Titan Turn; A TDS Story

Par OK1610

10.2K 221 395

Gravedigger had always been the missfit of the family. With his new friend however, he finds his place in the... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Halloween Special)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 42

142 5 5
Par OK1610

The big blast was heard all across the base. For a moment, the night turned into day as the blinding flash engulfed the whole building, as well as the upper levels. It felt as if thunder tore apart the sky for just one second, then a peaceful silence fell upon the military quarters. Medic rushed down the stairs from the infirmary, to the main exit. Her mind was racing through all possibilities of what in Creator's name had happened.
The night was so peaceful too... she was checking up on Frost Spirit. The poor young man had been suffering from a horrible insomnia the past two nights, not even during the afternoon could he close an eye to relax. Alongside his odd restlessness were also some grueling headaches from his fresh wound. It was not a fatal blow but it was enough to bring him heavy discomfort. Not to mention the uneasiness he felt whenever his grandfather did so much as to walk by. Frost seemed truly shattered by his elder's wrongful actions and terrifying anger.

He was just as mortified as she was when the explosion was heard, hugging little Ducky Doom so protectively, as if someone or something was going to rip him away at any given moment. Molten too then entered the hospital room from the hall over, a few tears prickling at his eyes as he struggled to calm himself, barely hanging on to his crutches.

After Medic made sure they were all ok, she hurried off to figure out where that noise came from. Having left the main building, which was still intact, she surveyed the surrounding area, rain pouring outside from the darkened sky. The training grounds were fine, the hangers were ok, the control towers were also...So.. It couldn't have been outside... Anywhere else, maybe... Somewhere underground? ...The garage came to mind but what could have-... But that could mean... The portal!

She sped up, as hope bubbled up in her heart, disregarding Warden and Accelerator's cries for her to not enter the possible danger zone. They followed her to the garage's front entrance where a distressed Lord Sinister could be seen pacing around as he tried to get the soldiers to let him through. Medic gave the order for them to move aside and after little to no hesitation, they offered her clearence. Beckoning Sinister to come with her, she made her way down the staircase, her heart beating faster and faster as they got closer to the truth... What could that explosion have been?... Did... Did.. Void Reaver choose to finish the job? Finally destroying the sacred gateway..? No... Couldn't have been... She saw him round the corner not far from the infirmary earlier... He looked just as spooked.. Swordmaster as well... Then could it really be... them?

Medic screeched to a halt as she decended the last stair. Her eyes scanned the room, it wasn't hard to notice that two oddly beaten up vehicles with scrapes and dents all over them appeared out of nowhere... A jeep with the military's insignia barely visible...and an ATV... Just like the one the kids had apparently modified.. The jeep Fallen King and Commander were in when the portal closed down... But that meant.. That-

She froze at the sound of clanking boots on the concrete ground, a figure emerging from behind the jeep. The military emblem on his cap, the dark blue camo ski suit, the sunshades covering his eyes above his rosy frost bitten cheeks...He.. He was...alive.


Medic rushed to her lover, who shared the same enthusiasm the moment he locked eyes with her. Commander tucked back his injured limb behind his coat, carefully redirecting her into his one good arm for a hug he wished could have lasted forever. She squeezed him, closing her eyes shut as to not cry tears of relief. Pressing a kiss on his lips, she eventually broke off the loving embrace, her hand mindlessly reaching for his wounded arm as her eyes never left his.

"How bad does it hurt?"

Commander chuckled, "I thought you didn't even notice it!"

Medic scoffed jokingly, "Oh please! My job is to make sure you dummies don't die on your reckless escapades! It's an instinct at this point to figure out what wounds you guys hide!"

"Can't get away with anything can I?" he smiled, closing in on her face and gently pressing his nose against her's.

She grinned smugly, "No. Not really!"

They both turned around when they heard more incoming footsteps. The slim silouette of Scout popped up, waving a little eager 'Hi' towards an even more relieved Medic. The adults quickly pulled him into their hug, Commander ruffling the boy's hair playfully as Medic began to check him over for any injuries.

