gestures as if telling the whole story.

Alicia did not respond, in fact Ali continued to explain his point obvious  with each passing second making his point blurrier and blurrier but Alicia just stared at him as if seeing him in a new light.

"Since when did you get smart about this type of thing?" she interrupted him finally, tone unusually soft with a hint of mirth.

"Yeah? I don't know, I just understand it like that" he responded happily, his smile widening with every second that passes

"Do you want to work part time in our booth?" Alicia jokes 

"I mean, yes, sure, I'm up for it"

"I'm just kidding! seriously?" 

"I'm not, yours is more eventful than ours, I think I'll enjoy it...with right commission of course!" he responded light heartedly

"What?" they finally came to stop, Alicia doesn't know how to respond to his eagerness, she doesn't understand

"I mean, I can take your place tomorrow...so you won't be stressed out with your student council's duty. I'm only needed at our booth on Friday and certainly won't take your place in your class' auction'' he started unsure, almost wary then shifting to light hearted one, almost joking to ease some tension but he looks pretty serious

Once more Alicia is speechless, she kept opening and closing her mouth to say something but nothing ever comes out, (un)luckily a hand softly grasp her wrist and a junior asked her sweetly if she is Alicia Kheng, she nods absently planning to ask the young girl why until she felt the cold bite of metal clasps on both of her wrists.

Ali once again laughed at her as she was dragged dumbfounded by the young girl to a jail booth nearby


Ali merrily went to her booth Thursday morning, he even had the audacity to wave at her with an irritating grin on his face after he had left her to spend excruciating time with someone she didn't know at the jail booth yesterday!

She had been horrified, she's been jailed with a stranger. Apparently, her inmate was made fun of by his clique 'giving him a little push to confess to his crush' so yeah...it is awkward. She had thanked him of course, apologized for her lack of interest and other pleasantries a girl can offer to a boy who confessed to her that she did not like back. They stayed quiet after that but they separated...okay...she guessed...

"Hi Ali!" Alicia's classmate waved at him


"Waiting for Alicia again? she's up until 11" 

"Uh no, I'm actually here to take her shift"

"What? Thats...uh...erm..yeah..." the girl sound surprised then dreamy, he swear there is even a hint of blush starting on the girl's face before she rushed off




"I didn't say yes"

"Take it as my apology for yesterday" he said grinning

"Whatever" Alicia replied, suppressing a smile, she's grateful to his initiative, he's being thoughtful...

Now she doesn't have to worry about  how she'll handle her duties with the council and their booth.

That Thursday morning, her schoolmates finally saw Alicia starting the morning in a good mood rather than her "focused on duties" facade that she put up to take responsibility for something she hated. Suddenly, the day feels like it has something great to bring today.


"Uhm...there is someone I like but unofficially I think he likes and starts to court someone and uhm...good for him I guess but I still want to confess you know...try my chance if there is or atleast just let him know how I feel if there's not"

"Uhuh?" Ali sympathetically nods and gestured her to proceed, the girl blushed slightly, hands fidgeting on her lap.

"but like, I think the girl likes him too but they aren't in a relationship yet, I think they didn't know that they fancy each other or they haven't confessed to each other yet...I guess I'm quite scared on how they will react because they are always together you know and I'm intimidated by the girl--not like her attitude is bad or anything, she's great really so it's no surprise that he likes her..."

She rubs her palms on her skirt, briefly glancing at Ali with a blush that he thinks from feeling embarrassed, he nods to her trying to encourage her.

"Ah! Uhm..Erm, I just... what should I really do?" she jolted when they made eye contact

He offered her an assuring smile before saying that she could confess regardless of what she thinks would be their reaction since she just wants to express her feelings but if she really is intimidated or scared maybe she should do it subtly or something.

"You seem like a fearless girl tho, the kind who confesses face to face no matter the outcome, maybe you just need more courage so why don't you try to do it actively, what if he's interested or will find you interesting too or he have a thing on girls who take initiative and this is your chance" Ali jokes, smiling mischievously at the girl who giggles at him.

Her hand rose to tuck her hair behind her ears as her giggles died into a soft smile

"yeah..." she replied wistful

Ali stands up and starts to conclude his first advice appointment for the day. It's easy, and refreshing, Alicia doesn't know what she's missing.

"So do you think my advice is helpful? remember to rate me 5 stars at the front desk on your way out!" He offered her a grin with a wink, showing the girl out but she halted and looked up at him blushing up to her ears, slowly his smile fell off with Viktor's recurring statement echoing in his mind.

"Seriously dude, there are many girls who likes you if it isn't evident enough with the chocolates you receive at Valentine's, you're just always with Alicia so I suppose they didn't dare to approach you" in which he just knocked his shoulder with his friend while shaking his head and told Viktor to quit joking around.

