The meaning of Victory. (Male...

Від Xhira956

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Humanity has taken heavy loses against the Raptures, mechanical creatures that came out of nowhere and claime... Більше

Chapter 0. The exam.
Chapter 1. Harsh reality.
Chapter 2. Firepower
Chapter 3. The Outpost.
Chapter 4. Scavengers.
Chapter 5. A battle of words.
Chapter 6. Missilis' CEO.
Chapter 7. Chatterbox.
Chapter 9. Back to work.
Chapter 10. Rabbity!
Chapter 11. Snow White.
Chapter 12. An old friend.
Chapter 13. Out of comission.
Chapter 14. A wolf in sheep clothing.
Chapter 15. Assassination failed.
Chapter 16. She was made to rule the seas.
Chapter 17. Traitor.
Chapter 18. Consequencies.
Chapter 19. The Killer Wife.

Chapter 8. Surprise, surprise.

2K 70 58
Від Xhira956


I woke up and noticed how the spot besides me is missing. Rapi slept with me yesterday yet she's now gone. I don't need to know why, I already imagine it.

I stood up and did my usual routine. Breakfast, clean teeth, have a bath... The usual. When I went out of my room my computer started making sounds. I was recieving a call. It's Andersen. I sat on my chair, sighed and took it.

Y/N:"Hello Andersen."

Andersen:"Long time no see. Do I catch you in a bad moment?"

Y/N:"This entire day will be one so..."

Andersen:"I understand. I'm sorry to call you like this, with your leg and all."

I looked down at my leg. I can't move it yet so I basicly have to slowly and carefully move around my room. What took seconds now feel like ages. I can't also stand up for long periods of times which is the reason why I had a bath and not a shower.

Andersen:"I wanted to speak of a serious matter. The way you command your Nikkes is similar to your father's. Unorthodox. You must be quite displeased with how we intend to erase Rapi's memories. So tell me, how are you feeling?"

Y/N:"Will this stay between us?"

Andersen:"Of course."

Y/N:"Although I'm aware relationships between a Nikke and their Commander must be purely professional I couldn't help but develop an interest towards Rapi far beyond the one you would have with an assistant. I can also say the same for my other Nikkes. Not at the same degree but similar."

Andersen:"I understand. I'm not one to judge the way you interact with your Nikkes so long it doesn't affect their performance in a negative way. Considering how your father was one of our best Commanders I say it works."

Y/N:"Thanks for understanding sir."

Andersen:"You asked me before if I knew anything about Marian getting corrupted. The answer, is yes."

I immediately looked at him a little incredule. I knew he was lying but I didn't thought he was going to spill the beans this early.

Andersen:"As long as you keep it a secret, I will tell you everything I know."

Y/N:"I will."

Andersen:"Someone from inside the Ark tempered with our Nikkes and send them to the surface to sabotage our operations. We're not entirely convinced if it's a one-man operation or a group that's behind this."

Y/N:"Anything that we discovered yet?"

Andersen:"I believe they're working with the Raptures. If I have told you this before you would say it's impossible, but now you know I'm saying the truth... because you've met Chatterbox."

Y/N:"He's behind all of this in one way or another..."

Andersen:"Raptures with a mind of their own capable of speech. You understand what I'm saying, don't you?"

Y/N:"Either they made a Nikke of their own or they bribed one of us into working for them."

Andersen:"This method of corruption, implanting a code into a Nikke's brain and bending them to your will... this is not something humans are capable of yet. No, this is the raptures forte."

Y/N:"As I suspected..."

Andersen:"Someone used that technology to implant something into those Nikke's brains then set them off into the surface. It's safe to assume they have a man in the inside."

Y/N:"Any leads?"

Andersen:"No but we have some theories. No ordinary citizen could've done this. They have gained access to the Aegis Barriers without being detected and they must have been using a separate communication line. It's almost certain someone high up."

Y/N:"What do we do?"

Andersen:"Whoever they are, I want to catch them. You feel the same. Chatterbox is their link to the inside, I'm sure of it. You have to do everything in your power to track it down. Find Chatterbox, and the truth will be revealed. Now if you excuse me, I have a meeting in five minutes."

