In The End ✶ Derek Hale

By hellfiresoulss

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( ON HOLD ) After being away from Beacon Hills for six years, Marlo Stilinski finally returns but with secret... More

𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬
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By hellfiresoulss

048 — smoke and mirrors

season four —
episode twelve

MARLO AND THE REST OF THE PACK begin getting ready to go to Mexico to save Scott and Kira from Kate and the berserkers.

Only Stiles and the others rush out to organise and get their parents permission to head to Mexico.

Marlo looks at her fiancé worriedly before biting her lip and looking down at the weapons on the table in their living room.

Marlo texts Riley letting him and Jordan into the plan for Mexico.

'we'll meet you there, we found argent' Riley's response says.

Marlo sighs in relief and looks at Derek once more looking at her already in concern.

"Riley and Jordan found Chris" Marlo explains showing him the texts.

Derek nods and continues looking through articles on his laptop.

Stiles grunts annoyed calling his sister's number hoping for the older brunette to talk some sense into their father.

'stiles? you okay?' Marlo says answering the phone, "Yeah, look, Dad won't let me go to Mexico" Stiles grits out.

Marlo chuckles sensing her little brother's annoyance through the phone.

'Little man, I don't blame the man, you're his only biological son, and going to Mexico to save Scott and Kira from a lunatic bitch doesn't really sound like a good plan on your part' Marlo states hearing Stiles sigh on the other line.

"But Marlo, Scott is my best friend and his in trouble, I can't just sit around knowing his out there going through god knows what" Stiles states.

Quickly ending the call phone with the other woman seeing Malia and others walk into the sheriff office ready to head to Scott's house to get something to follow his scent.

Marlo mutters under her breath at the sudden end of the phone call, "Little shit hung up on me" Marlo snarls looking at Derek smirking at her annoyance.

"You're sexy when you're annoyed Lo" Derek shrugs and if looks could kill.

Derek would be six feet under the ground, "Oh no, no, don't flatter me with you handsome smirk and lust filled eyes, my brother just hung up on me" Marlo states angrily before sending the boy a very long message.

"His a teenager Lo, like we were all those years ago, plus his best friend is in Mexico with Kate and James, I don't blame him for wanting to go and try and save his best friend" Derek says shutting his laptop and walking over to the stressed out Marlo leaning against the table.

"I don't want you going anywhere near Kate or James, look what they did to you" Marlo mumbles looking at the smiling man.

"I'm still here, Lo" Derek states hugging her fragile frame feeling her arms wrap around his torso tightly.

After a sleepless night, Marlo calls Braeden to ask the woman to meet her and Derek at their shared loft to go over the plan for Mexico.

Once the brunette arrives she puts more weapons and ammunition on the table.

Derek frowns, "I still don't like relying on these things" Derek states looking at his fiancé and her best friend.

"I get it; you miss your power, I would, too" Braeden states looking at the former werewolf.

"It's not about power, it's about being able to help, I don't like feeling helpless" Derek mutters.

"I'm human, do I look helpless? Marlo's here as well, your vampire hybrid future wife to be, she isn't helpless either" Braeden smirks.

"You're both a much better shot than me" Derek states sadly and Marlo shakes her head seeing the look on the male's face, "Do you really think you won't be coming back?" Braeden asks.

"Not alive" Derek explains seeing Marlo inhale sharply, "You know I'm not okay with that" Marlo states shaking her head beside him.

"I am, if it saves Scott and Kira" Derek sighs seeing the look of hurt flash through Marlo's eyes.

"But, to be honest, I don't even know if this is enough firepower to take down one Berserker" Derek states looking away from the brunettes towards the laid out weapons and ammunition on the table.

"Not even close" a voice states coming down the spiral staircase.

"Killing a Berserker is next to impossible, it's not just the firepower, it's breaking the animal spirit from the human" Peter states looking at the three.

"Well, the only person we know with that kind of experience is Argent, and he's not getting back to me" Derek states looking at Marlo.

"His a little preoccupied at the moment Der" Marlo mumbles.

