Lies of P imagines

נכתב על ידי digital_grim

14.8K 806 129

I just really enjoy the game and want the fandom to grow -Requests are closed!- And here are some reasons to... עוד

Pinocchio awakens
Oath Of Lies
Fort Of Thunder
Stalker Vs Stalker
Faith Of The Heart
The tale of betrayal
A Dance Of Lies
The Sacrifice Of Life
The Art Of Sleep
A Puppet's First Holiday
Longing For Touch
The Midnight Melody
Blind Repairs
Cowardly Feelings
A Curiosity To Music
To Make A Crown
Late Night Comforts
Blinded And Binded
The Comfort For A Loss
Cat Collector
The Wonders Of Learning
The Almost Twins
Hair Care
A Sense In Fashion
Making Hope
Staying In Place
Cake In A Cup
By A Cricket's Side
His First Snow
No Time Left
Under The Willow Tree
Path Swap
To Be Saved
A Bratty Puppet
The Loss Of A Love
To Wear A Mask
To Retrieve An Item
Taking A Sick Day
How To Warm Cold Skin
Panic In The Night
A Candy Wrapped In Blue
To Help A King
Remembrance Of A Brunette
Snowballs And Cold Kisses
The Fine Art Of Bullshit
Repairing Royalty
To Beat A Puppet's Lie
Stubborn Puppy Love
Tired Eyes And Gentle Hands
The Pit Of Dispair
Spreading The Holiday Spirit
The Pressure Of A Singer
A Puppet's Savior
Tragedy Of The Forbidden
The Chills And Ills
Lies Of A Survivor
To Satisfy A Puppet's Appetite
An Early Gift
A Puppet's Christmas Special
A Butterfly's Guide To Rest
Emotions Are For Children
Sweet Survivor
Wide Eyes And Curiosity
Stole Your Shirt And Your Cuddles
New Year New Puppet
A Cup Of Forest Tea
Brushing Blue Hair
A Fight For The Stars
Intense Interactions
A Drop Of Blood
To Be Crowned
A Blonde's Favorite Play
It Rains Blood On The Misfortune
Little Brothers And Lost Memories
A King's Findings
A Brother For A Brother
True Sibling Comfort
When The World Is Cold
Teaching A Puppet To Waltz
The Boy In The Portrait
Weapon Testing
A Beginning Of A Future
A Confession From A Puppet
The Spider Situation
Is It Love? Or Just The Fog?
The Sky Needs Comfort Too
Hotel Krat: After Hours
Entering The Kingdom
Final Boss
Finding A Sibling
Legion Arms And Hand Towels
Father's Plan
A King With No Crown
An Older Brother's Comfort
Puppet's Downfall
Small Furball
Butterfly's Lost Sibling
Protected From Thunder
The Duplicate
A Cure For Ills
Naming A Stranger
Common Rivalry
Comfort From A King
Feeding The Brotherhood
A Butterfly's Lullaby
Soldier, Poet, King
A Poem From A Cat
Blue Hydrangeas
Sudden Reunion
To Rewind A Failure
Out Of The Cave
Siblings In The Snow
Broken Vases And Broken Trust
Hope As Cold As Snow
Picnics On Cloudy Days
AU: Isolated Royalty
AU: Tatted Soulmates
AU: Masquerade Dance
Rejected Royalty
Fireflies And Freckles
AU: The Outbreak
AU: Dead News
AU: Denial Of Her Heart
Till The End
Lost To The Night
Flower Boy
Loyal Puppet Hound
What Remains
Happened Within Time
To The Day You'll Be Gone: AU
You And Her
Battle Survivor
The Story Of Two
AU: Spider-Puppet
Deal With The Devil
AU: Spiritual Connections
Late Night Reading
In The Bitter End
Boy Meets Monster
Poster Prince
Can't Help But Adore You
Duos In The Night
Butterflies In The Night
Nightmares Of A Puppet
Last One Standing
Cat Naps
AU: Vampiric Desires
Time And Time Again
AU: Horsing Around
Cozy Sleepovers
Puppet In The Fields
Cuddle Session
AU: Campfire Night
Road Trip
Ruined Paths
Soft Blue Hair
Bedtime Stories
The Sounds Of Grief
Carousel Music Box
Rooftop Stakeout
Hidden Secrets
Chaos Within The Night
Strong Yet Gentle
Familiar Savior
AU: Detective Of Mystery
Despite everything it's still you
Comforting a Blonde
AU: The Oak Tree
Black Rabbit Himbohood
AU: Blue Scaled Merman
Affectionate Puppet
New Day Cafe
Hand Holding Over The Fire
Villainous Things
Time Moves Slow
The Villain I Appear To Be
Mystery Of The Opera House
AU: A Glimpse Into The Future
Side By Side
AU: Krat's Library
AU: Soulmate Of My Dreams
A Dip In The Sea
AU: Lies Of Fran
AU LOF Part 2
AU: LOF Part 3
AU: LOF Part 4
AU: LOF Part 5
You Don't Remember?
A Puppet's First Birthday
First Dates
In The Woods
AU: Ghost Rider
AU: Sheriffs At Work
The Garden

Madonna Della Pietà

90 6 0
נכתב על ידי digital_grim

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ My first Sophia chapter?! Also this has spoilers for the rise of P ending so be aware also in the beginning of the chapter I talk a little about the Pietà sculpture (is the statue above) if you ever wonder what I'm talking about when you're reading :)

The Pietà, a masterpiece sculpted by Michelangelo, stands as a profound testament to the artist's unparalleled skill and emotional depth. The term "Pietà" translates to "pity" or "compassion" in Italian, encapsulating the essence of the sculpture's narrative. At its core, the Pietà is a poignant depiction of the Lamentation over the Dead Christ, inviting viewers to delve into a moment of profound tenderness and grief.

