Call Me Mr. Knight

Door Ren-sama23

4.6K 223 56

Naruto transferred school for the sake of love, but what he didn't expect are the surprises awaiting him ther... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26 - Final Chapter

Chapter 25

104 7 0
Door Ren-sama23

I opened my eyes and squinted when the light coming from the window momentarily blinded me. I couldn't help but groan a little when I felt my whole body aching. What the hell just happened? I felt like I was punched all over.

When I finally managed to scan the room I was in, I realized that I was once again in the school infirmary.

"Naruto?" My attention was caught by a voice followed by Sasuke's face. He immediately sat on the side of the bed when he realized that I was already awake.

"Hey." I greeted, finding his exhausted form and worried gaze quite heartwarming. Or rather, it would have been outright funny if only he wouldn't punch me if I were to tell him that. And in my present condition, I wouldn't risk it.

Or maybe... just maybe, I might just be a little too overwhelmed by the intense emotion swimming in those black orbs of his. He looked so sick with worry and I thought there were unshed tears in the corner of his eyes too.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me in his usual cool voice.

I let out a grin. "...Like crap." His expression considerably lightened at that, just as he let out a small laugh. I noticed that his tightly-fisted hands loosened a bit too. But then his expression turned into a rather scary scowl when he was pushed to the side quite hard by none other than aniki who most likely did it on purpose. I didn't even notice him before since Sasuke occupied all of my attention. Sorry, aniki.

I couldn't help but sigh as he sat on the bed where Sasuke was sitting earlier, effectively pushing the raven to the side. Sasuke immediately glared at him but then he shrugged and let aniki talk to me. He looked far worse than Sasuke. It was probably the reason why the raven didn't retaliate at all.

This time I commented on it. "You look worse than me."

"You idiot!!" I flinched at the intensity of his voice. It was only now that I noticed he was actually trembling. "Deidara's technique is capable of killing even a grown-up man!! What were you thinking, not even trying to dodge it!? Are you trying to get yourself killed!?" His eyes were almost flaring in silent anger and worry that I thought he would seriously attack me. Thank goodness he simply clenched his fists tighter as he glared at me while waiting for my answer.

I couldn't help but sigh again. Any alibi wouldn't matter now because I knew for sure he would still get angry.

"I won't get killed by that..." I answered quietly as I averted my gaze to the window. Everything seemed so quiet now. I could see the sunset from afar and I knew for sure now that I'd slept for quite a long time.

Aniki looked like he was about to say something again so I added, "...because I'm a Namikaze." That one made him stop. It's true though. As I've said before, there's something in the Namikaze blood that allowed us to heal much faster than normal humans did. It might actually be the only reason why I found myself only in the infirmary instead of the hospital. Even now, I could feel my whole body getting lighter and lighter with each passing second, the wounds closing at such a quick pace. It seemed I was lucky I was a Namikaze.

I knew aniki and Sasuke were worried about me this entire time. So... I knew it wouldn't hurt to say more. "Sorry for worrying you both... and also for being reckless." I made sure to look at them in the eyes this time, if only to assure them that I was sincere. Sasuke simply smirked at that while aniki looked surprised. It was seldom that I would admit my own mistake and he knew that. After a while, he let out his own warm smile.

Now that I thought about it, I couldn't see Tsunade anywhere in the room. She was usually loitering here while drinking her booze. Not only was she absent, only aniki and Sasuke were in the room with me. I now tried to imagine how they tried to talk to one another while I was unconscious, or if they even did.

There's also... something I seemed to be forgetting... I looked at Sasuke with furrowed eyebrows as I tried to remember it. I was so sure it had something to do with him... and then my eyes widened. "I-Itachi!!" I blurted out without thinking. "I saw Itachi... right?"

I stared at their sudden stiff expressions and my suspicion was confirmed. It seemed I wasn't just imagining him in my wounded state. And it wouldn't be good if I was actually imagining him of all people.

As if on cue, the door to the infirmary opened quietly before Itachi himself entered together with the smiling Sai. I fought the huge urge to gape at them. Of course, anyone would. It was Itachi in the flesh! It's the person whom Sasuke loved and hated at the same time... and also the person whom aniki loved and hated at the same time.

He looked so much like Sasuke that I was a little distracted. His hair was far longer and was pony-tailed at the back, just like in the pictures. But somehow, he grew up more handsomely in the past two years.

"How are you feeling, Naruto-kun?" Itachi voiced while looking at me directly, as if the temperature in the room didn't just drop to several degrees Celsius.

And before I forget that I could actually talk, I've decided to answer. "I'm fine. I'm feeling much better now." I answered unsurely while eyeing aniki and Sasuke who had both stiffened even more because of Itachi's unexpected entrance. And here I thought the three of them had already talked to one another while I was out cold. It seemed I was wrong.

