How to Protect Your Dragon

By OneArtsyGamer03

18.5K 771 399

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies Republishing of How to Protect Your Dragon <3 ... Ah, Berk. The perfect island... More

This is Berk
Troubles in Paradise
Grimmel, the Hunter
The Dragons
Man Talk
The Attack on Berk
The Meeting
Journey to the Hidden World
Romantic Flight
The Failed Attack
Grimmel and Ruffnut
Time For Something Crazy
The Final Battle
This was Berk

The Hidden World

528 39 5
By OneArtsyGamer03


Only 20 more minutes or so you guys D;

Then, the next story awaits!


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Malin squawks as she looks over the area, her nostrils flaring as she inhales.

"Where is she heading?" Hiccup questions, looking over my shoulder down at her.

"They must be close," I reply, Malin slowly turning around and checking behind her before facing forward. "Huh, girl?"

Malin flies lower, gliding along the ocean.

"There's nothing but miles and miles of..." Hiccup trails off, my ears catching the faint sound of water rushing.

"Hiccup?" I call, looking down at the great waterfall.

The water caved in all around the hole, wind rushing up and causing Malin to glide as she looks around. Malin flew along the edge, chirping and making clicking sounds.

"A great waterfall," Hiccup breathes out, peering down.

"It's just like Stoick said! At the end of the world!" I agree, grinning back at him.

Malin suddenly roars, twirling as Hiccup and I scream and hang on.

"Malin!" I shout, my voice echoing as she dives into the entrance.

Hiccup loosens his grip around me with a sigh of relief, Malin steadying herself and flying deeper in the cave.

Jagged rocks decorated the large cavern, the sound of the waterfall becoming more distant and gentle. Steam squeezed from cracks along the walls, Malin avoiding them for our sakes.

She sniffs at the air, chittering as she swerves right and flies along the water, squeezing through a small entrance.

"I can't see anything," I mumble, my voice louder from the emptiness.

Just as I say this, the water below began to glow a bright blue, lighting up the area.

We both breathe out in awe as Malin flies ahead, large columns of rocks decorated with glowing green and blue lights.

Malin began to glow, a bright pink outlining her lavender scales and a light yellow dancing along her wings. Her already bright blue eyes seemed to brighten even more, a silver tracing along them.

"Wow..." Hiccup softly laughs, gently setting his arm around my waist.

"Look!" I gasp, pointing to a nest.

As Malin flew over it, the eggs lit up a bright orange, revealing the babies inside.

Malin nervously rumbles as she looks around, making me do the same and gasp softly when I notice other dragons nearby.

"We should find cover," I suggest, looking back at Hiccup.

He was distracted, staring up. I follow his gaze, my eyes widening at the sight of small dragons flying overhead, glowing a bright orange.

One notices us, chirping and tilting its head and flying closer. It nudges its nose into my finger when I offered it, making Hiccup chuckle in disbelief and awe.

Malin dives down, following along another waterfall befofe emerging into a wide opened space, dragons flying around in groups. A bright light was at the end, and the dragons seemed to be headed that direction.

"Malin," I warn, making her nod with a small squawk as she angles away from the other dragons, flying lower.

She squeezes in between a small space, landing softly with a chirp. Hiccup jumps down from her, me following and grunting softly as a pain shoots up my back.

Hiccup looks back at me in concern, making me grin and wave my hand dismissively.

"Don't go too far," I smile, rubbing her neck as she excitedly roars, rushing to explore the area.

"It really does exist." Hiccup mumbles, looking around in awe.

Dragons call above us, flying overhead towards the glowing crystal. Hiccup and I crouch to not be detected, moving to the edge and watching.

The dragons swoop up before allowing themselves to fall, making me squint to see what they were doing before I gasp.

"It's Toothless and (D/N)!"

Hiccup goes to move, making me quickly stop him.

"I don't think these dragons are used to humans," I shake my head, making him sigh before nodding as he relaxes.

The Light Fury flies first, followed by Toothless. (D/N) looks around before following them, the Sonic Angel at his side. The dragons follow them, roaring and traveling in a group.

Some on the ground bow to Toothless and the Light Fury as they pass, roaring in respect to (D/N) and the Sonic Angel.

Toothless and the Light Fury land on the top of the large glowing crystal, (D/N) landing behind him.