The sculpture captures the Virgin Mary in an intimate and heart-wrenching scene, cradling the lifeless body of her son, Jesus, in her arms. Michelangelo's expert craftsmanship breathes life into the marble, as the folds of Mary's garments cascade with a natural and almost ethereal flow. The smooth contours of the figures reveal the sculptor's mastery over form and anatomy, creating a composition that transcends the limitations of the medium.

Mary's expression, marked by sorrow and compassion, reflects the depth of a mother's grief as she beholds the lifeless form of her beloved son. Michelangelo captures this emotion with exquisite detail, sculpting the delicate features of Mary's face with an uncanny ability to convey both the weight of sorrow and the grace of compassion.

The lifeless body of Christ, gracefully draped across Mary's lap, is a testament to Michelangelo's ability to infuse stone with profound emotion. The intricate detailing of Christ's body, from the wounds on his hands and feet to the serene repose of his features, elicits a contemplative response from the viewer. The juxtaposition of the divine and the human, the spiritual and the earthly, creates a poignant tableau that resonates with the Christian narrative of redemption.

The Pietà is not merely a sculptural representation but an invitation to meditation on the universal themes of loss, compassion, and the transient nature of life. Michelangelo's genius lies not only in his technical prowess but in his capacity to evoke profound emotional responses through the medium of marble. The viewer, confronted with the quiet agony of the scene, is compelled to reflect on the depth of human experience and the enduring power of maternal love.

In the hands of Michelangelo, the Pietà transcends its physical form to become a timeless embodiment of the human condition. The sculpture stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Renaissance master, whose ability to breathe life into stone has left an indelible mark on the world of art and the hearts of those who stand in its presence.

In the quietude of an antique room adorned with the delicate echoes of an era long past, you found yourself in a poignant moment with Sophia, the enigmatic puppet with porcelain grace. The air was charged with a sense of anticipation, the ambience tinted by the soft glow of candlelight flickering against the ornate walls. The room seemed to hold its breath as you and Sophia engaged in an intimate exchange that transcended the boundaries between human and puppet.

The pose you both struck was one of profound significance, a tableau frozen in time, capturing the essence of connection and shared history. In a gesture of trust and vulnerability, you had handed Sophia your Ergo, a precious relic that held the essence of your being. The moment hung suspended, pregnant with unspoken emotions, as Sophia cradled the Ergo delicately, her porcelain hands embracing the tangible connection between the two of you.

And then, in an unforeseen turn, your puppet body collapsed, its wooden frame surrendering to the weight of time and experiences. As you descended, Sophia, quick as a heartbeat, caught you with a grace that belied her porcelain form. Her hands, now occupied with both the Ergo and your limp puppet body, moved with a blend of poise and urgency.

In the hushed aftermath, Sophia held you in her arms, your puppet form supported by her own porcelain grace. Her painted eyes, pools of wisdom and empathy, looked down at you with a soft, understanding gaze. The flickering candlelight cast a gentle glow upon this intimate scene, illuminating the contours of your puppet body and the delicate features of Sophia's porcelain face.

A tender smile graced Sophia's lips as she observed you with a mix of fondness and relief. The gentle twitch in your puppet form became a silent reassurance, a subtle movement that whispered of the resilience within. The room, a witness to the unfolding tableau, seemed to hold its breath, as if honoring the quiet dance of souls entwined in a shared narrative.

Soft words, barely more than a murmur, escaped Sophia's lips, carrying the weight of untold stories and a deep well of emotion. "It's so good to see you again," she spoke, the words lingering in the air like a melancholic melody. The sentiment, rich with the nuances of reunion and shared history, infused the room with an intangible warmth.

In this delicate embrace between puppet and puppeteer, porcelain and wood, the boundaries between the animate and the inanimate blurred. The Ergo, now cradled in Sophia's hands, held the essence of your existence, a tangible bridge between the past and the present. The tableau, illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight, stood as a testament to the enduring connection that surpassed the constraints of time and form.

As consciousness gently stirred within your puppet body, the familiar weight of fatigue settled upon you. It was an unusual weariness, one that whispered of experiences beyond the constraints of wood and strings. For a fleeting moment, the thought flitted through your mind — perhaps some repairs were in order. Yet, before the notion could solidify, Sophia's voice, like a soft melody, permeated the air.

"It's alright," Sophia's words, imbued with a soothing cadence, reassured you. The resonance of her voice carried a tenderness that transcended the boundaries between puppet and human. Her painted eyes, pools of understanding, met yours with a warmth that dispelled any lingering shadows of concern.

