Woso player kids

By EimearNCheallaigh

47.3K 947 24

One shots of different woso players More

Katie McCabe
Ingrid Engen ~ Mapi Leon
Mewis ~ Kerr
Beth ~ Vivianne
Alexia Putellas
Ona Batlle
Marta ~ Caro
Lia Wälti
Magda ~ Pernille
Alexia Putellas
Leah Williamson
Danielle ~ Ellie
Alexia Putellas ~ baby
Ingrid ~ Mapi

Leah Williamson

4.3K 62 2
By EimearNCheallaigh

Leah's POV:

I woke up this morning to my alarm going off on the bedside table.  I quickly shut it off and then turned over to see Mollie spread out in between me and Tara.  I carefully got out of bed, making sure I didn't wake either of them, and then made my way into the bathroom. 

After switching on the lights in the bathroom, I quickly turned on the shower and got in.  While standing under the warm water, I felt a pair of hands sneak around my waist, and a body leaning against my back.  I started to feel small, light kisses on my back.  I slowly turned around and leaned down to press a soft kiss to Tara's lips gently.  She leaned into my chest, as the water fell on top of us.  "Good morning honey", I whispered, gently reaching my hand back to turn off the water.   Once the water was turned off I grabbed one of the towels hanging outside the shower door and wrapped it around Tara.  She carefully got out of the shower, being careful not to slip.  I grabbed the other towel and wrapped it around myself.  As I got out of the shower, I saw Tara go out of the bathroom to grab her clothes and mine too.  We quickly got dressed and then both walked out of the bathroom, to see Mollie had rolled over onto my side of the bed, and wrapped her arms around my pillow. "Well, I think it's obvious who's her favourite", Tara whispered, smiling over at the 11-month old, fast asleep in our bed. "You go downstairs, I'll get her up", Tara quietly said, pushing me gently down the stairs to the kitchen, while she went to wake Mollie up. I was sitting at the kitchen table with my cup of hot chocolate in my hand and bowl of granola in front of me. I looked up when I heard Tara walking in with Mollie half-awake in her arms. As soon as Mollie saw me, she started squirming in Tara's arms, trying to reach me. Tara came over and handed her over to me, while she grabbed a cup of coffee for herself. "Hi baby girl", I whispered down to Mollie, who was cuddled into my chest. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes and smiled gently up at me. Tara came and sat down opposite us and then handed me a bowl of porridge to feed to Mollie. "What time are you in work till today ?", I asked Tara, as I fed Mollie her porridge. "I'll be finished around 9pm tonight", Tara replied, before getting up and putting her mug in the dishwasher, alongside her bowl of cereal. "Are you bringing her to the match today ?", Tara asked me, before picking up the empty bowl and putting that in the dishwasher too.  "Yeah, she'll keep me company", I replied, wiping Mollie's face with one of the wipes on the kitchen table.   I stood up, and walked towards the front door with Mollie in my arms, as Tara picked up the last of her things and put them in the backseat of her car.  I stood on the doorstep with Mollie in my arms, as Tara came over to say goodbye to both of us before she left for work.  I gave her a gentle kiss and then watched as she gave Mollie a few kisses and we both watched as she got into her car.  I waved my hand as she pulled out of the driveway and then walked back inside, closing the front door behind me.  Despite it being a Sunday, Tara still had to go to work as a nurse in the hospital, but today it was only a 12-hour shift at least.

I walked up the stairs with Mollie in my arms and headed to her room to get her changed and ready for the day ahead of us. I lay her down on the changing table and then opened up her wardrobe to figure out what she'd wear for the day.  I settled on a pair of black leggings and an Arsenal shirt of course, the question was which Arsenal shirt she should wear.  I decided to ask her, so I picked up the Williamson 6 shirt and the Mead 9, Miedema 11 and McCabe 15 shirt she had in her size and held them above her, "which one Mo ?", I asked her looking down at her, she looked at the shirts before reaching out and wrapping her tiny fingers around the ends of the Williamson 6 shirt.  "Best choice", I chuckled, as I put the others away and started to get her changed.  Once I had gotten her changed I picked her back up and grabbed a jumper on my way out of her room, before grabbing my bag, that had my stuff and Mollies stuff, like toys to keep her entertained, ear defenders to block out the noise for her, a blanket, a dummy and some snacks.  I put her into her car seat in the backseat placing a gentle kiss to her forehead, before gently closing the car door and then hopping into the front seat, placing my bag on the passenger seat, and carefully pulled out of the driveway, and started driving to my Mums house.

