The Silence

By jagodaaaaaaaaa

5.7K 174 500

It's an enemies to lovers Larry Stylinson fanfic. Harry has just changed schools but he made an enemy on the... More

"To my Harry"~Letters


156 6 3
By jagodaaaaaaaaa

A tap on my shoulder wakes me from my sleep.

"Mmmm... What?..." I say in sleepy voice with my eyes still closed.

"It's me, Jasmine. Can you wake up?"

I open my eyes immediately and I sit up very fast. Too fast. My head is spinning and it hurts like hell. I totally forgot that she stayed here overnight.

I grab my head with my hands. "Fucking hell ugh..." I look at my friend. "Hello Jas... Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah..." She sounds embarrassed. "I'm sorry that you had to sleep on the couch... And thanks for yesterday..."

I smile warmly. "It's okay, you're welcome." I stretch and go to the kitchen. "Do you want something to eat?"

I can see that she's still in my t-shirt that I gave her yesterday, it's way to big for her because she's really small. I smile slightly.

"Sandwich would be nice."

"No problem. Oh and if you want to brush your teeth you can use my toothbrush. Because well, I don't want to be rude or anything but, you still smell like alcohol and pukes." I chuckle.

"Oh for fuck's sake." Jasmine immediately goes upstairs to my bathroom. After a while, I hear her turns on the shower water.

After I made my redhead friend breakfast, I left it in the kitchen and went to my room so I wouldn't have to wear boxers all the time, especially since Jasmine is in my house too, so I choose some fresh clothes for myself.

I put on my pant when Jasmine is coming out from the bathroom, she has towel around her body but even though I turn my back so as not to look at her.

"Shit God this is awkward..." She chuckles.

I'm all dressed up now.

"Okay so um... Do you have some clothes maybe that I could borrow?" She asks me.

"I think that there's still my sister's old clothes somewhere in here."

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah, Gemma, but she's in college now." I'm looking for some of my sister's clothes in the boxes. "Found it!" I pull out plain gray sweatpants. "Here you go. I'll find a T-shirt soon."

"Thanks... Y-you don't have to look... I can stay in yours... Can I?"

I look at Jasmine. She smiles innocently at me.

I smile back.

"Yeah sure. So um... You dress up in here... And I-I'll go to the bathroom to brush my teeth... Yeah"

I go past her and immediately walk into to the bathroom. I close the door behind me and I run my hand through my hair. Why do I feel so weird about it? She's my friend and she needed clothes. And the fact that she was standing there just in my towel it doesn't change anything. Jasmine is just a friend.

I throw cold water on my face to relax a little. I brush my teeth quickly and I want to go to my room but I remember that Jasmine is there.

"Are you dressed?" I ask through the closed door.


I come out of the bathroom and we look at each other. There is a bit of a strange atmosphere between us.

"Thanks for letting me borrow clothes. I'll give them to you tomorrow at school." She says awkwardly.

God it is such a weird moment.

"No problem, and you can keep them." I smile at her to make the atmosphere less heavier.

She nods. "Hey, have you seen the photos they posted from the party?"

"They posted something?"

She chuckles. "Oh boy..." She sits on my bed and she pats mattress next to her, showing me to sit down. "Okay so let's look at Jake's account first." The girl hands me her phone.

I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's a group photo, nothing special at first glance, but if you look closely you can see me in the background lying on the couch with my head on Niall's lap. When did they even take this photo? Niall looks at me and plays with my hair. I don't even focus on the fact that David and Jasper are pretending to fuck next to us. Okay, okay, I laugh a little when I see them like this but still... Me and Niall in this picture... People will talk.

"Harry are you okay? You look pale."

I zoom in on me and Niall and I show it to my friend.

"Okay? And what about it?" She asks confused.

"Don't you think that people will talk?"

"Oh c'mon Harry. Have you seen David and Jasper?"

"Yeah but... They're David and Jasper. It's no wonder they act like idiots. But me and Niall it's... Different. People don't know that we're friends."

"Well yeah, I guess you're right." Jasmine puts her hand on my shoulder. "But don't worry, people won't talk. Seriously. It was just a party plus it was OUR party so people are used to it that we do some weird things when we're together. Trust me." She takes her phone away from me and shows me another photo. This time it's on Sarah account. In the picture I can see her and Patrick dancing on table. I remember it, I smile at the memory. After that she shows me photo on David's account which shows Niall with his arm around David, and they're singing. The blonde one has a toilet paper around his head and his shirt is unbuttoned. That's probably the reason why when Niall and I were cleaning the house later, there were pieces of toilet paper everywhere. The brunette next to him has a tie tied around his head and he's holding a vodka bottle instead of a microphone. I smile at it.

