The Ultimate Interdimensional...

By Fireking492

190 27 86

Pmurt Nedib is dead. We survived the Infinityverse. But our troubles are far from over. Yappa Yappa has retur... More

A Knight's Blood
Return of Number 96
Escape from the Infinite Labyrinth
Plot Twists & Geass
Shifting Tides: Death of Charles
Zero Requiem Take Two
Villains Invade Disney World
The Stakes Keep Getting Higher
Entering The Dreamverse
Becoming Real
The Multiverse's Destruction
"Happy" Birthday
Making A Fake Kira
Setting A Trap
Battle in Sanctuary: Saga's Vengeance
Thanatos and Hypnos
Sword Duel! Swiftdrawer Vs Hades
Chaos In Gotham City
Hopeless & Crushed
Villain Arc/Battle of Watchtower
Rise of the Imaginary Numbers
Chasing Sailor Galaxia
We Fight Back.
Domino City Yami No Game
Zorc, Trueman, and Mayhem
Reality Warping Limit Break
BRAINS Vs. Zarc: Long First Turn
Break Summoning
Serious Dimension Hopping

Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload

8 1 3
By Fireking492

The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 9: Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload

Date: October 31st, 2023

Finn replies with confusion: "What do you mean that there's so much of all of that here?" "I said it how it is. Barla, I know you're around here somewhere. You just experienced racism earlier, would you like to go over it?" A brief conversation starting with Barla recounting that incident ensues about the pain and suffering caused by the people in power even in this world where the Kingdom Keepers exists. It ends with a singular action: a sudden revealing of all kinds of evidence of secret and publicly known acts of cruelty committed by every government from the Middle Ages to the present day. That includes the passing of the Patriot Act in the United States as well as the destruction of the lives of innocent Ukrainians, Syrians, Palestinians, and more, the Holocaust, the Rwandan Genocide, and so much more like the eugenics movement in the early 20th century(that is arguably present right now as an active threat in our timeline). It ended there because things got a lot worse for us than even earlier very quickly. We tried to stop the fake numbers but it didn't go as expected. I teamed up again with Yappa Yappa but this time on a more long term basis(as in until around the end of the whole thing) alongside Integrity Knight Alice, Amanda of the Kingdom Keepers, Maui from Moana, Saga, and Pegasus J Crawford. Maui has tan skin, a wide body with all kinds of living tattoos on it, brown eyes, long, curly, and fluffy dark hair, and not much when it comes to clothes(nothing inappropriate). "Okay, now that that conversation is over, we had better split up into teams." My words are echoed throughout our numbers. The fakes numbers start getting closer and closer to the ground. Yappa Yappa laughs: "Destroying objects isn't as fun as killing someone but I'm still going to enjoy this!" Maui brings out his hook: "What kind of hero are you? Oh well, this whole situation sounds dangerous. I'll just make do with whatever you have."

Alice speaks: "We must not allow those fake numbers to reach the ground." I sigh: "Problem is that the fake numbers are all falling in a way in which they'll definitely be picked up by someone. That's why there aren't any within our immediate vicinity falling from the sky. But we do have Saga. If we can't destroy all the fake numbers, we can send them off to another dimension." Saga nods: "I will be able to send many fake numbers away from this universe but there's no time to waste." Pegasus chuckles: "Our team up is most amusing and chaotic. It's as if it's inspired by my Toons. Speaking of, I activate Toon World!" Amanda speaks as well: "My Fairlie ability is telekinesis. I can help." "And that's why we teamed up with you. Everyone here can and will play a part in the rest of this conflict. Its only a matter of how and why. We should stick to staying in the same area. We'll need to teleport to a heavily populated area to have the most impact. New York City, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Chicago, Beijing, and Shanghai are just a few cities that have the largest number of residents. Their population densities are quite high. Tokyo alone has around 30 million people. That's why so many anime and manga focus on the adventures of individuals in other universes who live in Tokyo. Similarity, New York City has over 9 million. It is the center of the economy, has a notable pizza scene, and many movies are filmed there or they at least take place there. It's interesting that the fake numbers have become more and more strategically released over time, making it easier for us to coordinate efforts to stop them."

We end up teleporting to New York City. Amanda needed a couple minutes to recover after being teleported. No surprise. Everyone's first time is a little strange. We coordinate well, focusing on areas such as apartments, restaurants, malls, and prisons. So many fake number cards get destroyed or sent away but no matter what we do, it isn't enough. I quickly found it better, easier, and faster to just shoot the fake numbers with my main gun as well as my BRAINS Blaster. Partially because the strain of all the fighting earlier ever since Barla shot Yappa Yappa and I to heal us has begun to take its toll on me. That helps but before our eyes, the people of NYC start transforming into Barian humanoids en masse. Even if they all bothered to get vaccinated, something like that wouldn't protect them against the corrupting influence and allure of a fake number card. Worse yet, it appears that all of the victims are being transformed based on their darkest desires like what would happen with normal number cards. Some people thus turn into humanoid Barians who kind of look like food. Others turn into more monster like humanoid Barians. Others still turn into ones who kind of look like material objects such as gold, paper money, and jewelry. All sentient life forms tend to have at least a little darkness inside of them. After all, many sentient life forms display all kinds of emotions throughout their life times. Right as we run out of fake numbers to get rid of without getting our hands dirty, something starts happening. "Hahahaha! There's no more fun to be had through destroying cards! How sad! Oh well! Guess it's time to kill all of these gullible humans who couldn't resist the fake numbers! I know all about modern societies like this one! Humans in them are often influenced into giving into all kinds of selfish and impulsive desires!"