"Well, then you're going to need help, like Malia, maybe Liam, and definitely Marlo and I" Peter states smirking looking at the vampire-hybrid evilly knowing his plan with James and Kate is coming along perfectly.

Marlo looks at her phone seeing Stiles's name flash on the screen stating that he and Malia are on the way with Liam to get on the road to Mexico.

"Stiles is on his way to the storage units, we have to go and meet him, Brae; could you go grab us a prisoner transport van?" Marlo asks seeing Braeden nod suspiciously before leaving the loft.

"Come on, gotta go to the storage units and meet my bossy brother" Marlo states rolling her eyes before exiting the loft through the sliding door and walking downstairs with Derek and Peter shortly behind her.

Braeden pulls into the storage place fifteen minutes later smiling at Marlo who nods at her happily over the transport van, "How'd you get a prison transport van?" Stiles asks confused.

"I'm a U.S. Marshal" Braeden scoffs before shrugging, "Yeah, I thought that was just a cover" Stiles says.

"Are we really bringing him?" Derek asks pointing at Liam before leaning against Marlo against his chest.

"Are we really bringing him?" Stiles repeats the question pointing at Peter.

"We're bringing everyone that we can and, considering Scott and Kira were taken the night before a full moon, we should probably get going" Peter states urging everyone to get on the road.

"What's that mean?" Malia asks frowning, "If Kate took Scott back to the same temple that she took Derek, how do we know she's not planning to do the same thing to him?" Peter suggests.

"What, she wants to make him younger?" Liam asks confused looking at Marlo and Derek, "Or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf" Derek states.

"A werewolf can't steal a true alpha's power, but, maybe a nagual jaguar with the power of tezcatlipoca behind her? Maybe she can" Peter explains.

Stiles runs his hand over his face at the sudden information, "So, if everyone is sufficiently freaked out, I say we get going" Peter states using hand motions towards the vehicles.

"We can't, not without Lydia" Stiles states.

Marlo frowns alongside her soon to be husband seeing Stiles pace while trying to call the strawberry blonde, "What's she doing at the school, anyway?" Derek asks looking at his cousin.

"We got Kira's sword, but we need something with a stronger scent, Lydia went to get a jacket out of her locker" Malia explains before looking at her boyfriend.

"Nothing" Stiles states nervously, "If she has a car, she can catch up to us" Braeden suggests.

Marlo nods looking at her best friend, as much as she loves Lydia she knows the banshee can protect and handle herself.

"That's a good point, we'll call her from the road" Peter states pointing at the mercenary.

"No, what if something happened? What if she's in trouble?" Stiles suggests.

"Fine, you stay, you find her, we're going on without you" Peter says a little harshly earning a shove from the brunette beside him.

"Stiles, Lydia is capable of protecting herself, she's got this" Marlo states seeing Liam moving around nervously.

"I could call Mason, he has a study group at the school, maybe he could look for her?" Liam asks.

Derek and Marlo both raise their brows impressed by the betas suggestion, "All right, fine" Stiles nods before everyone separates to their vehicles.

Braeden and Marlo agreeing to be in the van up front and Derek, Stiles and Liam all in the back.

Stiles softly grabs Malia's arm, "I need to be back there with Derek and Liam, I've got some experience dealing with out-of-control teen wolves, you gonna be okay riding with Peter?" Stiles asks.

"He is my father, maybe we could do some bonding" Malia shrugs, "No, no bonding, play the radio, play it loud" Stiles states.

Malia nods walking towards Derek's vehicle Peter's going to be driving.

"Remember what we're dealing with, it's not just James and Kate, it's Berserkers, you might see human eyes behind those skulls, do not assume there's any humanity left" Peter states putting his jacket on confusing Marlo as she hasn't mentioned James's name once.

"Oh, this little one is terrified of them, aren't you?" Peter taunts looking at Liam.

"Oh remember when Derek killed you and you were scared of me for a while? Yeah shut up" Marlo snarls protective of the younger beta.

"Don't worry, my friend, it is that fear that will keep you alive, a reminder to everyone? You do not fight Berserkers to survive, you fight to kill, I thought we wouldn't have to bring up that ever again Marlo? Seriously" Peter states.