Sinister passed by them swiftly, more soldiers peaking in from the staircase to see what the commotion was about. Medic wasn't the only one who recognised the jeep his brother and the Tower leader had taken. The Titan looked behind said vehicle rather reluctantly, a part of him somewhat scared as to what he might see... The Towers were here... But what about his family...What happened to- they couldn't have left them... Could they-?!
He stopped in his tracks as his eyes fell on his brother and nephew.
Fallen was sitting on the ground, back against the door, breathing somewhat heavily as Grave appeared to have been comforting him over... Something? Is-Is he hurt? Is it bad-? What on Earth happe-?


The deep voice of his slightly older sibling broke him out of his trance. A small soft smile adorning his brother's face welcomed him to seat with them. Sinister walked over, seemingly composed about the situation, his face still, but as soon as he was at his brother's eye level, looking over the bruises...he cracked. Tears ran down his face as he lightly tackled Fallen into a bear hug at a moment's notice. The older Titan rubbed his back gingerly, trying to soothe him akin to the way he used to do it when they were children. Fallen gave Grave a cheeky wink upon seeing him worried, which made the boy laugh. The second he heard his nephew's voice, Sinister turned around, placing a firm grasp on the kid's arm. Grave stopped, staring back at his stern faced uncle, part of him fearful that he might be in trouble. Sinister shot him one of his iconic mischievous smirks as he pulled Grave into his and his brother's arms. The boy laughed at the two held him down into their hug.

"Think ya' can escape this? Huh, kid?!" teased Sinister, tickling his nephew's side.

Grave pleaded between his laughter,

"That's watcha' get for running away, ya' lil' troublemaker!"

Grave barely managed to push himself away from his uncle's high jinks, prompting Sinister to try and hold onto him. In his struggle to catch his nephew from escaping, Sinister went to stand up, accidently nudging Fallen's side with his ellbow.


The two abruptly paused, Grave immediately kneeling back to his father's side as soon as he realised what had happened. Fallen applied pressure to his wound trying to surpress the pain, quiet gasps for air escaped his lips as he bit back a scream. Sinister hadn't seen his brother in such agony in a very long time and it was not a pleasant sight by any means...it always freaked him out. Ever since they were young, he hated seeing his brothers in any sort of pain, but he knew Fallen was far more sensible. Father made sure to scold him for it each chance he got.. Even mere training sessions with old 'Master would sometimes leave Fallen limping, he was more prone to harm and illness and that would scare him to no end... Sinister felt himself start to panic a little even now as he stumbled over his words, "Shit-! Fallen-! Are ya' o-ok? What- What's wrong!?"

The injured Titan took in a few deep breaths as the pain seeped through his body like venom. It was that burning feeling he couldn't stand. It made it hard to breath, in a sense he almost felt like he was suffocating... Maybe the wound was worst than he thought...? It looked bruised sure... But goodness a simple bruise wouldn't make him feel like he had been stabbed numerous times!

"N-Nothing, don't w-worry!" he forced, his voice betraying his intentions as it came out far more strained than he wanted it to.

"Don't lie to me!" retaliated Sinister.

The outcry caught Commander's attention as he instantly remembered,
"Oh crap! Fallen's wounded! He needs medical attention fast!"

"On it!" affirmed Medic.

She set off to find Fallen gritting his teeth in torment as Grave tried to get him to breathe properly. Medic wasted no time as she begun examining the wound, lightly undoing the bandages around the bruised area, earning a wince from Fallen ever so often. His already exhausted state was not helping him bear through the pain, frankly it was making it worse. Medic promptly concluded that she needed an x-ray done 'ASAP' to know for a fact if this was a case of some broken ribs or something far worse. Warden and Pyromancer helped her escort the Titan up the stairs in order to reach the medical wing in the main quarters, Sinister watched over them until they were out of sight climbing up to the main levels. Accelerator, casually leaning against a steal beam, as he had accompanied Warden earlier, watched with a smirk the concern on the Halloween Lord's face.. Finally some revenge.

