Potter Luck | HPxPJO | WTM

由 AsaDora_1

124K 4.2K 651

Percy Jackson loves his family. However, the majority of his mothers past in the wizarding world is unknown t... 更多

Story Changes and Information
1- The End and the Beginning
2- Doorstep Delivery
3- The Vanishing Glass
5- Keeper of the Keys
6- Diagon Alley
7- Gringotts
8- Ollivanders

4- Letters From No One

8.8K 341 21
由 AsaDora_1

Trigger Warning: Abuse, Choking

[Back at the Dursleys'. Petunia and a bundled up Dudley come in.]

"It's all right, sweetheart. It's all right." Petunia assures a distressed Dudley.

[They walk in the living room. Euphemia and Vernon enter. Vernon slams the door and shoves her against a wall, taking her by her throat. She gasps as he squeezes.]

Poseidon shoots up from his seat with fury and rage covering his face. "HOW DARE HE!" He bellows.

His siblings shoot up from their seats to calm down the furious man. Poseidon stalks forward like he is going to climb into the screen and kill the man, Zeus and Hades use their powers to help restrain him while his sisters help, trying to push him back to his seat. Hestia releases her soothing aura to help calm him while they all try to talk him down.

Amary sits almost curled in on herself as she stares at the floor, highly uncomfortable. While everyone around her is angry and upset, she sits silently as she reflects on what her therapist told her. Their cruelty wasn't her fault. She was a child who only wanted to be loved and protected. It's not her fault. She repeats to herself, their hatred doesn't control her anymore.

"Mom..." Percy and Teddy whimper as they move and hug her between them. She looks at her sons, who have tears in their eyes. Her friends who are crying and angry. Her childhood enemy who looks pain at the sight of her getting her. The demigods look pained and have watery eyes. Even the gods look angry and upset.

She hugs her sons close and buries her face in their hair, glad that her past attempts failed.

At the sound of his son's voices and the words they spoke, Poseidon quickly calms down and looks to his small family. He quickly wraps his arms around them, holding them tightly, with Percy squeezed between his parents. Reassuring himself that man will never lay a hand on her ever again, he just has to wait till they get out of there to make him pay.

George and Ginny are sitting angry and upset for their sister. They want to say something but know her answer so they just stay quiet.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Vernon screams in the girl's face.

[She opens her mouth to answer but can't, clawing at his hand to get air. He lessens his grip as she takes a deep breath and coughs as tears stream the side of her face.]

"I swear, I don't know!" She splutters, which makes Vernon snarl at her. She shakes in fear and confusion. "The glass was just gone! It was like magic!"

[Vernon scoffs at this, letting go of the girl watching as she falls to the floor and holds her neck, still coughing and taking deep breaths. He grabs hold of her auburn hair, which makes her whimper, dragging her to the cupboard under the stairs. She's shoved inside, hitting her head on the wall, and the door is slammed after her.]

Percy, Poseidon, Teddy, and George growl at the screen, holding back their fury. George has to hold back Ginny so she doesn't destroy the screen. Luna and Neville comfort each other while the kids have to hold back Clarrise and Thalia from also destroying the screen.

"There's no such thing as magic!" Vernon yells as he blackens out the vent on the door.

[Euphemia rubs her neck as she goes to curl up in her bed, holding her stuffed animals tightly to her chest.]

[An owl flies into view and lands itself on a TV aerial on one of the houses' roof]

[The camera slowly pans up to reveal Dudley in his smartest school uniform, posing and smiling grandly.]

Those who are watching cringe at the uniform while Aphrodite shakes her head at the outfit, not approving.

"Awww, smile." Petunia takes a photograph of him. She gasps in joy. "Vernon, just look at him. I can't believe it. In just a week, you'll be off to Smeltings."

"Caveat Smeltona. Proudest moment of my life." Vernon grins at his family.

[Euphemia quietly watches the family, her neck healed from when Vernon choked her. Petunia notices Euphemia standing off to the side, watching them.]

"You will be going to the state school where you belong." Petunia sneers at Euphemia, who shrinks at the attention of the family. The woman goes to the kitchen and fishes out a gray shirt in a boiler. "And this is what you're gonna be wearing when I've finished dyeing it."

"It won't fit me." Euphemia quietly says to her aunt.

"It'll fit you well enough. Go get the post." Euphemia then heads to the hallway. "Go!" Petunia shouts after her.

[Euphemia leaves the living room area into the hallway and picks up some letters, one of which had her name on it with her address of where she slept. Uncle Vernon and Dudley sit at the table while Aunt Petunia is busy fixing breakfast. Euphemia walks in with the mail and hands it to Uncle Vernon, then walks to her seat with her letter.]

"They knew?!" People shout. Amary shrugs, not knowing the answer.

"Self writing quills." Luna's soft voice echoes, which makes people look at her and see Draco nodding along with her.

"Because there are so many students, they use self writing quills." Draco gives more information.

"Oh, Marge is ill! Ate a funny whelk." Vernon says after reading a postcard.

"Should have killed her." Amary's voice is heard by everyone as she scowls at the thought of the vile woman.

Her answer surprises everyone as she's typically a nice person unless they really do something to make her hate them.

Her answer makes the Greeks think that Percy is a lot more like his mother than they believed.

[Dudley suddenly notices Euphemia's letter and runs to grab it from her.]