Marlo smirks before climbing into the passenger side of the transport van alongside Braeden.

From the road, Liam calls Mason as promised and the boy agrees to look around the school for the strawberry blonde.

Marlo nods at Derek looking through the windowed gate in the van, which the former wolf returns.

Derek and Stiles begin handcuffing Liam to the nearby pole under his seat which the young beta pulls on roughly testing the theory out, looking at Stiles and Derek.

"All good?" Derek asks; Liam nods, "Okay, now, I brought something to help you, this has been with my family for centuries; it's a very powerful supernatural talisman, we use it to teach betas how to control themselves on a full moon" Derek explains handing the circular object to Liam before looking at Stiles beside looking at him with a look of disbelief.

Derek motions his head towards the younger male, "Yes, it's powerful" Stiles says before clearing his throat.

"Very powerful" Stiles states firmly as both Derek and Stiles look at Liam once again looking at them somewhat believing their lie.

Nightfall soon falls over the two vehicles driving on a dirt road towards the church.

Marlo hums along to the music seeing Braeden smiling at her relaxed face; "You okay M?" Braeden asks softly looking into the back of the van.

"Just worried about him" Marlo mumbles softly before grunting is heard coming from the back of the van.

"Oh fuck" Marlo mutters seeing Liam flashing his yellow-golden eyes at the two in the back of the van.

"Does this thing open at all?" Marlo asks looking at Braeden nodding quickly unlocking the gated smallish window just incase the vampire-hybrid has to get into the back for help.

"Liam, you with me?" Derek asks looking at the fifteen year old who nods grunting.

"We have a mantra that we use: you repeat it, you focus on the words, it's like meditating; you say the words until you feel control coming back to you" Derek explains.

"Okay" Liam nods before grunting once again, "Okay, okay: what are the words?" Liam pleads.

"Okay, look at the triskelion, see the symbol? I have a tattoo on my back, it's the same thing, each spiral means something" Derek explains.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega" Stiles states, "It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another, betas can become alphas" Derek states, "Alphas can become betas" Stiles says.

Marlo and Braeden look into the back worried for the two humans safety, "Can alpha's become omegas?" Liam asks grunting more and more as the full moon's effects become stronger.

"All you have to do is say the three words and with each one, you tell yourself you're getting calmer, more in control, go ahead" Derek explains nodding at the teenage boy.

"Alpha, Beta" Liam begins saying, "Slower" Derek states, "Alpha, Beta, Omega" Liam starts saying slower.

Liam grunts loudly, "Alpha, Beta, Omega" Liam snarls growing more and more angry.

"Good, say it again, remember, every time you say the words, you're getting calmer" Derek replies.

"Alpha; Beta; Omega" Liam says as a growl comes into the mix of the words.

"Say it again" Derek says encouraging the young one's transformation.

"Derek, I don't think the powerful talisman-of-self-control is working" Stiles states anxiously pulling his legs away from the young wolf.

Liam growls at the two in the back of the van as Derek tries to encourage and remain calm for the werewolf.

Liam growls once more before breaking out of one of the handcuffs launching himself at Derek.

"Derek?" Marlo asks from the front worriedly, "I think we're gonna need to go a little faster" Stiles shouts panicked.

Braeden and Marlo sit in the front as Liam breaks the other handcuff going to claw Derek's face, leaving the van to almost lose control on the dirt road.

"Keep going, I'm okay" Derek nods looking at Marlo while holding off Liam who's growling in his face.

"Liam" Derek tries once again only for Liam to claw his arm leaving a wound.

"Liam" Stiles shouts seeing Derek's face twist due to sudden pain on his arm.

Trying to hold the werewolf off Derek as much as possible he makes eye contact with his worried older sister in the front.

"We're almost there" Braeden states shouting into the back before nodding at Marlo stating it's the truth.

"His okay Mar" Braeden states as Marlo breathes out anxiously.

Derek remains calm looking at the out of control werewolf, "Keep focus" Derek states also trying to hold Liam's hands away from his face.

"Derek, I don't think "Alpha, Beta, Omega" is resonating with him" Stiles states, "You know any other mantras?" Derek curiously asks.

