Who He Is. (A Vigilante Deku...

By Amnesia_is_back

6.1K 133 114

Who is Izuku Midoriya? "Quirkless Deku" "Dead weight" "A liability" "Deceased" Who is the Emerald? "A pretty... More

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309 8 8
By Amnesia_is_back

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

6 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓

A green haired freckled boy leaps off a roof, with two heroes on his tail. He lands in an alleyway, rolling to his side and getting back on his feet. He readies himself for the trick he's about to pull. The two heroes land on the ground, standing in front of the boy. Both are slightly out of breath.

"Give it up, kid," Rock Lock demands, still out of breath from the previous chase.

"Come on, Emerald. Let's just get this over with," Kamui Woods breathes out.

Izuku has become quite fond of Kamui and Rock Lock. They both make great heroes. They'd make even greater heroes if they would leave Izuku alone. But of course, that never happens. Izuku leans against the brick wall behind him, and he raises both hands in surrender. The two heroes grin a little, actually believing that they caught Emerald this time. Izuku does a little jazz hands. Kamui sends his wooden arm at Izuku, Izuku throws a grenade. Fun fact about these grenades is that they have glitter glue in them. The non-toxic kind, so nothing too illegal. But it still scares the everloving hell out of the two.

The glitter glue goes off as soon as it makes contact with Rock Lock's chest, and Emerald jumps up and onto the ledge above. In a split second, the two heroes are in chaos. Pink chromatic glitter glue covers every inch of the alley, including the heroes.

Izuku keeps himself hidden on the edge of the rooftop and watches the chaos unfold beneath him. His smirk is hidden behind the mask. He huffs a breath then starts to head to his self proclaimed home.

Pissed is an understatement. If there is a stronger word than livid, then that word would describe Takagi right now. That damn kid got away again. Plus, Takagi is stuck in the hospice wing of the police station. The glue that hasn't come off yet feels flakey and dry on his skin. Kamui sits on the bed across from him, the glue sticking to his wooden body. Detective Tsukauchi walks through the door with a shit-eatting grin, clipboard and pen in both hands.

"I told you so," the detective said calmly.

Takagi rolls his eyes and sighs tiredly. Kamui sits on the end of his bed, picking off dry glue. Takagi can tell that he's almost more aggravated than himself. With Kamui being a daylight hero, it's to be expected that a night time patrol wouldn't go as planned. Sure, neither exactly predicted that they would get bombed with glitter glue. Tsukauchi glances back and forth from one to the other. He sighs, then starts scribbling something on his clipboard.

"Welp. Looks like another night of unsuccessfully trying to capture a vigilante," Tsukauchi muttered out aggravatedly.

The two pro heroes glare at the detective.

"You never told us that the kid was a smartass!" Kamui growled out angrily.

The three men bicker back and forth, one blaming the other or one blaming each other. Footsteps echo through the hallway outside of the hospital room's door. Eraserhead's boots make quite the noise on waxed tile floors. Eraser opens the door to their room. He stands in the doorway, glaring at Tsukauchi. He crosses his arms in front of his chest.

Tsukauchi smiles sheepishly at the raven haired man, rubbing the back of his neck out of embarrassment. The two pro heroes' bickering quiets, and they stare at Eraserhead with slightly nervous eyes.

"Thanks for-" Tsukauchi starts.

"What do you want," Eraser interrupts, his voice stern.

Always to the point, Tsukauchi thinks sourly.

"Ah- well, you see, I'd like to cash in one of my little favors," stated Tsukauchi.

Eraserhead nods, urging the detective to continue.

"There's a vigilante running around Japan, and apparently-" Tsukauchi glares at the other two mid-sentence, they wince, "these two idiots are having trouble catching him. The vigilante is skilled, I'll give him that, and as much as I want to let the kid do our jobs, it's illegal."

Eraserhead's eyes narrow at the detective.

"Kid? As in a child?" Eraserhead growls out.

"We're not sure of his age, but based on his build and height, I'd say he's a child. Now if you'd agree to take on his case, I'll share the files to your account," the detective explains.

Eraserhead grunts in agreement.

"Might as well before they send the HPSC after 'im," he says lowly.

Tsukauchi smiles at Eraserhead's cooperation. It's not really a surprise that Aizawa-kun would hop on the case. It's to be expected as always. Though if Naomasa were to say that outloud, he's sure that Aizawa-kun would blame Shinsou-chan.