"You're right. I wouldn't go as far as call them fools outright though nor desire to kill them all. It's not their fault they're this way. That being said, if someone offers people like them a more radical and leftist way to live and think, it's on people like them if they reject that without much thought." The transformed people start vanishing one by one at an increasing rate. Maui yells: "What is happening now?! What kind of evil magic is at play?! Humans don't just vanish into thin air. I should know: Moana wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed to sail with her across the ocean to restore the Heart of Tifiti." "Now's not the time for your jokes. We shall find out where they're going immediately. Unfortunately, none of my Sacred Arts can help us with that. However, we can contact our other comrades and work together to find out." Pegasus scratches his head: "This is no fun. My Toons are confused as well. Blue Eyes Toon Dragon is just circling around over and over nearby." King Kai's transmitted voice is heard telepathically: "Attention all BRAINS members, please return to where the Magic Kingdom was immediately." "Why the hell are we all being called back there? The villains have left, the Magic Kingdom is gone." We teleport back. There, we see something horrifying. Maui looks worried: "Are those a bunch of undead down there?" "No, they are far worse than even the monsters from the Dark Territory!" "Damn it. All of the people who have turned are teleporting here. Someone must have sent them here to kill all of us in one place as well as crush whatever joy about Disney World still exists in the hearts of people around the world."

The sky turns red. Girag shows up next to us: "This world.. It's being fused with Don Thousand's domain.. That bastard. He used me for his evil schemes. I'm going to crush him someday! He took me away from my old life and turned me into his puppet!" The other former Barian Emperors teleport by him. Why? I don't know. There's Durbe who has dark gray hair and eyes, glasses, tan skin, and a white suit of armor that resembles Number 44: Sky Pegasus who has again become his companion. Girag's outfit is armor too: resembling Number 64: Ronin Raccoon Sandayu. At some point, I guess they all started wearing armor: probably due to their original lives in ancient times as well as the fact so many Miitopians started wearing armor around February this year. Nasch has unique purple hair with a light blue portion that would reach his shoulders if the bangs didn't point up with a pointy end. He also has blue eyes, light skin, and golden/white/blue armor that reminds me of Number 73: Abyss Splash. Arito has crab like black hair that often covers his right eye, green eyes, tan skin, and armor that looks like his original armor in his past life(it didn't cover his whole body). It's colors match Number 54: Lion Heart. Mizar has long blonde hair that goes down past his shoulders in bangs: one of which points up past his ears with several pointy ends, light blue eyes, red markings on his face, light skin, and some jewelry. His armor is a lot like Number 46: Dragluon.

Marin has light skin, red-violet eyes, and blue and light blue hair that extends down to just below her shoulder in several nice, curved, and pointy bangs, and armor matching Number 94: Crystalzero. Vector, the once most manipulative of the, has light skin, short light orange hair that points up in a angled way with side burns reaching to his mouth's level, purple eyes, and armor that matches Number 43: Manipulator Of Souls. He laughs: "Girag, you're always so entertaining. But this is a situation that has taken on a level of threat even I didn't see coming." Nasch replies: "We can't allow Don Thousand to take this world." Marin sighs: "But brother, this world is already being merged." Durbe adjusts his glasses: "We'll all have to fight all of these transformed people in order to have any chance of stopping the loss of this world as well." Girag points to the party Im in: "You there! Would you mind fighting with us since we're all right here in the same place?" We agree to work together. Against such a tough looking army of foes, going it alone isn't exactly the best of ideas. The substance on my daggers was enough to devastate the UMC forces in the past but it isn't as effective on Barians when compared to miis, zombies, or humans. Obviously, that's a big problem. It means we can't win with the substance against all of these transformed people. "Alright, you have a deal. I've personally never interacted much with any of you much less worked with you on missions. You're all always off somewhere else, working together as a solid team yourselves alongside the likes of Yuma and Kaito." So that's exactly what we do. We go towards the enemy army and concentrate our efforts on the same enemies. I focus on using my sword during this time.

Some sort of gun like foe comes at us while coughing violent bullets infused with Dark Factor and Barian power. "You're all going to die today! You refused to accept the gifts of our lord! For America! I, Kyle Rittenhouse will take care of all of you!" "I have so many questions as to why you became gun like when your desires lie more so elsewhere. But there's no time for that. You're going to have to die because you are far too dangerous and too gone in this timeline to be allowed to live now." "Hahahahaha! I'm going to enjoy every minute of this! So much death! Swiftdrawer, don't restrain me! I need to kill!" "I'm not going to. We need your help to stand a chance. After all, you have now betrayed 2 tyrants and gained immense power over these past 4 years. Just don't kill any of our comrades or the innocent." "Don't worry! It's much more power to kill those who harbor greed, hatred, and violent tendencies! They're louder and more stubborn than my other victims. Breaking them is much more rewarding and delightful!" We continue fighting and fighting but it feels like no matter how many foes we bring down, we still aren't making a dent in the enemy's numbers. "No more games! I fusion summon Ultimate Blue Eyes Toon Dragon! Let the true mayhem of my Toons be fully unleashed!" And that starts a chain reaction in which all of us begin holding nothing back. "So be it. I'll break myself if that's what it takes to make a dent! Forget my exhaustion. Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 50! Piercing Darkness! Infinite Pain! Drawing Devastation! Anatomical Disruption!" "Die, enemies! Ultimate Pummeling Pitchfork! Pitchfork Massacre!" Even Amanda goes all out even though her abilities aren't able to do much in the grand scheme of things.

Every effort does count though. Bakugo is heard above everything else: "IM SO TIRED OF THIS CRAP! WHEN WILL WE EVER BREAK THROUGH?!" "I'm bored now. I'm going to start using 5% of my power." The tide of battle doesn't change. We're all just overwhelmed and getting exhausted against the onslaught we face. Individually, each transformed person wouldn't be a big issue to take down with a party of 8 but there's millions, maybe even billions of them fighting against us or just waiting to fight us. The army sent after us earlier was nothing by comparison. The situation is much worse fake number wise than in Melromarc because the human and demi human populations of that world are not a lot compared to this world's human population. 8 billion people. That's a lot. But then, Vector shouts: "What if we used the Barian transformation against our enemies?!" Most of us who get shocked, startled, surprised, or confused from his remark are skilled enough to keep fighting despite that at this point but it had a massive impact. "To use the power of evil against that evil.. It is not what I would have agreed with as an Integrity Knight before the Infinityverse incident. But there must be a way we can use such a thing." Astral speaks: "None of us have the power of the Barian transformation." Yappa Yappa laughs(I gave him a Quantum Leap band prematurely earlier): "I just remembered! I do and I can't wait to start killing a lot faster with it!" "What a nap causation. One individual with that transformation wouldn't be enough. I don't oppose such an idea but how would it be possible to begin with?" Seiya speaks: "We could pick up some fake numbers and let them transform us.." Bulma replies: "That's very risky!" Yappa Yappa laughs again: "Sounds chaotic! It's a fun idea!"