"I heard that you took her shift here so she can do her duties with the presentation of other clubs though that itself is telling I just want to express my feelings for you! I have liked you since our first year and have been sending you those unsigned chocolates at Valentines and now I finally have a chance and courage to tell you this so do you want to go out with me!?" The girl started in a hurry, voice getting higher and quicker as the time went, though she's donning a full blush right now she's looking straight in his eyes and now it's Ali's turn to gape like a fish, a blush starting on his face.

Before Ali could respond a gasp sounded just outside, Alicia's classmate stood there with twinkling eyes.

Ali's first appointment did not go so swimmingly afterall.


"What do you think you are doing?" Alicia refused to budge on her seat in the cafeteria while Ali started to pull her.

"I take back what I say, you go do your thing with your funny advice in your booth, I'll sub the rest of your duties in the presentation instead, there are only two more clubs right? I can do this, you already took a break and ate right? you have three more appointments in the booth goodluck" he stated with no breaks as he continue to lead Alicia to her booth

"What do you mean, you are the one who wanted to do it"

"I changed my mind"

"You adamantly wanted to do it, so why change your mind?"

"Just because! Aish why do you keep asking me" Ali says exasperated as if he wanted to cry, he rushed her to her booth and once there he scurried off to who knows where

Alicia stood there, a little disappointed, mumbling "what's his deal?"

And so Alicia's classmate told her what happened and she laughs at Ali's failure at her booth. No wonder he is acting like that.

"What happened after?"

"uhm, I don't really know, I got embarrassed that I came in the wrong time, the girl seems to plan it all the way so I let them talk in private, the girl looks relieved but not particularly happy when she left though"

"And he's just like that after?"

"uhh yeah"


Viktor laughs merrily at his side as the sound of the movie continues in the background. Ali sulked as he stared at the movie mindlessly while waiting for his friend's mirth to die down.

"I told you over and over again didn't I? So? finally believing me?"

"Why did it have to be like that to get me to believe you!"

"It's not anyone's fault. Did you say yes though?"

He frowned and finally glanced at Viktor, "of course not, I only knew her name after she confessed I don't remember any prior conversation with her or anything with her really, I didn't even know how she just started to like me"

Viktor, nodding, "any fluttering? It feels great when someone confesses about liking you right?"

"I guess? I don't know, I just... my heart is pounding loudly when she confesses but...I don't know what I'm expecting really I just think that being confessed to doesn't feel like that. It's just feel like I'm panicking and embarrassed or something  besides..." he trails off

"I know. You got it pretty bad man" offering him the popcorn, they sat there quietly, watching the newest movie in its first premiere without registering anything

"yeah..." Ali replied, trying to digest the movie--he didn't pay for private viewing alone just to waste it.


Friday, Alicia stood uncomfortably at the designated seats they have for those who are getting auctioned. The program just ended and all booths are packed. She opted to stay behind as she watched how her giddy schoolmates bid their allowances for the better looking boys of her class. Yes boys, her girl classmates debated that girls would want that kind of thing too so here they are, five boys smirking as they waited to be auctioned. In her perception, the boys really liked it and were probably even betting who got the highest bid.

Que sigh, boys.

Speaking of, a certain boy is no show today though he's just probably busy in his own booth but Alicia hoped that he is not traumatized by what happened yesterday to not come... though it would be really embarrassing if he ever witnessed her in her current state, maybe it's for the best.

Mia on the other hand, went and assured her that it's going to be fine once it is her break. Luckily, the bidding commenced while Mia was there, though Alicia didn't necessarily need it, it still feels nice to have support from someone.

By the time that it is her turn, Alicia suddenly got conscious, the amount of people in their booth is alarming. The elaborate introduction of her classmate is embarrassing, and Alicia got more embarrassed when the bidding started and no one raised the numbers they were holding. Alicia did not know where to look but she saw Mia walking around at a rapid pace. Alicia thought that maybe Mia is reprimanding those who dare to bring their number up but doesn't it feel more embarrassing? The emcee started to get awkward and people are starting to talk and to her it feels like she is someone not particularly liked.

Alicia sighs and bit her lower lip, she's starting to fidget on the spot when suddenly there is a flash ahead, someone raised their number. The emcee sighed in relief as she erased her thought earlier that picking Alicia is a terrible idea, and called out in full energy, "We finally have our first bidder! A courageous one indeed! Number 8!"

It's so quiet, Alicia has to squint to locate the one who raised the number but only the sound of heavy panting continues.  She was able to make out Mia staring disapprovingly at the floor as if reprimanding a kid.

"Ah...*pants" the voice called out

"1 MYR higher to anyone who bids" a familiar voice stated between pants, voice getting drowned by the voices of those who started to bid.

