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By Mikaelson-x

5.5K 222 20

๐–๐ˆ๐‹๐ƒ๐„๐’๐“ ๐ƒ๐‘๐„๐€๐Œ๐’| Where Jade Hart live turns upside down when she meets Francis Valois the future... More

๐€๐œ๐ญ ๐Ž๐ง๐ž


875 37 7
By Mikaelson-x

- Pilot

"You have returned to the court at your own Queen's bidding" a royal advisor spoke to the five girls who was stood in front of her, " As noble ladies, you must counsel, prepare her, account for her. For Princess Elisabeth's wedding, as with any event, you must acquaint yourselves, and Mary, with all visiting royalty and dignitaries. Who amongst you is fluent in Italian?"

Jade, Aylee, Kenna, Lola and Greer all shared a look at the women's question before all turned their attention to Aylee who quietly spoke up, " I suppose I am." The royal advisor nodded her head in acknowledgment and informed the blonde girl, "You will sit next to the Pope's cousin. He has no teeth and speaks very quickly"

The four girls looked down at the ground trying to hold in their laughter at Aylee but ended up erupting into giggled along side Mary who placed her hand over her mouth as the women rolled her eyes at the girls childish behaviour before turning around and strutting out of the room closing the door behind her. Not long after the royal advisor left the six girls started getting ready as they applied make up on one another and tried on dresses that Mary had given them.

Are all these dresses from Paris?" Aylee questioned raising her eyebrows as she put one of the dresses against her body glancing at herself through the mirror. Mary smiled as she nodded her head in confirmation watching her friends who was giggling spinning around in their new dresses, "Yes, every one"

Lola grabbed ahold of the end of her dress swaying it around as she was wearing a white dress with gold pattered on the top half of the gown, "Oh If Colin could see me, he'd marry me in a second. I look of age now, we all do"Aylee gasped as her eyes lit up with an idea looking at her friends and exclaimed, "You know what I'd like to do? Explore. We haven't been here since we were children. Surely the castle's changed. Who's with me?"

" I am" Kenna smiled nodding her head in agreement with Aylee before turning her attention to Jade with an questionable look on her face. " do you even have to ask?" Jade resorted as she linked arms with Kenna as Mary looked at the girls with a small smile and assured them, " Go, I'll find you later. There's something that I want to see" Jade glanced over at Mary over her shoulder shooting her a look, " are you sure you don't want to come with us?"

"Yes, Go, I'll be fine" Mary assured the blonde beauty as Kenna grabbed her arm dragging her out of the room to explore the castle but it didn't take long until she quickly departed from her friends as she grabbed her sketchbook from her chambers before making her way outside of the castle as she wanted to sketch the castle before attempting to paint it and as much as Kenna and Lola wanted to stay with their friend they didn't want to sit in the cold waiting for her.

"Hello, you must be Jade, right?" An familiar voice called out behind her causing her to glance over her shoulder at the sight of Francis who was standing behind her with his arms behind his back causing Jade to let out a chuckle as Francis was charming and handsome but she knew better since he is going to be the next King of France, " Yes, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Mary? Getting to know her, she is going to be your future Queen"

Francis let out a sigh as he sat beside the blonde beauty letting out a heavy sigh, " I just needed to clear my head. May I ask, what are you doing outside of the castle you shouldn't be wondering around on your own it's dangerous especially for young girls like yourself" Jade rolled her eyes in frustration turning her attention away from the paper in front of her and towards Francis, " I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone to protect me"

Francis raised his brows in amusement as she was different from the other women he had met as there was something about this blonde girl beside him that caught his attention, " is that so... you haven't answered my question" Jade closed her sketchbook as she turned around to face him noticing the grin on his face, " if I tell you will you leave me alone?" He shrugged his shoulders casually with a mischievous look on his face, " I'll think about it"

"I paint" Jade informed him as she grabbed his hand allowing him to help her up onto her feet, " I was looking for some inspiration for something to draw and decided to draw the castle. It's beautiful" Francis hummed as he nodded his head with his brows raised and commented, " Ah, so you're an artist then" Jade grinned looking down before her eyes connected with his, " something like that"

"You're not like any noblewomen that I have met before" Francis informed Jade who began walking towards the castle with him following after her. " I'll take that as a compliment I guess" Francis couldn't help but laugh at the blonde girl as she was sassy, kind, talented but he could tell she's a bit warily when it comes to trusting people, " you should. How about I'll give you a tour of the castle"

"I'd love too" Jade smiled as Francis held out his arm for the blonde beauty to take as they started making their way towards the castle talking aimlessly getting to know each other as he couldn't tear his gaze away from her as he began showing her where everything was in the castle so the girl won't get lost since Jade is quite adventurous and loves exploring new places for something to paint.