All conversation ceases when the exhaustion begins taking its toll. I collapse to the ground with a loud thunk. "Damn it. I can't fight anymore." I wasn't alone in collapsing. Others did so too. And just like that, we started being slaughtered. Before, we were slowly trimming down the number of foes at a rate that made no difference while preventing them from advancing. But now, we're again, being slaughtered. "Damn it! Release Recollection! Fight our foes, my flowers!" I use the energy I gathered in the Nightmare Realm to restore my strength and heal any wounds I've sustained. I've been getting better at utilizing the energy that's keeping me from rotting away. But I'm going to need to gather more of it eventually unless I get resurrected before I run out. "Okay then.. I'm resorting to even this. Let's go and fight like hell." For a while, we fight desperately while also trying to help each other out. Things only worsen as more of us collapse or die. Even the Toon monsters get destroyed. Alice shouts: "Everyone! We must not give up! Live or die, we have to keep fighting!" I sigh: "Damn it. There's nothing we can do to change this situation except that wild plan to use the Barian transformation against all these people." Yappa Yappa replies: "It's so much fun to use! Look at me! I'm having a blast killing while transformed! When I accepted the chance to join Don Thousand, I had already begun plotting to betray him! I have so sorts of secrets I stole from him! Did you know that zombies like you can't gain it?" "That's not surprising. I'm dead. I already knew that wasn't exactly compatible with gaining really any form altering transformation. Ha! Get back, foes!"

And so, the pain continues on and on, it seems like we're absolutely finished. But then, Ultimate Shaggy, Beerus, Athena, Abstractoa, and other gods and beings with godlike power go high up into the sky. They unleash their terrifying full powers on the enemies after Ultimate Shaggy warns: "Like everyone, you need to get far away right now! None of you want to be destroyed, right?!" We retreat a good distance away and watch as the millions or billions of transformed people quickly get taken care of with ease. All that was left in the end was a huge crater. Maui gulps: "I'm no match for them. I didn't realize the gap between a god and a demigod before now." "..So many people just had to die. Worse yet, this world is still being fused together. So many were killed in an instant. And yet, the negative energy generated from them has made the energy of this world similar enough to the old Barian World's to allow Don Thousand to fuse this world into his empire.. Yuma shouts: "Those bastards! What do we do now?! The world fusing is still happening!" Neiru speaks up: "Your universe possesses the Numeron Code, does it not?" "Astral!" "Yuma, I can no longer use the Numeron Code." "But somebody has to!" Abstractoa replies: "The Numeron Code remains with you, Yuma and Astral. You must join your spirits with those you care about the most. That will allow you to use it to reverse what is happening to this world." As they do whatever it takes to pull that off, the rest of us pretty much take a rest. I sit down on the ground where trees used to be before everything that has transpired. The soil is beginning to become more Barian like. This isn't good. Alice sighs: "We tried so hard but in the end, our efforts meant almost nothing."

"I hate how right you are. I feel so weak. I want to train relentlessly when everything here is taken care of. I've been getting left behind. Even my closest friends have grown in strength faster than I have. I'm not jealous but still.. I could not handle a single one of those newly changed individuals on my own with how exhausted I was. Most zombies have limitless energy despite their slow movements. They don't feel pain or exhaustion. They just keep going while rotting away and smelling really bad. They get knocked down, they immediately start getting up if they can." Yuma, Astral, and friends join arms and use the Numeron Code a few minutes later. The sky starts returning to normal along with everything else until it stops returning to normal and rapidly merged into Don Thousand's empire. Ultimate Shaggy tries to stop it to no avail. We all look around. All of us prepare to fight again. Things change drastically. The sky gets blocked by unknown landmasses and worlds all corrupted like Barian World. I utter: "We're in the hornet's nest. We need to get out of here, we don't stand a chance. But they won't let us leave easily." My words were correct. A huge number of Barian forces appear to attack us. Sorcerer Mickey chuckles: "Gosh, we are in quite the pickle! Haha. But don't worry! This situation just calls for a little.. magic!" He uses his power to fully restore the Magic Kingdom and the surrounding area in mere seconds. "Curious. I wonder how he was able to do that even with most of the world's population now deceased."

Mickey runs out of magic again. One of the Barian troops says to us: "Surrender now, trespassers or be destroyed and turned into the likes of us to serve Don Thousand for eternity!" Lelouch stares at him: "I, Lelouch vi Britannia command you. Die!" It doesn't take long for him to use the Geass on all of our adversaries to kill them. Shadow Garden gather together to block what looks like a Death Beam attack. Frieza reappears: "So you foolish weaklings have chosen to stay even though the world you sought to protect has fallen into our hands? Pathetic! I wasn't even trying with my attack just now! And all of this you're doing makes it easy to me to kill all of you so thanks for being so foolish! I appreciate what you have done for me with these reckless decisions all of you have chosen to make!" Eggman returns too: "Frieza! Don't think you're the only one who wants revenge, death, and destruction! SONIC! IM GOING TO GET YOU!" Mr. Wertz comes back after him: "I knew none of you would leave even with your failure in saving this world! Hahahaha! Oh, this really is too easy! I've gone ahead and improved myself to make sure the Supernoobs and those aliens can never hope to defeat me again!" Susan sighs: "According to my calculations, most known attacks won't be able to defeat them." Goku Black appears above the Magic Kingdom: "Mortals and fellow gods, you still dare to interfere even after your mission has failed? Very well, I'll eliminate all of you even if I have to work with these pathetic mortals. You gods managed to destroy most of the human race in the Kingdom Keepers universe. Congratulations. Now, I must eliminate you for sure knowing that you have decimated billions of potential One Supreme World troops."