He ended the call. I had more questions than before, answers that I know I'm not getting for the time being. Someone knocked on my door after opening it. It's Sin.

Sin:"Sir, the Nikke you requested has arrived."

Y/N:"What are you talking about, Sin?"

Sin:"See for yourself..."

A Nikke walked inside the room and immediately stood at attention. Oh, wait, that's right, I did request a Nikke like her.

2B:"Nikke YoRHa number 2 model B ready for duty sir. You can call me 2B for short."

Y/N:"Thanks Sin. You can leave now. I'll chat with 2B for a while."

She walked towards Rapi's seat and sat there. It doesn't feel right... but I have to get used to someone else being my assistant I guess.

2B:"Before we start I'd like to give you my condolencies for your lost. Both for Marian and Rapi's memory erase. That being said, I have done my homework and I've been notified by Anis about the lack of space inside the Command Center."

Y/N:"Thanks for caring. I see you want to get straight to business eh?"


Y/N:"Very well. You've got an idea?"

2B got up from her seat, open the door to leave the quarters and brought and entire suit case inside. She placed it on my desk and open it revealing files after files. Her head peeked over the suitcase. She still had that bored expression, as if I just asked the most dumb question she has ever heard. It reminds me of Rapi...


Y/N:"I-I can see that..."

2B:"This are all various plans that I had to improve the Outpost. I wasn't aware of the problems within your squads' space but I'm quite sure I have the solution for that too."

Y/N:"I'm all ears."

2B:"Mihara and Yuni engage in... questionable bonding activities."

Y/N:"How do you know that?"

2B:"They're currently practicing them."

Y/N:"I'm so sorry."

2B:"It's okay. It was a little shocking, but it's okay. As I was saying I though the best idea would be to build a church."

Y/N:"Wow. Just... you want to turn them into zealots?"

2B:"No. It would not only give them a place to live but also, any other Nikke with the same... 'inclinations' will find a place to engage on them."

Y/N:"That's a little bit too depraved."

2B:*Shrugs* "My other idea was to build a psychiatric."

Y/N:"Heh, that's funny."


Y/N:"Wait, you mean that?"

2B:"Of course I do. I don't joke with my work."

Y/N:"...have you ever considered just building more apartment complexes?"

2B:"Yes but I felt like it would be more efficient to build a place for Nikkes to pray and at the same time solve the problem of space. Considering some may have religious beliefs of all kinds."

Y/N:*Sigh* "I'm not in the best state of mind to speak about religion. Okay, yes, let's do that."

2B:"Good, I'll speak with Litter about this right away. There's nothing you have to do Commander. Let me handle this."

I nodded and watched 2B stand up, putting her things back on the suitcase and leave. I closed my eyes and spin on my chair, until I heard something that made me stand up.

2B:"Greetings Rapi."

She's here already? I walked out of my room and walked downstairs to greet my new Rapi. Everyone was around her, waiting for her to speak up except 2B who left to do her job. When her eyes fell on mines she smiled. She... recognises me? What's going on?

Anis:"Well, rookie, what are you waiting for? Haven't you got any respect for your senior officers?"

Neon:"Clean my glasses for me, will you?"

Sin:"Poor Rapi. You don't have to do any of those two's orders. After all, I'm the leader of Counters dear. You must obey my every action. Every. Single. One⁓"

Yuni:"Can I hold your hand?"

Mihara:"Guys, leave her alone. It must be tough to-"


Y/N:"Let's get along well Ra-"

Rapi:"My memory wasn't erased."

Everyone stood in shock at the news. What? How?!



Sin:"Is this a joke?"

Mihara:"That can't be. Rapi, what punishment-"

Rapi:"You were also meant to have your memory erased but instead got banished to the Outpost along with Yuni. Y/- I mean, the Commander is now in house arrest for 2 days. One, technically."

We all looked at each other. Not a single time has a Nikke "survived" the memory erasion process. It always works. How did she managed to do so? Did she just... refuse to go? No, that can't be. I would've been notified already. Then what the hell is going on?

Anis:"...what's my name?"


Neon:"My name is Bucephalus."

Rapi:"Got it, Neon."

