Misfits of Society (mha fanfi...

By Glowing_Hope

1.1K 64 14

~•~•~ They say that everyone is created equal. If that is so, then why does this place exist? A place full of... More

~•~Act 1~•~
~•~ 1 - Midoriya Izuku ~•~
~•~ 2 - Shirakumo Shōkyo ~•~
~•~ 3 - Shinsou Hitoshi ~•~
~•~ 4 - Aizawa Shouta ~•~
~•~ 5 - Hatsume Mei ~•~
~•~ 6 - Nogaha Zanlai ~•~
~•~ 7 - Kugora Mako ~•~
~•~ 8 - Hagiya Konota ~•~
~•~ 9 - Keitama Nizou ~•~
~•~ 10 - Sumé Cherry ~•~
~•~ 11 - Velin Toby ~•~
~•~ 12 - Samakura Neo ~•~
~•~ 13 - Tebantha Tataki ~•~
~•~ 14 - Yumaka Akihito ~•~
~•~ 15 - Yumaka Chikori ~•~
~•~ 16 - Yamada Hizashi ~•~
~•~ 17 - Aurami Cchino ~•~
~•~ 18 - Nakomi Binara ~•~
~•~ 19 - Hagiya Shiro ~•~
~•~ 20 - Tamashi Shirin ~•~
~•~ 21 - Mikosa Valentia ~•~
~•~ 22 - Mikosa Sam ~•~
~•~ 23 - Shiroku Narami ~•~
~•~ 24 - Shiriyuki Lana ~•~
~•~ 25 - Shiriyuki Kanna ~•~
~•~ 26 - Ryuji Kai ~•~
~•~ 27 - Bakugo Katsuki ~•~
~•~ 28 - Amikko Koko ~•~
~•~ 29 - Akuru Rin ~•~
~•~ 30 - Kiuku Inano ~•~
~•~ 31 - Oralai Aisha ~•~
~•~ 32 - Hamakura Hiro ~•~
~•~ 33 - Chirai Mizu ~•~
~•~ 34 - Nezu ~•~
~•~ Character Overview 1 ~•~
~•~ Character Overview 2 ~•~
«◊» Act 2 «◊»
«◊» 1 || Hero course entrance exam, here we go! «◊»
«◊» 2 || the calm before the practicals «◊»
«◊» 3 || run, Misfits, run! «◊»
«◊» 4 || Open for the public, but deserted of others «◊»
«◊» 5 || Support? Of course! «◊»
«◊» 6 || Explosions are necessary! «◊»
«◊» 7 || Time to get into business. Literally. «◊»
«◊» 8 || Best school for academics, but too many heroes for comfort «◊»
«◊» 10 || Let's rip those bandages! Well... letters «◊»
«◊» 11 || Midnight mission «◊»
«◊» 12 || First day in an unfamiliar setting «◊»
«◊» 13 || New school, unconventional teaching «◊»
«◊» 14 || the best students are those who risk it all «◊»
«◊» 15 || The ire of a hateful teen «◊»

«◊» 9 || Staff gossip and bets «◊»

15 1 1
By Glowing_Hope


It's finally the end of the entrance exam week and while all students have already been sorted into their classes, all teachers are still going back to UA.

Aizawa Shouta would be dreading today even more if he had to record the acceptance videos for his class. Thankfully, with Allmight joining as the new heroics teacher, the number one hero is the one to do so for both heroics classes.

That doesn't mean that he doesn't dread today anyway. As per tradition, the UA teachers would be making a betting pool on anything related to the next school year and their classes. If there was only one person who bet on something, the money would come from UA's near infinite funds if they got it right, but if they got it wrong, they would have to add to the funds instead.

Really, it's quite childish and illogical to bet on things concerning their students.

But here he is, sitting next to his husband as almost all the new first years' homeroom teachers are huddled in the teachers lounge, Nezu sitting with them with a notepad and pen (as usual) to be the bet keeper. The reason some aren't there is because they either decided to skip out and work on the acceptance videos or they're on patrol.

(Sadly he doesn't have the same courtesy, as his husband had practically dragged him along to this, so he was stuck joining them.)

