Will Of The Dragon (RWBY X Ka...

By Cursed_Knight

13.9K 293 62

RWBY X Kamen Rider crossover A child reincarnate after the purge of the entire world. Will this child be able... More

Harem Pt.1
Harem Pt.2
The Day it All Begins
Welcome to Beacon
The New Day
The Big Test
The Results
The First Day
The Start Of Something New
The Cloaks & Dagger
A Burning Desire
The Other Side
A Dream
The Line Between Friend & Foe

Secrets Within The Team

288 12 3
By Cursed_Knight

Y/N woke up and found himself in a dark area. He got up and started to look around he then saw a large door, and as he began to push, the door wouldn't budge. 

Y/N: Come on! Come on! Open you stupid door!

???: It won't open until you have all the keys. 

Y/N turned around, and when he did, he was soon met with a large dragon. Y/N then realized it was the same dragon that he summoned during his test to get into beacon. 

Y/N: You're that dragon that hit me!

Dragon: Child, you have started to tap into your true power. But by doing so, you will also be exposing yourself to an even greater power. Power that can corrupt you.

When the dragon said that, a dark purple mist came out of Y/N's pocket. Y/N pulled out what was causing it and saw that it was the ring he had gotten from his Wiseman during his first day in Beacon.

Y/N: The Darkness Ring.

Dragon: Kid, that is one power that I recommend that you don't rely on. Instead, you should rely on these. 

The dragon soon raised it's hand and out of nowhere, four mirrors appeared, each with the element of fire, water, wind, and land. As Y/N looked at the fire mirror, he then saw his memory with him and Yang under a tree when they were kids. Y/N then looked at the water mirror, Y/N saw it was a carnival he saw him as a child walking near a booth with a kid that he couldn't get a look at. He then walked to the wind mirror. He then saw him again as a child, this time waving to another child, but this one had animal ears. Y/N then grabbed his head as it began to pulsate. Y/N kept walking as he walked to the land mirror. He then saw it was again as a kid running through the forest with a girl in front of him. But the image of this girl looked clearer, but Y/N still couldn't get a look at her face. 

Y/N: I know this memory. This was the day I finally master my earth magic. But who is this girl with me?

Y/N then looked to the dragon.

Dragon: Your memories have been blocked by that wizard. Unless you remember, you will not be able to fully control my power.

Y/N soon heard the sound of a church bell going off. Y/N looked around to see where the bell was coming from. 

Dragon: The last three are closer to you than you think. 

The dragon began to fly away as he did. Y/N extended his hand and yelled out to him.

Y/N: Wait! Who are they?! Come back!

Y/N soon woke up and found himself in a room. He looked to his right to see Ruby and Yang sitting in some chairs sleeping next to him. As he was getting up, the two began to wake up due to the creaking of the bed. The two girls looked at Y/N as he was getting out of bed. They both ran to him with tears on their faces. The two hugged Y/N tightly. As they did that, the door to the room opened to see his team walking into the room. His team and team JNPR smiled as they saw him awake and with his sisters.

Terra: Yo Boss, you're up!

Emilia: Good to see that you're awake!

Ivy: Up, good.

A Few Minutes Later

Everyone had gathered in the room and started talking.

Y/N: Two days?!

Terra: Yup, you were out for two days!

Ruby: When Yang came back, she was in tears, and I almost had a heart attack.

Yang: I think mom and dad had a heart attack when we told them! They came here almost immediately after we told them.

Y/N: What about the Cultists?

Emilia: Gone. From what Yang said, they just disappeared as soon as the authorities went to the alley way. Said they saw what looked like a fight broke out, but there were no bodies.

Y/N: That's because I used the back of my sword.

Ivy: Non-lethal.

Y/N: Exactly. I needed answers.

As they were talking, the door to the room opened. Y/N saw that it was Ozpin and Goodwitch who entered the room, but then Y/N saw Hana being dragged into the room with Goodwitch grabbing the end of her hood. 

Ozpin: I'm glad you're okay, mister Rose. But I have to ask, do you know who this woman is? We saw her come out of your team's room. She also said that she knows you. 

Y/N: What will happen if I say that I don't know her?