That night, fireworks were bursting in the air in celebration of Princess Elisabeth's Wedding. Inside, music was playing while everyone was stood around watching the married couple dance with one another. Jade was standing next to Kenna as the brunette hasn't left her alone since she found her strolling around the castle with Francis and kept teasing the blonde haired girl the entire night since the two of them had gotten ready together.

"So are you finally going to tell me what's going on with you and the dauphin of France?" Kenna curiously questioned as she had been trying to get answers out of Jade but she hasn't said a word only told her that Francis was being friendly as he showed her around the castle, " it's not what you think. Don't be silly he's engaged to marry our queen"

Kenna shrugged her shoulders in response not bothered in the slightest and commented, " So... a lot of royalty marry and not for love. Have you seen the way that boy stares at you... he's infatuated with you" Jade scoffed in disbelief not believing a word her friend was saying, " No he is not. I barely know him we spoke for a short amount of time. No, it's not possible"

"Yes, it is. You might not see it but you are so beautiful and kind and loyal to your family and friends. I'm not surprised he's took a liking to you" Kenna trailed off when her eyes landed on a handsome man from afar causing her to gasp breathlessly grabbing onto Jade's arm, " isn't that Charles Vaughn. Oh, he's gorgeous and is totally marriage material" Charles Vaughn was a man well known in France and Jade even heard about him all the way in Scotland.

He was born into a noble family, who are just as rich and has numerous of lands just like Jade but that isn't the reason why people knew him. He had saved King Henry life when the king went hunting with a couple of his most trusted guards causing Henry to give him more lands and jewels as a thank you for saving his life but since then he had become close friends with both Francis and Sebastian.

"Mm-hmm" Jade nodded her head in acknowledgment as she glanced over at the dark haired boy from across the room, " haven't you heard the rumours about him. He hasn't even been interest in a women romantically. He's received a lot of marriage proposals but he refused them all. To be honest I actually think he's gay" Kenna couldn't help but giggle in amusement as she nudged Jade playfully, " Oh, come on. Just because he hasn't been with a women doesn't mean that he's into men"

"It's rather that or he's afraid of what's between a women's legs" Jade muttered under her breathe causing Kenna to grin hiding her amusement at her friends comment, " well, there's only one way we can find out. Come on, let's go introduce ourselves... you never know you could meet the love of your life" Jade groaned shooting the brunette an unamused look on her face, " Oh, don't you start I've heard enough from Greer to last a lifetime"

Kenna smiled sharing a look with Jade before the two girls approached Charles curtsying, " Excuse us, Your Grace. But you looked quite lonely and we've not met many people since our arrival here..." Kenna was interrupted by Charles who looked quite annoyed than anything else, " Let me stop you there, I'm not interested in anything that you're going to say. I'm quite content on being on my own enjoying the wedding"

Jade scoffed as she narrowed her eyes dangerously at him seeing how rude he was to Kenna as she grabbed her hand squeezing it in her own, " Our apologies, Lord Vaughn. We have duties to attend to, excuse us" the blonde dragged Kenna away from the man muttering under her breathe, " what an asshole" Kenna eyes widened in surprise staring at Jade and loudly exclaimed, " Jade!"

"What? It's true. Did you hear the way he was talking to you" Jade shook her head sending her a pointed look, " you don't want to waste anymore time on a man like that. You'll meet someone who's nice and caring and isn't a complete cunt" Kenna sent the blonde beauty a stern look but couldn't keep a serious expression as the two girls giggled leaning against each other as they made their way over to Lola and Greer when Mary approached the four girls, " Lola, Jade, kenna, Greer. dance with me. Take off your shoes. Come on. Dance with me. Take off your shoes"

The six Scottish girls took off their shoes leaving them by the side as the music changed to something a bit more upbeat as they held each others hands and rushed onto the middle of the floor. Jade linked hands with Mary and Kenna as they spun around in a group circle while everyone watched after the six girls in shock but they didn't notice as they were too busy dancing the night away.

Jade let out a laugh as she held onto Kenna hands and started spinning around the room, dancing like nobody was watching not caring about anybody's opinions on them as a couple of people started joining in with the girls as they were filled with so much life and happiness that it was contagious. Kenna spun Jade into the middle of the floor as she raised her hands in the air as she continued to dance when she came to a stop letting out a breath with a large smile on her lips.

The smile faded from her lips when Francis eyes were already locked onto her, he didn't even seem bothered that he was caught and didn't look away from her as he took a sip of his wine. Jade blushed as while he was handsome and charming as she got along well with him she had to distance herself as he was going to be King one day and didn't want to ruin her reputation all for a fling as she knew he would have to marry Mary and she didn't want to do anything to hurt her friend or betray her.

