My Dr. Beloved (Yoongi Ff)

By epitomixoxo

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"I thought I healed myself, until you came, treating the wounds I didn't know I had" When an unfortunate acc... More

1. Appointment
2. You Are...!!
3. Boiling Noodles
4. Cut
5. The Eyes
6. Interest
7. Ringing
8. A Date?
9. Closer View
10. Tteokbokki
11. Unwanted Message
12. Watching You
13. I.C.U
15. Hometown
16. part i: Blush
16. part ii. Seaside
17. Waves
18. Behind Your Eyes
19. Official?
20. A Trip
21. Lost
22. Imposter
Author's Note
23. Into His Den
24. The Last Fight
25. Healing him
New Story!
26. 'Stay Alive'
27. Warmth
28. A Year with You
29. Luke Warm
30. Gift!
31. Confronted
32. Demeaned
33. The Preparation
34. Under The Stars

14. Feelings

41 3 0
By epitomixoxo

Yn's POV,

I couldn't hold myself from running when I got the news of him finally waking up. I was worried sick. Even though all his reports showed his improvements. And the Wounds weren't life threatening.

I reached the ICU after hurriedly putting on the Gown and gloves.

He is squirming to get out of the bed while 3 wardboys and 2 doctors are pinning him on the bed. They're about to inject him high dose of sedative again!!!


I yell to stop them. I'm the main doctor who's handling his case. So they had to stop immediately.

I slowly walk towards him. He stopped after noticing me. And dropped the rebel he had declared. He's just looking. As if confirming the reality. Being drugged highly due to surgery, it's obvious nothing is crystal clear in his mind right now. Meanwhile, my tears betray me by escaping effortlessly.

Yoongi: Yn!

Yn: Leave him!

Everyone leaves him alone. And I motion them to get out of the room.

"Mr. Min!! What Does Homecare mean to You?!?" My trembling voice utters.

I stop beside his bed. His wide, examining eyes never leaving me. And then...

He suddenly hugs me. Embracing me in his arm's grip as tightly as possible! Desperately checking, it's not a dream and I'm in meats and bones in front of him. I couldn't take it anymore. His warm touches all over my body weakened me severely. So..this is where I break...

I hug him back. Accordingly, loud noises of sobs and echoes filled the room.


Yoongi: I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry Yn!!

Yn: I should be saying, Why are YOU apologizing ?!?! But Actually know what?? You should!! You should be! Who told you to go there alone??? *bawling*

Yoongi: But..but you'd do the same for me. Proved by your actions!! *hugs more tightly*


Yoongi: Sshhhh!!! Everything's fine now. Isn't it? Calm down!!

Yn: I came here to calm YOU down. But look at me being a mess! *Sobbing loudly*

Yoongi: *soft laugh* It's okay. You're FOUR years younger than me! You can cry to me anytime!!

Yn: '༎ຶ - ༎ຶ ??

Yoongi: Ohh!? You stopped your sobs? This quickly?

Yn: T-T ?!?!

Yoongi: Here, let me look at you!

He breaks the hugs and lifts my chin up. Cupping my pink tinted cheeks,

"AEGYUUU Aegyu! You've cried alot! Your tears and runny nose is United now!" He flashes his gummy smile and twinkling eyes as he proceeds to wipe clean my face.

I don't oppose any of his action. It feels nice being comforted. And to be honest it's first time in a long while when someone does this to me. It feels like all the emotions of letting myself be at ease and just take the love he's showering on me, is new to me, and my heart!

He gently sits me beside him on the bed. And says,

"Even though I don't like seeing you cry but...*gulp* you good with the red nose right now."

Okay now that was my last stroke. As my face just flashed all the 50 shades of reds in a second as soon as he mentioned that! You have to do this Yoongi? *mental pout*

Yn: You just woke up from a critical time period. Let me check your vitals.

I get out of his grab and start checking around. My heart's again beating so fast. Who the heck put a whole coffee farm in my milk???....No wait that doesn't make sense! I made my coffee today!..
( ° •°)!

Yn: It's time to check your blood content. Let me check your eyes...

I bent towards him and took his face in my hand.

Sht! It's the close proximity again! *heartbeats raising*

He's piercing my soul through my eyes. And we're too close and I'm malfunctioning. It's literally no one in this room. But his presence is just...

UGH! My mind just replayed the scene from the date night when our lips almost made their way to each other!

Ishhh! What am I thinking!! >-<

I just realized I was zoned out in that memory while touching his face under eyes. He is not responding to anything happening around us, but....

Instead he's just staring. Just staring and making me go haywire with my imagination.

Soon the beep beep in the monitor and the sounds of breathing were remnant in the dead silent room. My tear stained cheeks flashed another shade of red or orange, I don't know! A lump near my throat and our pounding hearts...