After things died down a little, Grave turned back to grab his bag from the trunk of the atv. He desperately wanted to follow the others to see his father.. Krampus was probably worried sick too... And-.. Wait.. For the first time he had noticed his uncle was nowhere to be seen. When Medic and uncle Sinister came down the stairs...where... He was right-.. Huh?!
The young Titan felt a chill run down his spine. W-Where was his uncle? Surely he hadn't gotten stuck through the portal? No.. He was the last one how could he have not seen him? No, no, he was with them! He had seen just there a few moments ago! Where-

Some sudden movement made Grave glance back at the jeep's shaded back windows. A tall bulky figure was hiding behind the dark glass, rubbing his face with his hands. The boy felt some relief wash over him as made his way over to the door, opening it and climbing inside. Krampus had just barely lifted his eyes off the ground to acknowledge him, his face still obstructed by his hands.

Grave placed a hand on his knee as he took a seat on the opposite bench, "Uncle? Hey.. Why aren't you coming out?"

There was silence for a moment. Until the man straightened up a little as he whispered, "I...I'm scared to, my boy."

His words threw Gravedigger off slightly. His uncle...his 'surving-out-in the-woods-on-my-own-in-another dimension' uncle was scared?

The boy cupped the elder's hands, "Why?... Uncle, why are you scared?"

"... Three years, child... Three years have passed...since I last saw any of you... since I last saw my son...How would the others react? ... How would he even react?.."

"You..you are scared of.. Frost Spirit?"

Krampus sighed, squeezing his nephew's small palms, "..Grave, what if he thinks I abandoned him, hm?.. No one knew what happened to me for so long... For all I know he might think I left him!"

Grave felt himself grow more and more shocked by the man's statements, "That's nonsense! Frost loves you more than anything! If only you'd know how much he suffered when you disappeared... How much... everyone suffered... That year was horrible... Dad locked himself in his room for weeks.. Uncle Sinister was always out to search for you in every corner of the forest, not having a blink of sleep... Ducky barely kept it together with Frost who wouldn't even say a word... He stayed mute for...months. And when everything was somewhat burried...when he finally felt a little better...I came and ruined it"

Krampus tilted his head in confusion, asking in a gentle tone, "What do you mean, my boy?"

Grave sat quietly for a few moments. Creator, that discussion before leaving with Scout was still so vividly engraved in his brain. How angry Frost was with him...not to mention Ducky...He fiddled with his gloves as he spoke, "...When we first got here, it was just me, dad and Molten.. Scout and I started hanging out and well, he spilled the whole... 'your uncle might be trapped in a different dimension' tale he heard from others... He investigated further, found out it was true, got the book, came to me. Dad found out about it and a not-so-great meeting took place with the others.. After their arrival here, I was brought in for... " Grave swallowed the lump in his throat,"...Questioning. And I found out Frost Spirit wasn't very happy with me... I mean..he had every right not to be, really.. I brought out the burried subject of your disappearence back to him...I brought the pain of it back to him, after he somewhat got over it.. And-"

A few tears stung his eyes, the words dying in his throat. That day was one of the worst he had ever gone through. He knew the family wasn't exactly accostumed to him yet even then... But he had never felt so hated before.. Every person he turned to minus Molten, looked at him with disgust or disappointment.. His father was still upset with him about what had happened to his brother, Void was atypically cold, Swordmaster despised his very being since they met, no surprise there, but Frost and Ducky's resentment really hit hard..

His uncle didn't fail to notice his sorrow and even with Grave not continuing on, he knew what his little boy was talking about. Fallen had told him about the guilt he felt, a few words slipping out during their fight, blaming the poor boy for his brother's accident... He mentioned the thing with Swordmaster too but Ducky and Frost never appeared in his retelling.

Krampus wrapped an arm around Grave, pulling him close, "What you have done I don't think any adult could have fathomed, my boy. You went onward and did the impossible... You saved me when no one thought it could be done.. You have done more for this family than I think you will ever understand...and if certain... figures, don't want to see you as a part of it then, you know what? That is their loss! Okay?"

Grave cracked a smile as his uncle pressed his forehead against his own.
Their little moment was interrupted by Sinister's worried voice yelling, "Grave, kid, you comin'?!"

The boy lifted his eyes to meet his uncle's, who froze upon hearing his little sibling's voice. Creator how he missed that loud mouth!
He felt his nephew grab him by the hand, brushing a thumb against it, "Are you ready, uncle?"