"He can't keep his eyes off you" Kenna whispered as she noticed who Jade was staring at only for the blonde to avert her eyes away from him as she furrowed her brows and muttered, " Not a word, Kenna" the brunette laughed as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders, " Oh, come on. It's sweet and it looks like he's not the only one who has eyes for you"

Jade had a look of confusion on her face as she followed Kenna line of sight only for her to be looking at Charles who had a ghost of a smile on his lips as he had been watching all the girls but the only one that really caught his attention was Jade as he couldn't tear his eyes away from her as she was the most beautiful girl he's even seen and the fact that she stood up to him only made him more curious about her.

The dancing had came to a stop as the married couple began to leave the ballroom, " Look, Elisabeth and Phillip are leaving. It's time for the for the consummation. The ritual, the ceremony, the Mystery. Aren't you curious?" Kenna questioned but before Jade could say anything Kenna was pulling her and the others girls out of the ballroom giggling as they rushed into a dark corridor where the consummation will take place on the other side of the room, " you mean, they actually watch them... you know" Aylee asked as her eyes widened in surprise glancing at her friends with her cheeks coated in bright pink at the thought.

"It's tradition for Royals" Greer informed as she was stood next to Kenna who moved the curtain to the side in the hidden corridor. "Well, we are not allowed" Aylee spoke as she wasn't exactly comfortable in watching Elisabeth and Phillip who have to have sex to consummate their marriage. "Don't you want to know what you're in for someday? With your Francis?" Kenna asked Mary who had an anxious look on her face but the brunette also turned her attention to Jade with a knowing look who avoided eye contact with Kenna.

Kenna then pulled the curtain further back so all six girls could watch what would happen and in this moment Jade was happy that she wasn't a royal as she wasn't exactly comfortable in people gathered in the room to make sure that at the end of the night that you are no longer a virgin and couldn't help but feel sympathy for Mary not knowing what was going through her head and knew she was probably anxious and terrified knowing this is what she will have to go though.

"Let's go" Aylee spoke up rushing out of the corridor with the rest of the girls following after her when Mary glanced between her ladies and told them, " Go, before anyone sees us" the six girls immediately split up going their separate ways in the castle as all six of them were physically affected after witnessing Elisabeth and Phillip sleeping together.

Jade rushed up two flight of stairs ignoring the lustful looks she was receiving from men only for her to gasp when she appeared on the corridor turning round the corner as she collided with someone, " Oh" Jade looked up as her blue eyes connected with Charles Vaughn, " I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going"

"Don't worry about it" Charles grinned with an amused smile on his face noticing the small blush on her cheeks, " you know I don't find it fair how you know mine but I didn't get the chance to ask you of yours" Jade scoffed as she took a step backwards keeping a good distance between the two of them, " hmm, where would the gun be in that? You know you have quite the reputation"

"Let me guess, I'm this horrible, heartless..." Charles trailed off knowing exactly what people say about him chuckling slightly but Jade shook her head as she interrupted him, " I wasn't going to say that but I've only just met you are you are the most rudest person I have met and the fact you find enjoyment to publicly embarrass women" Charles shrugged his shoulders with his brows raised, " if I have no interest in them, it's better than leading them on"

Jade scoffed as she folded her arms across her chest, " you could at least not be so heartless. People do have feelings" the blonde was about to walk away when he grabbed her arm stopping her, " is this about that friend of yours" Jade let out an annoyed breathe glaring at him, " if there is anything you must know of me is that I'm protective over my friends. Kenna has been my best friend since I could remember and if you ever speak to her like you did tonight, I will make your life a living hell"

"You're different" Charles stated as he stared at the blonde girl admiring her bravery and fierce personality only for her to shake her head in response, " No, I'm Scottish and I don't think you've ever had a women speak back to you. My name is Jade Hart. My parents are a Duke and a Duchess of Montrose in Scotland" Charles had a curious look on his face as he stared at Jade, " any siblings"

" I have an older brother and sister and one younger brother" Jade informed letting out a small sigh as she began walking down the corridor with him. " are you close to your family?" He asked as Jade smiled with a nod of her head, " I heard that you were an artist. Have you seen the art room?" Jade laughed as she nodded her head and told him, " yes, i actually have. Francis showed it to me earlier when he was showing me around the castle"

Jade frowned when she noticed Kenna who was walking at the end of the corridor looking all hot and bothered gesturing the blonde beauty over to her, " it was nice speaking to you but I'm afraid I'm being summoned" Jade sent him one last smile before walking over to Kenna who immediately dragged her away as Charles kept his eyes on the two girls until they were out of sight.


