Across the hall

By tvwriteher

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Maya James is a 20 something trying to figure out her life as she navigates career and relationships experien... More

THE CAST (season one)
Season One Ep 5: you must really
Season One Ep 6: I know if I'm haunting you, you must be haunting me
Season One Ep 7: Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black.
Season One Ep 8: Well raise up your glass and laugh like a mutha!
Episode Nine: I know you know how to make me jealous
Episode Ten: my shiny teeth and me.
Episode 12: On the first day of Christmas my baby gave to me.
Episode 13: Its my birthday I deserve to be greedy huh?
Episode 14: What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
EPISODE 16: do you want to know a secret?
Episode 17: When Maya Falls In Love
EPISODE 18: The Other Jackson
EPISODE 19: Valentines Day
EPISODE 20: Knew Better/Forever Boy
Episode 21: Maya and Sterling Part One
S2 episode 3: FOR THE LOVE OF YOU
S2 Episode 4: You don't know about it, how I'm a grown man
S2 Ep 5: too little too late

Episode Eleven: And we always argue bout the same thing

111 9 49
By tvwriteher


Maya Hazel Sterling and Ryan are sitting at a table drinks and food in between them and laughter, Ryan has just told a joke.

The waitress walks over to them.

WAITRESS-You guys still doing okay?

They all still laugh and nod yes. The waitress smiles and places receipts on the table. Maya picks up Sterlings.

MAYA- You know what Sterling I got you.

Sterling and Hazel look confused.


HAZEL- Yeah why how come you don't got me?

MAYA- I can't be nice and treat a black man now?

Sterling squints.

STERLING- What do you want from me?

MAYA- Can't someone do something nice for a friend?

Sterling pauses, looking at her.

STERLING- What do you want from me?

MAYA- Wow , you really think every gift comes with strings attached, huh?

RYAN- they do if they come from me.

Sterling and Ryan bust into laughs.

HAZEL- You're disgusting.

Ryan smiles.

MAYA- You guys live in a sad selfish world.....just sad and selfish.

STERLING- Okay then, since you're treating I'll have another-

Maya stands up out of her seat and covers his mouth.

MAYA- aht! Not another until you answer my question.

Sterling looks at her. Maya removes her hand and sits back down.

STERLING- I knew it...what is it?

Maya smiles at him.

STERLING- Don't do that.

MAYA- Don't do what?

Maya smiles again.

STERLING- That...just ask me.

MAYA- Okay, can I borrow your car tomorrow on my lunch break?


MAYA- see Saks fifth avenue is having this sale starting right twelve and I want to be first in lane so I can get this purse and then make it back to to work on time.

STERLING- It's no purse in the world worth all of that.

Maya pulls out her phone and shoves it in his face.

MAYA- look at ittttt.

Sterling rolls his eyes and moves the phone out of his face a little and looks at the picture.

STERLING- Okay that is a nice.

Maya smiles.

MAYA- See.

STERLING- You know I would do anything for you.

Maya blushes.

STERLING- But I can't help you.

Maya jaw drops.

MAYA- Well why not?!

STERLING-You driving my car without me... that's risky I mean that's my baby.

MAYA-But you let me drive your car before?

STERLING-Yes with me present.

MAYA- Come on Sterling I promise I'll be careful and I'll come right back. Pleaseeeeeee.

Sterling looks at her, still debating.


STERLING- Okay Okay...fine.

Maya gets a huge smile.

STERLING- But I mean it? take care of my baby.

MAYA- you have my word.

Maya stands up.

MAYA- now I have to pee.

RYAN- thanks for that information.

Hazel laughs. Maya rolls her eyes and goes to the bathroom.

Sterling's phone DINGS he checks it.

RYAN- Hazel would you ever date a dude?

HAZEL- I have before.

RYAN- seriously?

HAZEL- Yeah and that told me everything I need to do.

RYAN- but guys have gotten so much better since then.

Hazel looks at Sterling who's smiling at his phone.

HAZEL- what girl has you smiling this week Sterling?

Sterling looks up at her.

STERLING- first of all this is not a girl...this is work...Mrs.Robinson wants me to pitch to Jaylin Kirkland tomorrow for the cover of our next issue.

Hazel and Ryan both smile like they know what that means.

RYAN- Oh thats cool.

HAZEL-Congrats Sterling, to you and Jaylin whoever that is.

STERLING- he's the new quarterback for New York Giants.

Hazel looks at him still unaware. Sterling sighs.

STERLING- he was in that Coco Jones music video.

HAZEL- ohhh he's cute.

RYAN- aha! See! I told you guys have gotten better.

HAZEL- Ryan just because I'm a lesbian doesn't mean I'm blind. That's an attractive man.

RYAN- Yeah whatever that means.

Hazel looks at him confused.

Sterling laughs.