Goku tries creating a Spirit Bomb but even with a stare down happening and those of us not already engaging in battle contributing, it's not big enough. Dr. Gero smirks: "You can't get a large enough Spirit Bomb here now that all human beings with ordinary strength serve Don Thousand willingly or not. The gods may have destroyed most of the human population of this planet but the rest have already fallen under HIS control. If you and your friends don't want to die, you will retreat from here and never return or try to stop us again." Abstractoa speaks calmly: "If it is energy for the Spirit Bomb that is needed to defeat villains like you without our full intervention, then it is our duty as gods to return the people of Earth we had to wipe out to life." Without warning, I feel a surge of active life signatures because of how many people were just revived. "So they're all back.. But a Spirit Bomb won't be enough.. Even if I put my all into a single attack, I wouldn't be able to make much of a difference. Something has to change in this situation but what?" The Overtakers as well as other villains reappear. I notice that I'm in Tomorrowland now along with the other members of the motley team that was put together. We are right by Space Mountain. Goku Black laughs at everything he sees: "You just revived all of the people you killed?! Clever because I can't kill them as quickly as you were able to! This also means you can create a better Spirit Bomb, mortal whose body belongs to me in an alternate timeline from yours! Your name isn't even worth saying anymore to me. But I'm not interested in you right now. Once the gods are slain, all of you will be so easy to kill. Therefore.. *transforms into Rosè* I'll kill all of the gods who have chosen to oppose me personally. I'll leave the destruction of this silly place to the Overtakers and the others."

Zurg comes after the team I'm in. Buzz Lightyear intervenes: "Not today, Zurg!" Battles break out throughout the entire park as well as the surrounding area and sky all over again. This time, the soil and plants and water look very different. We start fighting Zurg alongside Lightyear. Zurg unleashes all kinds of robots and creatures loyal to him. They all have Zurg's logo in different spots. "What are these things?! Alright then! Face the power of the lightning from my hook! I am Maui after all! This is what you all get." "Release Recollection! Too much has happened for us to underestimate the enemy. Therefore, we may end up overestimating them!" "Ha! Ha! Drawing Devastation! Take this!" "You enemies will be banished to wander another universe for eternity now. Another Dimension!" "Oh my! Looks like my Toons are having fun again! I think I'll join the show myself! *pulls out gun and BRAINS Blaster* I'm not much of a fighter but with all the attempts on my life, I had little choice but to take up firearms. Toons are far more entertaining than guns but I must admit, guns can be quite fun!" "Hahahahaha! I'm going to kill more of them than any of you! Just watch! I'm going to relish in their misery as well as deaths and destruction! How exciting! This is going to be the best day ever!" "I must protect this park! I won't let Finn, Jess, or any of my other friends down!" We struggle to take the creatures out until Alice's move causes a Z logo to break on a robot. The robot breaks apart immediately. "Seriously? It's just like your ride, Buzz Lightyear!" Zurg laughs: "None of you can stop me! My minions are wasting your time and efforts. On the other hand, I have yet to show the tricks I have in store for all of you fools." "We'll see about that, Zurg! Don't forget how I defeated you last time!" "Buzz, you interfere like always." Our fight is momentarily interrupted by a shockwaves from the battle between Goku Black and the other gods. Mickey's magic nullifies it before it could impact any of Tomorrowland. He isn't even near us. That must mean he's back to full power somehow.

Zurg laughs again: "The mouse.. He saved you and this area from taking damage. But he won't be able to keep going for long when his original drawing is going to soon be destroyed just like all of you. You can say goodnight forever, Buzz Lightyear. There's no-" He gets cut off by an rpg blowing up in his face. Barla arrives with a smirk on her face: "Hell yeah! I couldn't miss out on the action any longer! Now that a lot of healers from various fantasy worlds have shown up, I don't need to man the medical tent or shoot anyone with my healing gun anymore." Zurg frowns: "You dare?! I'll destroy you too. Minions, show off your full powers and destroy them all but leave this newcomer and Buzz to me." Buzz yells: "Look out! They're coming from all directions!" I start shooting them instead of using my sword skills. One by one, they fall. Zurg apparently is oblivious to the weakness on his minions. It doesn't hit him until we've taken care of all of them. "Impossible! How could you defeat all of my minions just like that?! My empire.. No.. It's doomed! Curse you, Buzz and friends! ..This can't be.. My mark on all of them.. That's how you defeated them.." He gets angry, pulls out his futuristic gun and starts rapidly firing it at us. But we don't even get hurt. Instead, we see Zurg start getting pushed back as a bunch of individuals from our side suddenly get revived. One of them is revived near us. Chaos Wolg rubs their head: "That was too much chaos.. Even for me.. *sees us and Zurg* But now, I'll happily join the chaos being generated to destroy Emperor Zurg!" It takes a while but finally Zurg is reduced to scraps of metal, no longer a threat to us. Buzz says: "Congratulations. All of you are honorary Space Rangers to me. But there are more enemies in this area. We must go help stop them." A bunch of mischievous furry red creatures with chibi appearances show up from all directions.

Yappa Yappa exclaims: "Aww! I want to kill them all!" Dr. Hämsterviel appears with his bunny like ears, lion like tail, white fur, little red eyes, and red cape: "Ahahahaha! It's perfect! For years, I've been in the sidelines, watching as the other Overtakers try and fail while being trapped in prison! But now that Stitch's ride is gone, I've been set free! Since then, I've been hiding to recreate my army of Leroys! With the Barian power and Dark Factor both in myself and my army, Mickey's kingdom is doomed! To demonstrate what my army can do, I'll have them kill you all as Stitch, that traitor, and their weird friends watch on in horror!" I cut a Leroy into pieces. Yappa Yappa easily slaughters several at once. "What is happening?! Why is my army losing?!" A certain song is playing over the intercom. "Not that song! I hate that song! WHYYYYYYY?!" Saga gets into a stance, triggers his cosmo, and proclaims: "We do not have time to fight with your entire army. Another Dimension!" Durbe joins us while holding a sword and riding Sky Pegasus. Seeing this, Hämsterviel growls: "That's it! Barian Battlemorph!" Not only does he transform but so do the Leroys, including the whole horde of them that are rushing in from who knows where. So many of them are present that Saga's move is unable to remove enough to make a dent in the sheer number of them. All of us get knocked down by Hämsterviel and the Leroys. Together, they start biting and clawing at us while trying to kill us all. With all the power running through them, such actions prove to be more than just annoying. They're actually dangerous and I'm experiencing a lot of pain. Sky Pegasus and Durbe don't fair any better. They're knocked from the sky by a tower of Leroys stacked on top of each other before being swarmed and attacked by a whole bunch of them. My armor starts to crack all over again. It was already damaged from after it repaired itself due to all the blood that has touched it. I'm unable to say or do anything. The transformed Leroys are applying too much pressure for me to force them off of me.