The Titan took a deep breath and nodded. With a smile on his face, Grave opened the door, sliding out followed by Krampus. He walked from behind the jeep, Sinister throwing his hands up in the air dramatically, "Geez kid, really took yer time getting that bag!"

Grave grinned, stopping before his uncle a few feet away without a word.

"Kid, watcha' doin'? We gotta go check on that father of yours! Who knows what he might have gotten int-"

Sinister felt his heart fall out of his chest as a tall figure emerged from the vehicle. The long dark hair put up into a man bun with one fully silver strand sticking out, the icy blue eyes and sharp features, the old coat and armor with a staff strapped to his back... He looked the same, albeit a little older, a few more wrinkles and a bushier beard..

"K.. Krampus?" was all he could mutter as the older Titan walked closer.

Krampus smiled sadly as a few pesky tears strimmed down his face. His little brother hadn't changed much, messy locks, the same firey golden eyes but he looked a little more tired.

"H-Hey there..! It's been a while.." he forced, struggling to not break down completely.

They stood still, staring at each other in disbelief. Sinister opened his mouth, but he couldn't even get a sentence out. His oldest brother was alive..after three damn years! Who wouldn't be speechless!?

He closed in the distance, a mere foot away from his sibling. Afraid it might be just another nightmare...that at any moment, Krampus would be pulled away from him as he had always been, almost every night. But then, he was not... And without another word, Sinister tackled his brother, knocking the air out of him.

Krampus chuckled as he caught him into his arms, "Whoa- there, easy! These bones aren't what they used to be!"

"Creator, ya' got even more decrepit, ya' grampa!" teased Sinister, laughing between his tears.

"First time you see me in three years and that's what I get?!"

Grave giggled at the two brother's shenanigans, their banter filling the room. However, the overarching concern for his father quickly fizzled out his happiness. The Lord of the pumpkin patch catching on as well as he let go, "The hell happened to Fallen while y'all were out there anyway?"

Krampus frowned, "...an avalanche."

"A WHAT?!"


Grave found himself sitting in the same chair he had awaited the news of his brother's condition. Although, this time it was for his father. He was alone again since Sinister, being fed up with sitting around, left to check himself on Fallen. He wanted to go with him too but he feared he might run into the others. Grave still didn't have the courage to face Molten after disappearing just like he did over night, but Medic insisted his brother was worried sick ever since he left... And so, he was waiting to see him come through the labirinth of halls at any moment... Especially after she had told him about their arrival. Apparently he could walk again which was exciting to hear... Meant he was better and that was all Grave could ask for... Molten never blamed his injury on him but...it sure felt like it was his fault.. He was the one who charged without warning...into a war zone no less.. And his brother tried to stop him... only to get himself almost killed. Creator, he couldn't have ever looked himself in the mirror if that had happened.. And yet, what he did was no better, his brother needed him and he just...left. And not only that but he forced his father to follow suit..
What a great brother he was... Always causing problems to everyone..

He glanced from the carpeted floor into a mirror that leaned against the wall, facing him across the room. He closed his eyes to gather himself, then he opened them to a unwelcomed surprise. In the reflection, behind him, stood the dark silouette of a grey haired, pink eyed woman.. One he knew a little too well and hated just as much.. The lights flashed, blinding him temporarily, when he opened his eyes, they were the same crystal pink as her's, lit up veins running down his face. Strings were tied around his neck, his wrists and ankles...just like he was nothing more than a puppet..


He opened his eyes for real this time. The quiet voice of his brother coming from down the hallway. The young Titan gazed back into the mirror... everything was normal..She was gone.

"Grave?.. Grave!"

The boy met his brother half way across the hall, hesitant to hug him even though his heart yelled at him to. He didn't need to ponder long if he should, as before he knew, Molten already wrapped his arms around him, shuffling his crutches away. Grave returned the gesture, hiding his face in the crook of his sibling's neck... He was ok.. Everything was alright..

"Thank Creator, you are actually here!! And you're ok!!... I-I missed you so m-much!!"

Grave tightened his grip around his shaken brother, a small tremble passing through him. Molten didn't hate him... Probably one of the best news he had gotten in weeks. Before he could say anything, he peaked being his brother's shoulder as another figure approached. Black cap with little red horns, messy brunete hair and a dark hand me down hoody... Ducky Doom...