"Yeah, I do" Stiles states before coming closer to the unhinged young werewolf.

"Liam, Liam, what three things cannot be long hidden?" Stiles asks seeing Liam looking at him before trying to kill Derek once again.

"Liam; Liam, look at me; what three things cannot long be hidden? What three things?" Stiles asks once again, "Sun, the moon, the truth" Liam pants.

"That's it; say it again" Stiles states nodding, "The sun, the moon, the truth" Liam repeats calming down from his werewolf rage, "Der?" Marlo asks looking into the back of the van once again.

"We're okay, baby" Derek states nodding at the brunette in the passenger seat.

"Sun, moon and the truth" Liam repeats again now calming down officially.

Stiles pats Derek's shoulder exhaling due to the relief of not being ripped apart.

Marlo looks up ahead as they enter the old ruins of the town and park in front of the church.

Marlo growls already having a massive blast of James's scent along with Kate's.

"They're here" Marlo states looking at Braeden in the drivers seat, the two women get the guns from the floor.

Derek opens the back doors of the van only to be met by one of the Berserkers.

Stabbing him over and over again in the chest and stomach with one of their bones.

"Marlo!" Stiles screams out knowing Marlo is going to go out of control seeing her fiancé in this state.

Both Marlo and Braeden rush out of the van shooting the berserker off with their shotguns and Marlo flashes her fangs before the berserker rushes off into the distance.

"No, no, no, no" Marlo repeats rushing towards Derek seeing the male holding onto the wounds and falling onto the ground in agony.

Peter, Stiles and the others rush towards the injured Hale seeing blood coming from his mouth.

"You're okay, baby, you're okay" Marlo repeats growing teary eyed already attaching her hands to the man's wounds on his torso and chest.

"How bad is it?" Peter asks seeing Marlo shaking her head with tears forming, "I'm fine, I'm fine; just get to Scott" Derek states groaning from the painful wounds.

Peter looks at his nephew seeing his state and glancing at the others as Braeden stands directly behind Marlo ready to catch the brunette if needed.

"Just find him, we'll be right behind you, go" Derek demands looking at his uncle and the rest of Scott's pack.

No one goes to move looking at the former wolf now with serious injuries.

"Go" Derek shouts breathing deeply trying to remain calm knowing Marlo is right beside him holding onto his wounds.

Peter walks towards the entrance, seeing Malia, Stiles and Liam all staring at Derek in shock especially Stiles.

"Hey, hey, save him" Derek states nodding at Stiles who looks at how emotional and broken his sister already looks.

"I'm not leaving him, go, little man" Marlo states nodding as Stiles and the others rush into the old church.

Braeden looks at Marlo and Derek knowingly before Marlo looks up from her blood stained hands as soon as Derek lets out a agonised groan.

"I can't lose you" Marlo whispers seeing the pain and misery inside Derek's eyes, "Lydia was right" Derek chuckles.

Marlo shakes her head once again in denial, "Absolutely not, you're not fucking leaving me Der" Marlo sobs seeing how weak he's already falling from the stab wounds.

STILES AND THE OTHERS begin searching the tunnels of the old church before Peter stops them, "Okay, everyone, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, we gotta figure out where we are, then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira" Peter states.

Stiles's phone is hearing ringing, "How do I even have service?" Stiles mutters before answering the phone call, "Hi, Dad, okay, Dad, I know you're angry" Stiles starts to say.

'Oh, I'm beyond angry! I've reached a level of fury that you could not possibly comprehend' Stilinski states, "Okay, well, when I get back, you can ground me" Stiles agrees.

'Ground you? Ground you? I'm going to hobble you, now, please, tell me you and Marlo are all right, tell me that you're both safe' Stilinski asks.

"You want me to lie? Listen dad, Derek's hurt badly" Stiles states, 'Oh, god; okay, tell me-tell me what I can do, how can I help?' Stilinski asks.

"Lydia, she was at the school when we called Mason to look for her, but now we're not hearing back from either of them, I don't know, Dad; I don't know what I'm doing, you know, I'm just, I'm trying to save my friends and now Marlo is going to lose someone she loves" Stiles states frowning.