A few minutes of this pass by. And then, a familiar voice shouts: "Granel! Skiel! Wisel! Astro Mekanikal! Allow these creatures to feel the despair I once felt myself! Destroy them!" The Meklords start pulverizing the Leroys but that's not all. Konan uses hundreds of paper bomb clones to blow some of them up. "Frost Diver! Cold Bolt! Lightning Bolt! Fire Bolt!" Another familiar voice laughs: "Well done, Takius! Well done! Now allow me to join in as your master! Meteor Storm!" Its Zephyr. He was found some time ago wandering Duel Links of all places. It didn't take much for him to join BRAINS and be reunited with Takius. But wait, there's more. The scientists of Project Time Warp Infinity appear alongside other individuals important to the story of Twisted Land's Sector Infinity such as the machines sent by their lead scientists to save the volunteer subjects who tested out the time machines of the project and the menacing alien silverfish who took over Sector Infinity. Or rather, that's what will happen in Twisted Land's future but through Sector Infinity, it's all playing out as a themed storyline in the present. (Sector Infinity will one day be built as an actual city floating above Twisted Land.) They're not the only ones to show up. A Miitopian scientist who is part monster, part machine, and part mii shouts: "We're finally here! Looks like you needed some help!" With their help, Hämsterviel and his army of Leroys are all killed off in seconds. We thought it was over. It was not. More Leroys appear and attack us all. However, a bunch of people wearing the same uniforms appear with guns in their hands: the Men In Black. One of them shouts: "Remember, the objective is to wipe out all hostile life forms on this timeline's Earth!" The Leroys are soon completely exterminated.

The Jedi Order appear along with Lone Starr and friends soon after. They are even joined by the golden android that the core members of the Justice League once fought. That android can copy superpowers. It doesn't take long for all remaining threats in Tomorrowland to be destroyed as more BRAINS members join our growing not so little group of various teams and such. Yoda nods in satisfaction: "I do not sense anymore threats in this area through the Force. We must proceed to Main Street USA." And that's exactly what we do. The Frieza Force try to block our way. Yuga smiles: "Not so fast, Frieza Force! Nothing can block my way! I summon you again, Seven Roads Magician! And that's not all! Kaizo!" "You got it, Yuga! I'll become your armor! Don't mess this up!" Now that I didn't see coming. Several members of the Frieza Force are stopped by Yuga and Seven Roads Magician. They're even sent flying into the water that exists below the main entrance to Tomorrowland. I draw Graceful Protector once again, activate the Sharingan and Artist's Eye, start running, and yell: "We have no time for you foes! It's time to start wrapping this up! We'll stop all of you through any means necessary! And then, we'll find a way to reverse what has happened to this world! Haaaaaaa!" Formidable opponents appear but since I'm giving it my all in a way I normally don't, none of them can touch me. I can read their every movement like an open book. It was easy to counter them and I use my Artist's Eye to create black metal rods to impale them with. For several minutes, almost nothing could stop me. When I ran out of chakra, I let my eyes go back to normal. After that, I noticed that I had help clear a straight path to the statue with Walt and Mickey on it. Yappa Yappa laughs: "That was a fun slaughter! You made it so easy, Swiftdrawer!"

The sky has started to become clear again due to the godly battle going on up there. There's still chaos all over the place. "That may be so but that only gives us a small amount of relief." Alice nods: "Indeed. The enemy still has many strong individuals within their ranks. We aren't winning against all of them at the moment." Llenn and Pito have ended up joining our team. Pito smiles: "All this action is so much fun! GGO has nothing on this!" Llenn sighs: "Take this seriously, Pito! This is war and in war, people die!" "Oh Llenn!" "..." Amanda pushes some enemies away by sending them away into the sky. Maui joins in by using his hook to strike them all with lightning. Pegasus just keeps shooting while a bunch of Toons follow behind him closely, leaving mayhem behind in their wake. Saga states: "We won't be able to win against any of the remaining enemies with our team alone. Now that I have learned how to sense Ki and my understanding of other dimensions, that has become clear to me." "Damn it. How are we going to win this then?" Amanda suddenly runs back to Tomorrowland. Now that it's safe there, there's only confusion rather than concern. "How strange! Why would Amanda go there? There's no fight there anymore! Only entertainment! And none of it is a cartoon!" We later found out she was meeting with the other Keepers. The enemies being fought against in front of Cinderella Castle unexpectedly make a hasty retreat. We follow some of them to the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride. And by that I mean, we follow them to the loading area for the ride itself. They literally get on so we hop onto the same boat as them before the gates close.

Captain Ginyu glares at us: "How dare you follow us! Very well, we'll just kill you all!" The non DAU Zarbon adds: "I suggest you give up now and allow us to kill all of you one by one." Llenn shoots him: "Feel P-Chan!" A fight on the boat ensues. All of us have enough balance to fight on the ride vehicle. But when the drop is about to come, it's obvious to me that it is because we're about to pass by the scene with the stormy pirate ship that has skeletons as the crew and passengers. "We're about to drop!" We're all forced to jump off and fight a scene before it, in the scene where there's a cave with a pirate skeleton on the wall. We fight in there. The team and I end up winning in the end and teleport out of the ride. Smoke erupts from a direction. We follow it, knocking weaker enemies into the river that was created for Tom Sawyer Island to exist amongst other things. The smoke's coming from the Haunted Mansion. We enter to see mayhem and chaos as evil spirits and the like infest the entire ride. Alice speaks: "I must use the spatial resources in the air to exterminate these wicked beings from the face of the Earth!" It must have been an odd sight to see us ride the Doom Buggies and attack from them. It wasn't hard for any of us to do since swords can still be used to thrust, a gun is well, a gun, and so on. Alice generates light magic with the spatial resources and unleashes it by thrusting. We had already broken the lap bars and what they were attached to in order to attack. There was no other choice.