"See? The photo with you and Niall it's not a big deal. Just some random photo from some party. Don't worry." She smiles at me.

Yeah, maybe she's right. I mean, it's just a stupid photo, and we're not even in the foreground.

"So, tell me what I missed while I was sleeping." She laughs.


We had a great time together. We stayed at my house all day, trying to get rid off our hangover and talked about my birthday party, and in the evening I took Jasmine to her house with my mom. There's possibility that my mom thinks that her and I are together but I don't care. Jasmine is just a good friend.

I'm very happy that my mother didn't realize that we drank alcohol. Apparently Niall and I make the perfect cleaning duo.


Monday. After every weekend, this day comes.

My first lesson on Monday is Spanish. I wouldn't complain if I knew for sure that this asshole wouldn't sit next to me again.

The bell rang and still no one sat down with me. But I'm more interested in why Louis isn't here. I understand that this boy looks like he doesn't give a damn about anything, but since I've been going to this school, I've never seen Louis skip classes.

A few minutes after the bell, Niall runs into the room, looking like he ran a marathon and his hair is a big mess. He sees that there is an empty seat next to me and sits down tiredly.

"Jesus what happened?" I ask. The blonde boy seriously look terrible.

"Louis. He just..." Out of nowhere he shuts him mouth. I know he can't talk about him.

"It's okay, I understand. Is the reason why you are late is the same reason why he isn't in school?"

Niall just nods slightly in response.

Jesus what happened? My Irish friend looks like a total mess. I wonder what condition Zayn and Liam are in.

It hasn't even been 10 minutes since Niall arrived at class and his phone is still vibrating in his pocket. I can hear quiet "bzz, bzzzz" all the time.


Jasmine was right. It's almost the end of the day and no one was talking about the photo from my birthday party.

It's a little after the bell, and I'm still in the hall, looking for my history textbook in my locker.

"Ugh where is it?"

Suddenly I feel someone from behind pulling me by my sweatshirt. The person turns me around and pins me to the lockers which are now behind me.

I raise my head to see the person who attacked me.


He covers my mouth with his hand. Bleh, it smells like shit or some other stinky thing. The boy also don't look well, his hair is a mess, stained T-shirt, on his face I can see dirt and there are giant bags under his eyes. He looks like he didn't sleep for some time.

"Shut up Britney. I don't enjoy it either, believe me." Louis looks down at our feets while still having his hand on my mouth. "I need your help..." He whispers this part.

What? Louis Tomlinson needs my help? He? Why? And why would I want to help him? He has his friends, so why is he asking me? I can't believe what I just heard. This has to be some kind of joke. I'm fucking speechless, and not because the brunette boy has his hand over my mouth, because even if he didn't I'd also be quiet.

He sighs. "Just nod, you don't have other choice. Be quiet." Louis takes him hand away from me.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why do you need my help? Your boys can help you. Now leave me alone, I have classes."

He rolls his eyes. "You're skipping classes. C'mon."

I just stand there and stare at the boy. What is he thinking? I won't miss classes because of HIM.

"For fuck's sake Styles. Cooperate like a good boy."

I chuckle. Okay this is fucking hilarious. Like seriously, who does he think he is?

Suddenly, the brunette grabs my wrist tightly and pulls me in an unknown direction.


He squeezes my wrist tighter and it hurts. "Shut the fuck up."

After 10 minutes of walking in silence, we are in the forest behind the school. All the way, I saw Louis limping quite badly, but he still walked fast.

"After your party, Niall was telling me about it and he told me that you're good with taking care of people, and that I can... Trust you." He doesn't look at me when he says this.

What's going on?

"Why isn't he here?" I ask confused.

"He can't know. He would fucking kill me."

I'm still following the boy I hate.

That's right, I hate him, so why do I follow him?

After a while, Louis stops by a tree, pulls out a backpack, and when he opens it, I see a makeshift first aid kit.

I don't get it.

The older boy starts unbuttoning his pants without a word.

I open my eyes widely and I start to panic a little bit. What's happening?!

He saw my reaction and rolls his eyes. "Calm down weirdo."

When he took off his pants, I noticed a huge wound, as if someone had stabbed him with something. Why doesn't he just go to the doctor like a normal person?! And why didn't I notice it before? I saw that he was limping, and now I also see that there is a blood stain on his jeans.

"What the fuck? What the fuck!"

He covers my mouth again. "Shut up Britney. Now get the things you need from the backpack and fucking help me."

"Why don't you go to the hospital?! Are you fucking stupid?!"

"Yes I am! Now do your thing and take care of it for fuck's sake!"

