Chapter 8. Surprise, surprise.

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I woke up and noticed how the spot besides me is missing. Rapi slept with me yesterday yet she's now gone. I don't need to know why, I already imagine it.

I stood up and did my usual routine. Breakfast, clean teeth, have a bath... The usual. When I went out of my room my computer started making sounds. I was recieving a call. It's Andersen. I sat on my chair, sighed and took it.

Y/N:"Hello Andersen."

Andersen:"Long time no see. Do I catch you in a bad moment?"

Y/N:"This entire day will be one so..."

Andersen:"I understand. I'm sorry to call you like this, with your leg and all."

I looked down at my leg. I can't move it yet so I basicly have to slowly and carefully move around my room. What took seconds now feel like ages. I can't also stand up for long periods of times which is the reason why I had a bath and not a shower.

Andersen:"I wanted to speak of a serious matter. The way you command your Nikkes is similar to your father's. Unorthodox. You must be quite displeased with how we intend to erase Rapi's memories. So tell me, how are you feeling?"

Y/N:"Will this stay between us?"

Andersen:"Of course."

Y/N:"Although I'm aware relationships between a Nikke and their Commander must be purely professional I couldn't help but develop an interest towards Rapi far beyond the one you would have with an assistant. I can also say the same for my other Nikkes. Not at the same degree but similar."

Andersen:"I understand. I'm not one to judge the way you interact with your Nikkes so long it doesn't affect their performance in a negative way. Considering how your father was one of our best Commanders I say it works."

Y/N:"Thanks for understanding sir."

Andersen:"You asked me before if I knew anything about Marian getting corrupted. The answer, is yes."

I immediately looked at him a little incredule. I knew he was lying but I didn't thought he was going to spill the beans this early.

Andersen:"As long as you keep it a secret, I will tell you everything I know."

Y/N:"I will."

Andersen:"Someone from inside the Ark tempered with our Nikkes and send them to the surface to sabotage our operations. We're not entirely convinced if it's a one-man operation or a group that's behind this."

Y/N:"Anything that we discovered yet?"

Andersen:"I believe they're working with the Raptures. If I have told you this before you would say it's impossible, but now you know I'm saying the truth... because you've met Chatterbox."

Y/N:"He's behind all of this in one way or another..."

Andersen:"Raptures with a mind of their own capable of speech. You understand what I'm saying, don't you?"

Y/N:"Either they made a Nikke of their own or they bribed one of us into working for them."

Andersen:"This method of corruption, implanting a code into a Nikke's brain and bending them to your will... this is not something humans are capable of yet. No, this is the raptures forte."

Y/N:"As I suspected..."

Andersen:"Someone used that technology to implant something into those Nikke's brains then set them off into the surface. It's safe to assume they have a man in the inside."

Y/N:"Any leads?"

Andersen:"No but we have some theories. No ordinary citizen could've done this. They have gained access to the Aegis Barriers without being detected and they must have been using a separate communication line. It's almost certain someone high up."

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