HAZEL- speaking of men is there a reason we're not at Tony's tonight?

Ryan looks at her like he's been caught. 

RYAN- If you think I'm avoiding Nick I'm not.

HAZEL- Okay.

RYAN- My God since you're begging, I hate the dog he got me....and I don't know how to tell him.

STERLING- you better figure out a way to, I'm sick of that thing.

Maya returns sitting back down.

MAYA- Sterling that is no way to walk about the women you're seeing.

Hazel laughs.

STERLING- I wouldn't talk about a woman I've seen like that.

MAYA- Sure.

STERLING- I'm really not a fan of kissing and telling.

Maya jaw drops and Sterling shoots her a look.

MAYA-(V.O) damn he's good.


Maya comes out of her bedroom in pajamas and Hazel sits in the couch in pajamas as well and finishing a call.

HAZEL- I miss you too....I can't wait for you to get back. See you soon....bye.

Hazel hangs up the phone.

Maya sits next to her smiling at her like a little kid.

HAZEL- come on are we watching home alone two or what?

MAYA- Kevin can wait trust me he has nothing but time with his mama leaving him again.

Hazel laughs.

MAYA- I want to talk about you....look at you going strong with Teseana, two months together.

HAZEL- MJ please.

MAYA- no I'm really happy you two are great together and it looks like the L word is next.

HAZEL- Here you go relax.

MAYA- I'm sorry but I'm ready to a maid of honor ugh Im gonna look so good.

HAZEL- (sarcastic) Oh yeah I should definitely get married so you can look good.

Maya laughs.

MAYA- Im playing.

HAZEL- bitch no you not.

They both laugh.

MAYA- but no for real, I just like seeing you happy and seeing someone appreciate you as much as I do.

Hazel smiles, she's touched.

HAZEL- no one will ever appreciate me as much as you do.

Maya smiles.

MAYA- I know but it's nice to see someone come close.

HAZEL- you know what.

They both laugh hard and Maya picks up the remote.

MAYA- okay what ..wellyou wanna watch now?

HAZEL- Yeah or you can tell me about what happened with you and Sterling that I missed.

MAYA- (avoiding) Huh?

HAZEL- no huh bitch....I saw your face when he said he doesn't kiss and tell.

MAYA- (lying) girl I was just shocked he doesn't kiss and tell.


MAYA- Okay okay...the next day after Sterling took care of me when I got my teeth pulled, I kissed him.


MAYA- I know...

HAZEL- So was it like a kiss kiss or like (seductive) kiss kiss.

Maya looks at her confused.

MAYA- Very much the first one.

HAZEL- oh bitch boo.

MAYA- excuse me?

HAZEL- I've been wanting you two to get together since the night you didn't get together... which is still crazy to me but you know.

Maya rolls her eyes.

MAYA- Sterling is....well he's Sterling and I mean he took care of me....and that was really was a thank you for taking care of me kiss....yeah that's what it was.

Hazel rolls her eyes.

HAZEL- You keep playing cat and mouse with him until he ends up at the wrong house with a new cat.

Maya looks at her confused.

MAYA- That is literally not how that saying goes.

HAZEL-Whatever, Im a lawyer.

Maya looks at her.

MAYA- Thank God for that.

Hazel pauses and looks at her and they both burst into laughs.

HAZEL- fuck you.

MAYA- Love you too.


Sterling sits on the couch on his laptop and Ryan sits on the love seat next to him petting the dog.

Sterling sneezes.

STERLING- can you get that thing out of here already?

RYAN- don't talk to....

Sterling looks at him.

STERLING- you don't know his name do you?

Ryan sucks his teeth.

RYAN- yes I do.

Sterling smiles a little.

STERLING- okay what is it?

RYAN- it's

STERLING- Just dog?

RYAN- yes.

Sterling shakes his head.

STERLING- you ain't shit.

RYAN- speaking of ain't shit you gonna call that girl back from the other night?

STERLING- Eh...wasn't really feeling it.

Ryan looks shocked.

RYAN- Why not? She was hot.

STERLING- Yeah but I don't really a future there.

RYAN- who cares about a future she's hot and she made some good french toast.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING-Wait she cooked in here?

RYAN-(confused) Yeah...

Sterling shrugs.

STERLING-Oh...that's nice.

Ryan looks at him confused.

STERLING- Not really much future there.

Ryan rolls his eyes.

RYAN- Ever since MJ kissed you you been acting different.

STERLING- how so?

RYAN-Exhibit A.

STERLING- because I see no future with a girl?

RYAN-since when do you care about future? and Unless it's with MJ-

Sterling looks at him. Ryan slowly begins to smile.

RYAN- Wait so it is with MJ.....

STERLING- I dont know I've been thinking.

Ryan gets a huge smile

RYAN- wait seriously?!

Ryan hops up dropping the dog. Sterling looks at him confused.