I can hear panic in his voice. I don't know how he understood Niall's words when he said that "I can take care of people", but he certainly couldn't have meant THIS KIND OF TAKING CARE. I only took care of Jasmine on my party and she was just drunk AND NOT FUCKING STABBED!!

"I- I don't know h-how."

"Styles I'm bleeding here! Just do something!"

"Okay, okay! Don't scream at me." I run my hand through my hair. "Fuck... Okay, sit down." I put the backpack on the ground. "Put your leg on it."

He does as I say. I look at the wound. Jesus, my hands are shaking a lot and I feel like I'm about to puke. I look at Louis. He is scared. Very scared. I don't even recognize him.

I grab his belt from his pants and I fasten his belt quite tightly around his thigh, above the wound.

He hisses and looks at me. "You won't chop off my leg right? In the movies, every time they put on a belt like that, they cut off the leg..."

"I won't cut off your leg, idiot. I want to make it harder for blood to get to the wound because I don't know if you can see, but your leg is fucking bleeding. A lot."

I look at Louis. He needs something to help him muffle his screams. I take of my sweatshirt and then my shirt.

"Put it in your mouth and bite it."

I put my sweatshirt on again and I still hold the shirt so Louis can take it.

He looks at my shirt in my hand. "Ew, I'm not doing that. It stinks."


Is he fucking serious?

"You're gonna regret this." I place my shirt next to him so he can take it later because I know he will.

I find some disinfectant in Louis's backpack and disinfect the wound.

With the corner of my eye, I see that the brunette has closed his eyes tightly and a single tear is running down his left cheek.

Now I take a needle and thread. I'm trying to put the thread through the needle but my hands are shaking really bad. After some time, I finally succeed.

Without any warning, I stick the needle into the injured boy's leg.

He screams. "Motherfu-" he immediately takes my shirt and bites it. I knew he would need it.

"I told you you will need it." I pull the needle through and see the thread slide under Louis' skin. I hear a disgusting, slimy sound. It makes me want to vomit, but I do everything in my power not to puke on the guy next to me. I make the first stitch and all I hear are the boy's muffled screams and moans.

I do another stitch. And another. I don't even think about how unhygienic it is and how incorrect it is because my thoughts are drowned out by the sounds made by the brunette.

After the third stitch, the boy's sounds suddenly stopped. I look at him worried. I pull my shirt out of his mouth and check his breathing. He's alive, he just fainted.

I continue what I was doing, maybe it's better for him that he's unconscious.

10 stitches. 10 fucking stitches. I will be traumatized now, 100%.

But I must admit that for the first time it turned out very well. It looks almost the same as if they did it in a hospital. Almost.

I put a bandage on the stitched wound and I remove the makeshift tourniquet from the boy's thigh.

My shirt is now covered in slobber and snot. Disgusting.


After like 10 minutes, I see Louis slowly opening his eyes.

"Welcome to the world of the living." I say to him. "You fainted." I look at his injured leg. "I can't promise that it was done professionally, I already put the bandage on and I really tried to do it as best as I could."

"Thank you Harry..." The older boy speaks in such a weakened voice that I can barely hear him.

But I did. He just called me Harry. Not Britney, not princess, not Styles. Harry.

"No problem." I take a water bottle out of the backpack. "Here, drink it. You're definitely dehydrated."

I see that the boy can barely hold the bottle. "Wait. Let me help you." I take the bottle from him and slowly tilt it so that Louis can drink.

"And you have to put your pants on now because you'll freeze. But since you have skinny jeans, it might be difficult." At this moment, I take off my sweatshirt once again and cover his legs with it to protect them at least a little bit from the February cold. I'll have to throw it away later anyway.

"Don't tell anyone about this... Please" Louis whispers really softly.

He isn't that bad when he's nice and almost dead from almost bleeding out. Apparently Louis Tomlinson can be nice when he wants to be.

"I won't. But, what now? Do you want me to help you get home?"

"No!" He says immediately. He clears his throat. "No, you don't have to. I can go there by myself."

"You sure? Can you even stand up?"

"Pff, of course I can."

After that Louis tries to stand up. I can see his leg is shaking.

"Louis I Don't think that this is a good idea."

"Fuck off Britney." The older boy growls through closed teeth. He takes his pants and tries to put them on carefully so as not to damage the wound.

So I see that old, mean Tomlinson is back. I knew it wouldn't last long.

"As you wish dickhead." I start to walk away. I don't have time for this shit. I literally sewed his leg and now he's acting like an asshole again.

I can hear him calling my name but I just keep going. He told me to fuck off, so I do. Besides, I have better things to do than deal with this idiot.

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