Sin:"Rapi, I am your mother."

Rapi:"No you're not criminal."

Anis:"You are my subordinate."

Neon:"You owe me two million credits aswell."

Yuni:"And a blood sample!"

Rapi:*Sigh* "Don't waste your time. I remember everything."

Anis:"Did they really try and erase your memory?"

Rapi:"I remember that too."

Mihara:"So you just pretended that you don't remember anything?"

Neon:"Wow... so there are Nikkes who are immune to memory wipes."

Sin:"I'm more worried about what's going to happen. What if the Government finds out? Or Ingrid?"

Rapi:"They'l probably give it another go and if it doesn't work that time..."

Anis:"Then you'll be discarded. You are, to some extent, an irregular after all."

Rapi:"No exceptions. Ark policy."

We all stood in silence, not really knowing how to react. I was happy, of course I am! But this means trouble in the end. If they catch wind of this...

Rapi:"Commander... it's your decision whether you want to report this case."

Y/N:"Hell no. I want my Rapi. They tried it and failed, right? It's not your fault nor anyone elses. Yes, if they realise it we may be in trouble. Which is why I want to be sure we're all on the same page here. I'm not going to report anything to the government nor will I snitch. Does everyone think the same?"

Anis:"What's the point? We're your Nikkes. Just give the order and we will follow it."

Y/N:"I don't care if you're my Nikke, a subordinate, a human or a dog. You're all the same to me. Equals. Partners. That's why I want to hear your thoughts."

Anis:*Smiles* "Right. Sorry Commander. I forgot."

Sin:"I'll start. I'm looking for an excuse to mess with the ones who captured me. This is just perfect, they get screwed and I don't have to do anything. I'm okay with Rapi remembering it all. I won't say anything either."

Mihara:"It felt wrong. To be here by someone else's sacrifice. To let another Nikke get their memories wiped so I can stay in the Outpost. I didn't like that. So Rapi being okay is fine to me. I prefer it that way. There's no reason to say anything either, you guys are now my partners. I'm not a traitor."

Yuni:"If Mihara is okay then so am I!"

Neon:"I'm fine too! But you gotta clean my glasses!"


Neon:"Aw, man."

Anis:"I'm fine too. So long no one runs their mouth no one will notice anything. It's hard to get close to Nikkes whose memories have been erased."

Rapi:"But... what if I need a brain scan?"

Anis:"That's easy. We just toss your brain into a fire the moment you get discovered. Happy ending for everybody!"

Sin:"Even if the idea of dancing around a campfire with Rapi's brain in it sounds fun, I don't believe it can be described as a happy ending."

Anis:"If you do get found out, you'll have to sell the Commander."

Neon:"But if Master gets sold that could mean..."

Anis:"...he gets relieved of duty. Worst case scenario he can get banished to the Outer Rim. That's what it means to be the Commander of a squad. Making decisions freely and taking responsability for it. When you think about it, that's freedom in the truest form of the word."

Y/N:"That... would be very bad considering where I'm from." 

Mihara:"You sound upset, Anis."

Anis:"You're damn right I am! Whatever the decision ends up being, we have to stick to it. We're only making things harder on ourselves by talking in circles like we are."


Anis:"No matter what the outcome is, we are... or more specifically, the Commander... is already in a dilemma."

Neon:"You're not unhappy because Rapi is back right?"

Anis:"What are you talking about? I'm happy! Ecstatic. Over the moon. Look at her. You think getting close to someone like her happened overnight?"


Anis:"We're good friends. We can share anything with each other. Of course, I'm happy that my friend has returned safe and sound. That's not why I'm upset!"

Anis seems to be really close to cry a little. She's really affected by this situation.

Anis:"I'm upset because she didn't even consider how barging in here and blurting out how her memory hasn't been erased would affect us. Then she puts the onus on us to make a decision."

Rapi:"I'm sorry I... never considered that."

Anis sighed and shook her head. She smiled and hugged Rapi. The girl was slightly surprised, expecting a bigger argument to rose but no. Her friend was truly happy to see her back, so she could only hug back.