After the celebration reception, Francis found himself chatting to a group of men as the celebration had calmed down after the married couple had left for their consummation. The Queen of Scotland sighed as she walked into the room with a soft expression on her face causing Francis to excuse himself from the men he was having a conversation with, "I've been wanting to talk to you—"    

"There's something I need to say" Mary began to say at the say time causing the dark haired teen to chuckle slightly at the fact they spoke at the same time as she let Francis continued speaking, " When you came to speak with me earlier, I shouldn't have said what I did. There were other ways of handling this"

Mary scoffed rolling her eyes at Francis words, narrowing her eyes at him and sarcastically commented, " Handling what? Me? You do realise that we're going to be married someday, don't you?" Francis huffed, once again in irritation as he's had plenty of people reminding him most of all his father," believe me I know"

" I know you had a life before i got here" Mary spoke with a knowing look on her face as he probably had been with women before her causing Francis to shake his head narrowing his eyes at Mary and muttered, " it's not about that" Mary scoffed in disbelief not believing a word he said as she knew it had everything to do with that as he had polite when they first meet again but earlier on he was nothing but rude,"But don't you think we owe it to each other, to our families, to our countries, to give it a chance?" Mary questioned with a pleading look on her face.

"It's not that simple." Francis began to explain trying to get the Queen of Scotland to understand from his point of view only for Mary to clench her jaw in anger as she raised her voice slightly, "Not that simple! What's not simple, Francis? We've been engaged since we were six. It's all arranged. How awful must you find me to do this?"

"It's not you," Francis spoke up shaking his head in denial as he didn't want her to think that his reluctance was about her at all. It was because he didn't want to marry at all and the fact that was no matter how hard she tried she would never be able to get him to love her when he's besotted with some other girl,"Your beautiful and clever and unpredictable but it doesn't matter. What matters is what's right for my country. France is not as strong as you might think, or care, which maybe you don't, but I do. I'm going to be king someday, responsible for my people. And right now, an alliance with Scotland could destroy France."  

Mary gasped softly in shock as she held a look of recognition on her face staring directly at Francis in disbelief and pointed out, " You don't want to marry me. You don't want this at all" Francis avoided eye contact as he didn't want to hurt her feelings but he wasn't going to lie about how he truly felt because if they did marry it would be just for an alliance not for love,"things could change" he muttered under his breathe.

"Well, it isn't your decision, it's your father's." Mary remarked her gaze hardened as she narrowed her eyes at Francis who scoffed taking a step closer to the Queen of Scotland and resorted, " You don't see him pushing a wedding either, do you? All engagements really do is hold alliances. He's betting we might need scotland, I'm betting we'll find more support elsewhere, I know it's not what you want to hear."

Mary nodded her head slowly at his words, pursing her lips with a frown on her face and sadly muttered, "But you won't love me. You won't let yourself."  Francis sighed shaking his head as he kept his gaze on Mary and told her, " Love is irrelevant to people like us. We, who are so privileged in so many ways with that. All I'm asking you to do is wait, see how things go"

"See how things go for France." Mary snapped causing Francis sigh as he opened his mouth to respond but the dark haired teen interrupted him, " I guess it is simple after all. But you aren't not the only one with a country to think of." Mary sent one last look to Francis as she turned on her heel as she was about to leave when she heard someone's familiar laughter only for her to come to the halt as Jade was running away from Kenna who was chasing her.

Jade was giggling as she stumbled on her feet slightly only she bumped into Mary, " Oh, my god. Mary" she smiled happily bringing the Queen of Scots into a tight embrace who hugged her back looking at Kenna over her shoulder who let out a relieved breathe, " Jade, are you drunk?" The blonde beauty had an offended look on her face and resorted, " I am so sober. You don't know what you're taking about"

" I didn't even leave her alone for long and when I found her she was like this. She's had me chasing her all around the castle" Kenna let out a heavy sigh placing her hands on her hips. Jade turned her attention to Francis who was watching the girls with an amused expression on his, " Francis! Look this is Mary isn't she so pretty" Francis hummed chuckling at the drunk girl who stumbled into Kenna only for the two girls to fall to the ground laughing.

A couple of people who was still in the room glanced over at the scene trying to hold in their laughter at the state they were currently in. Francis sighed with a shake of his head as he walked forward picking up Jade holding her in his arms while Mary helped Kenna up from the floor," I'll take her to her room. She needs to sleep it off" Mary nodded her head with a small smile as she watched Francis walk out of the room carrying Jade who was rambling about everything to him but she couldn't help but frown deeply at the way Francis looked at the blonde beauty in awe and adoration.

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