As soon as I pulled into Mums driveway, the front door was opened and Mum came pottering out to the car, waiting for me to turn it off, before she opened the backseat door, and gently lifted Mollie out of her seat. I quickly got out of the car and walked around, following Mum into the house, "nice to see you too mum", I chuckled, as she cooed down at Mollie, who was looking around the room. Mum gently settled Mollie on the floor with a few toys she kept here for her, and came over to me, 'hi bubba, I'm glad to see you too", Mum said, smiling over at me. I wrapped my arms around her in a hug, smiling over at Mollie, playing on the floor with her toys. Mum went into the kitchen to grab some stuff, while I sat on the edge of the couch, watching over Mollie. When Mum came back, she had a bag with what looked like lots of snacks and a flask, which I hoped was hot chocolate. I gently picked Mollie back up as we made our way back outside to the car. I settled Mollie in the backseat, with a blanket and some toys. Mum sat in the passenger seat, as I got into the drivers seat and we started the journey to Meadow Park.

Just as we were pulling up to Meadow Park, I noticed some of the fans waiting at the entrance to the car park, in hopes of getting some players autographs.  Usually I would stop and roll down the window, but not today because I had my mum and Mollie in the car with me, so I just passed through.  Once we were parked up, me and mum got out of the car.  Mum grabbed mine and her bags, while I went to the backseat to get Mollie out of her car seat.  She instantly cuddled into my chest, while I made sure she was wrapped up warm, because it was freezing today despite the sun shining, and I knew if I was cold, Mollie would be colder.  Once I was sure she was well wrapped up, I followed Mum to our seats.  While we waited for the girls to arrive, fans around me started asking me for my autograph.  I spoke to some of them about the match and interacted with them as we waited for the team to arrive.  As I was chatting to the fans I felt Mollie start to move around in my arms. I politely excused myself and went back over to Mum, to see what was up with Mollie.  I looked down at her and she had a big smile on her face,  "hello princess", I said, smiling down at her,  she clapped her hands and then pointed at the pitch.  "Yeah, we'll go there in a sec", I answered her silent question to go on the pitch.

I sat chatting to Mum, until I saw some of the Arsenal coaches walking onto the pitch, setting up for warm ups.  I went over to the barrier, and carefully climbed over with Mollie in my arms.  I walked over to Emma.  "Hey Leah, how are you today ?", Emma asked me, before noticing the little one in my arms, "ah, Mollie has joined us today I see", she added.  I smiled over at her and answered "yeah I'm doing good, Mollie is very excited to be here today, aren't you Mo ?": turning to look at Mollie in my arms, as she looked around us.  "Well I'm glad to hear it", Emma replied.  We stood chatting to each other, with the occasional hello from other coaches.  I heard them before I saw the girls coming out to do their warmup.  A few of them, like Katie and Lia stopped by to say hello, but, most of them just waved and continued with their warmup.  Emma pointed Laura and Teyah out to me, who were just coming out of the changing room,  I said my 'see you later' to Emma, and made my way over to them.  They stood on the sidelines waiting for me to join them.  Once I was within earshot of them, I heard Laura cheer, and race over to me.  I thought she was happy to see me, only to realise she was scooping Mollie out of my arms and tickling her.  Teyah came over to me and gave me a quick hug, obviously noticing my frown towards Laura's interaction, "don't worry I'm still happy to see you", Teyah chuckled over to me.  I smiled gratefully, before Laura turned back to us, and said "I'm still happy to see you Leah, I'm just very happy to see my favourite Williamson", "hey, I should be your favourite Williamson", I replied quickly back, pouting at her answer.

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