RYAN- he'll be fine this is in their nature.

Sterling shoots him a look.

STERLING- to get dropped?!

Ryan looks down at the dog.

RYAN- whatever, so what are you really saying?

Sterling looks at him and then looks back at his laptop.

STERLING- Im saying....I have been thinking about maybe, asking her out on a date.

RYAN- Oh shit really?! About damn time.

STERLING-Relax,I said maybe.

Ryan sits back down and throws up his hands.

RYAN- Why maybe?

Sterling looks at him up and down.

STERLING- I just want to be sure.

RYAN- Well look if you're not sure dont do a thing....if you rush and ruin it....that could be the end of all of us.

STERLING- The end of all of us?

RYAN-If you two date and break up imagine how our friend group will be.

Sterling looks at him, listening and thinking.

RYAN- as bad as I want you two to date I would rather it be right.

Sterling nods.

STERLING- I should of also mentioned she said she loved me that night too.

Ryan jumps back up.

RYAN-Like out her mouth?!

STERLING- No out her ass?! Yes out her mouth!

RYAN- I'm sorry but that's just.... I'm shocked...that's huge.

STERLING- and the things is you know my usual issue with the L word?

RYAN- Yeah I made an entire score board out of it.

Sterling shoots him a look.

STERLING-anyway....I didn't even feel a way when I heard her say it. It felt kinda good?

Ryan smiles.

RYAN-So do you love her too?

Sterling looks at him.


Mrs.Robinson sits at her desk. Sterling walks inside.

STERLING- you wanted to see me?


Mrs. Robinson spins in her chair towards him.

MRS.ROBINSON- Jaylin Epps... just wanted to make sure we're on the same page. I need him on the cover of the next issue.

Sterling smiles and nods.

STERLING- oh you know me and Jaylin went to college together...pitching to will be easy.

MRS.ROBINSON-So I've heard....I also heard you two were very competitive.

Sterling laughs a little.

STERLING- Just regular competitiveness...nothing major.

MRS.ROBINSON- Well I need it to be at zero....he's at the top of every woman's and girls radar at the moment he will be perfect for the cover.

STERLING- Will do....I got you I promise.



Maya arrives to her desk and it has a package on it. She looks at it confused and then eyes Candace who sits at her desk.

Candace shrugs, confused as well.

Maya sits at her desk and opens the package it's an Ivy Park set.

MAYA- (V.O) Now who the hell?

She looks around the box.

MAYA- (V.O) My size too.

Brian approaches her.

BRIAN- so I guess you like it?

Maya looks up at him.

MAYA- you've got to be kidding me.

MAYA (V.O) - I have done nothing ignored him for the few days.


Maya gets off the elevator and walks pass Brian who tries to get her attention but she ignores him


Maya is in the living room watching a youtube workout video and following a long.

There's a knock at the door. She pauses the video and rushes over to the door and opens it.

Brian stands.

MAYA- Oh hell no.

Maya begins to close the door as he begins to talk.


Maya closes the door.


Maya sits at her desk using her sewing machine. Her phone begins to get back to back notifications. All text messages and calls from Brian.

She rolls her eyes and quickly picks up her phone and blocks his phone number.

She puts her phone back down and goes back to stitching and then she gets another notification.

MAYA- Seriously?!

she picks up her phone and it's a instagram DM from Brian.

BRIAN VIA DM: Yo you really blocked me?!


BRIAN- Just hear me out for a second.

MAYA- No...and do you really have to do this here?

BRIAN-you won't talk to me anywhere else.

MAYA- Did you not get the hint from the last time we talked?

Brian nods guilty.

BRIAN- Yeah I do but-

MAYA- it's no buts and this gift is nice but that doesn't change anything.

BRIAN- I know it can't change anything but I am sorry...I was tripping it was stupid and immature...and I'm sorry for hurting you.

Maya looks at him.

BRIAN- I know you probably don't believe me but you do mean something to me MJ, and I can't get you out of my head...I miss you.

Maya looks at him.

MAYA-(V.O) I don't like how I'm starting to fall for this, how have a not learned?

Maya computer gets a notification a meeting reminder.

MAYA- We have a um I gotta go.

Maya tries to rush and lock her computer and knocks over her things.

Brian looks at her confused. Maya gets up to leave.

BRIAN- that's all you gonna say?

Maya turns around to him.

MAYA- mazel tov.

Brian looks at her confused.

Maya rushes away.

MAYA- (V.O) bitch mazel tov?


Stylists, assistants, models, all frantically running around. Through the gaze of fake white snow and snowflakes we can make out some of the set which consists of a gingerbread house.

Maya spots Josh and walks over to him.

MAYA- I didn't expect this to be so christmasy.

Josh laughs.

JOSH- Just in time for the season.

Maya nods.