"Dad! Look! Euphemia's got a letter!" Dudley shouts, giving it to his father.

"Give it back. It's mine." She raises her voice for the first time in a while.

"Yours? Who'd be writing to you?" Vernon sneers at the girl.

"The entire wizarding world!" The witches and wizards shout at the screen. This shocks the Greeks, it was said that she was famous but not how famous.

They look towards said woman who is just holding her sons close and cringes at the reminder of her fame.

[The family gathers to look at the address. There is a broken seal on the letter. The family looks up and Euphemia gulps in fear. Much later, another owl flies by with a letter and drops it off. Inside, Vernon grabs a handful of letters and rips them up. In the closet, Euphemia is playing with her stuffed animals and hears a whirring noise. She looks out at Vernon drilling wood over the letterbox opening.]

"No more mail through this letterbox."

[She just quietly closes the cupboard door. The next day, Vernon and Petunia are outside the door. Vernon is about to head off to work. Petunia kisses his cheek.]

People gag and look away from the screen while Aphrodite purses her lips, looking at the couple on screen with narrowed eyes.

"Have a lovely day at the office, dear." Petunia stops, looks, and sees a bunch of owls.

"Shoo! Go on!" Vernon shoos away the owls.

[She notices something and pats Vernon on the shoulder to get his attention, and what they see is more letters addressed to Euphemia.]

[Later, Petunia is cracking an egg into a bowl, and what instead comes out is a folded-up letter. She cracks another one, but another letter comes out as well. She then cracks yet another one, but the same happens again. She stares at the letter, and then she hears the owls screeching. She draws her attention to the outside of the window, and what she sees is four owls sitting on some garden chairs. Petunia then screams and runs off.]

Everyone starts laughing at her fear.

"I love Minnie. She sure is determined." Teddy says between laughs.

[Much later, Vernon is tossing letters into the fireplace. Euphemia comes around the corner. Vernon grins evilly and tosses more in. The scene fades to the next day, the family is sitting around, and Euphemia is serving cookies.]

"She's not a house elf!" Ginny yells at the man on screen.

"What's a house elf?" Annabeth questions before her mother could, which makes the goddess give her daughter a small smile.

"A house elf is a magical being who is devoted and loyal to their master. Quoting a house elf who later became my own, 'Kreacher lives to serve the noble house of Black.' House elves are extremely devoted to the master that they serve, even to the point of death." Amary tells them.

Her answer reminds Draco of what happened to his own family house elf, "However, the elf can have loyalty's to multiple people. For example, my families house elf, Dobby, ignored orders and set about to save Potter multiple times despite the plan my own father set forth." Draco frowns at the last part.

This make the witches and wizards frown except from Teddy, who doesn't exactly know what they are talking about.

"Fine day Sunday. In my opinion, it is the best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?" Vernon asks his son.

"Because there's no post on Sunday?" Euphemia quietly answers as she hands a cookie to Vernon when Dudley shrugged and didn't answer.

Having heard her, "Ah, right you are, Euphemia. There is no post on Sunday. Ha! There are no blasted letters today. No, sir. Not one single bloody letter, not one." Euphemia sees a shadow outside the window. Outside, millions of owls are perched. "No, sir, not one blasted, miserable-"

[As Vernon was talking, a letter shoots out of the fireplace and zips across Vernon's face, cutting him off. There is a rumbling, and then millions of letters come shooting out of the fireplace. The family shrieks in horror as Euphemia watches in amazement.]

"AHH! Make it stop! Please make it stop!" He jumps on Petunia's lap as she and Vernon continue screaming. "What is it? Please tell me what's happening!"

[Euphemia jumps onto the coffee table to grab a letter. She gets one and starts to run away. Vernon jumps up as well.]

"Why didn't you get one from the ground?" Neville kindly questions the woman.

Amary opens her mouth to answer but realizes she doesn't have one, so she shuts her mouth and shrugs, which makes people chuckle, including Percy.

"I don't know why you're laughing Percy, you've done something like that before." Grover tells on his best friend, which makes people laugh even harder. Percy looks at his best friend, shocked that he exposed him.

Amary squeezes Percy, "Don't worry, Percy, you are, after all, my son." He smiles at his mom, glad to find out more about his mom. As is Poseidon.

"Go away! Ahh! Give me that! Give me that letter!" Vernon chases Euphemia and grabs her before she can get into her closet.

[Euphemia shrieks and fights to get free as Vernon restrains her as several letters begin to shoot everywhere around the house.]

Vernon yells, "They're my letters. Let go." Euphemia sternly tells the man as she continues trying to get free.

[The wood plank nailed in front of the letterbox finally breaks from the excess pressure of the letters shooting through the letter.]

"That's it! We're going away! Far away! Where they can't find us!" Vernon shouts, having enough.

"Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?" Dudley questions his mother. Petunia watches with a horrified look on her face, knowing that Dudley may be right.

"He's always been mad in the head." Amary jokes, which make a few chuckle.

"Shall we take a small break?" Neville asks. Everyone agrees, getting up from their seats.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry, this chapter is crappy. It was written over the course of a couple of days.

Sorry it took so long, My phone charger tuckered out, which slowed down my writing as I've been using my laptop for everything, and it's already slow and a little glitchy.

If you have any more trigger warnings for me to put up for this chapter, please let me know.

How are you liking it so far? If you have any recommendations, then let me know.

If you have any questions, let me know!


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