'Okay, I'll find Lydia and Mason; you get Scott and Kira, you save your friends and Marlo will be alright, Derek will fight this' Stilinski states.

"Dad, if it's one of the Berserkers at the school, you're gonna need firepower, a lot" Stiles states before hanging up the phone call and turning towards the other watching him annoyed, "What do we do now?" Liam asks.

Malia looks around sensing something or someone before widening her eyes.

"Duck" Malia shouts pushing Liam's head down and protecting the young werewolf.

The group rush into an open spaced room seeing the Berserker running into the space after them.

Braeden looks around before Marlo looks up sensing James somewhere close to her but also smirking knowing Riley is currently also on his way to Mexico to help them out in this battle.

Unaware of Derek's current situation though, "Can you still pull a trigger?" Marlo asks sensing Kate and James getting closer to them, "Yeah" Derek nods weakly.

Braeden passes the male a gun, "Stay with me, you're gonna be okay" Marlo says looking at Derek resting her forehead on his.

"It's a mortal wound and right now, I'm feeling pretty mortal" Derek laughs weakly.

"I'm not gonna let you die" Marlo states befote looking around their surroundings hearing a growl in the distance getting closer to them.

"Baby, you might just have to concentrate on saving yourself" Derek weakly mumbles.

Braeden looks around before getting up and walking towards the corner of their current hiding spot.

"I'm sorry" Derek mumbles looking at Marlo sadly.

"Don't apologise, you're going to be okay, and we're going to get married" Marlo says as her voice shakes with emotions hearing another growl and hissing coming from the road near them.

Braeden looks around the corner again after hearing a closer growl seeing James, Kate and Berserker walking towards where they're currently.

"Fuck, Mar, it's James" Braeden states looking at the brunette who locks her eyes on her weakening fiancé by the minute.

"Get out of here Lo, please" Derek whispers.

Marlo shakes her head looking at him, "I'm not leaving you Derek" Marlo states looking up and seeing Braeden shooting directly down the road signalling to the two the fight has no began.

"You stay with me okay? Keep fighting" Marlo says kissing Derek not caring about his blood stained lips.

Derek laughs weakly before looking up seeing James and Kate talking to Braeden.

"How much did they pay you?" Kate asks.

"Way more than you're worth" Marlo snarls shocking James and Kate and sending the Berserker flying back into the cement wall behind them.

"Miss me? Because I sure didn't fucking miss you" Marlo snarls looking directly at James who's smiling at his little creation.

Cars and trucks begin to pull into the destroyed down as both Kate and James look around confused at the sudden company.

Marlo smirks seeing the gunfire hitting both of them before looking around seeing another vehicle coming into the fight with Riley, Jordan and Chris inside of it shooting at Kate and James.

"You bastard" James mutters seeing his step son joining the fight but smiling and nodding at Marlo meaning his on there side, "Hi father" Riley snarls looking at the man.

Braeden shouts for Marlo, Marlo looks over seeing Braeden waving her over towards Derek once again.

Riley and Jordan both sigh out of sadness seeing the wounded man leaning weakly on the broken cement wall.

"Derek?" Marlo screams rushing towards the two of them seeing the tears in Braeden's eyes.

"No, absolutely not, keep those gorgeous eyes open for me, please" Marlo sobs seeing Derek's breathing slowing down.

"You—were always the one for me, Lo, remember that okay?" Derek mumbles gurgling on his blood.

"Keep that ring safe for me, I love you Mar—Marlo Stil—inski" Derek says letting a tear roll down his cheek before smiling softly at the gorgeous brunette.

Marlo sobs leaning against the man's chest as his takes his final breath, "Derek? No, please" Marlo yells shaking the male's figure ignoring the gunfire around them.

Marlo looks up at the sky letting out a gut-wrenching sound wave scream out from around her at the loss of her soul-mate Derek Hale

Braeden watches as Marlo's face turns from pain to pure hatred almost like turning off her humanity switch, "Where the fuck did James go?" Marlo snarls.

Braeden points into the direction, "I'll be back when it's done" Marlo mutters using her vampire speed to follow after Riley's figure wanting to help the man kill the one person who made their life a living hell.

