By Silent_Flower_

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LITTLE DO YOU KNOW Kim Dahyun had suffered too much, being married to her cold husband, Kim Taehyung, for two... More

• ONE •
• TWO •
• FOUR •
• FIVE •
• SIX •
• NINE •
• TEN •


97 17 0
By Silent_Flower_

THE memories were like a movie reel in her mind, and she relived the night where she tried so desperately to impress the people seated around their table. Her hands reached for her reflection in the mirror, as if trying to grasp the essence of the past. Her gestures were filled with the weight of her past actions, and it was clear that the echoes of that evening continued to haunt her, driving her to make a decision she couldn't escape.


"YOU look so beautiful in that dress, Hyun-ie!"

Jennie's admiration for Dahyun's dress lingered in the air as she vocalized her praise, her eyes sparkling with genuine enthusiasm.

For their first formal meeting with the woman who shouldered their education fees and allowances, Dahyun chose to dress well and elegantly. She was adorned in an ensemble carefully curated for the significance of the occasion. The baby pink one-shoulder long sleeve top, adorned with a cascade of white, shimmering diamonds, framed her figure with an elegance that hinted at a meticulous sense of style.

The fabric clung delicately to her form, accentuating the gentle curves that graced her silhouette. The one-shoulder design added a touch of sophistication, allowing a glimpse of her gracefully exposed collarbone. Each diamond on her top seemed to catch the ambient light, casting a subtle sparkle that mirrored the glint in her eyes.

Complementing the top, Dahyun's choice of a short fitted skirt in the same enchanting shade of baby pink. The skirt hugged her hips with a gentle embrace, gracefully cascading into a hemline that flirted with the boundaries of chic and alluring.

Her newly-colored grey hair - dyed for the occasion - cascaded in soft waves down to her shoulders. The strands, like threads of silver spun by moonlight, added a touch of mystique to her appearance. A few rebellious strands danced playfully, framing her forehead like a natural curtain.

"Wow, you both look so pretty tonight!" their mom exclaimed, spreading warmth like a cozy blanket around the two. Just before they could return the praise back to their mother, their dad joined the scene, a sturdy presence figuring out fancy clothes like it was a puzzle. The tie became his tricky opponent, making Mr. Kim grin in a kind of funny way, not used to dressing up for fancy stuff.

Mrs. Kim, her sweetness shining through, offered to sort out the tie trouble, a proposal that Mr. Kim gladly accepted. A sense of relief played on his smile as he drew closer to his wife, bending his knees ever so slightly to match her height. Once Mrs. Kim expertly finished tying his tie, Mr. Kim straightened up, his posture refined, and he leaned in to plant a gentle peck on Mrs. Kim's forehead.

Witnessing this tender moment, Dahyun and Jennie couldn't help but share a light-hearted giggle. In that fleeting instance, they harbored quiet hopes for future partner – a man who would embody the same caring, humorous, gentle, and sweet qualities as their father.

Dahyun's smile widened as she daydreamed, envisioning her ultimate crush falling for her and treating her with the same adoration her dad reserved for their mom – a treatment fit for a princess.

Even before stepping foot into the restaurant, Dahyun's anticipation was laced with a sense of wonder. This sense of optimism had sprouted days earlier when her father unraveled a revelation that sparked the flames of her curiosity. The knowledge that Kim Taehyung, the grandson of the woman who had been a steadfast supporter in her and her siblings' educational journey, cast a warm glow over Dahyun's expectations, even if it sent a flutter through her bladder, prompting an urgent need to relieve herself.

Fighting the internal pressure, she instinctively clung to her mother's arm and gently squeezed it. In a hushed tone, she said, "Eomma, I think I need to pee."

Jennie, ever the protective older sister, caught wind of Dahyun's dilemma and chimed in, "Want me to come with you?"

"No, eonni. I can manage on my own."

"But do you even know where the restroom is?"

"I'll just ask for directions, eonni. You go ahead with eomma and appa. I'll catch up with you later," Dahyun replied, a determined glint in her eyes. She recognized the necessity of this solo mission, a chance to gather herself so as not to risk any embarrassment at the table, especially in front of Taehyung.

"Alright, as you wish," Jennie acquiesced, giving her sister a supportive smile before joining their parents, leaving Dahyun to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of the restaurant in pursuit of the comfortable restroom.