I check his eyes. It's stable. And improving. I move to stand up. But he grabs my wrist. Making me stay inches away from him. He talks under his breath...

"Why did you come to save me alone knowing he can kill you?"

"Eh?" I replied. What does he mean? Obviously I would go! I love him!

I broke the eye contact to avoid the question but...


A tug on my hand where he's gripping me and his voice suddenly going from sweet and gentle to demanding and authoritative ! His cold, emotionless orbs, once again met mine. I gulp and speak, almost whispering,

"Anyone would do that!"


??! He pulled me closer to him. Closing the distance between us. My hands finds it's way to rest on the pillow beside him for support. Just a slip of hand and our faces will bump onto each other!!

He kinda growls while saying,
"You know? I wouldn't go this far too!! I don't know but you did something to me! And it's not helping me to stay normal and distant anymore!"


"Just ANYONE wouldn't come to their death like you did Yn!"

"Me....I, I came cause...."

His lips!....
I don't remember why I came!What was it that I was feeling while driving at 110km/hour speed on the highway! I don't remember how I panicked seeing him in blood.

At this very moment it's just his lips and the unwavering tension between us. And my over-analysing brain tells me, it's not healthy for me.

I somehow manage to break the strong urge to get melted by the touch of him and let him know....

How I loved him from afar these past years..
How I couldn't see anyone, knowing very well that waiting for you would be stupidity..
How every spring, every summer, every winter I thought if you're doing well...
How everytime I got reminded of you, I smiled to myself and wished your wellbeing...
How everytime I joked about marrying you while internally getting crumbled upon by the thought maybe in this lifetime, you won't be mine...
How I still loved you...Cause those feelings were special to me, heeded deep inside my deepest desires where no one could peak through, where no one could ever hurt you! Where I kept you safe and warm.

And after all these, when I found you yesterday, being all devastated.....


These tears are worthless just like how I failed to protect you from the eminent danger I guessed and still fell in the trap by some....


I stand up and wear a strong look and say,

"Mr. Min. You're still not in a good position to talk and starin your brain with the traumatic events. Get some rest. We'll surely talk about everything later."

I come out of the room being sure he's out of danger now.

Just outside the room, were Jin Oppa, Jimin and there sitting on a chair, covering his face in his palm, Hoseok oppa!

They turn towards me with worried sick faces. I couldn't help but smile, "He's Good! We can transfer him to normal ward in 1 hour. You guys can go home and take some rest. Cause you'll have plenty of time before visiting hours start!"

"Thank you so Much Doctor!"

Jimin holds my hands and almost cries in an overflowing happiness creeping on his face.

I love him because of his simplicity!

Other's thank me too. I handover the nurse all her upcoming duties about Yoongi and leave the Hospital.

I need to do some chores! There's someone, surely waiting for me.


2 days later,

Yoongi's POV,

"Not more than this, I can't eat anymore Ommaa!!!"

I try to avoid another spoonful of porridge coming straight into my mouth. They already filled my stomach with one full bowl, one banana and one health drink. And it's halfway through the second bowl. I can't keep up with it.

"Omoni, Just shove the spoon right into his mouth. Yoongi!!! You get one chance to eat without thinking about diet and you try to avoid it??
If it was me I would've ate day and night!! The Whole Day!!" Jin hyung tries to scold me with that pouty face. He really thinks everyone gets scared by that! When it's actually respect we're paying. Stupid Hyung! I chuckle in my own thoughts, how he's still a child by heart but somehow manages to line us up being the oldest, at the same time.

"Well, you're not that sick as me right?"
I reply with my tongue out, trying to mock him. And no wonder, I get a spank on my back from mom.

"Yoongi! That's your Hyung!" She says.

"But he's just 3 months older. And he often doesn't act like his age. He's mentally 10 years younger Omma!" I try to save myself from mom's light anger.

But soon we three break down in laugh, and hyung starts his infamous rap, still with the angry pout on,

"I'm not Younger than you, you little prick! I'm 3 months older, and do you know how many days is in 3 months?
3 -3 sa 9, NINETY Days!!! That means I've seen this world for NINETY MORE DAYS THAN YOU!! And this is the respect I get? OMONIII, This is the respect, the love I get from them after looking after their chaos always, from feeding them, and helping them stay humble, always saving them from danger..."

Yoongi: What danger are you talking about though?


Okay I can't deny that. So in a failed attempt I try to suppress my laugh.


Jin: LOOK, You can't deny it! You remember it too LOOK~~ ...See Omoni!

" Ye, Ye, Jin-a I see him. All of them disturb you so much right? " She said while caressing his back.

Jin: *polite* No no, Omoni! I was just trying to uplift the mood here. Just yesterday he came back and we all were so stressed about him. You two looked too tensed up. So I thought why not crack a joke or something!