MAYA- definitely...I just thought Mrs.Robinson would like any of this.

Josh smiles and then stops.

JOSH-OH no she hates it but the readers, they love it every year.

Maya laughs.

MAYA- so who's on the cover?

JOSH- Jaylin Epps.


JAYLIN EPPS 20s jaw dropping handsome walks through the office with his head held high.

He approaches Sterling's office and smiles at the name on the door.


Jaylin enters and Sterling gets out of his seat to shake his hand tightly.

JAYLIN- Check this guy out.

He holds up Sterling's wrist. Sterling laughs.

JAYLIN- is that a Hermes?

STERLING- Something slight for a Friday.

Jaylin laughs.

JAYLIN- for a Friday.

STERLING- Im not even gonna ask you what's on your feet.

Jaylin smiles.

JAYLIN-That's for friday's too.

They both laugh and shake hands again.

Jaylin takes a seat in front of Sterling desk. Sterling walks over to his glass mini fridge and pulls out two waters and walks over to his desk handing Jaylin one of them. Sterling then takes a seat.

JAYLIN- Man I remember when you use to talk about being here doing this.

Sterling takes a sip of his water.

STERLING-Im still not there yet.

JAYLIN- shit but you close though....look at this office....only thing missing is the Mrs.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- I do have two dishwashers.

They both laugh.

STERLING-But you been on your grind too, the first QB in NFL history to record three straight seasons with 10 or more touchdowns on the ground, and with 18 passing TDs through 11 games.

Jaylin smiles and shrugs.

JAYLIN- So are you a Giants fan now?

STERLING- Too much dip on your chip brother.

Jaylin laughs.

STERLING- But you know I might get a jersey or something if you do this cover.

Jaylin sips his water.

JAYLIN- I don't know man.

STERLING- Bro what's wrong with the cover?

JAYLIN- I feel like everyone is way too deep into me off the field right now...Im not really into that.

STERLING- Bro what? You're not into having a brand.

JAYLIN- Yeah that's not making me into a pretty boy.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- Jay you always been that man, come on.

Maya then enters walking over to Sterling's desk.

MAYA- Oh...sorry to interrupt but I need your keys.

Jaylin checks her out.

STERLING- Oh yeah.

Sterling opens his desk draw and grabs his keys.

STERLING- Please take care of my baby.

Maya rolls her eyes.

MAYA-Yeah yeah with my life...I know.

Sterling hands her his keys.

STERLING-and can you bring me back some Panera?

MAYA- got you.

Maya leaves. Jaylin watches her and gets a smile and then shoots a look Sterling who is typing on his computer.

STERLING- Now look at the numbers and engagement this would get if you do this cover-

JAYLIN- Yeah that's great but who is that?


Jaylin looks at him confused.

JAYLIN-Who? That fine ass girl that was just in here....and asking for your keys...that's you?

Sterling is caught off guard not expecting this conversation.

STERLING-Oh...that's Maya she works here...she'll probably be working on your cover.

Jaylin smiles.

JAYLIN- so yall dating?

STERLING-Us? Nah we just friends man.

Jaylin smiles and nods.

JAYLIN- Bet....check this out I'll do the cover.

Sterling smiles.


JAYLIN-but you gotta hook me with her.


JAYLIN- yeah fool.

STERLING- I can't do that.

JAYLIN- Why? I knew you you're dating her.

STERLING- Nah it's just um....she has a boyfriend.

Jaylin looks at him confused.

STERLING- serious boyfriend... like three years strong.

Jaylin shakes his head.

JAYLIN- damn...of course she does.

Sterling nods.

STERLING- but um about the cover.

JAYLIN- I'll still do it....especially if it means I get to work with her.

Sterling panics.

STERLING- Why does working with her matter I told you she has a boyfriend?

JAYLIN- if she is in here needing your car keys when she has a boyfriend he obviously isnt doing his job....and that's leave it wide open for me.

Sterling lets out a nervous laugh.

STERLING- right.

JAYLIN- plus it like you use to always say, if a woman isnt married she's single.

Sterling lets out another nervous laugh.

STERLING- yeah I said that.

Jaylin smiles.


Hazel walks inside talking on the phone.

HAZEL- (on the phone) Im happy it worked out for you getting Sterling's car was smart.

Hazel walks into the line, while NICOLE 20's dressed to impressed approaches her with two other women.

NICOLE- Hazel?

Hazel turns and looks at her.

HAZEL- Hey Nicole. (into the phone) MJ let me call you back.


Hazel quickly hangs up the phone and smiles at Nicole.

HAZEL- So how have you been?

NICOLE- I've been co workers decided to take me out to celebrate.

Hazel smiles and looks in confusion.

HAZEL- Okay what are we celebrating?

Nicole smiles and the girls next to her cheer her on.

NICOLE- I just made partner!

Hazel looks confused.