After some time, our side and the other side end up being engaged in a confrontation. Our side on Big Thunder, the roller coaster(but not actually riding it) and the enemy on Splash Mountain which is becoming an attraction that doesn't have characters that were first depicted in a racist film(it will be themed to Princess and The Frog). Oh and some from either side standing on the pathway between the 2 rides. Goku Black laughs: "I entertained a ceasefire to finish things here but make no mistake, there will be zero mortals and no Disney World soon enough. Now, who wants to go first?" Chernabog rises from the ground near Splash Mountain. Before our eyes, Cruella, Maleficent, and Jafar levitate into the air, bow to that monster, and then, Cruella reveals they have Mickey's original drawing. She tears it into many tiny pieces. Mickey, who looked ready to say something profound vanishes. Maleficent laughs loud enough for all to here: "It's over! Now that Mickey is gone, you will never be able to stop us!" Tsunade yells: "Are you sure about that? We won't quit. Not now. Not ever." Shadow Garden infiltrate the enemy force. A purple magical explosion occurs in the center of them, creating chaos and destruction. "I AM ATOMIC!" That was Shadow. Maleficent glares: "You dare challenge us so boldly?!" Eggman adds as a bunch of robots we've never seen before appear: "I was waiting for this moment! Now, all of you will be destroyed will my secret robots I've been saving for an opportunity like this!" Several blurs start moving around, destroying the robots with ease. When they stop moving, they have appeared next to the Kingdom Keepers who have ended up gathering together now that the fighting has resumed.

Beerus is the one to attack Goku Black again. Goku and Vegeta as well as the rest of the Z Team lead Frieza and what remains of his Frieza Force to Tom Sawyer Island. Chernabog roars and charges at the refugees of Raphtalia's World. I head to the Kingdom Keepers as the speedsters hand them all the pieces of Mickey's drawing(Cruella had very loudly screamed about the torn drawing pieces going missing one by one and my Artist's Eye gave me the insight I needed to notice the plan of the speedsters). Once there, I say: "I shall fix the drawing but that won't be enough to bring back Mickey. That's up to you, Kingdom Keepers." After using Artist's Eye to fix the drawing, I stare at each of them with a calm look: "This is your moment to do something big. I must go help fight the villains again now. But I'll be keeping an eye and ear in your direction as I do it. *equips shield* I'm not planning on winning. I'm only planning on stalling until we can find a way to win this at last." After a couple minutes of intense fighting, I feel a power come back. I turn slightly to see Mickey hovering in the air. Abstractoa stops fighting Goku Black, appears next to me, grabs me, and brings me to the sky with them to be on level with Mickey but a good distance away from him. "Swiftdrawer, I need you for this. I sensed a change in this world when Mickey restored the Magic Kingdom. It is slightly different from the other assimilated worlds/universes. Look and see." I do so: "Some of the normal plants are back. Don Thousand's empire is full of negative energy such as unbalanced chaos. While Walt Disney wasn't as great of a man as many believe, it's still true that what his beloved Mickey Mouse did brought in some positive energy back here."

"As my student, you have been guided in the Artist's Eye by me. Listen carefully. I must help you and the others with the power to imagine and create restore this world to what it once was. You must give it your all alongside every other BRAINS member. GADGET is relaying the plan telepathically with the help of King Kai, Tyler, J'onn, and anyone else with telepathy. You all must imagine whatever you wish with your very wills. That's each of you must do except for you. As the knight with the Artist's Eye, you must use it to imagine what you can imagine without any restraints holding you back. I will lend my power to make this succeed. It is the only way to allow us to continue this war. If we fail, the multiverse will be lost as all of us will be destroyed: even myself." "I understand. You can count on me." Several minutes later, time suddenly comes to a stop. Blaze, the other Clock Guardians, Acheron, Hugin, Time Wizard, Timegazer Magician, and others are behind this. Abstractoa speaks: "It's time to begin. All sentient creatures you know of are capable of using their creativity to dream. The dreams you dream at night are your subconscious's expression of creativity. And now, all of you must help carry out the plan alongside those who aren't in BRAINS but are with us here today. It took many users of time manipulating abilities to stop time at this moment. This was necessary to ensure even Goku Black could not interfere. Once all of you are committed and imagining inside your minds, time will resume and we will set back the efforts of One Supreme World significantly." No one objects. Even the Kingdom Keepers and Disney characters have come to know how trustworthy and wise the Guardian of Creativity is.

We all close our eyes as per sone instructions and focus on imagining to our heart's content. When time resumes, we all open our eyes, full of inspiration and creativity with many imagined things floating in our heads. But some of us have more than just that going on. Barla pulls out some kind of device, J'onn goes into it, Bulma inspects it, and then, all of the speakers in the park project Barla's voice: "Can everyone hear me?! *the villains look annoyed.* Hell yeah! Then, it's time to make this work worldwide now that most of the human population has come back to life, free of Don Thousand's control!" Maleficent screams: "Someone stop this!" Abstractoa and Ultimate Shaggy stop holding back at the same time. Goku Black is vaporized for a brief moment, only to come back very slightly weakened. Don Thousand appears in the air and looks down at all of us: "Foolish mortals and defiant gods. It is too late. You cannot stop my plans. With all of you here, my forces are free to invade more universes at my command. I will end all of you here with the help of a familiar face to many of you." The Shadow appears while grinning: "So this is the future that may happen if my pawn Gorganan fails?! Why should I do anything to it? Now that I've seen it, I can prevent it!." "The Shadow, if you do not help me here.. *shows overwhelming chaotic aura* I will personally send some of my strongest and most powerful servants to destroy your precious Gorganan." "You have a deal, I don't enjoy it but it's good to do some destroying myself for a change. And you could kill Gorganan easily.." The device Barla was handling is given to Mickey. Abstractoa calls The Light and engages The Shadow. Don Thousand just stares: "It's only a matter of time before this farce they call my opposition gets destroyed." Dominic and others who can mess with reality start doing so, making it difficult for any villain to attack Mickey. I help in their efforts by going after some of the villains.