Anis:"You don't have to apologise just... try not to let it happen again. Something this rare may not happen again anyway. So, Commander. What's the final call?"

Y/N:"You don't even have to ask it Anis. We won't say a thing. Rapi will stay with us the way she is."

Rapi:"Are you truly okay with that? I don't want 'us' to be bothered by my condition."

Y/N:"No matter the risk, nothing changes about 'us', Rapi."

She smiled and nodded, the biggest smile I've ever seen her made.

Rapi:"Thank you. Y/N."

Anis:"Very well then! None of this ever leaves this room. Commander, please give us the order."

Y/N:"What we just spoke will remain as a secret between every each one of the Nikkes present right now and those I may consider worthy of our trust. No one else shall know. That's an order Nikkes."

Nikkes:"Yes sir."

Neon:"Hold it! I'm a spy aren't I? You're not supposed to be telling me stuff like this."

Y/N:"But you can work as a double agent!"

Neon:*Gasps* "You're right! That's so cool! This is why you're the best, Master! I'll do my best as a double agent!"

Y/N:"I hope so..."

Rapi was staring at me. She was moving back and forth, nervous about something. It's obvious she wants to talk to me.

Y/N:"Rapi, since you're still well, you, I want to continue working. I may be in house arrest but there's much to do. Unless you want to take a free day in which case I would-"

Rapi:"No no no! I want to work again. Besides it'll be perfect to get my mind off of this."

Y/N:"Great. Neon, can you make sure 2B is not scaring Litter and Senti? Her appearance may be... rather intimidating."

Neon:"Yes Master!"

Y/N:"Anis, can you do a favour to this poor incapacitated man?"

Anis:"Cut it out. What do you want."

Y/N:"So I was in the mood of some soda-"

Anis:"-ahhh, you gon' make me act up Commander!"

Y/N:"Go buy some."

Anis:"Right away."

Y/N:"Mihara, Yuni, why don't you go look around for a place to stay in? I'm sure you'd like to have some privacy..."

Mihara:"Don't have to say it twice."

Mihara grabbed Yuni's hand and left. That's that...

Y/N:"Sin, today's your daily check up at the rehab center. I'm not going due to my leg. You'll have to go on your own."

Sin*Sigh* "Fine, fine..."

I went upstairs with the help of Rapi who was nervous. Finally, some privacy. We went inside my quarters and sat on my bed, waiting for everyone to finally leave. Once we heard the door close, Rapi smiled and placed her hands on mines.

Rapi:"When I was in that room I... was hanging onto you for as long as I could. My head was filled of you. When it ended and I still remembered you, Anis, Neon, everyone... everything... I was ecstatic. And now... I don't know what to do or say..."

Y/N:"We can always pick up were we left yesterday..."

Rapi:"Y-Y/N! I don't know if I'm ready for that!"

Y/N:"Wait no! That's not what I- I mean just... you and I, in that bed, holding each other. Nothing else. I'm not going to pressure you into something you don't want."

Rapi:*Sigh* "Thanks for understanding. What about this: We do whatever around the Outpost to pass the time. Once night comes you and I come back here and... w-well, perhaps, I may have obtained the courage to take a step..."

Y/N:"I'd like that. Don't force yourself Rapi. I'm not going anywhere."

Rapi:"You say that, but I can't help but feel that life is so short. At any moment, something can go awfully wrong. Chatterbox, the government, the corruption... I want to make the most of all the time we have available Y/N, even if it means going a little bit too fast."

Y/N:"Of course. Let's do it the way you want, Rapi. I don't mind."

Rapi:"Thank you Y/N. Really. I... I love you. I really do."

Y/N:"And so do I."

Instead of kissing, Rapi hugged me. She wanted to be on my arms again which I don't mind. A kiss may be more romantic but a hug can last for more. We stood there, with our eyes closed and holding each other for dear life. I can't believe it honestly, I'm so lucky...

Suddenly, the door from the room below was open. Three pair of footsteps were heard along the annoyed voice of a Nikke, the enthusiastic voice of another Nikke and a faint whisper of a third Nikke. Someone knocked on the door and said:

Eunhwa:"Hey, weakling. Let us in."

Y/N:"Eun? What are you doing here?"