HAZEL- (pissed) What but you're only twenty five?

Nicole looks at her confused.

HAZEL- I mean...yay congrats at only twenty five...go girl.

NICOLE-I know right! Me only focusing on my work cutting out every else in my life has worked so well.

HAZEL- When you say cut off everything else....

NICOLE- Let's just say my social life is at an all time low girl.

Nicole laughs.

NICOLE-but hopefully now that can change now.

Hazel fake laughs.

HAZEL- Right....Well I'll leave you to celebrate...congrats again.

Hazel forces a smile and turns to leave.

NICOLE- (confused) wait you arent ordering anything?

HAZEL-(to herself) shit.

Hazel slowly turns around.

HAZEL-(laughing) Girl you thought I came in here to order food?

Nicole looks at her confused.

NICOLE- Why else would you come in a cafe?

HAZEL-Girl because....I wanted to um.

Hazel looks around the place and spots a stack of newspapers.

HAZEL-I wanted to grab a newspaper.

Hazel picks up one of the news papers and walks towards the door.

CASHIER- You have to pay for those.

Hazel stops and puts cash on the counter in a awkward silence, everyone watches her. She then leaves.


HAZEL- Fuck I really wanted a beignet.


Ryan stands behind the DJ BOOTH, his face frowning as he watches the CUSTOMER white late 40s dance along to the music while watching their one stripper perform.

The customer walks over to the booth and tips Ryan.

CUSTOMER- Man you killed it in here the other night.

Ryan rolls his eyes and turns his head.

RYAN-No need to be rude man it was a honest mistake.

The customer looks confused.

CUSTOMER- What was a mistake? I loved your setlist old school hip hop is my favorite.

Ryan slowly gets a smile.

RYAN- oh wow thanks.

CUSTOMER- Some good ole Juvenile Mike Jones Ludacris Nelly that's my type of thing.

Ryan laughs a little.

RYAN- Yeah the early 2000's made some great music.

CUSTOMER- Nothing but classics....when I saw that you were in here spinning on my lunch break I knew I had to come in.

Ryan smiles.

RYAN-Cool...I appreciate that.

The customer hands Ryan a business card.

CUSTOMER- Listen Im having a party and I want the type of music you play.

Ryan nods.

CUSTOMER- it's this weekend we'd love to have you.

RYAN- Cool...I'll be there absolutely.

CUSTOMER- great, it's for my son's bar mitzvah.

Ryan frowns his face.

RYAN-Dude I can't do that I'm an adult for adults.

CUSTOMER- come on I'll match your rate here.

Ryan looks at him debating.

CUSTOMER- In fact....I'll double it....and it's a good crowd you'll leave with so many tips.


Everyone is scattering around in a hurry getting ready for photoshoot.

Jaylin stands in front of the back drop posing.

Maya has a her laptop in her hands and different pieces of fabrics over her shoulders.

Mrs.Robinson walks in.

MRS.ROBINSON- are we ready?

MAYA- I just I did want to switch a few pieces though...we should place him some blue kinda nod to his team and then I was thinking this beige piece it's a bit plan but it will work perfectly for him he doesn't need much.

Mrs.Robinson nods.

MRS.ROBINSON- I like it..everyone listen to MJ.

Maya looks shocked. Josh smiles proudly.

MAYA- really?

JESSICA-Yeah really? You're putting a rookie in charge.

MAYA- let's relax a bit.

MRS.ROBINSON- The rookie is the one with her hands could look a thing or two.

Jessica turns away.

MRS.ROBINSON- Come on people let's wrap this up.

Maya rushes over to Jaylin and begins to measure him.

JAYLIN- You know you shouldn't be bothered by someone calling you a rookie.

Maya looks at him confused.

JAYLIN- the conversation you just had.

MAYA- oh you heard that.

Jaylin smiles.

JAYLIN-and even more I heard that (mocking Maya) "lets relax a bit".

Maya laughs embarrassed.

JAYLIN- Where you from?


JAYLIN- Houston.

MAYA- I knew I heard a little accent.

Jaylin laughs.

JAYLIN- I know you not talking about a accent.

Maya laughs.

MAYA- I don't have a accent.

JAYLIN- Yeah okay....but um, what does your boyfriend think about your accent?

Maya looks at him.

MAYA-(V.O)Oh he just ate that now I wanna...well you get the idea.

MAYA- I dont have a boyfriend....but if I did Im sure he wouldn't think I had one.

Jaylin smiles.

JAYLIN- no boyfriend? You sure? Because I heard differently.

MAYA- No one can tell you about me more than me.

Maya pats his shoulder.

MAYA- Im all done here for now.

Maya rolls up her measuring tape and starts to walk over to the clothing rack,

JAYLIN- How about when you're really done here....we go out to dinner tonight?

Maya grabs a shirt of the rack and turns to him and smirks.