Or maybe they did...? Both aniki and Sasuke weren't trying to choke him to death so maybe they did talk?

"My name is Itachi Uchiha, a member of the International Police Force Anbu Root." He continued as he held out his hand for me to shake. "I'm also Sasuke's older brother." Yeah, I knew that... was what I wanted to tell him but I refrained myself. I also wanted to be judgmental and glare at him for hurting Sasuke and aniki all this time – I just remembered it now – but his image in my head and the current Itachi in front of me just didn't match.

I saw Sasuke glare at the hand from my peripheral vision but I couldn't just be rude to Itachi so I still took it. "It's nice to meet you, Itachi-san."

When Itachi finally withdrew his hand, he heaved a deep sigh and faced all of us in the room, including the two people who were glaring daggers at his back. "I know I've done so many things to the two of you to warrant your hate towards me. And there's most likely nothing I can do to make up for it." His voice was clear and steady but I noticed that his clenched fists were slightly trembling, probably from nervousness. "I have lied on more than just several occasions and continuously hurt both of you all these years."

"...Enough with the chitchat." To my surprise, it was Sasuke who cut him off. Or maybe it wasn't so surprising anymore seeing as he was already on the verge of walking out of the room. I wanted to go to his side and hug him tight because I could almost touch his pain. His eyes were blazing in almost uncontained pain, confusion, and sadness. "Explain everything right from the start... including why Sai is on your side." He then gave Sai a particularly nasty glare, bordering on accusing him of being a traitor.

"We don't want any half-assed explanations and more complicated lies." Aniki added as he crossed his arms over his chest. His expression was more subdued but his whole stance was still so stiff he looked ready for the kill. "We want you to spill everything out. That's the least you can do right now."

Itachi looked at both of them wearing an expression I could only assume as longing and pain. I kind of felt sorry for him. But... since he did hurt both of my favorite persons, I wouldn't just allow him to get away with it without properly telling us everything.

"Three years ago..." He started as his trembling fists clenched quite tightly I feared it would bleed. "It was the time when I became a Knight. It was also the time when I met you, Nagato." His eyes had become really dark, just like how Sasuke's eyes were like sometimes. "At that time, a group of Knights called 'Akatsuki' was taking over the entire school and making a mess all over the place. Everyone thought it was normal at first since students liked to pretend they were in control over everything and that they were the ones who owned all those whose classes were beneath them."

At this, Nagato's expression also turned grim. "I know that." He closed his eyes as he remembered the event. "Every day was chaos and everyone was either a Fighter or a Slave. There were almost no other categories present."

Itachi nodded at that. "It's when they started dragging students into their secret room that I thought something was amiss. They forced other Knights and even those who were A and B Classes into their hideout in order to make them part of the group. I was..." He closed his eyes as he continued. "...I was one of those who were dragged there by force."

All of our eyes widened at that. The silence in the room was so stifling but nobody tried to break the ice. We all stared at him as he composed himself once more in order to continue.

"I was dragged there and received unimaginable torture in the name of 'fighting'." His eyes were much darker and distant when he opened them again. "It's true that I was a Knight... but so was everyone else. The torture lasted for some days until I relented... until I finally told them I would join." His whole stance had become rigid as he looked at Nagato directly. "They made me do all sorts of things inside and outside the school."

Aniki's eyebrows were furrowed as he tried to digest everything Itachi was saying. It seemed he wasn't aware about what was happening to Itachi at that time too. "You never told me anything..." His voice sounded pained and hurt.

Itachi must have noticed it too since his eyes turned softer after hearing aniki's words. He gave aniki a soft, sad smile before he shook his head. "Everything... was already out of my control. I've done so many things that even a delinquent like me wouldn't even think of doing. I've ventured into a place so dark and evil that no escape was possible. I've learned all too late that Akatsuki wasn't actually just a group of school delinquents but an international group of criminals, all of whom excelled in all sorts of fields. The ones at school were the younger members while the older ones were already wreaking havoc in different countries." He heaved a deep sigh again as his smile turned a little bit sadder, looking at both Sasuke and aniki. "In the end, I became so tainted and so filthy that I knew I could never... be with both of you again. I could never... touch any of you with my bloodied hands again. That's the time..." But he wasn't able to continue anymore. He looked down on his feet, seemingly lost in the past.

Nagato's eyes widened at that. I saw tears brim at the corner of his eyes just as he gritted his teeth – in silent anger or in pain I had no idea. All I knew was that aniki was suffering and I could only stay in my bed and listen to everything. Even Sasuke looked like he was on the brink of exploding. His eyes were so dark and cold – the eyes that I had come to be wary of. It's those eyes that I never wanted him to have. He was clenching and unclenching his fists repeatedly as he stared directly at his older brother.