Everyone: Y/N!

Goodwitch: Then we charge her with trespassing. If you say that you do know her, then we need to have a chat.  

Y/N: Well, I don't l-

As Y/N was about to say that he didn't know her, Ruby then elbowed Y/N in the rib quickly. 

Y/N: Oww! I mean, I do know her. 

Goodwitch, then let Hana go. Hana then ran to the group and bowed to the others. 

Hana: Sorry, when I heard that you were in a coma, I ran out to see if you were okay. 

Y/N: You were worried about me?

Hana: I was worried about the debt you still owe me.

Y/N's smile soon changed to one that was annoyed. 

Y/N: You were worried about the money I owe you. 

Hana: Yeah, the money for the rings, the money for the refurnishing to your place, the money to my store, the -.

Y/N: Wait?! What did you do to my place?

Hana: It looked very depressing. So I asked the girls to help me pick out some new furniture, re paint the area-. 

Y/N: Stop right there! Who gave you the right to do that?!

Hana and Y/N faced each other and began to argue! Everyone soon smiled and got up and left the room as the two were arguing.

Ruby: I guess he's okay now.

Emilia: Should we tell him it was our idea to redecorate his room?

Yang: Do you want to deal with that? 

Some of the girls opened the door to see the two fighting again.

Y/N: Do you have any idea how long it took me to find a nice couch?

Hana: A used couch does not count as a nice couch! I even add a nice herb garden by the windowsill!

Y/N: Why would I need that?!

The girls soon closed the door quietly and quickly without the two noticing.

Terra: Never mind.

Emilia: Is it me, or do they argue like some sort of married couple?

A Few Hours Later

Y/N and Hana walked out of Ozpin's office with Hana holding a piece of paper in her hand. The two then sighed loudly.

Y/N: Well, that was rough.

Hana: It could have been worse. I'm now a member of your team.

Y/N: Well, now that this problem is over. I'm going for a walk. See you later.

Y/N and Hana split up and went to separate directions. As Y/N was walking, he soon noticed Jane walking with Cardin and his group.

Y/N: When did those two get all chummy?

Y/N soon walked away from them and made it back to the dorm rooms. He soon knocked on the door to his team's room and awaited for someone to open the door.

Terra: Who is it?

Y/N: It's me.

Terra: Me, who?

Y/N: Terra!

Terra: Alright. Alright. I can't have a little fun?

Y/N: Not when it involves raising my stress level. I have my sisters doing that enough, I don't need another person to do that.

The door opened and Y/N saw Terra going back to her bed as she sat down, Y/N looked to Emilia who was looking at a her scroll. Y/N walked up to her and  Emilia quick turned it off as Y/N was about to see what she was looking at. 

Y/N: Emilia, are you okay?

Emilia: Huh, oh yeah sorry. 

A Few Weeks Ago

Emilia was walking through Atlas Academy and stopped in front of a door. SHe knocked on it and awaited for a response. 

Ironwood: Come in!

Emilia opened the door and saw Ironwood looking at a few pieces of paper. Ironwood looked up at Emilia, who was smiling. 

Emilia: Good morning, Father. I was asked to meet with you today. Is something the matter. 

Ironwood pointed to a chair in front of his desk. Emilia went and took a seat and looked at Ironwood. 

Ironwood: Emilia, I've been told by some of your teachers that you wish to become a huntress still.

Emilia: I do! It's been a long dream that I've had. 

Ironwood: Emilia, if you wish to become a huntress, why not stay here in Atlas?

Emilia soon put a hand on her waist with a look of annoyance.

Emilia: Not this again. I told you before that if I were to stay here, people would start thinking I'm getting preferential treatment because your dad.

Ironwood soon looked at Emilia and then placed his hand on his forehead.

Ironwood: You're killing your father. You know that, don't you?

Emilia soon smiled as Ironwood said that.

Emilia: Does that mean?

Ironwood: Yes. You can go to Beacon Academy. I'll let Ozpin know -.

Emilia: No! I don't want to him to know! If you tell him it means I'll be given special privilege. 

Ironwood: Trust me when I say this Ozpin may seem nice but he doesn't give anyone special privileges. 