"Well, well, look who we have here, my creation and bastard of a son" James mutters smirking at the looks on their faces.

"I'm not one of your creations you sick fuck, you and your lunatic wife killed the one person I truly loved, now I'm going to kill you" Marlo seethes looking at Riley beside her already nodding at her launching for the man who puts up a good fight for a while until Riley suddenly injects him with verain and mistletoe.

"Now, have fun in hell you psychopath" Marlo snarls snapping the man's neck splattering both herself and Riley's face and body with blood staining them red before kicking James's decaying body sending him towards the dirty laced ground.

"You can do the honours of burning him Riles, after all he was the monster in your eyes as well" Marlo says falling towards the ground hearing a howl in the distance and the gunfire outside coming to a stop suddenly.

Marlo looks around feeling weak all of the sudden seeing a needle pressed into her lower back knowing James put it there before she got the upper hand like Riley did.

"Oh shit" Marlo whimpers feeling woozy before falling towards the ground alerting Riley who throws the matchstick onto his step father's body.

"Marlo" Riley says urgently racing towards the brunette who's looking up at him.

"I'm okay, it's just kanima venom, bite me?" Marlo asks in which Riley does immediately quickly draining the venom from the woman's system.

"Thank you, Riley" Marlo says hugging him really needing the embrace right about now, Riley frowns feeling something unusual with Marlo's body.

Unaware of what's going on outside.

Releasing the howl into the sky, the wolf jumps over the cement wall running straight towards Kate and attacking her leaving the blonde woman screaming out in agony from the wolves bite-marks.

Kate looks at the wolf confused seeing a man coming back into the human form.

Braeden, Jordan, Araya and all of the other hunters look at the man stunned by the sudden discovery of the evolved werewolf.

"You were—you were dead" Kate says confused seeing Derek in the flesh once again.

"No, I was evolving; something you'll never do" Derek states smirking at the blonde woman feeling a presence coming up beside quickly launching for the Berserker breaking and unmasking the creature sending it into dust particles.

Kate gets up from the ground looking at the man scared, not noticing Chris leaning against the nearby wall putting a special yellow bullet into the gun's magazine.

Shooting the bullet directly into Kate's shoulder sending the woman onto the ground at the sudden jolt of pain the bullet inflicted.

"Chris?" Kate asks confused before looking around fleeing into the dark building beside her.

Chris groans before following after his sister into the building.

Derek looks around confused noticing the lack of Marlo's appearance anyone.

"Braeden, where is Lo?" Derek asks concerned, "She went after James with Riley" Braeden states.

Riley walks around the corner shocked at the discovery of Derek being alive and naked in front of him.

"Um, woah" Riley says covering his eyes before looking behind him smiling at the brunette who's looking at him confused.

"What are you smiling at all of the sudden?" Marlo asks tilting her head.

"Find out yourself" Riley says stepping out of the way, "Lo" a very familiar voice states seeing the state of Marlo's figure.

"Der?" Marlo says adjusting her stance and rubbing her eyes thinking it's a hallucination.

"I'm here, baby" Derek nods seeing the immediate moment Marlo's eyes fill with tears.

"Oh my god" Marlo says before collapsing in the man's arms.

"You should really put some clothes on, not that I don't like this view though" Marlo states looking up at a Derek smirking at her.

Seeing Jordan walking towards the male handing him clothes from Derek's cruiser.

"Thanks" Derek nods before walking somewhere with Marlo latched onto his side.

Before putting the clothes on that Jordan gave him, "So, you're now an evolved wolf?" Marlo asks tilting her head.

"Yeah feels weird, I feel so much more than I did before, and smell a lot more as well" Derek states smirking at the brunette who shrugs

Derek frowns feeling the sudden change in Marlo's body like Riley did moments prior tilting his head in question.

Seeing the sun rising outside of the building the two walked off too.

Chris comes out of the building as well as Derek and Marlo, seeing Scott and Stiles dragging out an unconscious Peter outside as well.

"He was working with James and Kate, wanted both Marlo and I dead" Scott explains looking at the blood stained Marlo leaning happily against Derek.