"Alright! Let's start this year's round of bets for our new first years! And remember, max 15.000¥ per bet," Nezu chirps cheerfully.

"Well, let's start with the most obvious one. I bet 10.000¥ that Aizawa will expel at least five students by the end of the first week," Nemuri says.

Shouta groans. "Seriously? You bet on this every year." Although he himself finds it very likely that he'll expel students this year again. Especially since the rat had forced 22 students on him instead of the usual 20. Something about the 36th place during the practical part of the heroics exam being placed by three students at the same time. How they managed to get the exact same score, Shouta didn't know nor did he want to.

Nezu nods, ignoring Shouta and writing Nemuri's bet down. "Anyone else regarding Aizawa's expulsions?"

Vlad King, aka Kan Sekijiro, sighs. "Since he's done it last year, I bet 9.000¥ that he'll expel his entire class again," he grumbles.

"I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he'll expel less than 5 within the first week, for 12.000¥," Hizashi says. How his husband can have that much faith in him, Shouta doesn't know.

Nezu grins as he writes down the rest. "Great! Anyone else?" Looking around the room, Shouta can see that everyone shakes their head. "Alright! Any bets not concerning Aizawa's expulsions?"

"Oh! I've got one. I bet that the support course labs won't have doors by the end of the first week. 10.000¥," Ishiyama Ken, or better known as Cementoss ,bets.

Maijima Higari groans. "I regret telling you about the pink gremlin! The doors will be off the first day of class with her explosions! It'll be a miracle if they do still stand after their first lesson," he grumbles.

"Oh! Right, now that we're talking about the support course, have you seen the two kids flirting with everyone? They were in my exam room. Uhhh, Mikosa Sam and Valentia, if I remember correctly. I bet that they'll be able to get all of their classmates' attention. 13.000¥," Kayama practically purrs.

Shouta has to hold back a reflexive shudder. She always is like this when she finds students with a flirtatious personality like her own. This doesn't bode well for the students, especially if she were to decide to take them under her wing and teach them more about flirtation.

"... besides those obviously interesting personalities, is there anyone else that stood out to any of you this year?", Ectoplasm asks.

"Well, there's the obvious the outliers from the heroics exam. You know, the ones with the improvised weapons?", Kan answers.

"Ah yes," Nezu grins as he looks up from his notepad after writing the earlier bets. "Shinsou-Yamazawa Hitoshi, Shirami Shōkyo and Midoriya Izuku. They're quite an interesting bunch of students." His grin sharpens, glee in his eyes.

Hizashi nods. "They obviously don't have any offensive quirks, or at least not any that would be useful against robots. Hitoshi has a mental quirk, but I'm not sure about the other two," he states.

Shouta hums in agreement. "I'll see what their quirks are during the quirk assessment on the first day," he drawls. "That said, I bet 6.000¥ that both of them also have mental quirks," Hizashi says.

"I bet that maybe one of them has some kind of weak mutation quirk, like enhancing their vision or something like that. Not a mutation that enhances their physical capabilities. Oh, uh... 7.000¥," Maijima bets.

The next one to bet is Snipe. "Well, I bet 9.000¥ one of 'em youngling's has a quirk that helps with some kind of weapon efficiency. Like mine helps me with accuracy with my guns," he smirks. "There 'gotta be a reason they used weapons, am I right?"

"Those are all excellent bets!", Nezu chuckles, writing them down. It makes Shouta suspicious. "Now that I think about it... you read all student files beforehand, right? That means you know their quirks," he notes.

"Correct!", Nezu chirps. "However, you won't get any answers from me, my dear staff! Because where would be the fun in that?" He cackles in glee. Everyone shudders.

"Uhhh... anyhow... can I talk about a concern I've had? I've seen quite a couple students from all exams that glared at me and any other teacher they came across. It's odd, especially if you consider that we're heroes and teens are usually very excited about meeting heroes," Ectoplasm shares.

"Now that I think 'bout it, I noticed it too. Quite a few examinees had very confusing reactions when seein' me or 'nother teacher," Snipe mutters.

"Oh really now? Well, how intriguing," Nezu cackles. "It will be a fun and interesting year indeed!"

... Shouta needs more coffee if he has to deal with this for the rest of the day.


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