Eunhwa:"Emma forced me to come see how you were doing, considering your wound. I regret it but now I do it even more. What did we talk about Y/N?"

Y/N:"Right, right. Sorry Eunhwa. Come in."

The door was open and the three of them went inside. Rapi was already sitting on her chair to avoid a rather awkward scenario. Eunhwa leaned on the wall, Emma sat next to me and Vesti sat next to Rapi. Emma started messing with my face, caressing it.

Emma:"So this is James' son?! He's so cute! And good at his job. Yesterday was amazing Commander!"

Rapi glanced at Emma a little bit jealous but she quickly went back to work. Eunhwa was, what a surprise, angry.

Eunhwa:"He's not a baby Emma. Leave him be."

Emma:"You can't deny he looks just like James!"

Eunhwa:"He does."

Emma:"And that he has potential."


Emma:"And that you like him!"

Eunhwa:"That trick won't work on me, Emma."

Vesti:" did not answer that."


Rapi:"How did you two met? You never talked about Y/N."

Eunhwa:"Y/N? You let her call you by your first name Weakling?"

Y/N:"If I let you use that, why wouldn't I?"


Y/N:"Anyways we- Emma, can you stop?!"

Emma:"Ah, right, sorry. Your face is just so soft!"

She placed her hands on her knees and stared at my face, kicking her feet.

Y/N:"So back in the days were father was still a Commander (the best one I might say) Eunhwa was his assistant. He knew I wanted to be like him so dad brought me a lot of times to Elysion's HQ. One day, Eunhwa came to give him some files and-"

Eunhwa:"-And we met. End of the story."

Vesti:"That can't be it. What happened?"


Emma:"Oh c'mon it can't be that bad. Y/N, what's wrong?"

Rapi:"I'm curious now."

Eunhwa:"Y/N. Don't."

Y/N:"You know I will."


She left the room, acting as if she was angry. In reality she's embarrassed of what I'm about to say. With time, I got pretty good at reading her emotions.

Y/N:"As I was saying Eunhwa wanted to give dad some files. Combat reports or whatever. Back then I was like... 16 maybe? Eunhwa had to be around 15/16 too. She was turned a Nikke quite recently and was given to my father. Since she saw me around him, holding his hand and looking at the place amazed, Eunhwa walked towards me, grabbed my hand and said to dad:Is this going to be my new brother?"

Emma:"There's no way!"

Rapi:"Oh. That's hilarious."

Vesti:"Hehe... I find it funny too."

Eunhwa:*Through the wall* "I HATE YOU!"

Y/N:"Eunhwa genually thought I was going to become a Nikke."

Rapi:"What happened after that?"

Y/N:"Nothing much. Dad explained the truth to her, we became friends, he got hurt and then she became a fan of Nirvana, started wearing all black and constantly repeat to dad and I 'it wasn't a phase'. The usual."

Emma:"Eunhwa! Is that true?! That's why you never spoke of him?!"

Emma left the room and started questioning Eunhwa

Vesti:"Commander... what did you thought when Eunhwa took you by the hand?"

Y/N:"Hmm? What do you mean?"

Vesti:"I-It's very frecuent for us to hear rude comments from people. So I'm curious to know..."

Y/N:"Oh. I thought she was cute."

Eunhwa:"Y-You what?!"


After that, we all enjoyed a small talk with one another. Except Eunhwa who was busy strangling me. Again. Eventually however they had to leave, duty calls after all.

Once again I was left behind with Rapi. This time we just focused on working. Sometimes, we needed each other's help either for me to give her my approval of a tough decision or me needing hers for a second opinion. Point is, we stopped addresing one another as Commander and Nikke and instead were using more "lovey dovey words" as ma puts it.

Man, seeing her reaction at being called "honey" or "sweetheart" was amazing. What was even better was seeing that damn smile afterwards. Gotta say, she may be a Nikke but I'll rather be with her than any other woman I've met.

Today was better than expected. Hope tomorrow stays the same.

Today there's no extra chapter HOWEVER you guys can decide the next addition to the harem! Yes, it's going to be one in case you don't know. Who shall it be?

Snow White.

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