meet the family

By WolfSama8

253K 7.3K 1.7K

Jason has always been the black sheep, always keeping secrets. so what happens when the family finds out one... More

chapter 1 the meeting
chapter 2 catching up with old friends
chapter 3 finding out
chapter 4 the Voicemail
chapter 5 presents
chapter 6 panic
chapter 7 it becomes real
chapter 8 a spark
chapter 9 the ice cream of love
chapter 10 dinner shenanigans
chapter 11 proposal....kinda
chapter 12 no matter what you do it right
chapter 13 every Sunday
chapter 14 Jason meets the she devil
chapter 15 how Jason got a cracked rib
chapter 16 the best friend finds out
chapter 17 the hood meets the bug
chapter 18 i love you
chapter 19 abba
chapter 20
chapter 21 + sneak peek
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 27.5
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30 nerds in love
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
the story taking meet the family's place

chapter 50

1.8K 66 19
By WolfSama8

Author note:I'm a atheist so if I'm mistaken on something feel free to correct me


Jason:that damn gator, I swear that he got joy out of eating my boot when he caught me

Marinette:oh hush, fang is just a baby you know he loves you. He also quickly got attached to Damian I could tell

*Damian actually smiled at that's like a genuine honest to god smile. Jason rolled his eyes, love was the furthest thing that cold blooded creature had for Jason.*

Jason:yeah, animals never really liked me, apart from our hamsters

Marinette:anyhow, after there little visit me and Jason laid low for a bit to calm things down, nothing really exited happened till week. Is something wrong Damian? You seem troubled

*Marinette said stopping her tale and looking at her smallest of brother's in law. Damian was frowning and shook his head*

Damian:it's nothing, at least nothing that I should say

Marinette:oh hush, we're family if you can't talk to us who can you talk do

*Marinette said with a smile, Everyone glanced at Bruce who sank down on his seat a little. Damian sighed and looked in thought for a bit before responding*

Damian:you say your religious, right?

Marinette:yes I'm Catholic, so are my children all 3 of us were baptized when we were born

Damian:then it doesn't bother you that your husband isn't a Catholic?

*Jason glanced at Damian his eyes quinted wondering where he was going with this, Marinette on the other side gave a small giggle*

Marinette:by that logic I would have a problem with Chloe and Kagami for being married to each other. No I have no problem with my husband not being Catholic or anyone for that matter, each an everyone one of us has our own journey to go through, and honestly with all the crazy things this world has gone through I'm not surprised why so many people stopped being so religious

Bruce:care to elaborate?

Marinette:certainly, take wonder woman for example, she's from the Greek religion being an Amazonian, and there's been so many news of other Gods of that mythology appear like that villain Ares, or how about Superman? A man with super strength, super speed, flight and who knows what else, Dr. Fate who's using the powers of Egyptian gods, you've got a villains that regularly makes deals with devil like that boy with a cat, and brother night, i could do on. But with all that I can understand why some people don't believe in religion anymore

Marinette "for heavens sake I'm the holder of multiple primordial gods"

*Marinette thought remembering the only time she saw the kwamis true form, and one time was more then enough*

Damian:then why do you still believe?

Marinette:now that's something I won't be answering. Since it's a very personal reason why I still believe. And one of the main things about the Catholic religion is faith, I have faith that he does exist and that's should be a good enough answer for you.

*Damian nodded accepting the answer, Jason coughed getting everyone's attention*

Jason:and just to make things clear, yeah I don't really believe in anything seeing as well I died. For me one second I was seeing that bomb count down, and the next I was drowning in that pit. But I still go to church every Sunday for my family, and since the community is not that bad.

Marinette:though I will admit we've come to a nice compromise that works for us both as I'm not as religious as I used to be to make Jason feel more comfortable, and he's a little more religious then he used to be to make me comfortable

*Marinette said with a smile looking at her husband who nodded. The family looked at Jason surprised, the black sheep, the man who has killed 83 people, is a church going god respecting man, bruce and much more importantly alfred were both so proud seeing how jason matured over the years*

Jason:Also guess what day tomorrow is

*Jason said with an amused excitement behind his voice, Marinette and Jason both smirked evilly as they all looked at there calendars and paled. Tomorrow was Sunday*

Marinette:so! I'm sure that all of you will just love to go with us to church bright and early yes?

Dick:uh we....