Dahyun gently released her grip on her mom, bidding them a brief farewell with a reassuring smile, expressing confidence in her ability to navigate the situation.

She approached one of the waiters she had spotted on her way, politely inquiring about the restroom's location. Following the given directions, she soon found herself crossing the threshold into the restroom. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she noted only a few other women inside, absorbed in mirror-facing rituals. Navigating through the subtle bustle, Dahyun made her way to the furthest cubicle.

Seated, her mind couldn't help but wander into a realm of possibilities for the evening. Amidst the soft hum of the restroom's exhaust fan, she contemplated how the night might unfold. Thoughts danced through her mind, pondering the enigma of Taehyung's behavior outside of his usual office setting.

After what seemed like an eternity, Dahyun rose from her seat and approached the mirror to assess herself. The surface reflected a face adorned with makeup meticulously applied by Jennie. Despite the makeup, Dahyun's features retained a soft and natural allure. She found herself contemplating whether Taehyung would appreciate this elegant look or if he preferred a more understated, bare-faced charm.

With composure, Dahyun left the restroom, only to be met with an unexpected sight – a familiar group of people, dressed to the nines, walking at the hall.

"JK?" Dahyun murmured to herself, her eyes locking onto a familiar figure in a suit, a few steps behind the others. Uncertain at first, she squinted to confirm her suspicions. Once the realization dawned that it was indeed her friend, she couldn't contain her excitement. Calling out with a mix of surprise and joy, she raised her voice, "JK!" Her greeting accompanied by a shy wave.

"Dahyun-ssi?" Jungkook's eyes lit up as he spotted her, a spark of delight cutting through what had seemed like a mundane evening. Boredom had begun to settle upon him, but with the appearance of a familiar face, a wave of relief washed over him. Slightly puzzled, he couldn't fathom why she happened to be at the same restaurant as them. "What brings you here?" he inquired, his gaze gracefully traveling from her head to toe as he took a moment to appreciate her attire. "Is it a date?" he playfully teased, the corners of his lips curling into a mischievous grin. In response, Dahyun delivered a playful whack, and he winced, exaggerating the pain as he theatrically caressed the spot where she hit him.

Hearing the commotion, Mrs. Jeon, Jungkook's mother, turned her attention to the source of teaseful banter.

"My daughter! How have you been? It's been far too long!" Mrs. Jeon, a wellspring of genuine excitement, gracefully made her way toward Dahyun. With arms wide open, she enveloped Dahyun in a warm, tight hug, expressing the depth of her joy at the reunion. The hug served as a testament to the genuine affection she held for Dahyun, whom she treats as her own child.

Mrs. Jeon had extended invitations for Dahyun to dine with their family upon their return from the States. Dahyun had declined, due to her study commitments—an unfortunate decision Dahyun lamented when their teacher surprisingly skipped their class the following day.

"You've blossomed into such a fine woman! That outfit suits you perfectly!" Mrs. Jeon continued showering Dahyun with praise, her words carrying a genuine warmth that resonated with the younger woman. Dahyun, in return, beamed with gratitude and thanked Mrs. Jeon, her cheeks flushing slightly at the kind words.

Interrupting the tender moment between mother and friend, Jungkook couldn't resist poking fun. "So, what's the real reason you're here if not for a date?" he prodded, injecting a playful tone into the conversation, momentarily breaking the reunion.

"Well, we had a meeting with Madame—"

Before Dahyun could finish her sentence, Mrs. Jeon swiftly intervened, reaching out to grasp both Dahyun and Jungkook by the arms. Positioning herself between the two, she playfully asserted, "Why don't we all go together and escort my daughter to their table, huh?" Her gesture was not just a suggestion but a gentle command.

Both Jungkook and Dahyun readily agreed. Following a heartwarming reunion with Jungkook's older brother and father, the trio strolled together towards the restaurant. As they approached, Dahyun grappled with the task of locating her family in the bustling restaurant. The struggle intensified as her heartbeat resonated like a drum within her chest, causing beads of sweat to form on her forehead despite the chilly air enveloping the place.

In the midst of her internal turmoil, a name surfaced: 'Taehyung...' Dahyun's gaze fixated on him, seated at a nearby table alongside an elderly yet evidently respected woman, in close proximity to her family.

