Rising of Ashes: a Dragon Sto...

נכתב על ידי Angelbreeze-

275 16 1

❝ What can I do, When you're the one that falls for me, all there's to do is accept it and move on. ❞ A young... עוד

Fleeting Touches
Fleeting Moments
Well, This Was Embarrassing
Bound by Scent
Whenever, Wherever
Bite me
Scaled Dreams
Mi Casa, Su Casa
Harmonious Crescendo
Hello World
The Unseen Departure
Whispers of Reunion
Unspoken Regrets
Wings of Destiny
Whispers in the Dream Realm
Harmonious Bonds
Fractured Bonds
Unveiled Truth
Searing Confession
Fires of Surrender
Morning Whimsy
Resonance of Wings and Melodies
Moonlit Binding
Prelude to Unity
Galactic Farewell
Veiled Machinations
Morning Whispers
Ethereal Whispers
The Dragon's Resurgence
A Brief Respite
Whispers of Return
Shadow's Pact

Enchanted Embrace

6 0 0
נכתב על ידי Angelbreeze-

It had been a few days since I had witnessed the heartbreaking sight of Manuel and Kiril shedding tears. As two strong and handsome boys, it pained me to see them in such a vulnerable state. I never intended to cause them such distress, and it hurt me to think that I had played a part in their pain.

Lost in my thoughts, Seungmin approached me, concerned. "Love, what are you moping about?" he asked, reaching out to check my temperature. Irritated, I swiped his hand away. "I'm not sick, Seung. I'm just... tired. The emotional wounds I've inflicted upon myself run deeper than I had anticipated," I admitted, my voice trailing off as the memory of their tear-stained faces replayed in my mind.

I knew that one or both of them would soon find their mates, and Kiril deserved to move on from me. With a heavy heart, I bowed my head, allowing a wave of sadness to wash over me. Suddenly, I felt Seungmin's arms encircling me, his scent of cedarwood enveloping me. "Hey, look at me, love," he whispered, causing a shiver to run down my spine. As I lifted my snout, I met his warm and uncertain brown eyes.

Seungmin spoke softly, understanding the turmoil that was swirling within me. "I know that you wouldn't have stayed if you didn't feel something for us. And while I'm happy you're here, you should listen to your heart. We won't be mad if you decide to leave again," he reassured me. Gently, he traced the tear that had escaped my eye and cascaded down my deep blue cheek. Then, he kissed the tear-stained trail, moving to my eye. Overwhelmed, I closed my eyes, allowing him to place kisses wherever he pleased.

It was a shocking display of affection from Seungmin, as he was not known to be the most outwardly affectionate person among our group. That role was largely filled by Chan and Felix, who were more inclined towards love, kisses, and physical affection. Seungmin, on the other hand, excelled in acts of quiet tenderness and listening. And in that moment, he proved just how skilled he was.

As his lips touched my skin, I was frozen in a mix of shock and vulnerability. Seungmin was giving me space to explore my emotions, assuring me that my happiness and fulfillment were paramount. And even though it terrified me to admit it, he was right. I needed to trust my heart and make a decision that was best for all involved.

In that fragile moment, with the weight of my past and the uncertainty of my future pressing down on me, Seungmin's affectionate gestures provided solace. With his support and understanding, I would find the strength to face my own truths and embrace the path that would lead to genuine happiness for everyone involved.

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice filled with gratitude, after a while once he had finished showering me with affection. He smiled at me, his eyes filled with warmth, and kissed my nose once more. "Anything for you, my love," he replied before standing up and pulling me up with him.

"Now, why don't we go out for some ice cream? I'll let Chan hyung know, so he won't worry," Seungmin suggested, tugging me along as we made our way towards our jackets and belongings. I nodded, feeling a sense of contentment spreading through me, knowing that I finally belonged somewhere and that I would never leave again.

Seungmin disappeared into the changing room to talk to our leader, and after a few minutes, he emerged, and we walked hand in hand to the store to buy some ice cream. The simple act of walking together, hand in hand, felt comforting and reassuring. With Seungmin by my side, his unwavering support and understanding, I knew that I had found my place in the world and that together, we would create a future filled with love and happiness.

As we indulged in our favorite ice cream flavors, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope washing over me. The tears that had once clouded my vision were now replaced with the sweet taste of ice cream and the warmth of Seungmin's presence. In that moment, I vowed to cherish the love I had found and to never let go, knowing that I had finally discovered where I truly belonged.


Soon enough, both of us were laughing as we made our way home in the rain. Or rather, we were running home, seeking shelter from the downpour. I snorted when a water puddle splashed up my legs, causing my wings to flap wildly in an attempt to escape the wet and uncontrollable road. However, Seungmin grabbed hold of me and pulled me back, laughing all the while.

In that moment, our laughter abruptly stopped as we stumbled and ended up falling back first into a small, hidden glade. The grass was surprisingly soft, cushioning our fall. I gasped as I looked around, taking in the sight of flowers blooming in various vibrant colors. The sun managed to pierce through the thick gray clouds, casting a warm glow upon the glade. A cool yet comforting breeze caressed my body, causing my tail and the quills atop my head to shake slightly.

I stood up from Seungmin's embrace and walked toward a small glittering pond, barely able to comprehend the enchanting environment that surrounded me. It felt as though we had stepped into a fantasy world, a place filled with beauty and wonder. I couldn't help but wonder, "What is this? Where are we?"

Seungmin joined me at the edge of the pond, his hand finding mine as we both stared into the clear, reflective surface. There was a sense of calmness in the air, a peace that washed over me and washed away the remnants of my previous worries and doubts. In that moment, I realized that this strange glade was a gift, a precious moment of serenity in the midst of chaos.

Without exchanging words, Seungmin and I took a seat by the pond, our fingers intertwined, as we simply allowed ourselves to soak in the beauty and tranquility of this magical place. It was as if time had stopped, and all that mattered was the present moment, our connection, and the profound sense of belonging that emanated between us.

As we sat there, basking in the ambiance of the glade, I let go of the uncertainties that had plagued my mind. In this hidden sanctuary, I found solace and strength, a reminder that love and happiness could be found even in the most unexpected of places. With Seungmin by my side, I knew that together we could navigate any challenges and create our own moments of magic and wonder.

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