The Sonic Angel leans into his side with a small purr before allowing him to join Toothless' side.

Toothless grins at his friend before opening his wings, the dragons below roaring happily.

My eyes trail along them before I gasp, noticing Drago's Bewilderbeast was amongst them.

Not only that, but two other Light Furies!

Toothless roars loudly back, rising up slightly before lowering himself. He snorts and looks over at (D/N), making him bow in respect before rising with his own roar.

"I... Guess Toothless is their King," I nod, sighing softly. "And (D/N) is, of course, loyal at his side."

Hiccup remains silent, his face holding pain as I lightly rub his back sympathetically.

Toothless looks back at the Light Fury, making her perk up with a purr as she rises.

(D/N) backs away, bowing to the Light Fury as she passes him. She chitters back with a smile before joining Toothless, the Sonic Angel standing tall with (D/N).

The Light Fury opens her wings, gently flapping them before nuzzling into Toothless. The two then trot around each other with their wings raised, the Light Fury roaring softly. Toothless does the same, and both roar before rubbing their heads together.

The dragons bellow all shake their wings before bowing to their new King and Queen, and to their new Protector and his Warrior-ess.

I look up at Toothless as he nudges into the Light Fury before looking at (D/N). (D/N) gently licks the Sonic Angel's forehead, making her purr and nuzzle him back.

"Hiccup..." My voice comes out weak, tears in my eyes as I look back at him.

"I know, beautiful."

Hiccup sighs softly as he looks at me, leaning over and pressing a lingering kiss on lips and resting his forehead against mine.

"I know." He repeats, tears in his own eyes and his expression pained. "We should go."

I nod, sighing softly.


Third Person P.O.V

"Malin," (Y/N) calls before pausing, turning with wide eyes when she hears low growling. "Hiccup!"

Hiccup swiftly turns with a gasp, "oh, no!"

A large Rumblehorn stood behind them, snarling down at the two intruders. He rises on his back legs, huffing angrily.

Hiccup and (Y/N) reach their hands out, attempting to soothe the dragon. It doesn't work.

The Rumblehorn bellows a roar, Toothless jumping and stepping a few paces away from the Light Fury. (D/N)'s ears perk up fully as he felt dread wash over him, sensing Hiccup and (Y/N).

"Malin!" (Y/N) screams, looking around for the dragon as Hiccup pulls her to his chest, leaping off the ledge as the Rumblehorn snaps at them.

Hiccup holds her close as the two cry out, yelping as they slide down the wall with the Rumblehorn on their tail.

(D/N) roars loudly, swiftly flying off with Toothless behind him. Toothless roars to the dragons, making them halt in confusion.

The Light Fury squawks after them, pacing around nervously as the Sonic Angel's ears fall back, her eyes widening.

Hiccup ducks his head, cradling (Y/N) close and angling himself to avoid the large dragon pursuing them.

Malin bellows as she dives down, ramming into other dragons as she tries to get to the two.

(Y/N) lets out a scream as they fall, Hiccup breaking their fall with a grunt.

"Come on!" He shouts, helping her up and pulling her along as they race from the furious dragons.


(D/N) rams into multiple dragons, ordering them to stop as he focuses on finding his friends. He grunts, calling to Toothless as he dives down.


The Rumbehorn chases (Y/N) and Hiccup through a small cave, (D/N) behind him. (D/N) snarls, swiftly flying past him and scooping the two up as he flies upward.

Toothless joins his side, glaring around at any dragons that come too close.

"I-I'm sorry, buds. I... We just thought..." Hiccup stammers, stopping as Toothless roars powerfully.

The dragons stop chasing them, flying back into the cave. Malin cries out as she quickly joins them, inspecting (Y/N) with a small chitter.

(D/N) pants heavily, looking back. He shakes his head, flying above Toothless and lowering Hiccup onto him.

"I'm sorry too, (D/N). I should have known you'd want to..." (Y/N) trails off as (D/N) sadly smiles down at her, rumbling softly with reassurance as he helps her onto his back.

(Y/N) looks back at Hiccup, the two sharing the same regretful, saddened look as they leave the Hidden World.


Hiccup's face during this scene when he looked at Toothless killed me ):

He was so sad and i wanted to hUG HIMMM


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