Animagus or Monster

By lionwolf445a

776 31 0

Drarry book, no smut (This is only cuz I'm a helpless loner who can't get a relationship) This is at the star... More

After Answers
The Dangers of Shopping
House of Horrors
The Dark of Both Sides
Creature In You
Child of Death
Untitled Part 13


75 2 0
By lionwolf445a

I read the inheritance papers, they were written in elegant handwriting. Onyx and Aka peered over my shoulder at the piece of paper. 

Name - Hades Vixen Riddle

Twin - Storm Everbleed Riddle 

Age - 12

Gender - Male

Father - Tom Marvolo Riddle

Bearer - James Wraith Riddle

Core - Dark 

Inheritance - 50% Royal Dementor (Father) 50% Royal Skinwalker (Bearer)

Mate/s - Unknown (2) (until inheritance comes in)

Abilities - Unknown until inheritance 

Familiar/s - Onyx (Dark Kitsune) Aka (Albino Basilisk) 

Properties -

Riddle Manor and Properties

Gaunt Manor and Properties

Slytherin Manor and Properties

Potter Manor and Properties

Gryffindor Manor and Properties

Vaults -














Death's Champion 

Dark Prince 

Magic's Chosen 

Potions, Blocks and Compulsions: 

Memory Blocks - Placed by Albus Dumbledore 

Growth Blocks - Placed by Albus Dumbledore

Intelligence Blocks - Placed by Albus Dumbledore

Laziness Compulsion - Placed by Albus Dumbledore 

Magic Block 80% - Placed by Albus Dumbledore

Love potion keyed to Ginevra Weasley - Placed by Albus Dumbledore

Reckless Compulsion - Placed by Albus Dumbledore

Parsel Magic 100% Blocked - Placed by Albus Dumbledore 

Dementor Form and Magic - Placed by Albus Dumbledore 

Skinwalker Abilities - Placed by Albus Dumbledore 

Hate Slytherins, Death Eaters/Dark Side - Placed by Albus Dumbledore

Follow Albus Dumbledore/Light Side - Placed by Albus Dumbledore 

"What. Is. This." I managed out in a snarl, my magic begging to lash out and destroy the room. Onyx nugged my head in an attempt to calm me down. 

"Calm down, Harry. We can get rid of all these things," The man with red in his eyes said, his tone soothing. 

I ranged in my anger and took deep breaths to calm myself, after a moment I calmed down entirely. 

The man with red in his eyes spoke, "We can't take you to get them removed, but the Predators can take you to Gringotts. They can remove all the things that were placed on you, they can also give you your heirship rings." His voice was calm, but you could see the rage burning in his eyes. 

"Harry, or do you prefer Hades? Lets go," Echo spoke from behind the two men, walking over and leading me away. I glanced back at the two and they were talking in hushed whispers. 

As we were walking down the hall I answered Echo's question, "Hades," At his confused look I elaborated, "I prefer to be called Hades," Echo nodded with a small smile. 

We collected the rest of the Predators, Mist and Brink lead the way, Moon and Echo were on either side of me and Thyme and Voss followed behind. It was like having my own personally guards, especially when Aka hissed at anyone who came to close and Onyx snarled at them. 

After apperating to Diagon Alley, we headed straight for Gringotts. The marble build standing tall in the Alley. We went right up to the main teller, I spoke to the main teller in Gobbledygook. 

"May I speak to the goblins in charge of the Potter and Riddle vaults?" The teller looked down at me from his podium in shock. I could practically felt the shock radiating off the Predators. 

He responded back in Gobbledygook after recovering from his shock, "Yes, please follow me Mister...?

"Riddle," I responded quickly. It was easy to get used to my real names, they felt right. 

We reached a fine looking door, with golden in lays and on a deep red door. The plaque on the door top read Riddle-Potter. Entering the door we were met with a finely decorated room, decorated with jewels and other finery. A large dark oak desk sat in middle and a goblin sat at the desk. He looked like every other goblin, except the gold and onyx earring in his right ear.  

"Welcome Mr. Riddle... and friends. I'm Kurnot, I'm going to guess that you are here about your inheritance," He spoke with a sneer that wasn't kind nor was it dark. "Now if you would take an inheritance test, I need five drops of blood on this paper." The blade was silver in layed with onyx and blood rubies. This time I was prepared for the tickling sensation from the blade, I only had to suppress a smile. 

"Now we can take everything off your person," the way you spoke you could tell that he was suppressing his anger. "Please follow me to the Cleansing Chamber," I went to follow him, but my personal bodyguards made to follow me. "Your friends will have to stay here, and familiars." 