'That's the time,' huh... It must be the time when Itachi acted cold and distant towards aniki. It was the time when he flirted with almost every girl and flaunted his relationships all over the school in order to hurt aniki purposefully. It must also be the time when he flirted with Sasuke's girlfriend and hurt him.

This Itachi guy... I knew where he's coming from and I knew he thought what he was doing was for the benefit of everyone. But... by trying to sever his ties to Sasuke and aniki, he had condemned all three of them to eternal pain and suffering. He had not only hurt himself but both of them as well. Everything... was just too awful for me.

I knew that there's a huge chance I would most likely do the same if ever I was in his position. I knew I would rather distance myself from the people I loved dearly than see them fall into the same darkness with me. I knew that and yet I couldn't help but be angry at him for all that he did. I clenched my fists into the sheets in frustration. I was angry at him, I felt so sorry for him, and most of all I felt so much pain for all of them.

"And the worst part of it all..." Itachi continued. "...was the fact that they wanted me to recruit you too." His eyes shone with so much hatred as he said the words. His eyes were still directly gazing into aniki's own lavender eyes. "I tried to please them as best as I could with the condition that they wouldn't try to get anywhere near you. I did everything they asked just so they would keep their end of the deal... but in the end, they had to involve you too. It was already too late for me but you were someone I could never let them have... no matter what."

Aniki must be in deep shock. His eyes were wide and the tears threatening to fall on his cheeks had already fallen one by one. His expression was still cold but his eyes were filled with so much hurt. "That's not true..." He managed to say after a while. "You left me without any word or explanation... There's no way you will care... You're lying." He said the last words with gritted teeth.

Aniki... I wanted to hug him and wipe away those tears but I knew it wasn't my place to do that. The one who had hurt him so badly was most likely the only one who could heal him too. And it wasn't me.

"Nagato..." Itachi voiced the name with so much longing. However, he seemed to have realized it was all too late and simply let out a soft smile again.

Really, this person... he's worse than Sasuke when it comes to dealing with the person he loves. He could at least say sorry. Geez.

"In the end, I tried to fight them all and ended up in a coma in some hospital." Itachi shrugged as if the event wasn't all that important. "It resulted in me not being able to graduate."

"But they were expelled because of that, right?" I asked him, remembering Sasuke's story from a long time ago. He nodded at me.

"And you're supposed to be abroad with a good job." It was Sasuke's time to ask. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Itachi opened his mouth and closed it again when he couldn't find the right words to explain. He then looked at Sai for help.

Sai snickered before he stepped up and answered for him. "He was abroad alright." Sasuke's eyes narrowed when his supposed subordinate knew more about his brother than him. "Anyway, let me tell you first about me."

"We're not interested." We all voiced out in unison, causing him to fake a pout.

"You're all so mean." Sai voiced but he still explained. "I'm also part of the IPF Anbu Root. I was the one who recruited Itachi-san in our group."

"What the hell is this IPF Anbu Root supposed to be?" Sasuke was still glaring at Sai but the latter had already grown too accustomed to it to even get flustered.

This time, it was Itachi who chimed in. "International Police Force Anbu Root or IPF for short is an international secret organization with the goal to get rid of international level criminal organizations. All members are trained to fight even against opponents with particularly strong chakra. We were formed mainly because ordinary police force can't possibly restrain and arrest criminals who use chakra, especially when fleeing."

"I was actually supposed to arrest him for being a member of the Akatsuki but I realized that he was just an ordinary person who got involved deeper into the underworld than necessary." Sai explained with a smile. "IPF offered to clean his name if he would commit his entire life into serving us. Afterwards, I was sent to Konoha Gakuen as a spy to monitor the Akatsuki's movements and also..." He snickered just as Itachi glared at him. "...also to look after Itachi's precious loved ones since he was being too overly dramatic and kept saying he had no right to be anywhere near them."

Sasuke and aniki both looked surprised at that while Itachi looked more than ready to silence the shorter raven once and for all.

Sai seemed to be used to Itachi's glares too since he didn't even look unfazed as he continued his teasing. "It was the only condition Itachi gave us in return for serving in the IPF for the rest of his life. So, Sasuke..." His smile changed into a sincere one. "...I don't think you should hate him anymore. Itachi-san loves you a lot... you and Nagato-san both."

Sasuke didn't know how to react to that. I could see confusion and wariness in his eyes, as if he was afraid Sai was merely lying to him. However, I smiled a little when I also saw relief and gladness flooded in those black orbs after a while.

Aniki, on the other hand, was having a harder time accepting everything. He looked down as he felt betrayed all over again. He thought Itachi loved him deeply only for the raven to flirt with other girls in front of him. And when he had already accepted the fact that Itachi never really loved him, this new fact came to light and he was once again shaken and confused. It seemed he didn't want to allow himself to believe in anything Itachi said anymore. And yet... he knew more than anyone that Itachi's words made sense.