Abstractoa speaks: "Everyone, remember to keep imagining your most creative ideas. You must. It's almost time for the tables to be turned." Mickey, Naruto, Goku, Sailor Moon, Ichigo (Mew Mew), Johnny Test, and others considered main characters in fictional media all speak into that device after being sent to a pocket dimension by Obito's Sharingan. Despite being in a pocket dimension, their words ring out for the entire world to hear. It's broadcast everywhere in every way possible at the same time, truly putting a stop to the world for just a few minutes. Even radio waves are made use of to reach people who aren't connected to any technology with communication features. Mickey's power level starts increasing in a way that would be measured as an increasing curve on a classic graph. His magical prowess goes off the charts. Chernabog, the most evil character ever depicted by Walt Disney and said to be Satan himself is unable to stay alive under the pressure of that magical power as well as the divine energy radiating out due to the fight between gods, god like individuals, and Goku Black. He dies by being torn to pieces without being able to make much of an impact in the battle. As all of this happened, we all kept imagining things in our minds, ready for the moment. The moment to turn it all around just as Abstractoa said. The moment I go wild with Artist's Eye. After all of those main characters have said something, the Kingdom Keepers do so as well followed up by Athena and Beerus to finish it off. When they're done, Abstractoa speaks: "Swiftdrawer! Soon, you must go all out! Mickey's power has already peaked. The world is watching all of us through various means. With the major governments in disarray and the militaries of the world crushed, we have given the people the hope they need. Before the moment comes, you as well as several other notable leftists will speak as well."

I nod and become the next individual to make a speech as the overwhelming full power of Ultimate Shaggy and the impact of Chernabog's destruction suppresses most of the villains. They just stand there, becoming frightened punching bags in the process. Ovenzilla contributes too by fighting or restraining many of the still active villains themselves. Everyone is doing something big to win. Once the last speech is made, Abstractoa exclaims: "It is now time! Swiftdrawer, you and I will be amongst several individuals who will trigger the final catalyst of an event known as the Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload!" "I see. I'm in. Get ready for me to go nuts with my creativity!" I conjure all kinds of things. As this happens, Abstractoa uses their full powers to effortlessly push Don Thousand back and create all kinds of things to fight against our foes with. They even create a whole new multiverse branch just like that. And then, The Light is able to force The Shadow back into the past with Abstractoa's help. Finally, time and space start being messed up. Emotions become solid things. Maleficent gets killed by a block of laughter. I don't know what happened after that because I blacked out, only to wake up to see the world liberated from Don Thousand. The stars in the night sky are back. I look down at myself to see that my armor is severely damaged and my body is so incredibly injured that it shouldn't even be possible for me to be still moving. If I weren't still a zombie, I would have been reduced to meat. I see my teammates and rub my head, noticing that we are somehow all the way inside the new TRON roller coaster: "What happened?" A projection of Abstractoa appears: "Every universe corrupted by the enemy has been freed. This one included. Your mission is almost finished. Prepare for a BRAINS meeting. It starts soon. Most of the other universes are full of corrupted individuals even now."

"What the hell? It makes sense but still.." "It won't take much for One Supreme World to gain back just one universe full of corrupted individuals. But this is still a blow to them. It will be several days at most before any other universes are invaded." I restore myself using the you know what energy. I then fix my armor with my limited magic and stand back up. We did in fact have a meeting. After it, I teleported to the United Nations building in the Kingdom Keeper universe's New York City. It's now worth mentioning 2 things. One, my helmet has had a feature added, a medium sized red plume. That thing is commonly referred to as a ponytail or feather. The other thing is regarding that new front for the collective. All of us somehow forgot that there used to be a Multiverse Defense Pact. It was formed to deal with the SDL 4 years ago if I recall correctly. Now that we recall that, the knowledge of that actually helps pull off the front better. I have volunteered to go to the United Nations as a "representative" of it now that we are going around, claiming whenever necessary that the MDP has been revived to fight One Supreme World. Why did I volunteer? Because people keep asking me to take on responsibilities just like it and I just want to get it done so no one else has to do it. That and as a knight, people should be willing to listen to me due to the worldwide cultural significance of knights even in the 21st century. There's also the fact that I'm from a modern Earth. So there you go. After we rescued the universe but before we had the meeting, we went ahead and began sending some of our forces to split up the world. It's not official yet but it's about to be. I just teleported straight into the room where the leaders of the world meet during UN summits. I didn't care.

It was chaos in there until I showed up. Once I did, the room fell silent and any and all cameras and microphones were pointed in my direction. I casually picked up a random microphone that was on the floor and spoke calmly and clearly: "People of this world, I am Swiftdrawer. I am a representative of the Multiverse Defense Pact. As you may have heard not too long ago, Disney was forced to go public with the fact that all the rumors about the Kingdom Keepers are true. Why? Because the Magic Kingdom was destroyed, then restored, then partially destroyed again after Mickey Mouse talked to the entire world. It's true. Also true is that countless Disney characters do things in the parks at night. The good characters as well as the Kingdom Keepers and those closely associated with them have agreed to join the Multiverse Defense Pact. The Multiverse Defense Pact is behind the deaths of Donald J Trump and many other key politicians in the world. We are also the ones who defeated the combined military force sent to Disney World. Information about all of that happened has been made public online. Listen well. Because your world is about to change permanently. The MDP is an alliance created to deal with the invaders who have been targeting and corrupting universe after universe. Those invaders belong to an organization called One Supreme World. They want to unite the entire multiverse into one world controlled by Don Thousand, their leader. In such a world, free will would not exist. All beings would blindly serve Don Thousand because all opposition to him would have been crushed. Many of your leaders worked with One Supreme World. Do not make this harder than it needs to be. We have sent various individuals to help manage the world now that it's in turmoil, dealing with a climate crisis, undergoing a mass disabling pandemic, and more."