As Ironwood pulled his scroll out Winter soon burst into the room. 

Winter: General!

Ironwood: Schnee, I told you that I didn't want to be disturbed!

Winter: I understand that, but you need to have a look. 

Winter soon showed Ironwood a video on a tablet. The video showed of Y/N and Ruby taking on Torchwick's men. 

Y/N: Henshin!

Flame, Please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi! 

Ironwwod soon looked closely into the fight but mainly at Y/N.

Ironwood: I have to contact Ozpin. 

Emilia looked a the video as well and saw how he fought and what he was doing. She then looked at Ironwood who was talking to Ozpin.

Ironwood: Oz, is he who you think he is. I know, he's a kid but he maybe the key to our victory. I get it, we need to be careful about this but we need to make sure we're right. 

Ironwood soon put the scroll down and then sighed hevaily. As he looked out the window he soon saw Emilia's refection through the window. 

Ironwood: That's it!

Ironwood looked to Emilia with a smile. 

Ironwood: Emilia, can you do me a favor. 

Emilia: What's up dad?

Ironwood soon pointed to Y/N on the tablet .

Ironwood: This boy, I need you to look in to me for me. 


Emilia: Y/N, I need to ask you something. 

Y/N: Sure, what up?

Emilia: I want you to teach me to use magic.

A Few Minutes later 

Y/N was at the roof of the building watching Emilia extending her hand out as well as Terra and Ruby who was next to her. 

Emilia: Haaa! No. Haaa! Nothing!

Terra: Haa! Yeah, I got nothing.

Y/N: Your not even trying Terra.

Ruby: Come on flames, just come out!

Y/N: And your trying to hard. If you keep doing that your going to sprain your back. 

Ruby looked to Y/N in frustration. 

Ruby: Well I haven't been trained in the art of magic for ten years like you.

Y/N: Hey, I was taught for six years and then for the last four I was self taught through a book. If I can do it so can you. 

Emilia: That's easier said then done. Look at me I can't do what you do. Maybe if you can spare me a ring.

Emilia then eyed Y/N's holster to where he keeps his rings. Y/N then took a step back as he saw that look in Emilia's eye. 

Y/N: No! Look first we need to know if you have the ability to produce magic. I didn't get my ring until I could produce a small flame. It shouldn't be that hard if I could do it when I was seven years old. 

Ruby: But this is going to take forever. 

Y/N: Look Ruby, I don't know why you're here?

Ruby: I saw you, Terra, and Emilia going up to the roof, so I thought I should watch you an make sure you weren't doing anything weird. 

Y/N: Why did you read ninjas of l- .

Y/N was soon met with Emilia sucker punching him in the gut with her face deep red. 

Emilia: I said never to talk about it!

Y/N: Uhhh, I forgot. 

A Few Hours Later

Y/N was in bed looking up at the ceiling. As he was looking up he pulled out his darkness ring and started looking at it. 

Y/N: I was told you were dangerous, but the bigger question is where did you come from. 

Y/N began to close his eyes and let his mind drift as he did he opened his eyes once more this time he found himself in a cave. He looked around to see no one was around.

Y/N: Hello?! Is anyone here?

Y/N walked to see around the cave until he saw a figure at the entrence of the cave he soon ran to the figure and noticed it was a small boy. He soon made it and touched the child's shoulder.

Y/N: Hey, kid what are you doing here?

???: Why are you here?

Y/N: What do you mean?

???: You shouldn't be here? The others will find you if they know your here?

Y/N: Others? What others are you talking about?

Before the boy could say anythng else he soon heard the sound of metal shoes walking towards them. The boy took Y/N's hand and dragged him away.

???: Follow me!

The boy soon took Y/N to a large wooden door. The boy opened it and soon Y/N saw a cottage inside. The boy soon took him in.

???: Stay here! I'll try and talk him down. 

Y/N: Wait!

The boy soon closed the door before Y/N could stop him. Y/N then try and pull the door but it wouldn't budge. 

???: He has guts for being so young. But I mean he was the first. 