Maya now dressed in a fancy black dress, stands in her mirror as Hazel fixes her hair.

HAZEL- So who is Jaylin again?

MAYA- some football player....he's really cute...and I could use a date night.

HAZEL-You could of been going out with-

Maya shoots her a look.

MAYA-Haze dont start....let's get into why you hung up on me today.

HAZEL- relax dramatic...but I ran into this girl I use to mentor in law school....she made partner...before me, the little bitch.

Maya's eyes widened.

MAYA- Okay so we don't like this girl?

Hazel sighs and sits on Maya's bed.

HAZEL- No she's a great girl, a smart girl...but she was my can my mentee make partner before me? That's like against the whole mentor laws.

Maya sits next to her on the bed and puts her arm around her.

MAYA- Honey I love you but that's not a thing.

HAZEL- Im making up stuff again?

Maya nods.

MAYA- you are but you know what I love you so much Im gonna let you cook.

Hazel laughs a little.

HAZEL-Thanks but...MJ. I don't know I feel like a let down.

MAYA- What you're not a let're gonna make partner at you're own time.

HAZEL- Yeah but what time is that?

MAYA-you cant force what's for you....look how you didnt plan to be in a relationship and then Teseana showed up.

HAZEL- Yeah but I would rather have-

Hazel pauses. They both look at each other.

MAYA- You would rather be partner than be with Teseana?

Hazel quickly stands up.

HAZEL- I did not say that.

MAYA- but you're not not saying....

HAZEL- I like Teseana alot.....but Nicole did say she only focused on her job and had no social life until she became partner.

MAYA- Haze.

HAZEL- But that doesnt mean Im going to that...Im just talking about what she said.

Maya looks at her.

HAZEL- It's fine Im fine 100 hundred percent.

Maya phones vibrates.

MAYA-Please don't overthink're doing everything you're suppsoed to be doing.

Hazel nods.

Maya stands up and hugs her.

MAYA- I'll be back later and we can stay up and talk about how bad my date is probably about to be and have ice cream.

Hazel laughs.

HAZEL- He's gonna die when he see's you and buy you whatever you want.

Maya smiles

MAYA- Let's hope.

Hazel laughs. Maya leaves. Hazel looks down at her phone at a picture of her and Teseana.


Sterling sits on the couch on his computer. Ryan walks in and flops on the love seat next to him placing his legs across the arms of the chair.

STERLING- Thank God you took that dog to Nicks.

Ryan nods.

STERLING-What's up with you?

RYAN- I got an offer today to make the most money I have ever made for a gig.

Sterling looks at him confused waiting to hear the bad part.

RYAN- it's to DJ a bar mitzvah, there's no way I'm gonna spin for a bunch of kids dude.

Sterling looks him up and down.

STERLING- Boy you better go make that.

RYAN- What?

STERLING- You're gonna turn down your highest paying gig because it's for a bunch of rich kids? No way you're you know how many old ass jewish clients I have? Those people are loaded they gonna treat you right.

RYAN- But it's for their kids....Im not a kid DJ.

STERLING- Does the kid enjoy the music you spin?


STERLING- Then that's all that should want to spin for people that actually enjoy your music. Come on Ry.

RYAN- The Dad really was hyping me up.

Sterling smiles.

STERLING- See there you go man.

RYAN- Okay I'll do it...I'll call him in the morning.

Sterling nods.

STERLING- look at that...Im finally about to get some rent.

Ryan laughs and walks over to the kitchen.

RYAN- who said that?

Sterling shoot shim a look. Ryan opens the fridge.

RYAN- What we doing for dinner?

STERLING- Not sure was waiting for you and Maya and Hazel...figured we were going to the up and up?

RYAN- Aww that's sweet but I can tell you now MJ will not be joining us.

STERLING- Why you say?

RYAN- I just seen her on her way out and she looked like she was going on a date.

Sterling looks at him confused.

RYAN- She had on her good bra and everything.


RYAN- You know that bra that makes her boobs look wow.

STERLING- Im not talking about her bra you weirdo.

RYAN- Oh come on like you haven't noticed the bra.

STERLING- Ryan....

RYAN-fine whatever I'll shut up but that doesn't change that she is on a date.

Sterling looks at him.


Maya and Jaylin sit across from each other in the middle of talking, there's food in front of then and their glasses are full of wine and these two are hitting it off.

JAYLIN- You are so beautiful.

Maya blushes.

MAYA- Oh stop it.

Jaylin laughs.

MAYA-I'm playing keep going.

Jaylin laughs.

JAYLIN- I think you know.

MAYA- It's nice to be appreciated though.

JAYLIN- I agree with you there.

MAYA-That's funny because I heard it was hard to get you on the cover today.

Jaylin blushes and laughs.