I take a deep breath: "We will be managing this entire world until it is sufficient to withdraw. Poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and more are major problems and we are going to fix them. All federal governments will be temporarily suspended. The United States, Russia, China, Canada, Brazil, and India will all be split up for now. All areas will be jointly managed between local governments and temporary new governments made up of our representatives as well as people elected by their fellow citizens to office by ranked choice voting. Many of us do not like imposing this much on a world, myself included. But this timeline is now in chaos because of One Supreme World's interference. If it weren't for us, your world would have lost all sense of identity and every person will have become just another one of Don Thousand's pawns. We will help fix all of your major issues as well as build defenses that will protect you without stripping you of any freedoms. Martial arts schools will be opened throughout the world and have lessons taught by some of our best. Now for what kind of representatives you will have. Each designated area controlled by a temporary government will consist of 200 members for lower population areas and 400 for higher population areas. 50% of their members will be elected by you, the rest will be our representatives who we ourselves voted for. If you enact any laws or policies that restrict people's rights, you will regret it. Our representatives come from all over: Sword Art Online, Dragon Ball, Naruto, Justice League, the Avengers, Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya, Minecraft, and more." I continue on, answering questions and all that jazz. Someone even challenged me to a fight. I won with a single gentle tap on their forehead with my sword.

Once I'm done, I say while holding my sword up high: "I have finished this important responsibility. Once again. I'm loyal to the people. I have no interest in having power just to abuse it to be selfish. Please, take care. I must go." I choose to walk out of the room, letting the world see an exit they won't ever forget before teleporting back to Mii World. Yappa Yappa is waiting for me: "Swiftdrawer! How did it go?! Did you ruthlessly kill anyone?!" "It went well. There was a lot of anger at first but I was able to calm them down, especially after I easily won a duel I was challenged to. I see they have brought you here for now. You'll have to undergo a lot of therapy. Your mental state appears to be better now that you are no longer alone. But it will be for the best that you undergo therapy. The Kingdom Keepers universe has been saved and it's in part thanks to you. It may not seem that way but that's the truth. You were crucial when the gods refrained from intervening fully because they didn't need to do so. Now come on, there's somewhere I'd like to take you. I'm exhausted but the sooner you see this, the better." "I was crucial? Where are you taking me?" "Before we drink some sleep replacement potions, eat together, and train together since you clearly need me right now, I'm bringing you to a surprise location. My interest in doing things is doing things that have real meaning. Eat food to be nourished. Drink water to be hydrated. Talk to friends for fun and to maybe help them out. Train to get stronger and faster. Joke around to feel joy. Read books to be mentally stimulated, have fun, and experience something." I grab one of his hands and teleport us to where everything began for him. His home world. "You can open your eyes now." He does so and immediately cries: "I'm home?! Swiftdrawer.. I haven't been here in such a long time.. But where's everyone? Everything is gone.."

"We were able to trace your upbringing to here. But your home town is gone now. However, if we go north, you'll see something amazing. With the SDL dead, it wasn't long before this world became its own thing again. How fast can you run or would you rather teleport or take some other form of transportation?" "There's a form of transportation that's unique to my world.. It should be set up around here somewhere.." "I'll follow your lead." Soon, he leads us to a blob of.. stuff? He jumps into it. "Swiftdrawer! Come on!" "Alright, I'm coming." I jump in too without any fear or hesitation. And then, the blob starts moving after he yells: "Take us north!" It moves a few paces forward before stretching out towards north, forming two tube like things of junk. I feel myself get pushed forward into one by the blob. And off we go, flying through tubes of trash at an accelerating speed. We stop suddenly only for another blob to link up by forming a huge hand. The blob we're in releases us into the huge hand which then recoils all the way back to the middle of the 2nd blob. Yappa Yappa gets out. So do I. We look around. I smile: "Okay, that was very fun. Here we are. This is your world's new main city." He looks around in awe: "This is.. I wonder who I should kill here!" "Please don't kill any innocent people. Anyway, I guess we should look around for anyone you knew back in your home town. This is very different from what I'm used to. The buildings are so spaced out. There's all kinds of slime things on the ground. I'll let you lead the way. I can sense all the life forms here so if there's a particularly crowded area, I can point it out to you so you have a better chance of finding anyone you knew." We don't find anyone he knew but we made some new friends and had fun for several hours. After we headed back, I said: "Alright. To the cafeteria."

I lead him there as he doesn't exactly know his way around yet which is fair to be honest. We grab some food and sit down at a table. Yappa Yappa stares at me and my large helping of food: "How many people had to be killed to make this meal for you?!" "No one." "Oh. I thought everyone ate meals made with the flesh, blood, and-" "Yappa Yappa, please just enjoy food that didn't require any living creature to be slaughtered. You have a lot to learn. I guess your first lesson is that not everyone eats food consisting of well.. What you just said." My meal consisted of: a whole extra large pan cheese pizza, a large bowl of corn, a large amount of plant based meat, some water, a bowl of spaghetti and meat sauce, and sugar free apple fries for dessert because why not? Healthier than Legoland's, that's for sure. Yappa Yappa stares at me after I finish eating: "You eat like an absolute monster! Like that one I ambushed, tortured, and killed all by myself and roasted up to make a nice lunch for myself and my pet rock!" "You have a pet rock?" "I'm lonely." "Was lonely." "Yeah.. Can I just kill someone without wanting to kill anything else afterwards?" "Just kill a big bad villain who spouts a load of lies and does a lot of harm. Maybe that will help. I mean, you just joined BRAINS and well.. Your reputation is starting out at the near bottom. The others trust my decision in bringing you to our side but that doesn't mean they like or trust you. After all, you've been almost nothing but a destructive being of chaos trying to kill everyone and everything in sight. I'm surprised you didn't manage to kill Don Thousand at least once." "He's too strong for me! That's why I want to kill him so badly!" For the next 16 hours, we trained together, ate together, and talked with each other. Yappa Yappa has a long way to becoming more sane but we're getting there. I'm just glad we saved the Kingdom Keepers universe and Yappa Yappa will finally get the help he has needed for such a long time. It wouldn't be so bad to "accidentally" have him go on a misadventure turned chaotic hangout.

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