Y/N turned around to be meet with a man in a white cloak. He sat down at a table with two cups out. He soon pointed to the empty seat in front of him. 

???: Sit. Your tea is going to get cold. 

Y/N sat down and looked at the tea and then at the man. 

???: Care for some thing to eat?

Y/N: Uh, no. I'm good. But you said that kid was the first. First of what exactly?

???: Ah, right this is probably your first time being here.

Y/N: Yeah, can you tell me where here is.

???: Well, we've called this place the Nexus. A place where all us live now. 

Y/N: The Nexus. So who are you?

???: If I tell you now you wouldn't believe me. But I will tell you this, you should be careful of that white haired old fool. He trying to fix a mistake that he didn't really cause. Though I guess were not so different from him too. 

Y/N: What do you mean?

The white robbed figure soon waved his hand from side to side. 

???: A forget what I said just talking to myself. Anyway you need to be careful now with that ring. It maybe powerful but it hold so much of our hate. Hate that we hold because of what we regret and resent.

Soon the door began to pound heavily. The white robbed figure got up and waved his hand and a second door opened. This time it was silver with a heart symbol on it. The figure soon handed Y/N something.

???: Now get going, I'm going to talk to tin man myself. Maybe a few bolts of lightening will calm him down. By the way next time you come back here, think of this place first, you don't want to end up in the cave or the castle. 

The hooded figure opened the silver door and pushed Y/N through. Y/N soon found himself at the bottom of his bedroom floor. As he was getting up he went back to bed and grab the covers to his bed but instead he felt something squishy instead. 

Y/N: That's not my blanket. 

Y/N quickly looked to see his hand was on Yang. He then turned complexly white as he saw his hand was on Yang's breast. 

Y/N(Mind): I'm a dead man. No, wait better question, why is Yang here!

He soon noticed that Yang was still asleep. 

Y/N(Mind): Okay, Y/N, calm down. I need to stop squeezing Yang's pillows. Otherwise, Yang will wake up, and I will die. Okay, I just need to let my hand relax and try and let go. 

Y/N immediately let go of Yang's breast and began to move it ever so slowly away from her. But before he could wiggle his hand free Yang who was still asleep, instinctual grabbed Y/N's hand and placed it back on her chest.

Y/N(Mind): Noooo!

Yang began to talk in her sleep as she turned her back away from Y/N.

Yang: Mmm. Don't let me go.

Y/N: Shit! Now, how do I get out of this?

Hana: I don't know, how'd you get into this. Is the better question.

Y/N: Well obviously it's because- .

Y/N soon stopped talking and froze in fear. He soon turned his head around to look and saw Hana looking at him with her cold dead stare.

Y/N: How long have you've been watching?

Hana: Oh, long enough to know that your a sick deviant who like to assault girls while they sleep.   

Y/N: I can explain.

Hana kept staring and waited for him to respond.

Hana: Well, I'm waiting for your explanation. 

Y/N: Well not right now! I mean later I can explain when I'm in my right mind. 

Hana soon walked away from Y/N without saying a word. As she left Y/N sighed heavily as soon as she closed the door. He soon turned back to Yang but was shocked to see her awake and was staring at him. 

Y/N: Morning.

Yang: Care to explain.

Y/N: I swear I didn't mean to.

Yang soon reached for Y/N and he was prepared to be killed only for her to grab his head and pull him in close. 

Yang: Just let me sleep for a few more minutes. 

Y/N: You're not mad?

Yang: I will be if you don't let me sleep for a few more minutes. 

Y/N just stayed quite and allowed Yang to sleep.

A Few Hours Later

Y/N was in an airship along with his team, Hana, and several other students. As the ship landed Y/N got out and stretched his arms in the air. as he was stretching Hana soon kicked Y/N in the butt. 

Hana: You're in the way!

Y/N: Hey, why did you do that. 

Hana just looked at him with a bit of anger in her eyes. She then walked away in anger without saying anything. 

Y/N: What did I do now?

In the distance a figure looked at the group of students from a top of a tree branch. 

???: Found you. 

The figure soon jumped down from the tree branch and ran to a large bush to hide, while still keeping an eye on all of the students. 

???: Now to get some answers. 

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