JAYLIN- I had not issue with the cover....I just wanted to be sure I came off correctly....I want everyone to see me as a football player first....not some socialite.

MAYA-Yeah but it's no harm in having a brand.

Jaylin laughs.

JAYLIN- You sound just like Sterling.

MAYA- Oh please...he wishes I sound like him.

JAYLIN-I can tell yall are close....that's probably why he said you had a boyfriend when I told him I wanted to ask you out.

Maya laughs.

MAYA- yeah we are close....(realizing) wait he told you what?


Sterling is asleep when there's three LOUD knocks at the door. He wakes and jumps up.

STERLING- Who the hell?

He rushes out of his room to the door.


Sterling opens the door. Maya pushes past him.


MAYA- What the hell is wrong with you?

STERLING- besides you banging on my door at...

He looks at the clock in the kitchen.

STERLING- 3 am?!

MAYA- Yes 3 am do you know what I thought I would be doing at 3 am?!

Sterling looks at her confused.

MAYA- Having sex great sex!

STERLING- Clearly you need to be.

Maya hits him on the shoulder.

MAYA- Why did you tell Jaylin I had a boyfriend when he told you he wanted to ask me out?!

STERLING- First of all ow? and Second Maya-

MAYA-It has to be two reasons...either temporary insanity or permanent insanity or wait wait.....PERMANENT INSANITY.

Maya begins to hit him again. Sterling grabs her hand.

STERLING- can you stop? and let me talk?

MAYA- No because if it was insanity I could forgive you but I'm not buying....I mean you are a little off but this isn't one of those what is it? Jealousy?

STERLING- jealousy? now who's talking crazy! I was doing you a favor!

MAYA-What favor?

STERLING-(stalling) what?

MAYA- I said what favor?

STERLING- The favor? I'll tell you what favor.....that favor was.

Maya looks at him.

STERLING- Look Jaylin is not the right guy for you.

MAYA- based on what?

STERLING- Based on a feeling. I had my Sterling intuition and my intuition is never wrong.

MAYA- Oh my God Im sorry I have to ask.....are you a woman?!

STERLING- What men cant have intuitions?!

MAYA- Oh yes yall have them all the time the only difference is yall are always wrong!

STERLING- here you go.

MAYA- There I go...I cant believe you.

STERLING- You're this mad over Jaylin?

MAYA- No Im this mad over you.

Sterling looks at her confused.

MAYA- Is this because we kissed? Do you like have feelings for me?

Sterling starts to talk.

MAYA- Because I can't stand someone thinking for me or making decisions for me behind my back that is supposed to care about me....I can't do that...I've did it before and this is how I ended up standing here.

Sterling looks at her, really listening to what she's saying.

STERLING- What I did was immature.

MAYA- it was.

STERLING- and you don't deserve that.

MAYA-and that's not us.

Sterling nods.

STERLING- It's not us...and Im sorry.

Maya looks at him relieved.

MAYA- Thank you.

STERLING- I'll talk to Jaylin and clear whatever happened up so you guys can go out again.

MAYA- We're already going out again tonight.

Sterling nods.

STERLING- Well that's great.

MAYA- is...unless there's a reason why it's not?

Sterling looks at her.

STERLING- nope it's not.

Maya looks at him.

MAYA- Okay.

Sterling has a half smile. Maya leaves and as soon as she closes the door. Ryan comes out of his room.

RYAN- Sterling do you have to be so loud?Im tryna sleep man.

Sterling doesn't acknowledge him.

RYAN- Rude.

Ryan goes back into his room.


Ryan walks inside carrying his vinyls and this place is packed and well decorated kids are running around without a care in the world.

The Customer spots Ryan enter.

CUSTOMER- Ryan! Great you made it.

Ryan smiles and nods.

RYAN- Yeah I did.

The customer looks around.

CUSTOMER- Okay if my wife asks we met at golf club.

Ryan looks at him confused.

He smiles.

CUSTOMER- come on you know I cant say where we really met.

He leads Ryan into the party hall.

CUSTOMER- Alright I'll show you where the equipment goes....get you all set up.

He motions over to a DJ booth. Ryan begins to walk over to it.

CUSTOMER- Hey you have Hava Nagila right?

Ryan is way too focused on the venue and dj set up to even hear what he said.



CUSTOMER-Hava Nagila?

RYAN-Oh yeah I have that.

Ryan takes the vinyl out.

CUSTOMER- On vinyl too? Man you are perfect.

He hugs Ryan.

CUSTOMER- Thank you again for doing this.

RYAN- Thank you.

The customer begins to walk off.

CUSTOMER- Don't forget to's plenty of food help yourself to anything.

Ryan smiles and nods and walks behind the booth.


Ryan has the entire place dancing and he is feeling good about himself.

RYAN-What's up yall Im DJ R.M!

They all begin to cheer for him. Ryan takes it all in for a moment.