Izuku's feet are on fire. Not literally of course, but it sure feels like it. His entire body aches. If Izuku had to blame someone, it'd be Kacchan. Sure, his childhood bully doesn't exactly matter at all anymore. But still.

When Izuku finally stops running, he's in front of his home. Which definitely is not just some old abandoned hotel... It's an abandoned hotel. When Izuku first found it, it was such a mess. A literal disaster. During the time Izuku found himself settling in the old hotel, he did some digging and it turns out this hotel is almost 40 to 50 years old but somehow still in good condition (good enough condition for Izuku). An article said that the building was pretty much damaged beyond repair due to a villain attack.

He powers up Enhancer, and sprints up the stairs. Once he reaches his room, he flops onto the giant mattress. For an abandoned hotel, the master bedroom is still in almost tip top shape (with some of Izuku's handiwork, that is). He kicks off his combat boots, and drops his mask next to his bed. Izuku takes a deep breath, letting the smell of cleanish fabric hit his nose. He practically passes out once he closes his eyes.

Patrol had been successful for the most part. He stopped muggers and bad guys, a few druggies here and there. He can't really say anything about the druggies 'cause Izuku understands. He knows it's hard not to do it and he knows it's relaxing in a way. It's not really the druggies he's after though. It's more of the drug dealers he has a vendetta against.

Izuku may take a few here and there, but he's not addicted. He's not even a drunk! He only drinks when he really needs it, like when he's injured super bad. Or if he's in too much pain to deal with. Or- ... Maybe just a little bit of a drunk.

Izuku's phone goes off. The little notification sound he has set for Hitoshi, meows from a cat, is loud and echoes throughout Izuku's room. Hitoshi must be checking in, as he does after every patrol. Izuku sits up while grabbing his phone, squinting at the bright screen (it's on the lowest setting).

And yes, it in fact was Hitoshi. Not only was Hitoshi checking in, but Kacchan was also blowing up Izuku's phone (not literally this time). The same message from Hitoshi he gets every night.

Hitoshi <3

R u good?
read 12:09 am

Izuku squints at the bright screen, reading the text quickly. A couple taps on the screen and then he's done.

Izuku :P

Im good. U?
sent 12:09 am

Hitoshi <3

Yea. The UA entrance exam is coming up. Wanna train later?
read 12:10 am

Izuku blinks slowly, huffing a sigh and replying again. He's thought about it, sure. But that doesn't mean he should do it. It's not a good idea. It really isn't a good idea. Though there's no harm in actually going to UA as long as he stays out of the spot light and lays low, right?

Izuku :P

Sure. The trash beach?

Hitoshi <3


Btw my dads r coming.

Izuku :P

K. c u there tomorrow?

Hitoshi <3

c u there
Read 12:17

Izuku marks all Kacchan's texts as read then sets the phone beside him. He huffs a tired sigh, and slowly drifts off to sleep.

Everything for Hitoshi is somewhat perfect to him. It's all exceptionally perfect. He has two loving fathers, an amazing aunt and uncle, his family is mostly made up of heroes, and he has a high chance of going to UA. At least through his dad's recommendation he does. It's all so surreal. Hitoshi even has a best friend who's a hero (illegally)! Hitoshi's cousin (not actual cousin but you know how it is) has a high chance of getting into UA.

Hitoshi's dream is to go to UA and become a Pro Hero. He wants to help people that are like him, and maybe even prove his middle school classmates wrong. But what Hitoshi wants more than anything is for his best friend to go to UA with him. He wants his best friend to be a hero. A legal hero, not a vigilante. Hitoshi is tired of hiding his best friend from the law, he's tired of finding his best friend bleeding out somewhere outside. He's tired of being so scared for his boyfrie- best friend. You heard nothing.

Hitoshi wants his best friend to be able to sleep an entire night, to eat fulfilling meals, and to have someone to care for him. Someone Izuku will allow to care for him. Hitoshi cares for Izuku a lot, he worries for him a lot. It's probably evident by now, but Hitoshi really loves Izuku.

Tomorrow, or in the morning, Hitoshi's parents will meet Izuku. That's a good thing, right? Sure it is! Hitoshi is almost positive that his parents will take a liking to Izuku. Everyone always takes a liking to Izuku (not always in the best ways).

Hitoshi just hopes that they like Izuku so much that they'll save Izuku.

Hitoshi really hopes that they'll save him.

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