"What? You're the—" Jungkook's eyes widened like golf balls at the unexpected sight of his grandmother and cousin sharing a table with Dahyun's family. The revelation hit him like a sudden revelation.

"Hush, Jungkook. Let's discuss it at the table," Mrs. Jeon whispered into his ear, injecting an air of mystery into the unfolding events. Her words added an extra layer of complexity to Jungkook's already whirling thoughts, leaving him to ponder the implications of this unexpected family convergence.

✧ ✧ ✧

"I DO respect you more than anyone else, Grams, but I must respectfully decline this arrangement. I'm not a mere pawn to be paired off with just anyone. And if it's for the sake of the company, I might even consider stepping down from my COO position," Taehyung asserted with a chilly demeanor, his words slicing through the air. The weight of his decision hung in the space around them as Madame Kim detailed the proposed arrangement to the assembled group at their table.

Taehyung's refusal wasn't just a verbal stance; it resonated in the deliberate choice of each word, a declaration of his autonomy and a refusal to be part of any forced matchmaking scheme. Throughout his statement, his posture remained resolute, his eyes maintaining an unwavering gaze on Madame Kim—a mix of determination and conviction etched on his face. The atmosphere at the table tensed, underscoring Taehyung's unequivocal objection to the proposed plan.

As Madame Kim explained the intricate situation, revealing that her three grandsons would be competing for the coveted CEO position, the gravity of the decision hung over the table. The chosen CEO, as dictated by a longstanding pact between Madame Kim and Dahyun's grandmother, must be married to either Dahyun or Jennie. This pact originated from the sacrifice of Dahyun's grandfather to save Taehyung's life. While Madame Kim seemed to have hastened the decision, her confidence in the two Kim daughters' grace and intelligence reassured her that the future leadership of the company would be in capable hands.

Jungkook, on the other hand, remained seated, his gaze fixed on the blushing young lady across from him. The revelation didn't startle him; their mother had forewarned both him and his brother about the nature of the impending discussion. However, what caught him off guard was the unexpected twist involving her friend. He knew that Dahyun and her siblings were scholars of his grandmother but he didn't know that there was more to it.

Dahyun, fully aware of the possibility of being chosen for an arranged marriage with any of the three single gentlemen seated at the table, blushed to the point where even her ears took on a pinkish hue.

"Tae-Tae, dear, please," Madame Kim gently took Taehyung's hand, squeezing it with a plea in her eyes. "Do it for Grams," she added, referring to herself with a soft smile, a plea accompanied by a subtle gesture that spoke volumes.

Taehyung let out a defeated sigh, his gaze avoiding both Dahyun and Jennie. He remained silent, an air of reluctance surrounding him, as the others continued discussing various aspects of the pact forged by Taehyung and Dahyun's grandmothers.

Despite the shock lingering from the revelation of Jungkook and Taehyung's familial connection and the potential prospect of marrying either her best friend, her best friend's brother, or her first love, Dahyun composed herself to attentively respond to Madame Kim's inquiries. Each question was met with her diligent and intelligent answers, showcasing a grace under pressure.

"Are you a model, dear?" Madame Kim inquired, directing her attention to Jennie.

"Yes, Madame. I work as a freelance model for various brands, and I occasionally participate in runway modeling as well," Jennie replied with a poised demeanor.

"I've heard you've been part of beauty competitions too," Madame Kim continued with another question, and once again, Jennie responded politely, her gestures mirroring the refinement in her words, navigating the conversation with the poise expected in such a high-stakes setting.

Dahyun gazed in admiration at her sister's responses, marveling at Jennie's unwavering confidence. As a seasoned participant in beauty competitions, Jennie effortlessly projected an image of poise and beauty, handling each question with ease. Her ability to present herself impeccably from every angle left Dahyun in awe.

Dahyun, however, couldn't escape a twinge of jealousy and insecurity creeping in. As Madame Kim directed her attention towards Jennie's impressive achievements, including competing for their district and winning various beauty titles, Dahyun couldn't help but feel overshadowed. Certificates and medals from school competitions seemed meager in comparison to her sister's remarkable accomplishments.

'All I have are certificates and medals from school competitions. None of it would top eonni's achievements,' Dahyun thought bitterly, the sting of comparison gnawing at her. Yet, she quickly brushed off the negative sentiments, unwilling to harbor resentment toward her older sister for excelling in her own right. Her internal struggle played out beneath a composed exterior, concealing the transient waves of insecurity.