RYAN-Okay before we get into this next mix....We gotta congratulate my boy Josh!

The birthday boy stands with his parents and smiles everyone claps for him

RYAN- Come on let's get into it.

Ryan begins to mix and Hava Nagila begins to play. Everyone begins to get out of their seats and begin to dance.

CUSTOMER- (pointing at Ryan) Ahhh dope!

They begin the Hora and lift up in the air to celebrate. Ryan smiles.

RYAN-(to himself) oh shit....(into the mic) Higher higher! Hang on Josh!

Ryan laughs.

RYAN- Hang on to that chair bro!

Ryan begins to mix again Hot Shit by Nell begins to play.

RYAN- Everyone grab a partner now!

The crowd is loving the music Ryan even begins to dance along.

RYAN- All the ladies in house say Ow!

Women in the crowd yell OW! and VANESSA late 20's fine as hell approaches the booth.


Ryan looks at her checking her out and then snaps out of it. He laughs nervously.

VANESSA-Do you do adult parties?

Ryan nods.

RYAN- Yeah I do.

VANESSA- What's your info? I'd love to have you.

She smiles at him. Ryan looks at her.


Maya and Jaylin sit on the sofa. Music is playing and candles are lit. They're drinking wine and in the middle of talking.

MAYA-So do you like living in New York now?

Jaylin looks at her and smiles.


Maya blushes.

Jaylin leans in and kisses her. They begin to makeout and Jaylin's hands are all over her.

Maya pulls back.

MAYA- Is it me or is it a bit hot in here?

Jaylin smiles.

JAYLIN- I can fix that.

Jaylin tries to kiss her again. Maya turns her head with a smile.

MAYA-(V.O) Can he relax damn?

JAYLIN- everything okay?

MAYA-(V.O) besides you trying to eat my face?

MAYA- Yeah I um...I'm just a little thirsty.

Maya picks up her glass begins to sip some of her wine.

JAYLIN- You know what would make you feel better about this?

MAYA- What?

JAYLIN- Imagine how pissed Sterling would be if he found out.

MAYA-Im sorry what?

Jaylin laughs.

JAYLIN- Just think about it....whatever you two going on this can definitely help you raise the score board.

MAYA-right raise the scoreboard.

Jaylin smiles and nods.

Maya looks at him in disgust throws her drink in his face.


Maya grabs her purse and begins to leave.

MAYA- Dumb ass.


Ryan is still in the middle of mixing it's nearing the end of the party. Ryan's tip jar is more than full. Different parents begin to approach him handing him business cards.

DAD- Can you do my kid's party?

DAD #2- Are you free on the 20th?

Ryan smiles.

RYAN- I'll let you know.

DAD- Awesome!

DAD #2- You're the man!

Ryan laughs.


Hazel sits at her desk and she's a creating a map of her long term and short term goals. She continues to type and then a facetime call pops up on the screen from Teseana. She ignores it. and goes back to typing. " to be named partner at a law firm."


Sterling sits on the couch watching a movie "Goodfellas" is playing on the screen. You can tell Sterling has seen this movie a thousand times.

STERLING- (along with the movie) You think I'm funny? Funny how? Funny like a clown? Do I amuse you?

There's a knock at the door. He pauses it.

STERLING- Damn man.

He opens it and it's Maya. She's holding take out.


Maya has a half smile.

MAYA- Did you eat?

Sterling motions for her to come in.

Maya walks into the kitchen and begins to take the food out of the bags.

STERLING- I didn't expect to see you tonight I thought you would be out with Jaylin.

MAYA- I was but apparently Jaylin was worried about being in more than he was being out.

Sterling looks at her confused.

STERLING- I don't even wanna know what that means.

MAYA- lets just say it was a night.

STERLING- What happened?

MAYA- I dont what to talk about it.

STERLING-Okay I understand if you dont want to talk-

MAYA- Jaylin is such a creep and big creep with creep hands and creep lips.

STERLING- Okay we're talking about it.

MAYA- Turns out your Sterling intuition was right.

STERLING- of course it was.

Maya shoots him a look. Sterling clears his throat.

STERLING- I mean I'm sorry your date was bad.

MAYA- Sterling do you remember last night when I accused you of being jealous?

STERLING- I think the whole complex remembers.

Maya rolls her eyes. I know I was wrong it wasn't about was about you protecting me.

Sterling nods.

STERLING- Yup that's right I was just looking out for you.

Maya smiles.

MAYA- Thanks... well um enjoy your dinner.

Sterling looks at her.

STERLING- you not gonna eat with me?

Maya looks at him and then notices the tv

MAYA- You are watching Goodfella' I'll stay.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- No way you've seen Goodfella's before.

MAYA- Of course I've seen....Do I amuse you?

Sterling laughs. Maya grabs the take out and they want into the living room.


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