Kori:oh me and mar'i would love to go! I'm curious of your customs. And I'll make sure that Richard is there with me

*Dick groaned and reluctantly nodded, it made Jason have an evil glee seeing his family have a sense of dread*

Marinette:also don't eat breakfast before Church, that's frowned upon since your letting the sin of gluttony go before God, after church we'll go to a cafe and have breakfast

Barbara:noted, I do hope that your church is more accepting then the ones I've been too

Marinette:oh that won't be a problem, I need to make clear that I mean a real church, the European church that follows the words of the Pope. Not the American bastardized version where pastors have mega churches and are multi millionaires, they're nothing but charlatans using the Lord's name to get rich and they'll pay dearly since -it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God. Now I'm not saying the European churches are perfect, since I don't even believe God is perfect, but they're a whole lot more accepting then the American versions

*Marinette continued to muttered insults in French about how far the American churches bastardized the religion. The adults found it amusing while the children were too far to hear her, so no money in the jar for her*

Jason:anyway like Marinette said nothing really exited happened till week 35

Back to the past

Marinette:god i feel miserable...

*We see Jason and Marinette at there check up to make sure the bundles of joy were healthy. Marinette was extra miserable today since those lovely little bundles kicked her bladder and made her pee on the bed, something Jason had to clean up, while at the same time reassure a crying Marinette that it was fine and that he still loved her*

Jason:just one more month to go baby, and they'll be out, you'll be able to make them so many little clothes for them to wear

Marinette:i just hope I don't have to get a C section, I want the birth to be as natural as possible



*Marinette elbowed him making him wince but Jason kept laughing. Jason took a few calming breaths but still was chuckling*

Jason:sorry sorry, but when she gave birth she was screaming at the doctor to give her the drugs, she even crushed my hand, and i don't mean figuratively. She literally crushed my hand


*Marinette just groaned with a slight blush embarrassed*

Marinette:it's the doctor's fault for not giving me any drugs....

Jason:honey by the time the drugs started working you would've already given birth to our second baby

Marinette: don't care!

Back to the past

Jason:you sure that's a good idea?

Marinette:of course, I want the full experience. I know I'll be able to handle it, I just need to remember the breathing exercises and I'll be fine

*Marinette said not knowing the doom that's awaiting her in a month's time, the fool, the poor poor fool. They kept talking a bit more until the doctor walked in*

Kurt:hello in doctor Cobain how are we feeling today?


Barbara:hold up, your doctor's name was Kurt Cobain?

Marinette:to be honest I don't even remember the doctor's name so I'm just gonna used him

Back to the past

Marinette:in 8 month pregnant how do you think I feel?

Kurt:like a million bucks?

*Kurt said chuckling this not being the first time he's dealt with pregnant woman, the doctor walked next to her and started putting jelly on the belly. Jason grabbed Marinette's hand as she trembled a little over the cold jelly*

Kurt:ok and take a look

*Both looked and whatever mood Marinette was in just disappeared as she smiled, tears threatening to escape her eyes as there it was in the ultrasound in black and white*

*There baby, Marinette choked up a little tear feeling very emotional seeing it, Jason couldn't stop smiling seeing his child growing healthy inside his mother's stomach*

Kurt: everything looks fine, we took a blood test and both the mother and child are healthy, I would recommend that you take it easy this last month. As for the size of your belly this baby and your petite frame, this baby is gonna be a big one. Now I just want to do a few more tests and you'll be free to go

*Marinette nodded not really listening just kept looking at her bundle of joy, the most important thing in Jason's and Marinette's life *

Scene change

*We see our couple walking back home from the doctor's visit, Jason was holding a bag of groceries filled with marinette's craving and Marinette was holding Jason's free hand. Both were just enjoying the warm air when someone came to ruin there good mood*

Lila:oh my God is that you Marinette?

To be continued or 12 chapters ahead on Patreon

Gracias especiales ah:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe


nT_wolf 0

Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker




William Washington



True V Munoz-Bennett

Shawn sachs

Jamel Collins

Alysha brown

Ashley Coleman

Abbie Jackson

Jordan Mace

Taivon cook

Kyla Evans

Max bell

Darren Belcher

Tyler Gist

Charles Sims


Brandiejo key



Melissa Lopez


David Gallardo


Benjamin Cade Higgins


Claude Smith

Isabella Allen

Ruth R


Bryton Maldonado


Harrison J. Glass





Lakaylynn Hillman

Ana Ceja


Levi letcher

Thanks again for the donations

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