Itachi cleared his throat before he subtly changed the topic. His cheeks were dusted with a little bit of pink as he averted his gaze from aniki and Sasuke. "Earlier, we received a distress call from Sai saying the Akatsuki was inside the campus and wreaking havoc once again. Preparations took quite a long time but, in the end, we were able to get here before the situation completely fell out of control."

"When you asked me earlier to call everyone," Sai explained even though nobody was asking. "...that's the time I called the IPF too. After all, the Akatsuki is not just a common thug group. It's an international crime syndicate and anything illegal you can think of – like organized crimes, drugs, human trafficking, and even terrorism – are part of their normal operation."

"No wonder you seem thoroughly knowledgeable when it comes to Akatsuki." Sasuke looked grumpy but even he was starting to fit all the pieces together. "So the so-called 'source' that you keep on telling us is actually the IPF." Sai nodded at that before clapping his hands to congratulate his Knight for getting it, making Sasuke more pissed off than anything.

"No wonder the principal said there's no need to worry..." Even aniki nodded in understanding. "And to simply play with the Akatsuki for the time being..."

"So the Akatsuki is actually an international criminal organization huh..." I mumbled, more to myself than to any of my companions. I never even thought they were more than just thugs with a few screws loose. To think I was that close to losing my life... I blinked at that. "But..." I voiced out loud, making all of them look at me. "But if they were international criminals..."

"Don't worry." Itachi gave me a smile. "I was abroad these past two years precisely because IPF was hunting down all the other members of the Akatsuki. I was one of those who actively participated in their arrest. The other members of the IPF are catching Akatsuki members in different countries even now."

"We're the ones who were tasked to capture the Akatsuki members here in the country." Sai added. "At the rate we're going, it will only take a short amount of time before the Akatsuki disbands and all of them are either put into prison or six feet under."

"Six feet under??" I shivered at the implication of those words. And yet, at the same time, I was relieved that there was another organization highly capable of fighting against the heinous Akatsuki group... and all the other criminal groups for that matter.

"Tch. You must be older than you look then." Sasuke's words as he looked at Sai in annoyance somehow made the atmosphere in the room turn a little lighter.

Sai simply laughed as he shook his head. "I'm just seventeen, the same as you." He then used his fake smile when he spoke next. "It's just that I was trained by the IPF to draw out my chakra ever since I was eight. My whole family was killed by an Akatsuki member, leaving me orphaned and alone. The IPF took me in and educated me. They even helped me get revenge. That's the reason why I'm here."

Both Sasuke and I stared at him as if we're just seeing him for the first time. We just realized we didn't know anything about him. He didn't look like he's lying even if he's wearing his usual fake smile. And Itachi did not react too so it meant that he knew about Sai's past.

Somehow... I just couldn't believe that Sai was an orphan. He seemed to be enjoying his everyday life as if he didn't have any problem at all. He was always annoying us with his fake smiles and we never even bothered to question why he had it in the first place.

The reason why his smiles were all fakes...

"It seems Naru-chan needs some tissue." Sai's voice woke me up from my musing and I blinked at him in confusion. "He's so close to crying because of my past." He then snickered as if it was so funny that I immediately glared at him. But then his expression changed into something else, a face not quite serious but not quite smiling either. "It was a long time ago, Naru-chan. The IPF is my family now so I'm fine."

Gah!!! This annoying Sai, now I wanted to comfort him too!!

"By the way," Sai's smile became fake again as he changed the topic. "The Sentouki Tournament has been cancelled for the meantime while the Principal and the IPF members settle the whole ordeal. There will be no classes for at least three days as we try to investigate whether there are still members left lurking in the city and all the cities nearby."

I sighed at that. Of course, they had to cancel it. I would've been more surprised if they didn't. It was also good that we would have a break for at least three days since the memory of the fights was still fresh in everyone's mind.

All in all, despite what happened, I could say that this day turned out to be a great one. There was the Akatsuki appearance and the fights ensuing after. However, this day was the day Sasuke finally saw his brother again after over two years. It was the day aniki finally learned that Itachi actually loved him too. And of course, it was the day the Akatsuki members in the country got arrested. It was kind of lame for them to be arrested just like that after wreaking havoc in different countries for several years now but it was all good for the rest of us.

I knew the relationship between aniki, Sasuke, and Itachi wouldn't be mended just like that but I still hoped it would still improve significantly after this ordeal. I hoped... that the three of them would stop being so stubborn even for a second and finally admit their feelings once and for all.

And yeah, I knew this was mostly wishful thinking on my part but I still wanted it to come true in the nearest future.




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