I gave the two creatures to Voss, who beamed with joy. I looked at Echo and Brink in particular, "I will be back, just stay here. Bodyguards," I smirked and left the room. 

Kurnot gestured for me to lay down on a raised platform in the middle of a painted circle, in the middle of the chamber. Four other goblins came out of a different door and took up positions on the five pointed star. Kurnot took up the position behind my head, he held a large book and spoke to me before giving the incantation. 

"Mr. Riddle, this might be painful for you due to how long the blocks and other things have been on your person," He warned. 

I nodded my head, "I've handled pain before," I answered simply. 

They began the incantation, the pain started off easy, nothing too serious. But then it hit me, it felt like being repeatedly ran over by a train. I cried out at the suddenness of the pain. It began to die down, flaring up at random times. 

The goblins stopped chanting and the others left the room, glancing concernedly at each other. Kurnot gestured for me to head back to the room, I sat up quickly and saw stars. But managed to regain my sense of balance, walking back over to the room. I only stumbled a few times. 

Upon entering the room I noticed only Echo and Thyme in the room, Echo pacing nervously back and forth, with Onyx balanced on his head, and Thyme playing with Aka. 

Echo stopped pacing and sat down upon us entering the room, Onyx leaped onto my shoulder and Aka slithered up to rest around my neck. 

Echo summoned a mirror for me to see what had changed. My hair was now less messy, more curly, and darker in colour. My eyes were two different colours, a bloody red and a dark brown. I had grown taller, slightly above average for my age, compared to how small I was before, it was a welcome change. I had a slight, yet muscular build. 

"Mr. Riddle, now that the ritual is complete there is something else that I would like to discuss with you. There has been monthly withdraws from your vault to Albus Dumbledore, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Based on the blocks on you and your legal guardians being alive, Albus has no right to your vaults and we can have all access restricted and the money back with insurance." 

This time there was no ragging in my my magic, it filled the room in a dark aura. Causing the room to go dark and the occupants of the room to shiver in fear, excet my familiars. Who tried to calm me down, it was just, how could such a man do this to anyone, a child no less. 

Then I felt hands on my shoulders and I was looking into dark blue glowing eyes. Echo held my eyes and pulled me into a hug. He was warm and normal I would never have let anyone touch me, but something about Echo calmed me down. 

Slowly my magic came back, the room lightened and the aura of fear and anger lifting. Echo let go of me, but stayed close. 

"Thank you," I whispered to the boy. He smiled softly and nodded. Thyme looked between the two of us, like she might have figured something out. "I'm sorry Kurnot, I didn't mean for my magic to get out of hand like that. But yes, I would like it if you could get all the money back that was stolen from me," I spat the last part like it was vile to even say it. 

Kurnot nodded, "Albus will barred from Gringotts for a year, based on the amounts taken." he explained. 

I nodded, "I just have one request, can you make sure to publicly announce that he has been barred from entering, due to stealing. I want to make sure that he is humiliated for what he has done." 

Kurnot thought about this, "Yes, I'm sure that we can do that." He sneered, "Albus has committed more than a few crimes by placing those blocks on you. I'm sure in the year that Albus will be unable to access his vault is more than enough for you to make sure he gets dragged to Azkaban," 

"Of course," I smirked darkly. "If you'll excuse us, we should get going," 

Kurnot nodded his head, "I have some paperwork to attended to, to get Albus out of Gringotts." 

With that we left, heading out and into Diagon Alley. Echo walked on my right and Thyme on my left. "So where did the others go?" I asked the two Predators. 

Thyme answered, "They left to go visit one of the other Predators," 

I stopped, "Wait, there are more of you?" I questioned both of them. 

"Well technically, yes," Echo responded. "Some have abilities and some don't yet, the one that they went to met hasn't come into his inheritance. So they just went for a visit and to see how his training is going. There a ten - fifteen of us I think," 

"So do I get to met any of them?" I asked, hoping that I would. different inheritances means  different abilities. Magical creatures have always interested me and I would love to met some of the more dangerous ones. 

"You will," Thyme nodded. 

"But first," Echo interrupted. "We have to go back and met up with the rest of your family," 

I stared at them, "You mean those two were....?" I questioned, not sure how to put it. 

"Yup!" Thyme said. Before they both dragged me to the floo network to head back. 

And there is the next chapter, I know it says Hades has a twin, he just forgot about him or was rather busy plotting ways to murder Dumbledore. So hope you liked it. 

Peace Out! ;) 

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