"You're finally human," Sophia announced, and the words hung in the air with a weight of profound transformation. The realization settled, a quiet acknowledgment of a journey from puppetry to humanity. The room, steeped in the soft glow of candlelight, became a witness to the subtle alchemy that had taken place.

A gentle smile graced Sophia's lips, the curve of porcelain capturing a moment of shared triumph. In her presence, the weariness that clung to your puppet form seemed to dissipate, as if her very words held the power to rejuvenate. Her voice, a conduit of empathy and understanding, carried an unspoken promise of support and companionship.

"Try not to go overboard, okay?" Sophia's gentle admonition cradled you like a lullaby. The plea, spoken with an undertone of care, resonated with a recognition of the newfound vulnerabilities that accompanied humanity. The transition, from the rigidity of puppetry to the nuanced cadence of being human, unfolded in this exchange.

In response, you softly nodded, a subtle acknowledgment of the wisdom in Sophia's words. The puppet body, now imbued with the essence of humanity, lay in a state of quiet repose. The room, touched by the ephemeral quality of the moment, became a sanctuary where the boundaries between wood and flesh, puppet and human, were gracefully blurred.

As you basked in the warmth of Sophia's presence, a gentle understanding settled within. The journey, marked by fatigue and transformation, unfolded under the soft illumination of candlelight. Together, puppet and puppeteer, you embarked on the delicate dance of navigating the intricacies of being human.

In the tranquil haven of the antique room, a comfortable silence enveloped you and Sophia. The air was charged with a quiet serenity, untouched by the need for words. Together, you shared the sacred space of companionship, where the absence of dialogue spoke volumes.

Sophia, with her porcelain grace, rested her head on your shoulder. The delicate porcelain met the warmth of your puppet-turned-human form, creating a seamless blend of textures. Her head, crowned with soft blue hair, became a testament to the delicate beauty of the puppet who had become more than just a creation.

You, in turn, leaned into the gentle weight of Sophia's presence, resting your head against the softness of her blue locks. The room, steeped in the soft glow of candlelight, became a sanctuary where the boundaries between puppet and human, creator and creation, melted into the unspoken language of shared understanding.

The silence, far from being empty, resonated with the richness of connection. In the absence of words, there existed a profound conversation, where the cadence of breaths and the quiet exchange of warmth spoke of a bond that transcended the constraints of wood and porcelain.

Sophia's presence, like a comforting melody, wove a tapestry of tranquility around you. The gentle weight of her head on your shoulder became an anchor in the quietude, grounding both puppet and puppeteer in the shared sanctuary of the present.

The soft blue of Sophia's hair, a visual harmony against the backdrop of muted candlelight, added a touch of ethereal beauty to the scene. The room, a witness to the unfolding tableau, seemed to hold its breath in reverence for the quiet intimacy that had blossomed between puppet and creator.

And so, in the tender embrace of the moment, you and Sophia reveled in the simplicity of shared presence. The silence, laden with unspoken sentiments, painted an eloquent portrait of connection—one that surpassed the confines of wood and porcelain, transcending into the realm of the human experience.

The atmosphere in the antique room held a transformative serenity, where the echoes of betrayal and the visceral memory of the Nameless Puppet's confrontation dissipated like mist under the caress of the sun. The room, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, became a haven where the tumultuous chapters of your journey gave way to a quiet interlude of solace.

Sophia, with her porcelain grace, began to hum a familiar tune—the very melody that had marked the inception of your shared adventure. The ethereal notes danced in the air, weaving a tapestry of nostalgia and reflection. The melody, a testament to the beginning of your awakening, carried the resonance of the Ergo that had sparked the puppet's transformation into a sentient being.

As Sophia hummed, the room seemed to come alive with the echoes of that initial encounter, where the puppeteer and the puppet forged a bond that transcended the boundaries of creation. The gentle cadence of the tune echoed through the air, creating a harmonious backdrop against the quietude.

The melody, once a catalyst for awakening, now served as a balm, soothing the remnants of strife and betrayal. In the shared space between you and Sophia, the past became a distant echo, and the present unfolded with the rhythmic hum of a melody that carried the weight of shared experiences.

The candlelight flickered, casting a warm glow upon the room, as if illuminating the ethereal connection that had blossomed between puppet and puppeteer. The calming strains of the tune, wrapped in the comfort of Sophia's humming, became a vessel for healing and renewal.

In this sacred interlude, the strains of the melody seemed to transcend time, carrying you both to the inception of your shared journey. The room, a silent witness to the ebb and flow of emotions, cradled the puppet and the creator in a cocoon of shared understanding.

As the tune lingered in the air, Sophia's humming became a lullaby, a gentle reminder that even amidst the tumultuous currents of life, there existed moments of respite and solace. The antique room, now an enclave of tranquility, held within its walls the echoes of a melody that encapsulated the essence of awakening, companionship, and the enduring spirit of the puppet who had become human.

·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ I love Sophia so much but I can't really think of any ideas that aren't just replacing P with the reader :(

המשך קריאה

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