A soft sound broke through her contemplation, drawing her attention to Jungkook seated across from her. He had been there all along, easily forgotten in the midst of her thoughts about Taehyung's potential admiration for her accomplished older sister.

Dahyun arched both brows inquisitively at Jungkook, who had now risen from his seat, signaling a need for a private conversation away from the ongoing discussions at their table. Jungkook subtly nodded his head in a different direction. Dahyun excused herself from the table, leaving the others engrossed in their talks, and followed Jungkook.

They found themselves on the open balcony of the restaurant, surrounded by flowers and plants. The cold wind swept through the space, causing Dahyun to shiver as it brushed against her bare shoulder. The setting provided a secluded haven, away from the complex dynamics unfolding at their table, offering them a moment to share their thoughts and concerns in the midst of the chilly evening breeze.

Observing her shiver and touch her bare shoulder, Jungkook swiftly unbuttoned his suit and gracefully draped it over himself. With a subtle gesture, he placed it around Dahyun's back, securing it over her shoulders.

"Thank you, JK," she murmured appreciatively, pulling the suit around her to provide warmth.

"Why the fancy dress anyway?" Jungkook initiated the conversation with a playful smirk, teasing her about her choice of attire for the evening.

"Can't I be sexy sometimes? Plus, I didn't expect we'd end up outside. You're the one who convinced me to come here," she countered, rolling her eyes in playful exasperation.

Jungkook chuckled softly, leaning on the balcony's cemented railings. "You heard the news, right?"

"Yeah, it caught me off guard," Dahyun admitted. She cautiously peered over the balcony but swiftly retreated, feeling a twinge of fear at the height.

"Who would have imagined you and I could end up married? What a plot twist to our already twisted lives," Jungkook remarked, not seeking a response, but rather letting the weight of the situation settle between them. The evening breeze carried their shared acknowledgment of the unexpected turn their lives were taking, adding a layer of complexity to their friendship in the midst of the swirling uncertainties.

"Well, it's not a guarantee that we'll end up married. You have to outshine the other two, and even if chosen, it's not a certainty you'll marry me. Honestly, it seems like Madame Kim favors Jennie-eonni more," Dahyun replied, her gaze fixed on him.

"Just because Grams talks to noona a lot doesn't mean she's favoring her for marriage. Grams values personality and inner beauty more than material achievements. So, you still have a chance even if you don't match up to Jennie-noona's beauty," Jungkook reassured, adopting a comforting tone. His words were accompanied by a subtle gesture, a gentle pat on Dahyun's back, as he sought to ease her uncertainties. In response, Dahyun playfully squinted her eyes and poked her tongue against her cheek.

"Yeah, right. Go ahead and tease me. Who knows, maybe you've secretly had a crush on me," she playfully teased back, earning a smirk from Jungkook.

"Yeah, who knows?"

The night concluded with Taehyung seemingly oblivious to Dahyun's presence, leaving the younger woman to exhale a disappointed sigh.

"Madame Kim seems genuinely nice," Jennie remarked to Dahyun as they settled inside their car.

"Indeed," Dahyun replied, pausing before adding, "I believe she favors you, eonni."

"I don't think so," Jennie modestly brushed off Dahyun's observation. "I sense she might actually like you more."


As Dahyun continued to gaze at her reflection in the mirror, the weight of realization settled heavily upon her shoulders. The haunting echoes of her naive past crossed her mind, acknowledging her youthful innocence that had once blinded her to the subtle undertones in Jennie's responses—a charade that had its roots on that specific night.

Back then, Dahyun had perceived Jennie's words and support as genuine, a testament to sisterly love and encouragement.

Little did she know that beneath the surface, a masked orchestration of false flattery was at play. The revelation cut deeper now, as she grappled with the stark contrast between the facade she once believed and the harsh reality she had unearthed.

Her eyes traced the contours of her reflection, scrutinizing the person staring back at her. The mirror became a silent witness to the evolution of Dahyun's understanding, capturing the transformation from youthful trust to a more mature version of her. The mirror, like a confidant, reflected not just her physical appearance but also the emotional toll of shattered illusions and the drama that unfolded before her.



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