The two broke off their hug as Molten looked back to see what his brother was staring at, Ducky's eyes were glued to Gravedigger. His gaze wasn't unkind, more so...suspicious in a way. As if he couldn't quite believe his cousin made it out..

He stepped foward, an awkward reticence engulfing the room. Ducky mumbled, "So, how did it go?"

"I'd say pretty well, my boy."

The three turned towards the mysterious voice that came from the other side of the hall. Krampus strolled over to them casually, smiling just as brightly. Ducky stared with his mouth agape as Molten squealed, ''Uncle!"

The man shushed him as he engulfed him into an embrace, kneeling down to help steady the boy.

"You are ok! You are ok!" he repeated excitedly as the elder ruffled his auburn locks.

"Shh! Don't want to wake up the whole place!" the man smirked.

"Are you going to see Frosty? He will be soo happy!!"

"Of course I am! I heard my little boy was around here somewhere!"

"Mhm! Second room to the left!"

Krampus felt his heart melt at the child's eagerness. Creator, he missed all his little boys! He squeezed him again in his arms, lifting one up to welcome Ducky as well. Without a complaint, the usually stuborn tween, sobbed as he was met with the safety of his uncle's hugs again. He needed that now more than ever after the stressful months they had spent in this blasted base...

Soon the two youngsters, trailled after by Grave, were aiding the man in finding his son's hospital room. The elder Titan's heart beat faster as they approached the entrance.. His son... his pride and joy..his everything, who might be thinking he had been abandoned by him all those years ago...was hidden behind this thin wooden door.. Molten and Ducky departed quickly after the former heard of his father's injury from a hurried Medic, passing them through the wing. Ducky also expressing his amusing disgust of mushy reunions, leaving Grave and Krampus alone. With an encouraging nod from his nephew, the man knocked, cracking the door open.

The room as small, a nighstand, a white blanket and pillow covering a simple bed, nothing much. With one opened window through which a tired Frost Spirit was looking, leaning on the sill. The elder felt a pinch in his heart at the sight of the bandages wrapped around his son's head. He didn't see the hit like Grave had but goodness he could imagine it.. His father had went too far... It was inexcusable. Yet, he brushed it off for now, this wasn't the time to be upset with him, he had plenty of it later...

Frost shifted his position, making Krampus clench his fist over the fabric of his coat. He always did that when he was nervous, a behavior his old man always corrected him for.
'A leader must never show fear' he would say.

"Ms. Medic, I heard you come down the hall. I'm fine really! You don't have to check up on me every half an hour." insisted the young man, not bothering to turn around.

"...Well, I am not Medic."

Frost Spirit felt his heart skip a beat. That voice...it sounded so..familar. It couldn't be.. It would be ridiculous! That mission was utter nonsense from the start! He watched his uncle and the Tower leader be sucked into the portal... Void even destoyed it!.. Grave, he.. He couldn't have done it...C-Could he? He swallowed the lump stuck in his throat as he slowly turned around to face the outcome of his little cousin's reckless behavior.. He stood up, locking eyes with his...his father.

Krampus watched his son, head held up high, lips pursed into a thin line, stiffling a tremble. The young man was trying to compose himself, he was an adult now after all but he just couldn't... he broke down in tears as he his legs gave out making him almost drop to the floor. The older Titan caught him, craddling his son in his arms as he let out years and years of grief. He placed a small kiss on his forehead as tears streamed down his face, feeling his boy cling to him the same way he would when he was just a little munchkin.

Grave watched them through the hardly opened door, his red eye glistening from the room's warm light. There was no exchange of words between the father and son, but there didn't need to be one. What they needed now, was each other's presence...The care and protection Frost had longer for from his father finally returned... He was not alone anymore... For once he didn't have to be the adult anymore... He could be a child... just like he was before his father was taken away from him.. Forced to grow too quickly without proper guidance, figuring it out as he went along, with his little cousin needing him to provide the stability their family had lost long ago..This whole mission wasn’t for nothing, Grave could see that clearly now, he had his doubts as he pushed onward but it was worth it...It was worth her torment...for his family.

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