Operation: Bodyguards (K/DA x...

By SomeFace117

15.5K 536 98

With just one song, K/DA rose to the top of the music industry, stealing the hearts of many. To procure the s... More

1. Just a Phone Call
2. The Perfect Job
3. A Prelude For All
5. Are you the hunter, or the prey?
6. A Meeting of Sorts
7. There's Always a Beginning
8. Playtime's Over
9. Whiplash
Author's Note

4. Enter the Fray

1.5K 55 6
By SomeFace117

On second thought, maybe this was a terrible idea.

I looked down at my fingers; all ten of them were pink, the amount of skin I chewed off them was apparent as day. I couldn't help but feel sweat start to build up, my leg continuously bouncing as I was sitting down in a backroom. It felt like every person in this room were staring daggers at me, even though logically, I knew no one gave a shit about me.

I let out a deep sigh as I looked up at the clock on the wall. We were to be escorted out into the stadium in around 10 minutes. Even with the music blasting out, I could hear the feint murmurs of the tens of thousands of people out there in the stands.

Why couldn't it just be a normal interview.

Actually, no, that would somehow be even worse. My voice croaked, and my legs felt like jelly when presenting a project to a classroom with half the kids falling asleep. Now imagine talking about yourself to a room filled with executives in a cold, silent office space.

???: You are worried too much, no?

I was just about to get lost in my thoughts when a man...no, a titan of a man stood besides me and called out to me. I looked up at him, his expression was that of pure joy. His smile was so bright, even his mustache could barely cover it. I could tell from his voice that he hailed from Freljord, an icy region on the north side of Valoran. He bore a shield of sorts, slung on his back, so large it could be used as a table for over a dozen people.

Y/N: Guess I am. Not really used to fighting in front of a crowd.

???: Hah! As long as you believe in yourself, that is all that matters, yes?

He reached his hand out, multiple times larger than mines. I pulled my own out, as we shook hands. Despite the fact that he could probably crush my bones ten times over, he had a surprisingly gentle grip. Those muscles were definitely not for show, though.

???: The name is Braum! And you?

Y/N: Y/N.

Braum: Well, Y/N, tell me, why do you fight?

I raised an eyebrow as I stared into his eyes, as I began to open my mouth to answer him. Only, no words came out. It was as if his question had struck a chord within me; my mind was blank.

Why did I fight?

I shook the thought away from my head, realizing that I thought too deep into his question. It was always a bad habit of mines; overthinking every little word or action, when it was the simplicity that was required.

Y/N: Used to be for my job. Enforcer. But now, I'm just trying to get the job to help support my family.

Braum let out a guffaw as he thumped his closed fist into my chest. Thank god he was holding back, or my body would've left an imprint in the wall. Every word or chuckle he uttered felt like it shook the very core of my soul. A feeling of warmth seemed to surround this man, as if nothing could break his spirit, or even dent it.

Braum: A great heart, you possess! Family and friends always come first, yes?

I couldn't help but smile at the atmosphere he seemed to bring alongside him. Something about it was so...infectious. Just as I was about to ask a question, someone in uniform entered the backroom, alerting all the contestant within.

Man: Sorry for the wait, everyone! We're ready for you all! Just make sure to take one of these gems on the way out. Seriously, we are not liable for whatever happens out there.

Just as swift as the man entered, he turned in haste, disappearing from our view. All the other contestants of different shapes and races stood up to evacuate. However, Braum turned to me with a broad smile as he rested his hand on my shoulder. 

I can't exaggerate enough how big this guy is.

Braum: I think I go last, otherwise, I block door!

He let out a chortle, his laughter filled the otherwise silent room.

Hope this guy makes it in, for me and the group.

Y/N: So, what about you. Any reason you crossed half the continent just to enter this thing?

Braum: Ah, you see, back in Freljord, I help many. But than I thought, many more could use my help! And so, I get up and leave. Mother always said to help those in need!

He finished off his statement with a warm smile and slamming his fist onto his chest. I swore I felt the earth beneath me shake when he did that. Before I could inquire him more on that, he turned around and headed for the door. As I focused onto him, I realized that we were now the only ones left in the room, so I soon followed him. Besides the door was two glowing blue gems; the person who let me in did alert me that this was going to be our saving grace if we failed. Braum took one and handed me the other, as he slightly stooped down to make it through the door.

Y/N: Wait, so that's it? You're here...to help people? Why K/DA specifically?

I questioned him as we walked side by side, following the big herd of people. The murmurs of the audience was now much more noticeable, the music dying down as a signal that the main event was about to commence.

Braum: To be quite frank...no idea!

He let out a quick chuckle; it seemed his mouth always opened in a large manner every time he had to laugh.

Braum: I just simply see flyer, and they ask for help! So I join! But...

He looked onwards, as I did the same. We were about to walk out the giant gate alongside all the other participants, which must have been in the hundreds. He pulled out his ginormous shield, as he planted it on the ground, the dust beneath blowing off as if it was a smoke grenade being opened. He gave me the warmest of smile, as even his mustache was raised.

Braum: I also saw it as way to make new friends! And I see that I have already made one!

He let out a guffaw as he smacked me on the back, straightening my posture upright. All the worries that seemed to plague me beforehand seemed to have vanished; my shoulders seemed to have lost all weight it was holding up, my lungs feeling much more cleared.

Feel like I'm breathing in air from Ionia.

The gate had now fully opened as we all walked out into the stadium, perfectly circular, as the ground beneath us was firm but sandy. The roar of the crowd was jubilant, the azure sky seemed to fill for miles.

Braum: Now, let us try our best! If we survive, I treat you to warm milk!

Y/N: I'll take you up on...wait, milk?

Evelynn POV

Akali: Eve, you're scowling.

I flicked my head towards her, as she was sitting to my right. She simply shrugged her shoulders as she had her hands within her jacket pockets, her cap covering parts of her face.

Evelynn: You don't want to be here any more than me.

She let out a sigh as she sank into her chair, as she pulled her hands out and placed them on the chair arms.

Ahri: Akali, they're about to start filming, sit up.

Compared to the rogue, Ahri was sitting up with perfect posture; even her tail was fully upright. Akali let out a groan as she sat up and rested her face on her hand, letting out a small pout.

Akali: Yes, mother!

Kai'sa was giggling to the left of Ahri, while the fox girl rolled her eyes. Akali was right; there was no point in us being here. Mundo had joked that us being here would have raised morals for the contestants. Thankfully, I had checked through all the information of every participant; executives decided that any fans of us would be revoked.

Last thing we need is to have crazed fans as our line of defense.

Kai'sa: Oh, I think it's starting.

I focused my attention onto the stadium, as the people down there looked like little specs, like ants. The big screen above showed the confused looks of many, as they wondered what the test was going to be. I felt a smirk coming up, as I already knew what was to come.

Tell me, which one of you little bugs will not be consumed.

??? POV

Crowd is real loud.

It's too bright.

I look around me.

Green eyes.

Shaggy beard.

White hair.

That one's got a metal arm.

Hmm, old habits die hard.

So used to takin' in their faces, before I felt like I got swallowed whole.

But that ain't me anymore.

Besides, all these bastards probably ain't even worth being chum.


I feel something.


Water inside everyone, but some can control it.

But they ain't Bilgewater. Those ones feel more like giant maelstroms, rippin' everything around 'em.

No. Flowing, consistent. And they got life in them.

A river.


Shame, thought you would you be special.

No, wait.

Under the riverbed, beneath the soil.

You're hiding something.

I felt a smirk curl up beneath my mask.

How long before your own words drown yourself?

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