And this is how Jin Hyung always manages to drag our parents to his side. He's just so polite and sweet. I don't mind though. I'm just grinning at the sight of these two endearingly talking to each other.

And this reminded me of Yn! And our date night! When she was so shy of me mentioning her as my girlfriend. I chuckle to myself as my thoughts assure me, this wouldn't be a bad idea. Her as my girlfriend....*chuckle*

But, I haven't seen her yesterday when I was getting discharged. I didn't think about it cause probably she was just home from work. But she haven't called me in two days. The last time we talked was in the ICU.

And this is lowkey frightening me. With all the events happened in past few days, I can't sit still before ensuring everyone's security. Cause for some reason it's telling me, there's still a problem lingering along. And most importantly, they haven't caught the criminal yet.

I dial the phone coming to the other room from where those two were. I'm walking good, but the stiches will take time to heal. So I'm not fully recovered yet.

"Hello" The other line speaks...

Yoongi: I want to know each and every details about her and the kidnapper. You have 2 days.


Yn's POV,

As quietly as possible, I make my way through the abandoned slum. And knock on the almost broken wooden door. A minute later a nearly antique man opens the door. I say,

"I was the one who called you yesterday Grandpa. Can I come in?"

The old man just nodded his head that's at the same level of my stomach, bent due to the heavy age he's carrying.

I carefully remove my shoes and enter the one roomed home of his. It looks so worn out, like it haven't been repaired in the last two decades or something. The walls are showing the bricks, the roof is broken here and there. There's just one bed and that too isn't washed properly.

He offers me that bed to sit on. Cause there's nothing else he can do. He couldn't even ask for water or food. Even if he did, I would have totally said no, looking at his tumbledowned body. He needs extreme care. How can I take welcome care from him?

He sits near the window, at a respectful distance from me. And I start doing what I'm here for.

"Grandpa, Is he your own grandchild who admitted you in the hospital?"

He shakes his head in a no.

"Then, is he a family to you?"

Again, No!

I don't think he's gonna talk like that. So I prepared something for him. But before taking that out I quickly look through the teeny-tiny room. And there's no sense of food I could see.

I take out the steal tiffin box and open it in front of his face.

Yn: Grandpa, this is your favorite dish, isn't it? Samgyeopsal!

Taking the box in front of me and smelling it exaggeratedly I say, "Mmmmm....the meat is cooked so good, it'd melt in as soon as it reaches the mouth, AHHAAAAAA.... MMMMMM..."

Getting him by my side wasn't that hard. Cause he's now joyfully devouring the meat I brought him.

And very soon he's gonna talk. Talk about everything I want.... Cause if he isn't talking, my plan is gonna fail....

And I'm not gonna let that happen....

At any cost in the whole world...

Yoongi's POV,

Same day, 12:40 at night,

" Sir, she has taken a leave for seven days the day before you got discharged."

"Okay, thanks! "

I cut the call with a sigh escaping my mouth and sleepless eyes.

Where are you YN? Where did you disappear all of a sudden. I needed you beside me while I take care of myself.

Honestly I thought it would be a great chance to grab you for me as a 24 hours private doctor, for as long as I stay in bed.

But, you just Disappeared?

And with a seven days' leave?

You couldn't get one when I asked you out?!! Is it really important than me?

Am I jealous? Is it jealousy that I'm experienceing? Cause I've never felt jealous for a woman I'm involved in romantically before!!!

I hold my forehead in the hands and think about how I'm gonna contact her. Cause I've sent a nearly hundred messages in various ways, like Instagram, sns, sms, emails. I even called her. But it was switched off!

I can't reach her anymore. It's giving me good anxiety from the past few hours that I can't even sleep. Where she could be???


Yn's POV,

I know what I'm doing. But, there's a very big 'BUT' I'm facing, that I've no answer to.

The last two days that I've spent under the air, looking for that one string which is connecting my assumptions, I'm this close to it. But still it's out of my reach.

It feels like I'm stumbling upon the string I'm supposed to find in a dark room. If I just can lighten up, I can see, take and play with the string.

But the light switch.......

One thing I'm sure of, the whole thing is related to Yoongi. And I was a trope to get him out of his security net.

I'm a fangirl, watching him from the far, and a stranger who's getting close to him. So, I've literally no right to ask for his private life, probably his intense past, that we're unknown of. But the kidnapper, he, included my Parents into this. And he won't get away that easily after dragging them.

...Am I stupid for all this? Maybe!

But I didn't like how he could toy with me and my emotions that day.

Why should he have all the fun?

[Please Vote and support this story if you're reading this. It helps me so much honesty.
Have a great day ahead!]

To be Continued.....

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