And finally Alicia gets to see Ali that Friday morning.


"What in the world?"

"I prefer a thank you"

"Thank you, but why?"

"Aish, stop asking me why"



"No, what?"

Ali shrugged and continued to walk around, she didn't have a choice but to follow him

"Is this the date then?"

Ali lets out a mocking huff, more like a snort

"I'll be disappointed if this is all that is worth of my 1001 MYR"

She got quiet after that so she let Ali guide her to any booth he wanted to try...by hand.

They touched each other's hands--obviously, in more ways than one: in a mission, in life and death moments, in a combat or training, as offer of help, as they tug each other; or in other sense: fist bumps, applying remedy, taking each other's things and etc but as his thumb gently caresses her knuckles it suddenly felt different and her chest started to warm up in time with her face, she bowed her head and look anywhere but him while willing the starting blush on her face away.

"You'll be very busy starting at 1 pm again right? Will you be free after the closing program?"

"Hmm? yes" Alicia replied, finally looking at Ali who is looking down at her as if considering something.

"Then you accompany me at the after-party celebration"

"The students council's bonfire?"


"Okay, but I'm needed there actually"

"during the bonfire?" he squeezed her hand to urge her to stop, they were at the door of her classroom. Had he been walking her there in the first place?

"At least before I think, it's prefect duties"

"Then I'll meet you here again after you finish, go eat lunch after getting your things before heading to the council's office. I'll be in my class' booth, goodluck!"

Alicia waved at him meekly in a daze as she watched him walk away before turning to enter the room. At the same time her classmate is exiting causing them to bump into each other, the other girl apologizes and nods at Ali's direction, "your boyfriend walked you again? lucky girl" she commented merrily.


She hadn't found any other prefects through the crowd, she had been searching for them in the school grounds but all of those who she found are in the middle of something:helping take down the booths, cleaning up things from the program, helping the student council with the after party. Those whom she hasn't found are still ghosting her in the groupchat so Alicia didn't have a choice but do their duties for them.

Ali is in her classroom by the time she finishes all the rounds, she's terribly exhausted that she didn't bother to even greet him and just plops down on the chair beside him.

"You took their duties again" it's not a question but a comment, yes, he commented disappointed.

Alicia only hummed and closed her eyes after leaning her head back to the chair's backrest.

She heard Ali's long sigh before his hands settled on her shoulders then her back, gradually applying pressure to a massage.

"You know you don't have to do that"

"It will still come back to me in the end, their shortcomings may be blamed to me as an error on leading them" she finally opened her eyes and looked up at him.

His hands came back to rest on her shoulders and slid to her arms.

"But you can't keep doing that you know" he pulled away and stepped in front of her before kneeling.

"Reprimand them just like you always do or they won't learn, you'll just tire yourself like this without getting anything in return" he picked up her legs and settle it on his lap, she squirmed and shifted on her seat to get comfortable before leaning her face on her hand that is anchored on the arm rest.

Ali started to knead her right calf first, squeezing the muscles with the right amount of pressure up and down, then did the same to the left. She hummed, pleased before she replied,

"Just this once, the schedule is pretty hectic afterall"

He just sighed again and quipped,

"How do I make use of you now?" 

She let out a huff--almost a snort and pulled her legs away.

"I'm not injured or anything, I can still accompany you"

"Hmm nevermind, let's stay here" just then the music from the open space outside echoed.

"It must be 9:30 already, come on stand up"

"I thought we'll just stay here?"

"But we're still going to dance"

"What? you didn't say we'd dance"

He ignored her and continued to pull her up, in a harsh tug she stumbled on his chest, his right hand settled on her hips right after and then he started to guide her.

Alicia righted herself, pulling away before settling her hands on his shoulder again.




The song in the background became muffled and turned into a distant humm as it came to end, the students even start to disperse in the field and go to their respective rooms, the chatter in the halls started to get louder but they stayed in the same position, or rather, Ali wont let her pull away.

"Do you remember the bonfire tradition which I said that the fourth years probably started?" he asked in a soft voice

She hummed, looking up at him, suddenly speechless.

"Well they said, if you danced with someone you like during the bonfire then there is a high chance that they like you back..."

She opened her mouth but nothing came out, she just stood there looking up at him, throat suddenly dry.


"It's okay, I'm not in a rush for an ans---"

"I think I like you too" she cut him off so suddenly it comes off like she didn't think about it at all but she knows, she's aware, she's sure that Ali is someone special to her

He beams literally, it looks like his face even surpassed the light in the room

"Well then, we just need to make you sure about it" he offered her a winning smile before cradling her head and pulled her to a hug


Ali the rich boi

Henlooo! The last chapter is light angst so let me compensate for it with this!

An early apology tho, the next one might be angst again but let's see...

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