"Well James is dead" Riley shrugs not really giving a shit.

"Riley and I killed him" Marlo states earning a nod from everyone including the Calavera's.

"There's enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back, but be careful" Chris explains looking at Scott and the others.

"You're really going with them? What about Isaac and Zara?" Scott asks.

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago, they'll leave you alone; all of you, but only if I help them catch Kate, and Isaac and Zara are sticking around Beacon Hills for a while, they have a free apartment and Isaac's got someone to look after him anyways" Chris states looking at Marlo who nods.

"Of course, after all Derek and I have adopted him" Marlo shrugs seeing Scott and Stiles smiling at the two of them.

"What if you can't? Find Kate?" Kira asks.

"I'll find her, someone has to" Chris states nodding at the true alpha and kitsune.

Turning around and smiling at Marlo and Derek who nod at him, "Take care of yourself Chris" Marlo states.

"You too, Marlo and take care of your little one okay, you're glowing" Chris winks leaving with the Calavera hunters.

Not seeing Marlo's confused face before gasping in realisation and sharing a look with Riley who shrugs not telling her anything.

Marlo rushes towards Jordan and hugs him finally, "Thank you for coming with Riley and for helping us" Marlo says as Jordan smiles at her and nods.

"It's all good Mar, Riley and I are kind of a good team" Jordan shrugs chuckling after Marlo's smirk.

"No, not like that" Jordan states as Marlo raise her eyebrows before walking back towards her future husband and best friend seeing the brunette is leaving.

"You're not really a U.S. Marshal, are you?" Derek asks holding Braeden's door open for her.

"I was, but I spent too long looking for one person, it's hard to keep a job when part of it becomes an obsession" Braeden explains looking at Marlo who nods in agreement.

"Who were you after?" Derek asks noticing the way Marlo was nodding.

"All we know is a code name, the Desert Wolf" Braeden states looking at Marlo who looks at Derek shrugging.

"I told you I had a life when I was away from Beacon Hills, Braeden and I have been best friends for a while now" Marlo explains hugging the brunette and saving her goodbyes for now.

Knowing that Derek and herself will be going back to Beacon Hills to pack some bags and go away for a few months to travel the country.

Derek looks at Scott and nods at him silently telling him that he's proud of him.

Scott nods back thanking him before getting into their vehicles and driving back to Beacon Hills.

Knowing Marlo will owe her father a goodbye for the next few months while she travels with Derek around the country, and to say goodbye to her adopted son Isaac Lahey.

Arriving back in Beacon Hills, Marlo walks into the sheriff station with Malia and Stiles seeing the relief on their father's face, "Oh dad, you smell terrible" Stiles states hugging the male.

"Yup, you do, too" Stilinski mumbles before looking at his eldest daughter leaning against the doorframe, "Marli, is Derek okay?" Stilinski asks seeing Marlo nods and hug him tightly.

"Just came to say goodbye, Derek and I are going away for a few months around the country, I also adopted Isaac, can you please watch over him for me?" Marlo asks looking at her dad.

"Of course I can, sweetheart" Stilinski states hugging her once more before Marlo leaves the station waving goodbye to both Jordan and Riley on the way out

MARLO STANDS IN THE bathroom of the loft after packing some of her clothes into a suitcase for the trip she's going on with Derek.

The brunette taps on her arm anxiously waiting for the timer to buzz alerting her that time is up, hearing the ringing of the alarm.

Marlo sighs grabbing the stick off the countertop of her and Derek's shared bathroom staring at the two lines on the pregnancy test stating a very clear 'pregnant' on it.

Marlo giggles and covers her mouth with a sob unaware of Derek walking into the room suddenly aware of his fiancée's sobbing.

"Lo, what's wrong?" Derek wonders seeing Marlo holding onto her stomach in shock.

"I'm pregnant baby" Marlo explains with a teary eyed smile leaving the male shocked and growing a huge smile on his face ready to start a family with the love of his life.

─────── °° ───────


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𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒔 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔!
just like that, we're done s4!
off to start season 6b now
marlo's pregnant!
please; vote, comment & share

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